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2、题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Going for a drive sounds really _.AhappyBexcitedCboringDinterested2、-The boy is tall enough his age.-Yes, I was much shorter when I was his age.AofBatCfromDfor3、I called you last night, but there was no reply.Oh, sorry. I _ in the park at that time.Awas walkingBwalkedCam walking4、_ Ma

3、ry _ Jack is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it very much.ANeither; norBEither; orCBoth; andDNot only; but also5、“One Belt, One Road” (一带一路) will serve to _ markets for China as well as other countries.Aput up Bopen up Ctake up Dlook up6、_ interesting the story

4、book is!Yes, I have read it twice.AWhat BWhat anCHow DHow an7、More and more people _ the importance of the eco-friendly lifestyle.AmissBpromiseCrealizeDsuggest8、Lisa, how is your cousin? He is now. Thank you.Amore healthierBmuch healthierCvery healthierDhealthiest9、Yu Guangzhong is a famous writer a

5、nd poet_ wrote the well-known poem Nostalgia (乡愁) and passed away on December 14th, 2017.AwhoBwhichCwhatDwhose10、A new road _ near my school next year.AbuildsBwill buildCis builtDwill be built. 完形填空11、BEIJINGThe sky is gray and air smells strange. Its another day of smog.On Saturday, heavy haze(霾)st

6、ill covered north and east China. Highways were closed and 1 couldnt take off on time.The smoggy weather 2 the countrys land from north to south, including Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and 6 other provinces. People could only see clearly 3 than 50 meters in some areas.Cities 4 Shanghai and Nanjing have

7、 been covered by the gray sky for the past several days. Many walkers in the street had to wear 5 In the Lukou airport in Nanjing, more than 60 flights were canceled(取消) on Saturday 6 the haze, which also made primary and middle schools and kindergartens stop 7 on Thursday and Friday in Nanjing.The

8、office worker of Environmental Protection said earlier this week that there were several 8 reasons behind the widespread haze: unpleasant weather conditions making 9 difficult for smog to disappear, automobile exhaust(尾气), and coal use for winter heating.To fight pollution, the Chinese government no

9、w plans to clean up the air by cutting coal use, 10 some factories, and removing 6 million old cars from the roads.“We must face up to the facts,” said Yan Naiqiang, a professor of environmental science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. “The treatment of smog will be a long fight. From now on, if we

10、 use buses or cars less and do more riding, we believe a clear sky is not a faraway dream.”1Acoaches Btrains Cflights Ddouble-deckers2Aafforded Baffected Cadmired Dannounced3Aless Bmore Cfarther Dnearer4Ain Blike Caround Doutside5Ahats Bgloves Csunglasses Dmasks6Abesides Bexcept Cbecause of Dfor7Acl

11、asses Brest Cwork Dshopping8Amainly Bmostly Cmain Dmost9Athat Bthis Cone Dit10Aclose Bclosing Copen Dopening. 语法填空12、Not everyone has the chance 1 ( be ) a detective(侦探). But I got one when I was 13 years old. It happened in 1988.One afternoon, I 2( walk ) down the street when I saw my fathers new c

12、ar. I expected 3 (meet) my father, but to my surprise, I saw a young woman driving instead. My fathers car 4(steal) I thought. So I quickly stopped a taxi and got in. I said to the driver, Please 5(follow) that new car in front. And I told him why.The taxi driver had a car phone, and I asked him to

13、call the police. Soon we heard the sound of a police car and its loudspeaker. The police told the woman to stop her car. Our car came to a stop, too. I got out right now and 6(say) to the woman, Its not your car. Its my fathers. The woman smiled and said, Oh. Youre Mr. Johnsons younger son, right? I

14、 7see) your photo at your fathers office. Before I could say another word, the woman explained that she was my fathers new assistant.My father asked her to take his computer to the shop to have it repaired. He lent his car. After 8(hear) her words, we called my father and he told us what she said wa

15、s true. The police and the taxi driver laughed I felt very sorry. It was both the first and last time for me to work as a detective. Dont you think my story funny?. 阅读理解A13、 If music makes you smart and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into a person who is better

