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1、研究生英语综合教程Integrated Course for GraduatesUnit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart I Suggested Teaching PlanObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. understand the cultural background related to the content.2. grasp the main idea of the text.3. master the key language points, especially the usage of the key w

2、ords and phrases, and learn how to use them in contexts.4. express themselves more freely on the theme of Animals and Plants after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking activities.5. Study “Writing Skills: Expository Essays (1)” carefully and then write an expository essay.Uni

3、t 8 Entertainment and TravelPart I Suggested Teaching PlanUnit 1 Animals and PlantsTime Allotment1st period2nd period3rd period4th period5th periodStep 1Warming upStep 2Global analysis of Text AStep 3Language/culture study and practiceStep 3Language/culture study and practiceCheck on homeworkStep 4D

4、iscussion based on the video clipFurther reading: Text BStep 5Study the writing skills and write an essayUnit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and PlantsActivities Language Study 1.emphasis n.强调,突出Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in h

5、is paintings.格兰特在他的绘画中特别注重天气。2.tag n.标签;口头禅,称号1) Staff are required to wear name tags.工作人员都要佩戴姓名牌。2) In Britain, jazz is losing its elitist tag and gaining a much broader audience.在英国,爵士乐不再是精英人物的专利,它正吸引着越来越多的听众Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 An

6、imals and Plants3.get at 得到;弄清楚1) A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.一只山羊后腿撑地,搭着树站立起来,试图去够叶子。2) We want to get at the truth. Who killed him? And why?我们想查明真相。是谁杀了他?为什么?Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Uni

7、t 1 Animals and Plants4.conjure up 祈求,召唤;使想起1)The woman practising witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead.那个女巫说她能用魔法召唤亡灵。2)When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非

8、凡人物形象。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants5.courtly a.谦和而有威严的Monseigneur received him in a courtly manner, but they did not shake hands.侯爵有礼貌地接待了他, 但两人并未握手。6.stave off 推迟,避开In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, he reluctantl

9、y promised wholesale reform of the constitution.为了竭力避免败局,他勉强答应要对宪法进行大规模修改。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants7.pay for 赔偿,为付钱1) Lets get down to the nitty-gritty . Whos going to pay for the renovations?咱们来说点实际的吧, 谁来付维修费? 2) They

10、made him pay for his offence by giving him the sack.他们解雇了他,从而使他因自己的过错而受到了惩罚。8.miss out 1) Well, Im glad you could make it. I didnt want you to miss out.嗯,很高兴你赶来了,我可不希望你错过机会。2)There should be an apostrophe here, and look, youve missed out the word men altogether!这里应该有一个撇号,还有你看,你把men这个单词整个儿漏掉了。Unit 8

11、Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants9.a mass of 一群,一堆On his desk isamassofbooks and papers. 他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。a great deal/ number/ amount of,a mass of,plenty of的用法a great deal of和 amount of接不可数;a number of后接可数;a mass of,plenty of既可以接可数也可以接

12、不可数。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants10.a stream of 一连串的A stream of people was going into the cinema.一股人流走进影院。11.end up with 以结束You prescribe brandy for them, and Ill end up with a wardroom of closet drunks.你替他们开白兰地的方子,结果我的军官室里

13、岂不都挤满了醉鬼了吗? Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants12. in terms of 按照, 从而言1) Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail.有些大学课程按及格或不及格评分。2) The differences in the childrens achievements were not wholly explica

14、ble in terms of their social backgrounds.那些孩子成绩方面的差异不能完全从社会背景来解释。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and PlantsKey to the Exercises of Text A. Reading Comprehension 1 There is no precise definition of entertainment. It is an idea, a guiding

15、 principle in the making and receiving of the arts and media with both historical and cultural specific. 2 They are specifically tied to religious and utilitarian purposes, placating the gods or conjuring up rain.3 The pageants and amusements of medieval Europe were part of the whole pattern of soci

16、al life and built right into the organization of the calendar, governed by the Church and tied to seasonal-hence, economic-festivals.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants4 Modern entertainment is not simply a way of staving off day

17、s of boredom for a leisured class or is it simply an adjunct to social intercourse.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants5 Entertainment is also a part of leisure. Leisure and entertainment are separate from and in opposition to wor

18、k and domestic cares. In a functional analysis, leisure can be seen either as a way of compensating for the dreariness of work.Entertainment is a specific aspect of this leisure. It is provided and it is paid for, and in this it is unlike talking, hobbies and games. It derives in its characteristics

19、 formthe string of short items with or without linkman, the popular and vulgar reference, and open sentimentalityfrom the development in the pubs and clubs patronized by the urban working class.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants

20、6 They are operetta, musical comedy and parlor songs7 Tom Sloan attempted to express that Entertainment provided by the television has served as an escape from the horrors of everyday life for a great mass of people. 8 No, we can not. Entertainment is something more than that.9 We can find some leis

