已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、“突出语语境,强强化语意意,注重重运用” 江苏高考考英语试试题单项项填空考考查热点点及应试试策略江苏省扬扬州中学学 江苏省高高考英语语试题自自主命题题思路继继续保持持一贯的的风格:突出语语篇、强强调应用用、注重重交际,着重考考查学生生在听、说、读读、写各各个方面面的实际际运用能能力。但但又体现现了“稳中求求变,变变中求新新,立足足语篇,突出语语境”这一指指导思想想。试卷卷内容贴贴近生活活、贴近近时代,知识覆覆盖面广广,因此此试卷具具有较高高的信度度、效度度,难度度也比较适中。这样的的命题一一定会有有利于高高校选拔拔人才,有利于于中学实实施素质质教育,有利于于推进基基础教育育课程改改革。为为帮助

2、老老师、同同学对220066年江苏苏高考英英语试卷卷进一步步了解,调整、指导220077年高考考英语的的复习教教学,现现对试卷卷中的单单项填空空题考查查热点及及应对策策略略作作评析,仅供参参考。I. 考考查重点点 该大大题主要要考查学学生在语语境中综综合运用用词汇、语法、习惯用用语和日日常交际际用语的的能力。其测试试内容如如下:考查内容容数量及题题号动词时态1(277)语态1(233)词组辨析析1(255)情态动词词1(211)非谓语动动词 2(30、32)主谓一致致1(344)从句定语从句句1(299)状语从句句1(311)宾语从句句1(355)代词1(222)形容词比比较级1(333)副词


4、)加加大题干干句子结结构的复复杂程度度,融结结构考查查与理解解考查于于一提,读句能能力的要要求有明明显提高高。(4)交交际题型型多达55道 (为近近年最多多的一次次),占333.3%,充分分体现了了注重交交际的教教学导向向。II. 原题拷拷贝20066年江苏苏高考英英语单选选题解析析21. - I thiink Ill givve BBob a rringg. - Youu _. Youu haavennt bbeenn inn toouchh wiith himm foor aagess. AA. wwilllB. mayyC. havve ttoD. shoouldd【解析】D情态态动词s

5、shouuld的的最基本本用法,用以表表示劝告告或推荐荐。22. My mosst ffamoous rellatiive of alll, _ whho rreallly lefft hhis marrk oon AAmerricaa, wwas Robb Suusseel, my greeat-graandffathher. AA. ooneB. tthe oneC. heD. sommeonne【解析】B本题题考查同同位语,冠词,代词用用法。调调整一下下语序变变成:MMy mmostt faamouus rrelaativve oof aall wass Roob SSusssel, m

6、yy grreatt-grranddfattherr, tthe onee whho rreallly lefft hhis marrk oon AAmerricaa.不难难看出tthe onee whho rreallly lefft hhis marrk oon AAmerricaa做my greeat-graandffathher的的同位语语,又因因为所填填的代词词被定语语从句修修饰,所所以要加定冠词词。23. - I dont ssuppposee thhe ppoliice knoow wwho didd itt. - Welll, surrpriisinnglyy thhey do

7、. A mann haas bbeenn arrresstedd annd _ nnow. AA. hhas beeen qquesstiooneddB. is beiing queestiioneed CC. iis qquesstiooninngD. hass quuesttionned【解析】B本题题考查时时态、语语态。注注意最后后一词nnow,故用用被动语语态地进行行时态。24. Thiis nnew moddel of carr iss soo exxpennsivve tthatt itt iss _ thee reeachh off thhosee wiith aveeragge

8、 iincoome. AA. ooverrB. witthinnC. beyyonddD. bellow【解析】C本题题考查介介词。表表示在能能力上超超出,应应用beeyonnd. beyyondd thhe rreacch oof tthosse wwithh avveraage inccomee.意为为“超出平平均收入入人的购购买能力力”。再如如:超出出某人的的想象力力beyoond onees iimagginaatioon;超超出某人人的理解解力,某某人无法法理解bbeyoond onees uundeersttanddinggs. oveer一般般用来表表示时间间,数量量上的超超过,

9、或或者空间间上越过过一段距距离。25. - Arre yyou goiing to havve aa hoolidday thiis yyearr? - Id llovee too. II caant wwaitt too leeavee thhis plaace _. AA. ooffB. outtC. behhinddD. oveer【解析】C本题考查查动词短短语的识识记及辨辨析。lleavvebehhindd有两层层意思。一是表表示:把把抛在后后面。如如:Brritaain is lefft bbehiind in thee raace forr neew mmarkket英英国在开开发

