九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元语法聚焦课件_第1页
九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元语法聚焦课件_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元语法聚焦课件_第4页
九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元语法聚焦课件_第5页
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1、Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious.单元语法聚焦二语 法 点 击实 战 演 练单元语法聚焦二语 法 点 击感叹句 感叹句是表示惊讶、赞美、喜悦、愤怒等情感的句子,通常由what或how引导。常见结构:What a/an形容词可数名词的单数(主语谓语)!What形容词可数名词的复数(主语谓语)!What形容词不可数名词(主语谓语)! How形容词或副词(主语谓语)!How主语谓语! 单元语法聚焦二What a brave boy he is! 他是多么勇敢的一个男孩啊!What good weather it is! 今天的天气真好!How in

2、teresting the story is! 这个故事多么有趣啊!How fast the athlete runs! 那名运动员跑得真快啊! 单元语法聚焦二宾语从句的引导词和语序 宾语从句是名词性从句的一种,在复合句中作主句的宾语。在本单元,我们将重点讲解宾语从句的引导词和语序。1宾语从句的引导词选择宾语从句的引导词是有规律可循的,一般来讲,可分为三个类型:(1)当宾语从句是由陈述句变化而来时,该从句通常由that引导。that无具体意义,在句中不作任何成分,在口语或非正式文体中常常被省略。如:We all say. Li Ming is a good boy.We all say (th

3、at) Li Ming is a good boy. 单元语法聚焦二(2)当宾语从句由一般疑问句变化而来时,需用连词if或whether引导,译为“是否”,不可省略。如:Could you tell us? Will he come here?Could you tell us if/whether he will come here?注意:if和whether在引导宾语从句时一般可以换用,但以下三种情况只可以用whether,不可以用if。当从句中含有or连接的选择成分时。如:We didnt know whether or not she was ready.我们不知道她是否已做好准备。

4、单元语法聚焦二当从句作介词的宾语时。如:Im interested in whether he has joined the army. 我对他是否已经入伍感兴趣。当宾语从句移至句首表示强调时。 如:Whether this is true or not, Im not sure.这是否真实,我不确定。 (3)当宾语从句由特殊疑问句变化而来时,则用连接代词who, whose, whom, what, which或连接副词when, where, why, how等引导。它们在句中均充当一定成分,一般不可省略。如:Could you tell me? Where is the nearest

5、bank?Could you tell me where the nearest bank is? 单元语法聚焦二2宾语从句的语序宾语从句要用陈述语序。如:I wonder if/whether he will listen to me.我想知道他是否会听我的话。 实 战 演 练单元语法聚焦二.单项选择()1.2013广东 Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature last year. _ excellent he is! AHowBWhatCWhat a DWhat an A 解析感叹形容词excellent要用how。 单元语法聚焦二()2.201

6、3长沙 _ clever the boy is! AHow BWhatCWhat a A 单元语法聚焦二()3.2013济南 Have you heard of Zhang Lili? She was seriously hurt in an accident in order to save one of her students. _ good teacher!AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an C 解析感叹名词teacher要用what,而且teacher是可数名词的单数形式,故what a符合题意。 单元语法聚焦二()4._ wonderful concert th

7、ey are putting on in the city square! AHow BWhatCWhat a DWhat an C单元语法聚焦二()5._ hard Tony is working! Yes. We should learn from him.AWhat BHowCWhat a DHow a B 解析本题考查感叹句的结构。感叹副词hard可知要用how。 单元语法聚焦二()6.They wonder _ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not. Athat BifCwhether Dso C 解析句意为“他们想知道机器人是

8、否会使人类失去工作”。表示“是否”可以用if或whether,但结合题干中的or not可知,whether符合题意。 单元语法聚焦二()7.2013梅州 Could you tell me _ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?Aif there was going to beBif there is going to be Cwhether is there going to beDwhere there is going to have B 解析句意为“你能告诉我下周是否会举行会议吗?” if, whether引导的宾语从句要用陈述语序,先排除C;再结合n

9、ext week可知时态是将来时,排除A;D项中宾语从句的引导词是where,也可以排除。故答案为B。 单元语法聚焦二()8.2013鄂州 Could you tell me _ in your hometown in winter? Sure. Awhether does it often snowBwhether it often snowsCif it often snowDif does it snow B 解析根据宾语从句要用陈述语序的规则可知答案为B。 单元语法聚焦二.把下面两个句子合并为宾语从句,括号中所给的词是引导词1I know. He is a brave man. (th

10、at) _2Lisa wants to know. Will he come to her birthday party? (if) _3My father wonders. Will there be a parents meeting next week?(whether) _4I think. Youve got a great idea. (that) _I know that he is a brave man. Lisa wants to know if he will come to her birthday party. My father wonders whether there will be a parents meeting next week. I think that youve got a great idea. 单元语法聚焦二5She asked me. Did I pass the exam successful


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