16、at learning and understanding.A team of scientists from Ohio State University did experiments on 33 volunteers. They found that person who exercised while listening to Italian musician Antonio Vivaldis The Four Seasons did much better in language ability tests than without music. The volunteers said

17、 they felt better after exercising with or without the music. But their improvement on the test doubled (加倍)after listening to the music during exercise. “Exercise seems to cause positive(积极的) changes in the nervous system and have a direct result on learning ability,” said the psychologist(心理学家)Cha

18、rles Emery. Scientists have found that music can be good for health and education. It helps relieve stress, sadness and nervousness, encourages relaxation or sleep, wakes up the body and improves memory and thoughts.Psychologists have been using Mozarts music, especially his violin pieces, to help c

19、hildren with speech disorders. Mozart is often chosen because his music is not over-exciting. A study showed students who often exercise to Mozarts music go on to score higher marks in tests. With important exams drawing near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music. But perhaps

20、now you have good reasons to argue with them.1How many great musicians are mentioned in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DThirty-three.2What can we learn from the last paragraph?AStudents should not listen to music before exams.BChildren are supposed to follow their parents words .CMusic might help stu

21、dent to get higher grades in tests.DThere is no reason for children to argue with parents.3What does the underlined word “relieve” mean in Chinese?A加强B减轻C提高D接替4Which of the following statements is TRUE?AMusic usually makes people too excited to go to sleep.BScientists often use Mozarts music for it

22、is really exciting.CExercising without music seems to cause many negative changes.DStudents can improve their studies greatly after exercising to music.5Which is the BEST title for this passage?AScientists suggest great music.BMusic and exercise lead to stress.CExercising to music makes you smarter.

23、DVolunteers listened to Mozarts violin pieces.B14、Bob was a homeless boy who lived in a house for homeless children. He always felt lonely and sad. He felt he was a nobody in this world. One day, he said to Mr. White, head of the house, Why did my parents bring me to this world? What value do I have

24、 now? Mr. White gave Bob a stone and said to him, Take it to the market, but dont sell it no matter how much money they pay you.Bob took the stone to a market called Green Market. A man wanted to buy it for 100 pounds, and Bob wouldnt sell it. Later, another buyer would pay more for the stone, but B

25、ob still wouldnt sell it.The next day in Center Market, the people would buy it at a much higher price. But Bob wouldnt sell it.The third day, Bob took the stone to Street Market. This time, the people there offered a price which was ten times higher than that in Green Market. But Bob wouldnt sell i

26、t.Bob couldnt understand. He asked Mr. White, Why did they pay me so much money for just a stone? Even for a stone, if you think it valuable, it will be valuable, said Mr. White.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。1Why did Bob always feel lonely and sad?ABecause he didnt go to school.BBecause he didnt have an

27、y money.CBecause he didnt have a warm family.DBecause he didnt like the place he lived in.2Which places did Bob take the stone to?ASome parks. BSome hotels.CSome schools. DSome markets.3For what reason didnt Mr. White want Bob to sell the stone?ABob wanted a higher price.BThe stone is very expensive

28、.CMr. White wanted to teach Bob a lesson.DMr. White wanted to play a joke on Bob.4How many times did Bob go to the market?.AOnly once. BOnly twice.CThree times. DFour times.5What is the best title for this passage?AA homeless boy BA valuable lessonCAn expensive stone DA house for childrenC15、“Father

29、, do you see Mother in your dreams?” the young girl asks. “You know sometimes I do.”“Mother comes to see me a lot, you know. We sit and talk.” The father smiles. “How is your homework coming along?”“Why do I have to study so hard?”“It is what your mother would have wanted!”She regrets speaking her m

30、ind. “Im sorry, Father, I shouldnt have said that.” She looks up and sees his eyes well up with tears.“Its okay, love,” he gets up and pours himself a drink. “Ill just sit outside for a while. You finish up your work, okay?”“Im sorry, Father; Mother did love you very much. She told me all the time.”

