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1、初中英语教材、教学的特点:语言操练课中的模仿、重复、运用内容提要初一英语教学案例分析:Topic 2, Unit 8 (Section B/ C/ D) The summer holidays are coming? (观察点:语言操练课中的各种活动及相互关系)2. 初中英语操练中学生的模仿、重复和运用新课程标准下的初中英语新教材: Project English,Go for it初中英语教材与教法的特点教学目标 Teaching objectives1. 学习、操练和运用相关的重点词汇 expensive, camera 等2. 学习、操练和运用相关句型, e.g., What would

2、 you like to know? Whats the best time to go there? You should visit / You should not miss 来拟定和谈论假日旅游计划 ( Learn to talk about travel plans with what people need to know before travel); 3. 通过以听、说、读为主的课堂学习活动鼓励学生用英语表 达个人对假日旅游计划不同的看法,为课后写做好准备; 4. 通过交谈假日旅游计划和小组合作,增进同学之间的了解、 友谊,培养其团队精神,学习交流的基本技巧。如询问。 教学过程

3、 Teaching Procedure任务前 (Pre-task Phase)Revision (Janes travel plan and the words & phrases in relation to travel: camera, MP4, tent, umbrella etc. )任务中(Task Phase)Task 1 (Talk about where Jane plans to go / what Jane should take with / what Jane needs to know / to prepare etc.) ( 任务前、任务中、任务后)Task 2

4、(Group work on travel plan according to Janes and then report) ( 任务前、任务中、任务后)任务后(Post-task Phase)Summary (Summarize what Ss have learn about travel plan) Homework (Write a personal travel plan in light of group work) 语言操练过程中的活动1. Warming-up or leading-in2. (Task introduction)3. Presentation4. Practi

5、ce 5. Task implementation 6. Checking 7. Summary 8. Homework呈现操练尝试检测、再操练总结复习语言学习活动的内涵与关系呈现 操练 尝试 总结 操练活动序号活动名称教师行为学生行为思维特点1呈现活动呈现模仿注意2操练活动操练重复记忆3尝试活动设计任务运用建构4总结活动归纳、检测讲解、操练自测反思 基于主题的单元计划 (Project English)The outline plan of lessons within a unit Section A/ B (2 Periods: to learn & practice the basic

6、 target-language)Section C/ D (2 periods: to learn, practice & use the integrated target-language items for recycling & consolidating)Grammar focus & Self-check (1-2 periods: the summary of the target language through tasks, assessment, summary & reflection)Section A (2 Periods ) Practice lessons fo

7、r the basic language itemsSection B (2 periods) Practice lessons for the integrated language in recycling & consolidating tasksGrammar focus & Self-check (2 periods) Revision lessons for the summary of the target language through tasks, assessment, summary & reflection 基于主题的单元计划 (Go for it!)初中英语新教材的

8、特点 1. Motivating learning by clear topics & goals;2. Variety of tasks/ activities for Ss form-focused practice;3. “Grammar focus” provides Ss with a clear picture of how language rules work; 4. Real-life like interactive activities for Ss to apply the new language items in a collaborative way; 5. Re

9、cycling activities help Ss integrate the new language items with the learnt ones in earlier units; 6. Self-check helps Ss monitor their own learning.认识英语教材 教材并非“教”的材料(the materials to teach),而是学生在学习和运用英语时可以利用的必要资源(the resource Ss need when they learn and use the language). 除“课本”(textbook)外,教材还应包括由教师

10、选择或创造的其他材料, 如其他录音、录像材料、相关报纸、杂志、生活材料、特别是学生自己产生的材料。 因此,英语教师对教材的选择、开发和利用就是教师课程开发最重要的组成部分。教材的整合及其基本手段Omission (删节)Addition (加选)Reduction (减少)Extension (扩充)Re-writing/ modification (重写/修改)Re-ordering (重组)Branching (分组) -See Maley (1998)初中英语教学的特点一、以学生外语学习兴趣与方法的发展为目标, 强调其语言基础知识和技能的学习。 二、以语音、词汇与语法操练为主的听、说、 读、写活动,强调语言套用、循环性运用。四、以目标明确的任务来提高学生学习与运用 外语的动机和兴趣。五、以交流与合作来培养学生自主学习的习惯、 与能力。高中英语教学的特点一、以学生语言策略的发展为目


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