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1、第 页2021云南大学英语考试模拟卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Mary _ in the garden when it began to rain.Awas walkingBwalkedCwalkingDhad walked 2.It is necessary that we _ have a good command of English at col- lege.AmustBhave toCshouldDought to 3.If a better material

2、_, the strength of the part would have been in- creased.Ahad been usedBhad been usingCbeing usedDusing 4.When the mixture _, it will give off a powerful force.Awill heatBwill be heatedCis heatedDhas heated 5.English _ in a new way at my college in the past few years.Ahas been teachingBwas being taug

3、htChas been taughtDhad been taught 6.I didnt mind their coming late to the lecture, but I objected their making so much noise.Adidnt mindBlateCobjectedDso much noise 7.Everyone who takes the examination will receive their score report in six weeks.AwhoBtakesCtheirDin six weeks 8.On her way to the su

4、permarket yesterday morning Mary met an old friend and stopped talking with him for quite a while.AOn her wayBmetCstopped talkingDwhile 9.It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.AIt isBextremelyCforDto know to use a 10.Sarah said she heard someone in the classroom, but wh

5、en we looked we didnt find someone.Ashe heardBsomeoneCwe didntDfind someone 11.If you will buy one box at the regular price, you would receive another one at no extra cost.AIfBwill buyCanother oneDno 12.I didnt enjoy him singing so softly, though I generally enjoy quiet songs.AhimBsoCthoughDgenerall

6、y 13.Paula doesnt want to attend the meeting and Sheila doesnt too.Adoesnt wantBattendCandDtoo 14.Yellowstone National Park is one of the older parks in the U.S. It was established by Congress in 1872.Aone ofBolderCestablishedDby Congress 15.The examiner did not know whether to report the student ch

7、eating or warning him first.AcheatingBorCwarningDhim 16.Online courses keep learners very _.AhappyBbusyCsatisfiedDfree to do many things 17.There are advantages and disadvantages of online distance learning. One advantage is _.Ait is easy to doBit is cheaper than face-to-face learningCit is convenie

8、ntDit is satisfying 18.Sometimes online distance learning can be a problem because _.Ait is not as interesting as face-to-face learningBthe learners only have the written textCsome students dont know how to organize their timeDsome learners dont need face-to-face cues 19.What is online distance lear

9、ningAAll interaction between teachers and students is accomplished online through an Internet or intranet connection.BLearning at home.CA system of learning on your own by writing letters.DA learning system for college and university students. 20.The possessive pronoun their in the last paragraph is

10、 used in place of _.Ainternational agenciesBhigher taxesCfinance ministers and state treasurers around the worldDsmokers 21.It can be inferred from the passage that _.Atobacco lobbyists has a rather strong influence on domestic politicsBthe health ministries of poorer countries dont want to control

11、tobacco useCtobacco industry brings more harm than good to the poorer countriesDeach country should be free to decide if the promotion of smoking should be stopped 22.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT trueAIn rich countries people are becoming more aware of the healt

12、h risks of cigarettes and smokers are starting to quit.BMore than half of the smokers in the world are in Asia.CMore and more people in poorer countries are getting into the habit of smoking.DDespite years cigarette advertising restrictions in rich countries, cigarette sales worldwide are ever incre

13、asing. 23.In poorer countries, measures to restrict cigarette advertising meet fierce opposition from _.Athe World BankBmovie industryCteenagersDthose sectors sponsored by tobacco 24.Ten South-East Asian countries agreed to support the WHOs call for a global advertising ban because _.Athey are afrai

14、d that health-care costs will rise greatly due to smoking-related diseasesBthey are worried that there is no cure for lung-cancer and emphysemaCthey are worried that too much money will be spent on advertisingDthey are afraid that children may take up the habit of smoking when they are too young 25.

