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1、Notice and Letter of Commitment on Home Quarantine andMedical ObservationDear Mr. /Ms.,According to Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Regulation on Responses to Public Health Emergenciesnd other rules and regulations, you shall undergo a 14-day h

2、ome quarantine and medical observation from(MM) (DD) (YYYY) to (MM) (DD) (YYYY). During this period, you shall obey the relevant regulations of home quarantine and medical observation as follows:The “Threein One Task Force, composed of community work stations, community health centers and community

3、police, will be responsible for your home quarantine and medical observation. Should you have any request, please contact the relevant responsible person. Home quarantine contact:Phone NO.:Healthcare contactPhone NO.:Community police contact:Phone NO.:During the period of home quarantine and medical

4、 observation, the community work stations will provide necessary life services. You can call the home quarantine contact for help.Please undergo home quarantine strictly in line with theGuide for Prevention and Control at Home, take protective measures for yourself and your roommates, and cooperatei

5、n the medical measuressuch as quarantine, medical observation, sampletesting, and health examination.Please measure your body temperature once in the morning and evening, and report the health information to the healthcare contact or on“ iShenzhen APP.or your roommates show symptoms of acute respira

6、tory infection including fever (temperature 3 7.3 or cough, please report to the healthcare contact immediately.You shall comply with the following rules during the quarantine:Refrain from receiving guests and do not go out without permission. If it is really necessary to go out due to special circu

7、mstances, you can go out in the company of the community police officer after being approved by community work stations.Do not spread unverified information, conceal relevant information, report false information, or delay information reporting regarding to the epidemic.You shall cooperate with the

8、health authorities and other relevant institutions in implementing home quarantine and medical observation measures. For those who do not cooperate, measures will be enforcedby the public security authorities according to provisions of Article 44 of Regulation on Responses to Public Health Emergenci

9、es.Those who have any of the following acts shall be subjected to legal measures by the public security authorities according to the relevant provisions of Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Penalties for Administration of Public Security and Criminal Law of the People s Republic of China and p

10、ut under collective quarantine by relevant authorities:Obstructing the work of the“Three in One “ Task Force carried out in line with thelaw.Leaving home without permission.Not cooperating in medical measures including quarantine, medical observation, sample testing, and health examination.Intention

11、ally concealing or fabricating information such as travel history, contacthistory, health status, etc.Other acts which are not cooperative with the implementation of prevention and control measures.This notice can be used as a leave request.Thank you for your cooperation. We wish you good health!Hea

12、dquarters Office for Prevention and Control ofCOVID-19 of District,(DD)(MM), 2020I have been aware of the above information. I promise to strictly abide by the laws, regulations and rules formulated by the government, accept and undergo home quarantine and medical observation, otherwise I shall bear

13、 the legal liabilities.Signature:ID (Passport) No.:Phone No.:Date:居家隔离医学观察告知承诺书先生(女士):依据中华人民共和国传染病防治法 突发公共卫生事件应急 条例等相关规定,现对您进行为期 14天的居家隔离医学观察,隔 离期自年月日至年月日止。在隔离期间,请您严格遵守居家隔离医学 观察的有关规定,具体事项告知如下:一、由社区工作站、社康机构、社区民警组成的“三位一体”工 作小组具体负责您的居家隔离医学观察, 您如有任何需求,可以与相 关负责人联系。居家隔离负责人联系方式:健康管理负责人:联系方式:社区民警负责人:联系方式:二、

14、在您居家隔离医学观察期间,社区工作站会为您提供必要的 生活服务;相关需求可联系您的居家隔离负责人。三、请严格按照居家防控指南要求做好居家隔离,做好个人 及共同居住者的防护措施,配合做好隔离医学观察、采样检测、体检 等医学措施。四、请您每天早晚各测量一次自己的体温,并于每日 18: 00时 前将相关健康信息告知您的健康管理负责人或者通过 i深圳APP上 报。若您或共同居住者出现发热(体温A 37.3 C)、咳嗽等急性呼吸 道感染症状时,请立即向您的健康管理负责人反馈。五、在隔离期间,您应当遵守如下规定:(一)谢绝会客,并不得擅自外出。因特殊情况确需外出的,经 社区工作站批准,在社区民警的陪同下方可外出。(二)不擅自传播、不瞒报、不谎报、不迟报疫情等相关信息。(三)卫生健康行政部门或者有关机构开展居家隔离医学观察措 施时应当予以配合,拒绝配合的,将依据突发公共卫生事件应急条 例第四十四条的规定,由公安机关依法协助强制执行。六、有下列行为之一的,由公安机关依据中华人民共和国治安 管理处罚法中华人民共和国刑法的有关规定依法处理,并由相 关部门实施集中隔离。(一)妨碍 三位一体”工作小组依


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