



1、北京必看十大景点:Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Beijing长城:the Great Wall紫禁城:the Forbidden City天安广场: Tian anmen Square颐和园:the Summer Palace天坛:the Temple of Heaven北海公园:Beihai Park大山子艺术区(798 艺术区):Dashanzi 798 Art District(DAD)后海胡同: Hutongs around the Houhai Area雍和宫:Yonghegong Lama Temple潘家园旧货市场:Panjiayuan Antiq

2、ue Market北京当代十大建筑:Top 10 Architectural Wonders in Beijing北京南站:Beijing South Railway Station北京首都机场 3 号航站楼:Beijing Capital International Airport-Terminal Three 北京国家体育场(鸟巢):Beijing National Stadium (the Bird s Nest 国家大剧院:the National Centre for the Performing Arts 国家图书馆二期:National Library of China - Ph

3、ase n国家游泳中心(水立方):National Aquatics Centre (the Water Cube)首都博物馆:Capital Museum北京电视中心:Beijing Television Centre新保利大厦:New Poly Plaza国家体育馆:Beijng National Indoor Stadium北京京郊 /周边游十景:Top 10 Side Trips / Excursions from Beijing长城:the Great Wall明十三陵:the Ming Tombs清东陵: Eastern Qing Tomb清西陵: Western Qing Tom

4、b爨底下村:Cuandixia Village潭柘寺:Tanzhe Temple戒台寺:Jietai Temple卢沟桥:Marco Polo Bridge周口店北京人遗址:Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site十渡风景区:Shidu Scenic Area中国人民革命军事博物馆:Military Museum of the Chinese People s Revolution中国美术馆:the Chinese Art Gallery民族文化宫:the Cultural Palace of Nationalities北京国家会议中心:Beijing National Conv

5、ention Centre北京国际会议中性:Beijing International Convention Centre中华世纪坛:China Millennium Monument北京世界公园:Beijing World Park北京大观园:Beijing Grand View Garden北京海洋馆:Beijing Aquarium北京当代万国城:Linked Hybrid - Beijing MOMA北京植物园:Beijing Botanical Garden北京欢乐谷:Beijng Happy Valley Amusement Park石景山游乐园:Shijingshan Amuse

6、ment Park数字北京大厦:Digital Beijing Building央视新大楼:New CCTV Headquarters / Building北京国际雕塑公园:Beijing International Sculpture Park奥运场馆游:Olympic Venues Tour北京奥林匹克公园:Beijing Olympic Park北京奥运村:Beijing Olympic Village奥林匹克公园网球中心:Olympic Green Tennis Park北京奥林匹克篮球馆:Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium奥体中心体育场 /馆:O

7、lympic Sports Centrre Stadium/Gymnasium北京奥林匹克公园曲棍球场:Beijing Olympic Green Hockey Stadium北京奥林匹克公园射箭场:Beijing Olympic Green Archery Field顺义奥林匹克水上公园:Shunyi Olympic Rowing-Canoeing Park英东游泳馆: Yingdong Natatorium of National Olympic Sports Centre 朝阳公园沙滩排球场:Chaoyang Park Beach Volleyball Ground国家会议中心击剑馆:

8、Beijing Fencing Hall of National Conwention Centre 老山小轮车赛场:Laoshan Bicycle Moto Cross (BMC) Venue老山自行车馆:LaoshanVelodrome老山山地自行车场: Laoshan Mountain Bike Course北京射击馆:Beijng Shooting Range Hall北京射击场飞碟靶场:Beijng Shooting Range CTF铁人三项赛场:Triathlon Venue公路自行车赛场:Road Cycling Course老字号: time-honored brand ;

9、famous / well-known / renowed restaurant / shop / store; brand name北京全聚德烤鸭:Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant王府井商业小吃街:Wangfujing Commercial / Snack Street东来顺涮羊肉: Donglaishun instant-boiled mutton / lamb slices ;Donglaishun Hot Pot Restaurant联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产录:the list of UNESCO world Cultural Heritage自然风光和

10、人文景观:natural scenery / landscape and cultural heritage四合院与胡同游:Tour of Hutong and Siheyuan - Old Beijing alleys and courtyard house /quadrangles地标性景点:landmarks; landmark attractions保存完好:well preserved天安广场: Tian anmen Square天安城楼: Tian anmen Rostrum ; Tian anmen Gate Tower升旗仪式:flag-raising ceremony箭楼:a

11、rrow tower ; shooting tower正阳1: Zhengyang Gate象征封建帝王的 九五 至尊: to symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign 云龙华表:Marble Columns called Huabiao ; Sculpted White Marble Columns 文东武西:Civil East and Military West金凤颁诏:Imperial Edicts Issued by the Gilded Phoenix御路桥: Emperor s Bridge ; Bridge of Imperial

12、Way金水?G: Golden River金水桥:Golden River Bridge皇族桥:Royal Bridge王公桥:Royal Family Members; Bridge品级桥:High-ranking Officials Bridge公生桥:Petty Officials Bridge ; the Public Bridge长安街: Chang arEternal Peace ) Avenue大明门:Gate of the Great Ming Dynasty大清门:Gate of the Great Qing Dynasty中华门:Gate of China端门:Uprigh

