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1、 PAGE 页码 7 / NUMPAGES 总页数 7四年级湘少版英语上册阅读理解家庭专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读判断。Look! There are so many things on the playground. Whose red Tshirt is it? Oh, its Wu Yifans. Whose pink dress is it? Oh, its Bai Lings. Whose yellow shoes are they? Oh, Theyre Chen Jies. Whose black pants are they? Theyre Mikes. Whose p

2、urple jacket is it? Oh, its Sarahs. Please take the things back, children! (1)The red Tshirt is Johns. ( )(2)The pink dress is Bai Lings. ( ) (3)The yellow shoes are Wu Yifans. ( ) (4)The black pants are Mikes. ( )(5)The purple jacket is Miss Whites. ( )2. 阅读短文,判断正误。Lanlan has 50 yuan. She can buy a

3、 new bag now. This red bag is very nice. Wow, it is 180 yuan. Its too expensive. This yellow bag is 20 yuan. Its beautiful. And this blue bag is 30 yuan. She can buy two bags.( )(1)Lanlan has 60 yuan.( )(2)The red bag is 20 yuan.( )(3)The blue bag is 20 yuan.( )(4)The yellow bag is expensive.( )(5)L

4、anlan can buy two bags.3. 读短文,判断下列句子对错。Hello, Im Zhang Peng. This is my family photo. They are my grandparents, my parents and me. My grandpa is strong and tall. Hes a farmer. He likes sports. My grandma is a nurse. She likes painting. My mother is a teacher. Shes thirty-two. She likes musi C. My fa

5、ther is a doctor. He likes music, too. I love my family!( )(1)There are 4 people in my family.( )(2)My grandma is a teacher.( )(3)My grandpa likes sports.( )(4)My mother is 32.( )(5)My parents like music.4. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Animals has a new P. E. teacher. He is a football player(足球运动员). But they don

6、t know what he is like. This time, a rabbit comes here. It is short and thin. Zoom plays football with him. The rabbit is good at football. He can always kick the ball into the goal(它总是能把球踢进球门).Zoom says:“Wow, you are very great!”Dog says:“Our P.E. teacher can play football, too. He is just like you

7、(就像你一样)!”Rabbit says(说):“Im your new P.E. teacher.”1Animals have a new Chinese teacher.(_)2The P.E. teacher is a football player.(_)3The teacher isnt short and thin. He is strong and tall.(_)4The P.E. teacher is a monkey.(_)5The teacher can always kick the ball into the goal.(_)5. 阅读理解(阅读短文,选择恰当选项)。

8、Tom and Jerry are talking in a library. Pluto comes and says, Dont talk here! Then Tom and Jerry go to a factory. They are going aroun D. Pluto comes and says, Dont touch anything! Tom and Jerry are in a concert. They are eating. Pluto comes and says, Dont eat here! Tom and Jerry are angry. They fol

9、low Pluto. Pluto is reading a book. Hes writing in the book. Tom and Jerry say, Dont write in the book!(1)Tom and Jerry are talking _.A. in a park B. in a shop C. in a library(2)In the factory, Pluto says, _.A. Dont touch anything B. Dont play football. C. Dont talk.(3)Tom and Jerry _ in a concert.A

10、. are reading B. are eating C. are sleeping(4)Tom and Jerry feel _, so they follow Pluto.A. happy B. sad C. angry(5)Pluto is writing _.A. on the board B. on the wall C. in the book6. 读表格,判断句子意思是否与表格信息一致。( )(1)Kay has a new T-shirt. Its thirty-five dollars.( )(2)Lily has a new cap and dress. Theyre s

11、ixty-five dollars together.( )(3)Jack has a new cap. Its twenty-nine dollars.( )(4)Jack doesnt have new trousers. He has new shorts.( )(5)Jims new shirt is forty-six dollars. Its expensive.7. 阅读理解。Today is a fine day. Linda visits (探访) her grandma with her mother. Her grandma lives on White Street.

12、It is far (远的) from Lindas home. They go there by bus. After having lunch, Linda goes shopping (购物) with her grandma. They go to the supermarket and buy some foo D. After that, they go to the park. They have a picnic (野餐) on the grass. Linda reads some books with her grandma. They have a good time.(

13、 )(1)Hows weather today?A. Its rainy. B. Its not goo C. Its sunny.( )(2)Where is Lindas grandmas home?A. Its on White Street. B. Its on Brown Street. C. Its on Green Street.( )(3)Linda and her mother _ to her grandmas homeA. ride bikes B. take a bus C. run( )(4)What do they do in the afternoon?A. Th

14、ey go to the supermarket.B. They go to the park.C. They go to the supermarket and the park.( )(5)What doesnt Linda do in the park?A. Read books. B. Go shopping. C. Eat some foo 8. 读一读,按出现的顺序,用“1-6”在相应的圆圈内编号。Look the children. They are on the farm. What are they doing? Lets go and have a look.Oh, you

15、 cant litter. Please put the rubbish in the bin. Boy, come here. Dont climb the tree. Its dangerous.Can you walk on the grass and pick the flowers? I think you are not right. Look at the green grass and red flowers. They are nice.Look at the ducks. They are lovely. You cant throw the stones to them.