15、Some students cant attend ground classes because they _.Aare too lazyBdont have the money to studyCmay not be able to attend classes for military reasonsDare sick or too busy 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.Will Fast Food Replace Traditional Food In the first part of your writing you should pre

16、sent your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to

17、follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 2.水无处不在; 2水对我们生活的重要性; 3必须采取有效措施制止水污染。 Water 3.是的,北平是个都城,而能有好多自己产生的花,菜、水果,这就使人更接近了自然。从它里面说,它没有像伦敦的那些成天冒烟的工厂;从外面说,它紧连着园林、菜圃与农村。采菊东篱下,在这里,确是可以悠然见南山的;大概把“南”字变个“西”或“北”,也没有多少了不得的吧。像我这样的一个贫寒的人,或者只有在北平能

18、享受一点清福了。好,不再说了吧;要落泪了,真想念北平呀! 4. The majority of countries in the world spend large amounts of money developing weapons to defend themselves though they are not at war. Some people propose that the money should be used to help the poor and disadvantaged people in these countries. Write an essay of ab

19、out 400 words on the topic given below. MORE WEAPONS OR BETFER LIVES In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natur

20、al conclusion-or a summary. Marks will be awarded .for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 5.废弃的电子产品越来越多; 2如何正确处理这些电子产品。 Electronic Waste 6.有人认为流行音乐不能登大雅之堂。2. 有人认为音乐无高低贵贱之

21、分,只有兴趣上的差别。3. 我认为 My Idea of Pop music 7.Cartoon Company是一家很有名的动画制作公司,总部设在重庆,在全国有10余家分公司,现在我公司要招聘英语口译一名。 条件如下: 1中国公民:年龄28-40岁 2英语专业大专以上学历 3优秀的英语听说和写作能力。 4熟练的计算机操作能力。 5良好的社交能力 有意者请打电话与王小姐联系 Words for reference: 中国公民:Chinese citizen 英语口译:English interpreter 大专文凭:college diploma 社交能力:soci

22、al ability 8.大学里有各种各样的俱乐部和社团 2俱乐部和社团应该发挥什么样的作用 3. 我的看法 9.不可否认的是,在城市飞速发展的今天,人们的城市生活也越来越面临一系列挑战:高密度的城市生活模式不免引发空间冲突、文化摩擦、资源短缺和环境污染。如果不加控制,城市的无序发展会加剧这问题,最终侵蚀城市的活力、影响城市生活的质量。 联合国人居组织1996年发布的伊斯坦布尔宣言强调:“我们的城市必须成为人类能够过上有尊严、健康、安全、幸福和充满希望的美满生活的地方”。而城市面临的种种挑战的发端,不论是拥挤、污染、犯罪还是冲突,根源都在于城市化进程中人与自然、人与人精神与物质之间各种关系的失

23、谐,长期的失谐,必然导致城市生活质量的倒退乃至文明的倒退。 为此,2010年上海世博会将以“和谐城市”的理念来回应对“城市,让生活更美好”的诉求。 10.There is no denying that waste is a common phenomenon on campus nowadays. As a developing country and a nation with so long a history, our young people should realize the serious realities of our natural materials and econo

24、mical resources. You are to write a 400-word composition to discuss this issue. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written

25、 to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 11.1. 有人认为财富比健康重要:2也有人认为健康比财富重要;3我的观点是_。 12.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition

26、on how to reduce stress. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1、现代社会人们的压力与日俱增;2、压力产生的原因;3、减少压力的办法。 13.根据“十五”期间的形势和任务,纲要提出今后五年经济和社会发展的主要目标是:国民经济保持较快发展速度,经济结构战略性调整取得明显成效,经济增长质量和效益显著提高,为到2010年国内生产总值比2000年翻一番奠定坚实基础。国有企业建立现代企业制度取得重大进展,社会保障制度比较健全,社会主义市场经济体制逐步完善,

27、对外开放和国际合作进一步开展;就业渠道拓宽,城乡居民收入持续增加,物质文化生活有较大改善,生态建设和环境保护得到加强;科技、教育加快发展,国民素质进一步提高,精神文明建设和民主法制建设取得明显进展。 14.Students have many resources on campus ,TV set is one of them. But many resources are misused or not fully used. Take TV set for example, because it is in the campus center, it has always caused co