13、t Gate北京市劳动人民文化宫:Beijing Working People s Cultural Palace社稷坛:Altar of Land and Grain太庙: Ancestors Temple ; Supreme Ancestral Temple中山公园:Zhongshan Park景山公园:JingshanPark ; Coal Hill Park北海公园:Beihai Park无梁殿:Beamless Hall五龙亭: Five - Dragon Pavilion九龙壁: Nine - Dragon Screen故宫博物院:Palace Museum太和: Gate of

14、Supreme Harmony东华门:East Flower Gate西华门: West Flower Gate乾清门:Gate of Heavenly Purity坤宁: Gate of Earthly Tranquility / Peace神武门:Gate of Divine / Military Prowess太和殿:Hall of Supreme Harmony中和殿:Hall of Middle / Complete Harmony保和殿: Hall of Preserving Harmony金銮殿:Hall of Golden Throne皇极殿:Hall of Imperial

15、Models奉先殿:Hall of Ancestral Worship养心殿:Hall of Mental Cultivation交泰殿:Hall of Union and Peace文华殿:Hall of Literary Glory武英殿:Hall of Military Prowess 钦安殿:Hall of Imperial Peace 五凤楼:Five - Phoenix Tower 乾清宫:Hall ofHeavenly Purity 坤宁宫:Hall ofEarthly Tranquility / Peace 储秀宫:Hall of Gathering Excellence 宁寿

16、宫: Hall of Benevolence and Longevity 永和宫:Hall of Eternal Harmony 慈宁宫: Palace of Benevolent Peace 长春宫: Palace of Eternal Spring 御花园:Imperial Garden 军机处:Office of Privy Council 内廷:Inner Court 外朝:Outer Court 天子: Son of Heaven 皇后:empress 太后:empress dowager ; dowager 嫔妃:concubine 皇妃:imperial concubine 登基

17、:coronation ; to coronate玉玺:jade seals珍宝馆: Hall of Treasures陶瓷馆:Hall of Pottery and Porcelain 金碧辉煌:in splendid colors琳琅满目: a superb collection of beautiful things天坛:Temple of Heaven地坛:Temple of Earth祭天: to worship the heaven 祭祀:to offer sacrifices to 祈祷五谷丰登: to pray for good harvests 圜丘坛:the Circula

18、r Mound Altar 皇穹宇:Imperial Vault of Heaven 回音壁:Echo Hall 丹陛桥:Red Stairway Bridge 鬼门关:Ghost Pass祈年殿:Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 皇乾殿:Hall of Imperial Zenith 斋宫:Hall of Abstinence ; the Fasting Hall 燔柴炉:Sacrifice - Burning Stove 铁燎炉:Firewood -Burning Stove 望灯杆:Lantern - Viewing Pole 三音石: Trouple -

19、Sound Stone 九龙柏:Nine - Dragon Cypress具服台:Dressing Terrace瘗坎:Buring Pit神厨:Divine Kitchen神库:Divine Store本申牌:Divine Name Tablet ; the Name Tablets of Gods 七十二连廊:72-Section Corridor宰牲亭:Animal - Killing Pavilion 七星石:Seven Star Stone天泉井:Heavenly Spring Well ; the Sweet Spring Well皇天上帝: God of Heaven天心石: H

20、eavenly Heart Stone ; the Cosmic Centre Stone颐和园:Summer Palace ( the Garden of Natured Harmony )行宫:an imperial palace for short stays 移步换景: a different view with every step 诗情画意:poetic and picturesque 曲径通幽: a winding path leading to a secluded place 一池三山:One Big Pool with Three Hills三山五园: Three Hill

21、s and Five Gardens 三山:香山、玉泉山和万寿山Three Hills : the Fragrant Hill , the Jade Spring Hill and the Longevity Hill五园:畅春园、圆明园、静明园、静宜园、清漪园Five Gardens : the Garden of Everlasting Spring , the Garden of Perfect Brightness , the Garden of Tranquility and Brightness , the Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure ,

22、the Garden of Clear Ripples 昆明湖:Kunming Lake 长廊:Long Corrior ;the Gallery 石舫:Marble Boat 玉带桥:Jade Belt Bridge万春园: Wanchun( Eternal Spring )Garden长春园: Changchunyuan( Everlasting Spring ) Garden 好山园:Haoshan( Marvelous Hill ) Garden 圆静寺: Yuanjing( Perfect Tranquility ) Garden 仁寿: Gate of Benevolence and Longevity 仁寿殿: Hall of Benevolence and Longevity北如意门:North Ruyi Gate 南湖岛:South Lake Isle 十七孔桥: Seventeen - Arch Bridge 阔如亭:Broad View Pavilion 文昌阁:Pavilion of Flourishing Culture 知春亭: Spring Heralding Pavilion 佛香阁: Tower of Buddhist Incense ; Pavilion of Buddha and Incense 排云门


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