21、ure and entertainment to relieve ourselves.10 Television has brought us light entertainment. At the same time, it is educational and informative. Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and PlantsII. Vocabulary1.drive 2. Intensive3. dispersive

22、4. Sitcoms5. studios6. Declined7. flexible 8. Dominant9. professionals 10. ensureUnit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and PlantsIII. Translation (E-C)技术的进步和政府放松管制促进了国际媒体市场的快速增长和娱乐业的全球化。作为经济的另一个方面,这一过程的特点就是集中和国际化。主要的大公司通过投资和兼并各种与娱乐业有关的产业来寻求多元

23、化发展这已经在过去几年大公司的兼并和收购中得到证实。德国的贝塔斯曼公司,世界上最大的出版商,通过收购了RCA唱片公司而培育出自己的快速成长的音乐和娱乐产业。维亚康姆公司作为主要的电视节目生产商,兼并了家庭影音巨头blockbuster, 接着又收购了电影生产商和主题公园的拥有者派拉蒙公司。而最主要的主题公园运营商,华特迪士尼公司早就通过收购ABC网络成为主要的电视和电影生产商。时代华纳公司早已经高度多元化,兼并了领先的国际新闻公司特纳广播公司。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Class

24、room Unit 1 Animals and PlantsIV. Translation (C-E)The entertainment industry enjoys a long history. Most of the entertainment activities appeared before the invention of television, like sports competitions, musical performances and gambling games. The advent of television gives rise to certain amo

25、unt of entertainment activities, such as MTV, television dramas and entertainment programs. Moreover, most of entertainment activities have had great success since they were televised, although initially such entertainment activities were marked by their independence on television industry, yet the

26、truth reveals that television will bring them more audience and much considerable profits.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom V. DiscussionScript of the video clipStanford drama and danceMichael Ramseur:I am Michael Ramseur, professor of drama, lighting d

27、esigner here and production manager. I have probably one of the longest histories with the drama department. Ive been teaching here for over 35 years now and have witnessed a lot of the change that gone on with the drama department. Stanford has always been proud that it has a strong liberal arts pr

28、ogram. Its a place that students can go to study the various aspects of drama and be able to excel in a liberal arts environment.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Ashley Denae Hannah:Because the dance department is situated in Stanford University which

29、is a research university I have been really able to navigate the artist scholar path, both do it and read about it and write about it and I find that a really valuable ways of learning.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Mark Pigott:For me the theatre exp

30、erience was fabulous. People always ask me well you have an engineering degree and business degree and a theatre degree, what does that mean?are you going to design sets? And I said you know I am a type of guy who really enjoys using the left and right side of my brain and I have found that the thea

31、tre experience was the most fascinating, fun, frustrating and rewarding time of my life.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Michael Ramseur:I came in the early 1970s during the MFA program;Stanford had one of the strong Master of Fine Arts program, profes

32、sionally oriented programs in theatre on the West coast. Following that doctor Charles Lyons came on board, was hired with this idea on what a graduate program in drama should be, a PHD program that combined critical theory and directing practice. Once the MFA went away in favor of this new style PH

33、D program there was a large growth in the undergraduate population.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Dr Susan Cashion, Dance division senior lecturer:The biggest change comes in the 70s right after I got here. Everything was European American Western cu

34、lture sort of dance. The name of the began to be diversity so this was the birth of the ”Ballet folkloric de Stanford” which is a performance of Mexican dance. The next one was Kumba, African American dance, we added Jazz and ballet and all forms of world dance, I means as many as we could afford si

35、nce weve been able to come on board with drama. I personally feel that finally I have colleagues in a whole department that I can relate to and were back in all the center of academia with the drama department and it feels right.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and

36、Classroom Michael Ramseur:The best thing that has happened in the last few years has been robe committed to drama and dance. It provides a venue for students and faculty from both areas to get together, see each other, exchange ideas.Jeunee Simon:Its basically a small family because you see these pe

37、ople and you grow with these people. One of the projects that we did, Top Girls, and it was basically all the senior women and it was just great to bounce ideas off of each other and worked on that text for 2 and half months so it was great to really commit to something and go the distance with that

38、.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Chris Ryan:Its an incredible bonding experience and its like you totally go through withdrawal when a shows over you know and I walk around campus and I look at all these other students and I m like what so they do wit

39、h their week nights?I look forward to rehearsal and I enjoy that, its the highlight of my day;its like what I m sort of getting ready for all day.Anastasia Nevin:I dont know, this studio is just very special place for me, its completely outside of anything else I do and its sort of this safe haven t

40、hat I can come to and really enjoy my time so its a very positive place for me.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Dr Susan Cashion:Theres so much enthusiasm about dance. When Richard Powers came he really expanded the imagination of so many students in t

41、erms of social dance and a lot of the groups broke off from that. The students had to make up their own groups and keep it going.Monica Shen Knotts:Actually Ryan and I both started dancing at Stanford, met each other in Rovely dance studio and now many years later were married with our own dance tro

42、op.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Ryan Knotts:We have continued to dance, perform and teach, weve come back for the alumni dance performances for a number of years, weve performed at the summer dance weeks. Monica Shen Knotts:We love to perform at St

43、anford, the audiences are always so warm and they give us great applause and its just a very supportive place to be so we really love coming back.Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Key to the Exercises of Text BReading Comprehension1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.