16、 They are afraid.Little girl, dont play with the water. We can not play in the pond. Its dangerous, too.9. 阅读理解。判断对错。Hi. Im Tom. Im a boy. I get up at 6:30. I eat breakfast at 7:00. I go to school at 7:00. I have English class at 8:00. At 9:00, its time for match class. I have music class at 10:00.

17、I eat lunch at 12:00. Its time for PE class at 1:30. I go home at 4:00. Its time to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. its my day. How about you?( )(1)I get up at 6:30.( )(2)I eat breakfast at 7:30.( )(3)I have Chinese class at 8:00.( )(4)I go home at 4:00.( )(5)Its 9:00. Time to go to bed.10. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Last

18、 week was a holiday. On Monday it was sunny. I played basketball with my friends. On Tuesday I went swimming. On Wednesday I visited my uncle. He is an English man. On Thursday I went to the park with my sister. On Friday I helped my mother. On the weekend,I played computer games.(1)It was _ on Mond

19、ay.A.sunny B.rainy C.windy(2)On _ I went swimming.A.Thursday B.Tuesday C.Friday(3)My uncle is _.A.Chinese B.English C.China(4)I went to the park with my _.A.aunt B.sister C.uncle(5)On Friday I helped my _.A.father B.brother C.mother11. 阅读短文,判断正误。Mrs. Black: Get up, David. Its time for breakfast.Davi

20、d: I cant go to school today, Mum.Mrs. Black: Whats the matter?David: I have a headache and a cough.Mrs. Black: Oh, dear. You have a cold. I call Miss Li after breakfast.Mrs. Black: Hello, may I speak to Miss Li?Miss Li: This is Miss Li speaking.Mrs. Black: This is Davids mother. David has a cold to

21、day. He cant go to school. What lessons do you have today?Miss Li: Let me see. Its Tuesday today. We have Chinese, English, Science and Art.Mrs. Black: Thank you, Miss Li.( )(1)Its in the afternoon now.( )(2)David has a cold.( )(3)David calls Miss Li after breakfast.( )(4)Today is Tuesday.( )(5)They

22、 have six lessons today.12. 看图,回答问题,每题词数不限。(1)What season is it?(2)How is the weather?(3)How many children are there in the picture?(4)Are they in the canteen?(5)Can you see the sea?13. 阅读短文,判断对错。Can you read a map? This is a map of China. Beijing is the capital. Its in the north of China. Shanghai

23、is a big city. Its in the east. I went to Guangzhou in winter. Its in the south. Its very warm in winter.( )(1)This is a map of US.( )(2)Beijing is in the north.( )(3)Shanghai is in the east.( )(4)Guangzhou is in the west.14. 阅读短文。判断正(T)误(F)。My grandpa has a big farmLook! These are horsesThey have s

24、mall ears and long tailThose are sheepTheyre whiteThats a henIts shortThe cows are black and whiteTheyre friendlyI love the animals very much( )(1)Thehas small ears and a short tail( )(2)Theis white( )(3)Theis short( )(4)Theis black and white15. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。对的写T,错误的写F。My name is Lulu. Im ten. I have

25、 a new schoolbag. Its big and heavy. I have many books in it. A Chinese book, a maths book, an English book and six storybooks. There is a red pencil box in it. My schoolbag is black and white. How nice it is!1Lulu is ten years old. (_)2He has a big pencil box.(_)3There are nine books in his schoolb

26、ag. (_)4His pencil box is black and white. (_)5His schoolbag is nice. (_)16. 读短文,并判断下列句子是否正确。Hello! My name is Rose. This is my home. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. Look, this is my bedroom. Its small, but its very nice. The wall is blue, and the bed is pink. My

27、toys are under the bed. A desk is near the bed. My new schoolbag is on the desk. Whats in it? Look! A maths book, four notebooks, three storybooks and some candies. Its heavy!( )(1)We have six rooms.( )(2)My bedroom is small and nice.( )(3)The bed is near the desk.( )(4)The toys are on the bed.( )(5)I have three notebooks and four storybooks in my new schoolbag.17. 阅读短文,判断正误。


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