28、ngestion and wasting studentstime. Write a proposal to the director of the campus on this problem. In the first part of your letter you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring wha

29、t you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 15.说明:假如你是李明(中国籍),去云南旅游。于2008年8月8日入住香格里拉宾馆4602

30、房间,8月18日离开。临走时被邀请填写一份问卷调查表。内容如下: 1对宾馆的总体管理和服务感到满意; 2美中不足是因宾馆地处山间,交通不便,周围的商业购物中心较少,建议宾馆能提供免费班车接送客人来往商业区和宾馆之间,或能和租车公司联系,为客人提供租车服务。 Words for reference: 购物中心shopping center;班车shuttle bus; QUESTIONNAIRE TO improve the quality of our service,We would be grateful if youd complete the following questionnai

31、re Name: Nationality: Room number: . Check-in Date: Check-out Date: . Did you receive Warm welcome and polite service when you arrived _ Are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel _ How do you think of our health facilities _ Please give your impression of our restaurant service. _ Have yo

32、u any other suggestions to help us make your stay more enjoyable _ Shangri-La Hotel General Manager 16.运用幽默的至高技艺要求我们保持冷静的头脑,临场应变,从容镇定,不慌不忙。如此才能妙语惊人,产生具有生命力的幽默。事事都求自然,幽默也是如此。有准备的幽默当然能应付一些场合,但难免有人工斧凿之嫌临场发挥的幽默才更为技巧,更见风致。临场发挥是一种技巧,更是一种智慧,它需要冷静和睿智。在各种晚会、文艺演出中,许多主持人和演员临场应变、妙语惊人,给晚会的欢乐气氛推波助澜,也赢得了观众的掌声和喜爱。

33、17.College students Should (Not) Take Part-time Jobs In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or

34、 a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 18.谁知就在他准备启程前往美国之前,他遭到一个突然的打击。她用从未用过的语气给他写了一封信。信中她以一种简略的、办理事务式的态度通知他,说自己的财产正处于全面崩溃的边缘,因而从此以后她无法再供

35、给他任何款项了,她还告诉他,他们之间的亲密关系必须结束了信中的语气使他大吃一惊这个打击使他心烦意乱。“她对你和你的音乐感到厌烦了,”一个声音不断地跟他这样说,“现在作为她的雇佣人员你已尽了你的职责,她要摆脱你了”但他仍抱着一线希望但它没有来。他登上开往美国的轮船,到达纽约时受到喧闹的欢迎。他在新世界成了偶像。阔佬、教育家、新闻记者、马车夫所有的人都卑躬屈膝地拜倒在地。但这些都是空虚的光荣。他愿将所有这一切换言之得心上人的只言片语。在那几个月中他衰老得十分快。记者们写道,他是“一个外表颇为有趣、约莫六十岁的老人”,而实际上他那时才五十岁。对美国人这种奉承他感到腻味透了,他匆匆赶回莫斯科。 19.

36、1. 留守儿童的现象在农村非常普遍2. 这种现象带来的弊端3. 我诊断该如何时处理这些问题 20.运用幽默的至高技艺要求我们保持冷静的头脑,临场应变,从容镇定,不慌不忙。如此才能妙语惊人,产生具有生命力的幽默。事事都求自然,幽默也是如此。有准备的幽默当然能应付一些场合,但难免有人工斧凿之嫌;临场发挥的幽默才更为技巧,更见风致。临场发挥是一种技巧,更是一种智慧,它需要冷静和睿智。在各种晚会、文艺演出中,许多主持人和演员临场应变、妙语惊人,给晚会的欢乐气氛推波助澜,也赢得了观众的掌声和喜爱。 21.1. 有人认为大学应提倡同学间竞争; 2. 也有人认为学生应在大学里学会合作; 3. 你的看法。 To Compete, or to Cooperate 22.谁能否认海


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