10、新市市场方面面被抛在在后面。二是表表示:永永久离开开。如:Shee knnew thaat sshe hadd leeft chiildhhoodd beehinnd.她她知道童童年已经经一去不不复返了了。本句句中表示示永久离离开这个个地方。leaave sthh. ooff意意为“停止”; leeavee stth. outt意为“排除,忽略”;leaave oveer意为为“推迟”。 26. Thee coommiitteee iis ddisccusssingg thhe pprobblemm riightt noow. it willl _ haave beeen ssolvved b

11、y thee ennd oof nnextt weeek. AA. eeageerlyyB. hoppefuullyyC. immmediiateelyD. graaduaallyy【解析】B本题题考查副副词词意意辨析。正在讨讨论这个个问题,所以到到下周是是有希望望解决好好。27. Altthouugh meddicaal sscieencee _ conntroll ovver sevveraal ddanggeroous disseasses, whhat worrriees uus iis tthatt soome of theem aare retturnningg. AA. aach

12、iieveedB. hass acchieeveddC. willl aachiieveeD. hadd acchieevedd【解析】B本题题考查动动词时态态。依据据whaat wworrriess uss iss thhat somme oof tthemm arre rretuurniing.可判断断是到目目前为止止,所以以用现在在完成时时。28. - Itt toook me tenn yeearss too buuildd upp myy buusinnesss, aand it almmostt kiilleed mme. - Welll, youu knnow whaat tth

13、eyy saay. _. AA. TTherre iis nno ssmokke wwithhoutt fiireB. Praactiice makkes perrfecct CC. AAll roaads leaad tto RRomeeD. No paiins, noo gaainss【解析】D本题题考查英英语谚语语。由上上文可知知,是“不劳无获获”。29. Thee owwnerr off thhe ccineema neeededd too maake a llot of impprovvemeentss annd eemplloy morre ppeopple to keeep ii

14、t rrunnningg, _ meaant speendiing tenns oof tthouusannds of pouundss. AA. wwhoB. thaatC. asD. whiich【解析】D本题题考查定定语从句句。whhichh指代上上文所提提到的整整个句子子。30. Wheenevver he wass asskedd whhy hhe wwas latte ffor claass, hee woouldd annsweer ccareelessslyy, aalwaays _ thhe ssamee thhingg. AA. ssayiingB. saiidC. to

15、sayyD. havvingg saaid【解析】A本题题考查分分词作伴伴随状语语。31. _ eenviironnmenntall daamagge iis ddonee, iit ttakees mmanyy yeearss foor tthe ecoosysstemm (生生态系统统) tto rrecooverr. AA. EEvenn ifB. If onllyC. WhiileD. Oncce【解析】D本题题考查状状语从句句,Onnce用用作连词词引导状状语从句句表示“一旦,一经”,符合合句意。 Eveen iif意为为“即使,假使”;If onlly意为为“假如就好了了”从句中中

16、常用虚虚拟语气气;Whhilee意为“当时候,与同时;尽管”。32. - Thheree iss a stoory herre iin tthe papper aboout a 1110-yeaar-oold mann. - My gooodneess! I cannt iimagginee _ thhat oldd. AA. tto bbeB. to havve bbeennC. beiingD. havvingg beeen【解析】C本题题考查动动词imaaginne的用用法:iimagginee dooingg.,此处处用被动动式:bbeinng ddonee 。33. I wwishh

17、 yooud ddo _ ttalkkingg annd ssomee moore worrk. Thuus tthinngs willl bbecoome bettterr. AA. aa biit llesssB. anyy leessC. mucch mmoreeD. a litttlee moore【解析】A本题题考查形形容词的的比较级级。 lesss ttalkkingg和morre wworkk.相对对应。aany 修饰比比较级,常用于于否定句句和疑问问句中,故不选选B。34. A ppoett annd aartiist _ commingg too sppeakk too us

18、s abboutt Chhineese litteraaturre aand paiintiing tommorrrow aftternnoonn. AA. iisB. areeC. wassD. werre【解析】A本题题考查冠冠词。表表示一身身兼两职职后接单单数动词,注意意时间状状语toomorrroww affterrnooon故不不选C。35. We havvent ssetttledd thhe qquesstioon oof _ it is neccesssaryy foor hhim to stuudy abrroadd. AA. iifB. wheereC. wheetheer

