



1、2022-2023学年江西省吉安市井冈山睦村中学高一英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The man pulled out a gold watch, _ were made of small diamonds.A the hand of whom B whom the hands of C which the hands of D the hands of which参考答案:D略2. The Silk Road became the route for trade between the East and the West. _ silk, China received wine, sp

2、ices, wool and other goods. A. In honor of B. For the benefit of C. In return for D. For lack of参考答案:C3. Have the peace talks broken down? Yes. Conflict is _ to break out between the two countries.A. likely B. possibly C. probably D. gradually参考答案:A4. The sales manager was asked he should recommend

3、to be the organizer of the next promotion plans.A. what B. Whom C. how D. when参考答案:B5. I prefer _ with a pen rather than _ on the computer, because I type so slowly.A. write; type B. write; to type C. to write; type D. to write; to type参考答案:C6. Our English teacher _ London in a few days. I wonder wh

4、en earliest plane _ on Saturday. A. leaves; takes off B. is leaving; takes off C. is leaving; is taking of D. will leave; is taking offks5u参考答案:B7. Those kids said _ they wanted to feel important and loved. A. whatB. why C. whomD. that参考答案:D8. The town _ I visited last year is named Saffron Walden.A

5、. that B. where C. whose D. what参考答案:A9. The left-wing party in the country _ in 1992, and since then both the employment and the peoples welfare have been improved greatly.A. was in powerB. is in powerC. came to powerD. came in power参考答案:C略10. _the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got

6、up very early.A. Catching B. To catch C. Caught D. Catch参考答案:B11. Recently I bought a beautiful car, _ was reasonable.A. of which price B. the price of whose C. the price of which D. which price参考答案:C12. In China, _ number of people are studying English, and _ number is growing year by year. A. the;

7、 theB. a; aC. the; aD. a; the参考答案:D13. All the students dont like maths.means A. None of the students like maths. B. Not all the students like maths.C. Only a few students like maths. D. All the students like maths.参考答案:B40. In order to make our city green, _. A. we must plant more trees B. our city

8、 needs more trees C. many more trees need to be planted D. it is necessary to plant more trees参考答案:A略15. She doesnt like the way _ you speak to her.A. where B. in that C. how D. in which参考答案:D二、 填空16. 用所给动词的正确形式填空(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)注意:每个空格词数不限。1. You had better get a doctor _ (pull out) your bad tooth

9、.2. It is the first time that he _(meet) the singer . 3. Look, on the wall _(hang) two beautiful pictures . 4. The school life he was used to _(change) a lot since ten years ago . 5. The trees were cut down and that resulted in the city _(bury) by sand . 6. The old man urged that all the food _(buy)

10、 the next day .7. The signs _ (indicate) the directions have been put up.8. The experiment is being carried out, and it remains _ (see) whether you are right or wrong about the results.参考答案:1. to pull out 2. has met 3.hang 4.has changed 5.being buried 6.(should) be bought 7. indicating 8.to be seen三

11、、 阅读理解17. On Saturday my Catalan friend invited me to come along to a Calotada. Being from the UK, I had no idea what this would need, but he promised me it was a fun Catalan(卡塔兰)tradition, and so I agreed to go. I wasnt disappointed!First, we took a train out to a small town near Tarragona, about a

12、n hour away from Barcelona centre. I was already amazed by how different everything looked from the city as the train rushed thought small towns, all sitting on the coastline.When we arrived, we were greeted by the sight of a small wind instrument band and about a dozen people dancing in a circle. W

13、hile my friend later told me that it is a traditional Catalan dance called La Sardana, at the time I was totally confused at what I was seeing! It seemed so strange but yet so lovely that they were doing this dance completely for themselves.Once we had been fully entertained by the dancers, we final

14、ly went inside for the Calatada and it was soon revealed to me what it actually was. We sat down at the table and a huge plate of leeks(大葱)was placed in front of us. It was explained to us that you have to peel the leeks with your fingers, dip them in a (delicious!) sauce and eat them. This sounds e

15、asier than it was.My friend had been right in the end, it had been an extremely fun day and it felt great to get involved in a local tradition of a place I am temporarily calling home. It really inspired me to learn more about the Catalan culture, although hopefully next time it will be something le

16、ss messy!8. What made the author accept his friends invitation?A. To experience a different traditionB. To get a further knowledge of his friendC. To free himself from the pressure of studiesD. To make a record of Catalan traditions9. How did they go to a small town near Tarragona?A. By taxi B. By t

17、rain C. By water D. By bike10. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A. The author was tired of eating leeksB. They participated in the local dancersC. The author doesnt think the Catalan culture is perfectD. The author had a thorough research on Italian traditions11. What is the best title

18、 for the passage?A. Traveling with a Friend AbroadB. A Special Dish Astonished MeC. A Days Journey Changed MeD. Taking Part in Traditions参考答案:8. A 9. B 10. C 11. D文章讲述了作者在朋友的邀请下参加了一次特殊的卡塔 兰传统。在那儿看见了快乐的舞者,吃到了特殊的菜肴。虽然不完美但却是非常有趣的一天。8. 推理判断题。从第一段“Being from the UK, I had no idea what this would need, but he promised me it was a fun Catalan(卡塔兰)tradition, and so I agreed to go.”可知朋友承诺我这是一个有趣的卡塔 兰传统。因此我就答应去了。从句意可知A符合。9. 细节理解题。第二段第一


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