31、“Homework, first, eh? Then we can chat about your mother.”He heads off outside and sits in his usual chair, looking around the courtyard. The whole area relaxes the mind and somehow soothes the soul. “All finished, Father. May I get a drink and sit with you? I have some questions.”She comes with two

32、 drinks one for him and one for herself. He looks surprised. She never really liked him having a drink. Although he had cut back a lot from before he brought her here, it still seemed strange. “Mother told me all about you. That is before she passed away. We would laugh together at your love stories

33、.”He listens without uttering a single sound.“Why didnt you come and take her away with you? She really wanted that. Did you know that?”Her father looks at his daughter lovingly. “Circumstances(情况) were difficult back then. It was just the way things were. When it came time to” he sighs. “To visit h

34、er it was too late.”The girl smiles. “I hope I will have the same kind of love you and mother had.”“Without all the heartache,” her father adds.“She always knew you loved her. She told me every day,” the child mentions cheerfully. “I saw her crying sometimes when she read your letters.”“Did she make

35、 you promise to look after me?” she inquires.“She asked me to take care of you.”“You promised her, didnt you?”“Yes, I did.”“It is nice out here, isnt it? Mother would have been very happy here.”She talks with some authority. Her father remains silent. A smile comes to his weary brow. He nods his hea

36、d.“Mother wanted me to give you something. I think now the time is right.” She runs to her room. Upon returning she hands her father a book. “Its mothers diary! She wanted me to give it to you.”He takes the book and holds it in his trembling hands, “Thank you.”“Mother said you would understand thing

37、s better.”“Wise woman, your mother.”He places the book on the table as he gets up. The girl gets up and wraps herself around her father.“I love you.” she looks up at his face.He picks her up and hugs her. “I love you, too.” His voice trembles.“Its okay, Father. We have each other now and mother is i

38、n both of us.”He kisses her head.“Time you went to bed,” her father softly says.He puts her down and she scampers off to get washed and ready for bed.Clearing up everything he checks on his daughter. She is in bed waiting for her good night kiss. He tucks her in and bids her goodnight.Just as he is

39、to leave, she tells him. “Mother told me she adopted (收养)me when I was a baby.”He stands at her bedroom door. Words fail him. Yes, he knew she was adopted.“I am really lucky for being loved by my parents, even if I am not really theirs.”“You trying to bring on the water works?” he tells her.She gigg

40、les, “Goodnight, Father. I love you.”“Love you, too.”His face lights up as he wipes his dampened eyes.The door closes and the child falls asleep dreaming of her mother.Sitting outside he picks up the diary and opens it and reads the first line: “I love you, my dearest, if only things could have been

41、 different”1What can we know about the couples relationship?AThey understood each other very well. BThey quarreled a lot and are separated.CThey used to have misunderstandings. DThey were quite sure of each others love.2What can we learn from the story?AThe girl was adopted because the couple couldn

42、t give birth.BFather looks after the girl just because the girl is alone.CThe girl feels unlucky that she was adopted.DFather was not very close to the girl before she moved in with him.3Why didnt father bring mother home when she was ill?ABecause he was too busy with his work.BBecause he didnt know

43、 he was wanted.CBecause he was too poor to afford the medical fees.DBecause he didnt know she was in hospital.4Which word best describes fathers feeling at the end of the story?ARegretful. BSatisfied. CSurprised DDoubtful.D16、All living things need energy to live and grow. This energy comes first fr

44、om the sun. Plants use water and sunlight to make their own food. Animals can not make their own food, and they eat plants. Other animals then eat the plant eaters.A food chain shows what eats what. It might show that zebras eat grass and then lions eat zebras.Lions also eat other animals. Zebras ea

45、t other kinds of plants. So it takes more than one food chain to show how lions and zebras get their energy.A food web shows how food chains work together. From it we can see how energy moves from plants to animals.Plants and animals that live in hot, dry deserts depend on water as well as food. Cre

46、osote bushes have small leaves that hold water. Their seeds provide food and water for kangaroo rats. Kangaroo rats dont need to drink water. They get all the water they need from the plants they eat. Kangaroo rats keep cool by coming out only at night to look for food. Ringtail cats also come out o