19、D. thaat【解析】C本题题考查宾宾语从句句。whhethher和和if引导导宾语从从句的区区别,iif 表表示“是否”不可引引导介词词后的宾宾语从句句,此时时只能用用wheetheer。III. 试题特特征近年来江江苏高考考英语单单项选择择题中基基础知识识题占一定的的比例,试题难难度有所所降低,但几乎乎所有的的基础知知识题的的设置都都有一定定的语境境,或需需要参照照一定的的语境,而不是是对基础础知识孤孤立的考考查。试试题设计计坚持语语境化命命题原则则,纯语语法规则则的试题题减少,考查英英语能力力、理解解能力及及逻辑推推理能力力的试题题增加;知识覆覆盖面广广,同时时突出语语境,注注重对学学

20、生综合合知识的的考查。命题设设计包括括如下特特征:(1)创创设语境境法Do youu haave anyythiing _ .? Oh, thhankk yoou, I ccan mannagee itt myysellf.to ddo B. to be donne C. dooingg D. do(2)设设置干扰扰 = 1 * GB3 打乱句句式The offficeer ggavee orrderrs tthatt annyonne _a gunn shhoulld bbe rrepoorteed tto tthe pollicee sttatiion.A saaw ttakee B. s

21、eeen ttakiing C. sseeiing takke D. seeen taakenn = 2 * GB3 加入插插入语We havvent hhearrd ffromm Jaane forr a lonng ttimee. Whhat do youu suuppoose _ too heer ?A waas hhapppeniing B. to happpenn C. hhas happpenned D. havvingg haappeenedd = 3 * GB3 标点符符号Everryonne wwas on timme ffor thee meeetiing-_ CChrii

22、s, whos uusuaallyy teen mminuutess laate forr evveryythiing.A. bbut B. onlly C. eveen DD. yyet = 4 * GB3 省略 Hoow llongg haave youu beeen herre? _ thhe eend of lasst mmontth. A. IIn B. BBy C. At D. Sinnce (3)思思维定势势Not farr frrom thee cllub theere wass a garrdenn, _ oowneer sseatted in it plaayinng bb

23、riddge witth hhis chiildrren eveery aftternnoonn.whosse B. itss C. whiich D. thaatWangg liing wass ellectted _ aall he is thee talllesst. A. bbecaausee B. beccausse oof C. forr DD. aas (4)英英汉差异异Whenn wee goot tto tthe topp off thhe mmounntaiin tthe sunn waas rrisiing _ thee eaast. to B. froom C. in

24、D. at (5)曲曲折表达达Shee reeallly ssinggs pperffecttly.Yess, II haave nevver heaard _ vooicee.A. aa goood B. a bbettterC. a bbestt D. thee beestIV. 应对策策略一、增强强语境意意识,提提高语境境分析能能力题干中的的语境信信息不仅仅包括事事件的地地点,内内容和时时间;而而且常是是单词、短语或或句子。 平时可以以将高考考题改变变语境信信息进行行训练。如: Haas SSam finnishhed hiss hoomewworkk toodayy? I hhavee

25、 noo ideea. He _ it thiis mmornningg. (NMEET 220044 全国国II)A. ddid B. hass doone C. wass dooingg D. hadd doone改编为: Haas SSam finnishhed hiss hoomewworkk toodayy?Yess. HHe _ it thiis mmornningg. A. diid BB. hhas donne CC. wwas doiing D. hadd doone二、把握握命题意意图,排除句句式干扰扰单选题的的题干常常以疑问问句,被被动句, 倒装句句,强调调句等形形式出现

26、现来增加加语境和和句子结结构的复复杂性。此时可可以将不不熟悉的的疑问句句,倒装装句,被被动句,强调句句还原为为熟悉的的陈述句句,即使使用还原原法。如如:1. 将将疑问句句改成陈陈述句。 Whomm woouldd yoou rrathher havve _wwithh yoou ? AA.too goo B. go CC. ggonee DD. ggoinng还原为:Youu woouldd raatheer hhavee whhom go wiith youu. 本题测试试的知识识点是使使役动词词havve的宾宾语补足语用用动词原原形表示示将要发发生的动动作。haave sb. doo st

27、th.2.改被被动句为为主动句句。 Timee shhoulld bbe mmadee goood usee off _ouur llesssonss weell. A.leaarniingB.leaarneed C.to leaarnDD.leearnns主动句为为:Wee shhoulld mmakee goood usee off tiime to leaarn ourr leessoon wwelll.3.强调调句型还还原成简简单句式式判断一个个句子是是不是强强调句型型的最佳佳办法:去掉题题干中的的It is(wass).thhat(whoo),如如果句子子仍然成成立即表表达完整整的意

28、思思,则是是强调句句型;否否则,则则不是强强调句型型。It wwas _ thee olld cclocck tthatt thhe oold mann sppentt thhe wwholle mmornningg att hoome Areepaiir BBreppairringg Cto reppairr Din reppairr 还原为:Thee olld mman speent thee whholee moorniing reppairringg thhe oold clockk att hoome4. 感感叹句还还原为陈陈述句whhat litttlee Toom ssaidd

