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1、第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页初一英语听力学习材料2022初一年级英语听力:综合听力练习I、选择你所听到的句子。(5%)( )1. A. Where are you from? B. Who is he?C. Whats your name? D. Whose dress is this?( )2. A. I am a teacher. B. I am a driver.C. I am a student. D. I am a worker.( )3. A. May I help you? B. How do you like the fish?C. May I know yo

2、ur name? D. How much is it?( )4. A. Whats your telephone number.B. Whats your BP number?C. What does he do?D. Where does he work?( )5. A. Are you kidding. B. How are you?C. What can I do for you? D. Thank you very much.II、听对话,补全答语。(5%)1.A: Whats this in English? B: Its a _.2. A: What color is it? B:

3、 Its _.3. A: Where does Jane live? B: She lives in the _4. A: Where is Sichuan? B: Its in _.5. A: May I help you? B: Yes, a cup of _, please.III、听录音选择答句。(5%)( )1. A. Good evening B. Good morning. C. Good afternoon.( )2. A. It is an orange. B. He is Jim. C. Theyre apples.( )3. A. Im from Xian. B. She

4、 is from Xian. C. She is a teacher.( )4.A. They are reading. B. Im reading. C. She is reading.( )5. A. Yes, its a car. B. Its a car. C. No, its a car.初一英语听力:才能-AbilitiesTodd: OK, Jamon, were going to talk about abilities.Jamon: OKTodd: Can you cook?Jamon: I can cook a little bit. I like cooking.Todd

5、: What do you like to make when you cook?Jamon: Just simple things. I love salad. I make a huge salad.Todd: I love salad. OK, can you sing?Jamon: No, I cant sing. I just sing for me. On the.when I have a shower.Todd: Oh, really, you sing in the shower? Nice, what, what songs do you sing? Like pop so

6、ngs or just.?Jamon: No, mainly reggae. I love reggae.Todd: Wow! Can you play any musical instruments?Jamon: Dijuridu!Todd: Oh, really.Jamon: Its an Australian instrument.Todd: Yeah, yeah. Where did you learn that?Jamon: I learned in Switzerland.Todd: Really. OK. Is it popular in switzerland?Jamon: Y

7、eah, its popular. Everybody knows about it.Todd: Wow. How long have you played?Jamon: A couple of years maybe. Maybe 4 years.初一英语听力:之“言外之意”题型弦外之音“言外之意”题型这类题型难度较高,对话中的答复人并不从正面答复以下问题,似乎答非所问。这就需要我们运用解题的逻辑思维与推理过程,也就是通常所说的“顺藤摸瓜”方法来答题。此类题型中,一些句子的真实含义不是直截了当地摆在我们面前,而是我们根据对话中提醒的内容去寻找与其相关的其他事物以及它们之间的联络。可分为两类:

8、陈述答复型和疑问答复型。1)陈述答复型例:M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you remend her?W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.Q: What does the woman imply?A) Dr. Smiths waiting room isnt tidy.B) Dr. Smith enjoys reading

9、magazines.C) Dr. Smith has left a good impression on her.D) Dr. Smith may not be a good choice.言外之意:女的丝毫不提史密斯的医术如何,只说了一些无关紧 要的琐事,无非是暗示她的医术很烂,故不愿意向男的推荐。2)疑问答复型请掌握以下几种表达建议和表示反对的语句表示建议:Why not.?Why dont you.?Wouldnt.?How about.?表示反对:Should.he/she/we/they.be doing.?表示责怪的意思:Shouldnt.?例:W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.Q: What does the man imply?A) The Edwards are quite well-off.B) The Edwards should cut down on their livin


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