44、F 7.T 8. F 9.T 10. TII. Use of English (omitted)Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Text A参考译文仅仅是娱乐娱乐在制作和接收艺术和媒体的过程中是一个指导性原则。娱乐是一个理念,在历史上和文化上都非常具体的一个理念。然而快乐总是被有目的的在人工制造和表演当中获取,娱乐的理念和快乐相区别首要的就是强调的重点不同,娱乐在快乐之前,甚至直接代替实用的、神圣的、教育的或者是政治的目的和功能。Unit 8 Entertainme

45、nt and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 娱乐、演艺和杂耍不仅仅是人们平常所认为的术语。事实上,它们通常是一个对话的结尾: “不管怎样,我还是喜欢它。它是不错的娱乐节目”,当你在文化圈里试图捍卫性的赞扬一个不入时的电影时,通常会这样说到;或者是它被标为一个喜剧性的陈词滥调,用在故事情节关键点的后台音乐中:“那就是演艺业!” 无需多说了:我们都明白娱乐的概念是什么。确切的说,因为它是一个最终的或者是绝对的概念,所以很难对它下定义。仅仅通过举例子你并不能理解它。由Dietz 和 Schwartz创作的歌曲 “那就是

46、娱乐”名副其实的,同时也简明扼要的表明什么是娱乐,而没有任何明显的抵触意味。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 首先,娱乐不仅仅是一种发现它在所有的时代和所有的社会里能描述事情的方式。例如,在氏族社会歌曲和舞蹈与特定的宗教和实用目的相联系,告慰上帝或者祈雨。在中世纪的欧洲,露天盛会和娱乐项目是整个社会生活的一部分,被写进了日历,由教会管理,与季节性的经济盛会联系在一起。在氏族社会,歌曲和舞蹈寻求对人们的生活产生影响,在中世纪人们就以一种系统的有组织的方式来庆祝。当然,我

47、们的娱乐或许能完成这两个使命,但它不再是以一个连贯的方式与严肃的形而上学或者庆祝仪式相联系。相反,它不同于在上流社会里娱乐形式的发展和变化。现代娱乐不仅仅是一种打发无聊日子的方式,也不仅仅是一种社交活动的辅助方式。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 娱乐也是休闲的一部分。这是个非常现代的理念,也是被从否定角度定义的。休闲和娱乐是与工作和家务琐事想分离的,也是相对立的。从功能方面来分析, 休闲可以被看成是对单调乏味的工作的一种补偿方式,或者是作为对工业劳动的一种被动的参与

48、。但事实上,休闲方式的丰富性和多样性表明,休闲也应该被看做是这个整日充满单调乏味工作的世界上有意义的一种创造。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 娱乐是这种休闲的一个具体方面。它被提供也需要付费,在这种意义上,它不同于聊天、爱好和游戏。这源于其自身特征:娱乐是一种短期行为,有无组织者均可,流行和低俗均可,乐观开朗抑或多愁善感均可,总之,是城市工人阶层的光顾支撑了城市酒吧和俱乐部里娱乐业的发展。当然,资产阶级娱乐历来是这样的形式轻歌剧,音乐喜剧,客厅音乐,但这仅仅是对其形

49、式的美化,并不能主宰它。以这种方式细细观察历史可以发现会错过种种细微的差别,但它确实有助于我们把握“娱乐”这个当代广义概念的特殊性。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 如果现在我们浏览一下BBC和英国独立电视台(ITV,Independent Television)发表的一些官方声明,我们就可以观察到这一概念体现着这些公司的意图,不仅仅是实际上它们所想或所说的那样,而是包含在他们必须对公众进行解释的一系列内容之中。Unit 8 Entertainment and Tra

50、velPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 先来看看汤姆斯隆(Tom Sloan)在BBC的午餐讲座上试图给轻娱乐下的定义:我们有戏剧,有专题片,有艺术专题片,有一般专题片,有纪录片,有脱口秀,有时事节目,仅列举这些。但我相信,很多人想把电视机当做逃避现实的一种工具,时至今日依然如此。我记得在1961年一个阴雨的星期天,我开车去利物浦看一个新组建的乐队为歌迷举办的一场演唱会,这个乐队叫披头士,我们转播了这场演唱会。平生我第一次看到英格兰北部的工业化场景,成排的有露台的房屋,面向铺有鹅卵石的道路,感受着细腻的小雨,这所有的一切已把人征