29、too hiis mmothher souundeed! Awwhatt reeasoonabble B Hoow aa reeasoonabble CHHow reaasonnablle DD Whhat a rreassonaableeWhatt liittlle TTom saiid tto hhis mottherr sooundded howw reeasoonabble! 很容容易发现现souund之之后应接接形容词词作表语语。 5. 固固定短语语还原Thatt wass wwe hhad in Lonndonn 3 yeaars agoo!Awoondeerfuul ttimee

30、 Ba wwondderfful timme Cwoondeerfuul Dwonnderrfullly可还原为为:Wee haad aa woondeerfuul ttimee inn Loondoon 33 yeearss aggo。可看出出该复合合句中有有一固定定搭配hhad a wwondderfful timme(玩玩得愉快快),定定语从句句中省略略了关系系代词tthatt。 6.去掉掉插入语语或从句句或分词词结构(1) He bellievves in himmsellf,_ ,in my opiinioon,is of thee moost impporttancce Athat

31、t Bwhiich Cwhaat DDAs去掉插入入语为:He bellievves in himmsellf,whiich is of thee moost impporttancce(2) He oftten staandss aggainnst thee feencee annd ttalkks eendllesssly witth mmy ffathher _ garrdeniing proobleems AAto BBtooo Caboout DDofff 去掉短语语为:HHe oofteen sstannds agaainsst tthe fennce andd taalkss a

32、bboutt gaardeeninng pprobblemms 7.补充充省略成成分 -Whaat mmadee yoou sso hhapppy ? -_. (maade me so happpy)A. BBecaausee off myy paassiing thee exxam. B. I passsed tthe exaam. CC. BBecaausee I passsedd thhe eexamm. D. Myy paassiing thee exxam.三、注意意英汉差差异,克克服思维维定势。1. TThe poppulaatioon oof CChinna iis _thhan

33、 thaat oof RRusssia. A. mucch mmoree B. mucch llargger C. manny mmoree D. manny llargger留心英汉汉表达差差异 ,平时要要多读多比较多归纳纳,尽量量避免Chhingglissh。2. HHe rran as fasst aas hhe ccoulld _ thee buus.A. ccatcch B. caatchhingg C. too caatchh DD. ccaugght该写为:He rann ass faast as he couuld (ruun) to cattch thee buus.四、注意

34、意标点符符号、连连词的使使用及句句子的平平衡结构构。1. TTom hass maany friiendds; _ caan hhelpp hiim. A. feew off whhichh B. feww off whhom C. feew oof tthatt DD. ffew of theem 2. HHe sset outt sooon aftter darrk _ hhomee ann hoour latter. A. arrrivvingg BB. tto aarriive CC. hhaviing arrriveed D. andd arrrivvedV.仿真真训练仿真训练练一-

35、 Youu haavennt bbeenn too Beiijinng, havve yyou? - _. Annd hhow I wwishh too goo thheree aggainn!Yes, I havve B. Yess, II haavennt C. NNo, I hhavee D. No, I havvent2. MMr. Smiith hass booughht aa liittlle hhousse iin tthe couuntrry, arooundd _ somme ggreeen treees.whicch iis B. it is C. wwhicch aare

36、 D. theem aare3. II caan hharddly imaaginne sso pprettty a ggirll liike youu _ bboxiing. likee B. to likke C. likkingg D. to havve llikeed4. IIf aa boook is in Engglissh, _ meaans sloow pproggresss ffor youu. A. aas B. whiich C. whaat D. thaat5. SShe lefft aand on thee taablee iss heer mmesssagee: _

37、 IIve gonne sshopppinng nnow andd wiill be bacck aat 110:330.A.thhat B. wheere C. whiich D. 6. IIf tthe weaatheer iis ffinee, wwell go. Iff _, _. not; noot B. no; noo C. nott; nno D. no; noot7. YYou shoouldd trreatt hiim (in) thhe wway _ ssuitts hhim mosst. thatt B. in whiich C. / D. whyy 8. -II caa

38、nt ffindd Mrr. MMorrris. Whheree diid yyou meeet hhim yessterrdayy ? -It wass inn thhe hhoteel _ hee sttayeed.A. wwherre B. whiich C. thaat D. thee onne9. - Exccusee mee, mmay I aask youu soome queestiions?- Soorryy, IIm ttoo bussy aand havvent ggot eveen aa miinutte tto _.A. speend B. spaare C. sha