47、nly at night. Ringtail cats hunt and eat kangaroo rats. Coyotes eat both the kangaroo rats and the ringtail cats.Nothing is wasted in a food wed. Vultures eat dead animals. Vultures are scavengers. Scavengers do not hunt and kill other animals to get food. They eat animals that are already dead. Whe

48、n a ringtail cat or a coyote dies, it makes a meal for the vultures. Scavengers do an important job in keeping the environment clean.1Where does the energy that living things need first come from?AAnimals. BPlants. CThe sun. DPlant eaters.2Why do ringtail cats come out only at night?ABecause they ar

49、e afraid of coyotes. BBecause they are shy animals.CBecause it is very hot in the daytime. DBecause they can eat kangaroo rats.3What kind of animal can be placed in the empty box of the picture?AKangaroo. BVulture. CCat. DZebra.4Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?ALions eat

50、different kinds of animals. BPlants are on the top of the food chain.CScavengers can keep the environment clean. DSome animals get water from the plants they eat.5Whats the best title of the passage?AWeb of life BThings that we eatCFood in the desert DThe place where food is fromE17、I used to think

51、courtesy (礼貌) was a thing of the past. However, I changed my mind when I met a courteous man.Last Saturday, I went to a cafe with my daughters. It was crowded with the usual loud crowd and we had to climb up the stairs to find an empty table. After enjoying coffee and snacks, we were ready to come d

52、own the stairs, where the narrow space made climbing down only possible in a single line, with hardly any space for another person to either climb up or come down.Just as I was in the middle of my descent (下去), a man got to the main entrance (入口) of the cafe which was right in front of the staircase

53、. I was sure I would be pushed by the man who would want to go up in a hurry. Anyway, I kept coming down as fast as I could. My daughters were already down, looking up at me worriedly, hoping I would get down before the stranger went up the stairs.Nearly getting down, I noticed the man still standin

54、g near the door. Later, I passed him at the entrance door which he kept holding open. I looked back thinking he was still at the door, deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place. However, I saw him going up the stairs, two at a time.I told my daughters about it and all of us felt b

55、ad for we did not even thank the courteous gentleman.1What can we learn from Paragraph 2?AThe writer seldom goes to the cafe.BFew people go to the cafe on weekends.CThe writer didnt like the coffee.DThe cafe is often crowded and noisy.2How did the daughters feel when they saw their mum going down th

56、e stairs?ASad.BWorried.CExcited.DProud.3The writer felt sorry for not saying “_” to the man.AHelloBGoodbyeCSorryDThanks4According to the passage, we can learn _.Athe man went to another cafe at lastBthe writer opened the door for the manCthe man didnt push the writerDthe man is the writers old frien

57、d5Which of the following is the RIGHT order?The writer had snacks.The man went up the stairs.The writer came down the stairs.ABCDF18、 WecanmakemistakesatanyageSomemistakeswemakeareaboutmoneyButmostmistakesareaboutpeople.“DidJerryreallycarewhenIbrokeupwith Helen? ”, “WhenIgotthatgreatjob,didJerryreal

58、lyfeelgoodaboutit,asafriend?Ordidheenvymyluck?”Whenwelookback, doubtslikethesecanmakeUSfeelbad.Butwhenwelookback.Itstoolate.Whydowegowrongaboutour friends-orourenemies?SometimeswhatpeoplesayhidestheirrealmeaningAndifwedontreallylisten,wemissthefeelingbehindthewordsSupposesomeonetellsyou “yourealucky

59、dog”Ishereallyonyourside?ifhesays“Yourealuckyguy” or “Yourealuckygal”ThatsbeingfriendlyBut “luckydog”?TheresabitofenvyinthosewordsMaybehedoesntseeithimselfButbringinginthe dog” bitputsyoudownalittleWhathemaybesayingisthathedoesntthinkyoudeserveyourluckHowcanyoutelltherealmeaningbehindsomeoneswords?O



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