



1、浙江师范大学研究生 英语写作考试卷(A卷) (2009 -2010学年第1学期)考试形式闭卷考试对象2009级非英语专业研究生考试时间120 分钟出卷时间 2010 年1月13日说明:本卷分值 100 分,考生应将全部答案都写在答题纸上,否则作无效处理。Part I. The following words are rather general. Write as many relevant specific words as possible. (At least 3 specific words for each general word) (10%)flowerwindangryRewr

2、ite the following sentencesby eliminating the mistakes in them. (10%)With the cold climate and vegetation is scarce, firewood is a valuable resource.First, as we all know that cosmetics always contain complex chemical elements to which many people will be allergic.Many people get up early to jog alo

3、ng country lanes, to observe the wonder of nature, or just watching the sun come up.Wearing uniform is a way to show our identity, however, it is not a good way to show our own personalities.Some kinds of pollutions spread out so thick and fast that we cannot do anything effective to prevent it. Suc

4、h as green house effect, it has caused the iceberg in two poles to melt.Read the following two paragraphs and write the numbers of the four sentences that do not help support their topic sentences. (10%)Paragraph 1:(1)In addition to fighting acne, I felt compelled to fight my family. (2)As a teenage

5、r, I needed to be independent. (3)At that time, the most important thing in life was to be close to my friends and to try out new, more adult experiences. (4)Unfortunately, my family seemed to get in the way. (5)My little brother, for instance, turned into my enemy. (6)We are close now, though. (7)I

6、n fact, Eddie recently painted my new apartment for me. (8)Eddie used to barge into my room, listen to my phone conversations, and read my secret letters. (9)I would threaten to tie him up and leave him in a garbage dumpster. (10)He would scream, my mother would yell, and all hell would break loose.

7、 (11)My parents, too, were enemies. (12)They wouldnt let me stay out late, wear the clothes I wanted to wear, or hang around with the friends I liked. (13)So I tried to get revenge on them by being miserable, sulky, and sarcastic at home.Paragraph 2:Football fans wear their official team T-shirts an

8、d warm-up jackets to the mall, the supermarket, the classroom, and even if they can get away with it to work. (2)Some workplaces allow their staff to wear whatever they like, but some do not. (3)If the team offers a giveaway item, the fans rush to the stadium to claim the hat or sports bag or water

9、bottle that is being handed out that day. (4)Baseball fans go similarly nuts when their favorite teams give away some attractive freebie. (5)Football fans just plain behave insanely. (6)Even the fact that fans spend the coldest months of the year huddling on icy metal benches in places like Chicago

10、proves it. (7)In addition, football fans decorate their houses with football-related items of every kind. (8)To them, team bumper stickers belong not only on car bumpers, but also on fireplace mantels and front doors. (9)When they go to a game, which they do as often as possible, they also decorate

11、their bodies. (10)True football fans not only put on their team jackets and grab their pennants but also paint their heads to look like helmets or wear glow-in-the-dark cheeseheads. (11)At the game, these fans devote enormous energy to trying to get a wave going.The box below summarizes the six kind

12、s of introduction and three kinds of conclusions.Read the following introductions and conclusions and write the letter of the kind of introduction or conclusion in each paragraph. (10%)Introductions:General to narrowStarting with an oppositeStating importance of topicIncident or storyQuestion(s)Quot

13、ationConclusions:Summary and final thoughtQuestion(s)Prediction or recommendationIntroductions:Paragraph 1:Shortly before Easter, our local elementary school sponsored a fund-raising event at which classroom pets and their babies- hamsters, guinea pigs, and chicks- were available for adoption. After

14、ward, as I was driving home, I saw a hand drop a baby hamster out of the car ahead of me. I couldnt avoid running over the tiny creature. One of the parents had taken the pet, regretted the decision, and decided to get rid of it. Such people have never stopped to consider the several real obligation