39、are D. stoop10. Iff yoou wwantt too seee aa dooctoor, youu fiix aa daate witth hhim aheead of timme. Thaatis a ccommmon _ in thee USSA.A. sennse B. rulle CC. ppraccticce D. reaalitty11. -5000, bbut thaat iis mmy llastt offferr.-OKK, iit iis aa _.A. cosst BB. ppricce CC. rrewaard D. deaal12. Thhis bo

40、ook iis ssaidd too bee a speeciaal oone, whhichh _ maany eveentss noot ffounndin othher hisstorry bbookks.A. wriitess B. cooverrs CC. pprintss D. reeadss13. I hhavee beeen stuudyiing commputter forr seeverral yeaars andd I stiill _.A. havve BB. ddo CC. hhavee beeen D. am14. -RRemeembeer tthe firrst

41、timme wwe mmet, Jiim?-Off cooursse II doo. YYou _ in thee liibraary.A. werre rreaddingg B. haad rreadd C. havee reead D. reaad15. Ass seenioor 33 sttudeentss, iit iis tthe mosst iimpoortaant to _ aa goood staateof minnd iin ffacee off faailuure.A. keeep uup BB. kkeepp onn C. keeep outt D. keeep offf

42、 Keeys: 1-5 AACCDDD6-10 AAAA BCC 111-155 DBBDAAA仿真训练练二16. -Diid yyou vissit thee faamouus mmuseeum?-Noo. WWe _ it, buut wwe sspennt ttoo mucch ttimee shhopppingg.A. ccoulld hhavee viisitted B. musst hhavee viisittedC. cannt hhavee viisitted D. shooulddnt hhavee viisitted17. -II raang youu att abbout

43、t teen, butt thheree waas nno rreplly.-Ohh, tthatt waas pprobbablly _ I wwas seeeingg thhe ddocttor.A. wheen BB. wwhy C. whaat DD. tthatt18. -CCoulld II usse yyourrs?-Im ssorrry, it isnnt hheree. IId gget it forr yoou _ I ccoulldremmembber whoo boorroowedd itt.A. excceptt thhat B. noww thhat C. if o

44、nlly DD. eevenn thhouggh19. Stteveen hhas a lott off woork to _ inn thhe ooffiice sinnce he hass beeenawaay ffor quiite a ffew dayys.A. takke uup BB. mmakee upp C. woork outt D. caarryy ouut20. A fiffteeen- yeaar-oold girrl ccamee _ too thhe bbus stoop oonlyy _ theebuss haad ggonee.A. runnninng, to

45、finnd BB. tto rrun, to finndC. andd ruun, fouund D. runnninng, finndinng21. Thhe ttaxii haad tto _ beecauuse thee trrafffic ligght hadd tuurneed rred.A. sett upp B. shhut up C. cattch up D. pulll uup22. Iss thhis ressearrch cennterr _ we vissiteed tthe moddernn eqquippmennt llastt yeear?A. wheere B.

46、 tthatt C. thhe oone thaat DD. wwhicch23. Shhe iis wwondderiing _ too deeal witth nnextt.A. whaat BB. wwhicch CC. hhow D. whyy24. -HHavee yoou sseenn _ peen? I lleftt itt heere thiis mmornningg.-Iss itt _ blaack onee? II thhinkk I saww itt soomewwherre.A. a, thee B. thhe, the CC. tthe, a D. a, a25.

47、I keppt tthiss piictuure _ I ccan seee itt evveryy daay aas iit rremiindss mee offmy uniiverrsitty ddayss.A. in whiich B. wheere C. wheen DD. wwhettherr26. Thhe bbosss _ 330 ddolllarss frrom my sallaryy wiithoout anyy goood reaasonn.A. brooughht ddownn B. keppt bbackk C. cuut ooff D. helld uup27. -w

48、whicch oone cann I takke?-Yoou ccan takke _ of theem; Ill keeep nnonee.A. botth BB. aany C. neiitheer DD. aall28. -DDid youu giive himm thhe bbookk?-Yees. I ggavee itt too hiim _ I saww hiim.A. oncce BB. hhurrrieddly C. whhilee D. diirecctlyy29. Wee haave reaacheed tthe poiint _ a cchannge is neeededd.A. whiich B. wheen CC. tthatt D. whheree30. -MMay I ggo aand plaay wwithh Toom tthiss affterrnooon, Mumm?-Noo. YYou cannt ggo oout _ youur hhomeeworrk iis bbeinng ddonee.A. befforee B. ass C. unntill D. affterr KKeyss: 116-220 AAACBBA 221-225 DDAADDB 222-330 BBDDDDB


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