51、服。在每家的屋顶,都有一个电视天线,触角探向可逃离的另一个世界。天哪,为什么不可以这样?因此,我的工作就是组织一系列节目使他们感到愉快和放松,换句话说,就是为了娱乐。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 像往常一样,我们会以“为了娱乐”来结束所解释的这一切,但在此之前,我们也需要注意到艺术和信息与娱乐的细微差别,以及在逃离可怕的现实生活方面的差别。同时我们也应该注意到为广大公众提供娱乐的人所做出的贡献。如果我们从娱乐提供者的角度来看,我们就会问这样的问题,你如何让人们逃离

52、可憎的日常生活呢?是什么可以强大到让这种逃离持续一段时间?你如何将一丝光芒带进黑暗?还有,你怎么才能站到他们这一边,而不是将他们与艺术或教育隔离?这是对大众娱乐的负责任的一种特殊的反思,必须对我们所做出的审美视角有所影响。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Text B参考译文犹他州的品牌:战后美国西部的工业旅游在1957年,当时旅游业还不普及,爱德华艾比(Edward Abbey)在犹他州(Utah)摩崖地区(Moab)附近的拱门国家纪念碑(Arches Nation

53、al Monument)开始了持续两年的“夏日服务”。几年以后,他又返回该地,做了第三次“夏日服务”,旅游模式的急剧变化促使他写出了众所周知的环境宣言:沙漠独居者。“工业旅游已经到来,”他宣称到,“曾经一些富有冒险精神的人周末到此露营,待上一到两个晚上,体验这种原始和自然的清新,远离城市的喧闹,你会发现整个的春季和夏季,众多巴洛克式汽车鱼贯出入此地。”艾比称这些开车来的游客为“机械化游客”,认为他们是“工业旅游的消费者和初始发展的来源,也是工业旅游的受害者。”Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts a

54、nd Classroom 艾比为工业旅游贴的标签在二战以后的美国西部已被证明是对旅行的一个恰当的比喻。工业旅游暗示着旅游营销开始作为一种商品向大众消费出售。但是艾比忽视了一个在推动西部地区工业旅游发展方面的重要角色:州政府。西部地区的政府官员在促进旅游业发展方面发挥了一个直到现在仍被忽视,但却非常重要的角色。为了成功地吸引游客,每个州都创建一个不同于其他州的自有品牌或可识别的标志。而且,国家旅游局向美国汽车协会等旅游推广机构提供旅游宣传材料,在随后的旅游热潮中每个州都建立了自身的旅游特色。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study

55、 of the Texts and Classroom 像其它西部的州一样,犹他州的旅游业之所以能成为一个优秀的案例是因为旅游业已经成为其经济发展的重要组成部分,并成为整个西部地区发展的重要驱动力。犹他州主办2002年冬季奥运会,州政府成功的打造了一个吸引各方游客的形象。拥有独特的摩门教的历史和文化是犹他州区别于其它西部各州的主要不同的地方,但其充分借助自身特色却为其它拥有自身独特历史文化的州发展特色旅游和品牌旅游提供了经验。打造旅游品牌是犹他州旅游业发展的重要战略,它成功帮助犹他州旅游业完成由落后闭塞向全球旅游角色的转变。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart

56、 II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 在战后一段时期,犹他州的旅游业取代日渐衰退的战时产业,弥补了制造业、矿业等西部殖民经济主要产业的普遍衰退。旅游业是诱人的,因为它是一个非消耗性产业,拥有可以从外部地区赚取旅游收入的优势。这些收入不仅为旅游从业者带来收益,也可增加政府税收。正如历史学家阿瑟 R戈麦斯(Arthur R. Gomez)所指出的,发展旅游使落基山地区抓住了未来经济发展的关键,改变了殖民经济发展的模式。在落基山地区,旅游支出在1960年至1965年增加了30 ,掀起了旅游热潮,重塑了西部山区经济、文化和环境。政府在战后初期促进旅

57、游业发展释放出强大的力量,西部地区的大城市焕然一新,发展内陆旅游,创造了该地区由制造业向服务业转变的繁荣。理解这些温文尔雅的政府官员如何利用公共资金来推动他们的工业旅游的愿景是了解二十世纪西部地区变化轨迹的关键。Unit 8 Entertainment and TravelPart II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 简单地说,第二次世界大战后国内旅游的迅猛发展可以从四个方面进行解释:婴儿潮、带薪休假的美国工人增加、不断完善的州际公路网络以及不断扩张的消费主义。婴儿潮意味着可以实现家庭旅游,把孩子放在家庭轿车的后座,沿途可以停驻汽车旅馆。度假者选择扎营的首要目的


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