15、s involved in owning a pet.Paragraph 2:Few things are harder to put up with: said Mark Twain, than the annoyance of a good example: Twain obviously knew the problems faced by siblings cursed with older brothers or sisters who are models of perfection. All our lives, my older sister Shelley and I hav

16、e been compared. Unfortunately, in competition with my sisters virtues, my looks, talents, and accomplishments always ended up on the losing side. Paragraph 3:Many people who have grown up in multichild families think that being an only child is the best of all possible worlds. They point to such be

17、nefits as the only childs annual new wardrobe and the lack of competition for parental love. But single-child status isnt as good as people say it is. Instead of having everything they want, only children are sometimes denied certain basic human needs.Conclusions:Paragraph 1:Although I always lost i

18、n the sibling contests of looks, talents, and accomplishments, Shelley and I have somehow managed not to turn into deadly enemies. Feeling like the dud of the family, in fact, helped me to develop a drive to succeed and a sense of humor. In our sibling rivalry, we both managed to win. Paragraph 2:Th

19、erefore, the next time you see TV viewers, shoppers, or Internet surfers with eyes as glazed and empty as polished doorknobs, youll know these people are in a protective altered state. Be gentle with them. They are merely trying to cope with the mind-numbing inventions of modern life.Part V. The fol

20、lowing essay has no indentations starting new paragraphs. Read it carefully and then write the numbers of the thesis statement and the topic sentence of each of the three supporting paragraphs and the first sentence of the conclusion. (10%)Reactions to Disappointment(1)Ben Franklin said that the onl

21、y sure things in life are death and taxes. (2)He left something out, however: disappointment. (3)No one gets through life without experiencing many disappointments. (4)Strangely, though, most people seem unprepared for disappointment and react to it in negative ways. (5)They feel depressed or try to

22、 escape their troubles instead of using disappointment as an opportunity for growth. (6)One negative reaction to disappointment is depression. For example, Helen, a woman trying to win a promotion, works hard for over a year in her department. (8)Helen is so sure she will get the promotion, in fact,

23、 that she has already picked out the car she will buy when her salary increase comes through. (9)However, the boss names one of Helens coworkers to the spot. (10)The fact that all the other department employees tell Helen that she is the one who really deserved the promotion doesnt help her deal wit

24、h the crushing disappointment. (11)Deeply depressed, Helen decidesthat all her goals are doomed to defeat. (12)She loses her enthusiasm for her job and can barely force herself to show up every day. (13)Helen tells herself that she is a failure and that doing a good job just isnt worth the work. (14

25、)Another negative reaction to disappointment, and one that often follows depression, is the desire to escape. (15)Jamal fails to get into the college his brother is attending, the college that was the focus of all his dreams, and decides to escape his disappointment. (16)Why worry about college at a

26、ll? Instead, he covers up his real feelings by giving up on his schoolwork and getting completely involved with friends, parties, and good times. (17)Or Carla doesnt make the varsity basketball teami something she wanted very badlyand so refuses to play sports at all. (18)She decides to hang around

27、with a new set of friends who get high every day; then she wont have to confront her disappointment and learn to live with it. (19)The positiveway to react to disappointment is to use it as a chance for growth. (20)This isnt easy, but its the only useful way to deal with an inevitable part of life.

28、(21)Helen, the woman who wasnt promoted, could have handled her disappointment by looking at other options. (22)If her boss doesnt recognize her talent and hard work, perhaps she could transfer to another department. (23)Or she could ask the boss how to improve her performance so that she would be a

29、 shoo-in for the next promotion. (24)Jamal, the boy who didnt get into the college of his choice, should look into other schools. (25)Going to another college may encourage him to be his own person, step out of his brothers shadow, and realize that being turned down by one college isnt a final judgm

30、ent on his abilities or potential. (26)Rather than escape into drugs, Carla could improve her basketball skills for a year or pick up another sport like swimming or tennis that would probably turn out to be more useful to her as an adult. (27)Disappointments are unwelcome but regular visitors to everyones life. (28)We


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