高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 2 Looking into the future(A卷基础卷)(解析版)_第1页
高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 2 Looking into the future(A卷基础卷)(解析版)_第2页
高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 2 Looking into the future(A卷基础卷)(解析版)_第3页
高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 2 Looking into the future(A卷基础卷)(解析版)_第4页
高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 2 Looking into the future(A卷基础卷)(解析版)_第5页
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1、Unit 2 Looking into the future A卷基础卷英 语选择题部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是C。 1. What will

2、the speakers do on Saturday?A. Go to work. B. Eat brunch. C. Go to the gym.2. When did the man hurt himself?A. A few weeks ago. B. A few months ago. C. A few years ago.3. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a bookstore. B. In a library. C. In a classroom.4. How does the woman sound?A. Nerv

3、ous. B. Sad. C. Angry.5. What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. Their exam schedules. B. Their recent sleep habits. C. Their physics exam results.第二节(共15 小题;每小题1. 5 分, 满分22. 5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6

4、、7题。6. What does the man like most about reusable bags?A. They are free. B. They have a variety of uses.C. They are lighter and easier to carry.7. What discount do shoppers receive if they use reusable bags?A. 10% off. B. 3% off. C. 10 cents off.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Why doesnt Brad like online shoppin

5、g?A. He doesnt like to plan. B. He doesnt like to stay at home waiting.C. He doesnt want his packages stolen.9. What does Brad advise Sally to do?A. Go to the store. B. Clean the house. C. Keep track of her package.10. How is Sally related to Brad?A. Shes his mom. B. Shes his employee. C. Shes his s

6、ister.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. In the beginning, what does the woman think George is doing?A. Reading. B. Coloring. C. Writing.12. Why are some of the texts marked in green?A. They are the main ideas. B. They are important details. C. They are a bit more difficult.13. According to George, why is active

7、reading useful?A. It helps students learn new words.B. It shows students what they already know.C. Its a good learning method for both slow and fast students.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Who will know about the move tonight?A. Lily. B. Katie. C. Jason.15. According to the woman, what is much better in Franc

8、e?A. The food. B. The weather. C. The education.16. What does the man hope to do about his family?A. Bring them to France. B. Leave them in America. C. Visit them in a few months.17. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Boss and secretary. B. Family members. C. Co-workers.听第10段材料,回答第18至2

9、0题。18. What is the most important requirement for this job?A. Experience. B. Creativity. C. Energy.19. What do children do in the morning?A. Go hiking. B. Write short essays. C. Report to the leaders.20. When is the application due?A. In late April. B. In mid-May. C. In early July.【答案】15 C A B A B 6

10、10 B C B C C 1115 B C C B A 1620 A C A A B【解析】听力原文Text 1M: Hey, do you want to go to the gym with me on Saturday?W: Sure! (1) When I try to go by myself, I always end up at the caf eating brunch instead. I have no motivation to work out alone, so Im glad you asked!Text 2W: How long have you had this

11、 pain in your back?M: For a few weeks. Ive been playing sports for years, but it really hurt when I was moving last month. (2) W: Im going to send you to a special doctor. He can do some more tests.Text 3W: Hi, Id like to check out these books.M: No problem, maam. I can help you with that. But unfor

12、tunately, you wont be able to borrow all of these today. We have a 10-book limit. (3) Text 4M: My mothers coming to visit.W: Oh, no! Ive got to get ready! Shes going to tell me that everythings a mess! Lets see I have to do the laundry, clean the floors, wash the windows, bake some bread and (4) Tex

13、t 5M: Im so tired! Ive been up late studying for the physics exam for the last two nights.W: I have, too. We should probably go to bed early tonight, though, since the exam is tomorrow. Its important to get rest and eat a good breakfast before taking a test. (5) Text 6W: More and more people are usi

14、ng reusable grocery bags now.M: They are much stronger than plastic bags, and I can fit more in them, too.W: Grocery stores like them, too, because they can make money by selling them.M: Whats more, you can use them for more than one purpose. (6) I heard that only three percent of plastic bags get u

15、sed again. Imagine all that waste!W: At my local grocery store, regular plastic bags arent free anymore. In addition, they take 10 cents off your bill for every reusable bag you bring yourself. (7) M: Its great to see we are taking steps to create a healthier environment.Text 7M: Want to go with me

16、to get some pizza, Sally? (10) W: No, Brad. (10) Im waiting for a package to be delivered. (8) M: This is why I hate shopping online. It would be faster to just get what you want from the store. Now you have to sit here all day. (8) Isnt Mom home?W: No, Mom went to work.M: Just download an app to ke

17、ep track of your package. (9) You can just come back when you get a delivery notice.W: No, thanks, Mr. Bossy. Even if they leave the package for a short time, someone could steal it.M: Goodness! You just dont want to be seen with your little brother! (10) W: Its not that. I really did plan to stay h

18、ome and wait for this package. Why dont we just have pizza delivered?M: Great. More waiting.Text 8W: Well, I see youve got your books, George. (11) But are you reading? Looks like youre just coloring. (11) M: Im marking the important parts of the book. The colors are for different things.W: Like wha

19、t?M: Main ideas are yellow, important details to remember are pink, and the light green is for difficult ideas. (12) W: This seems like a lot of activities. Arent you wasting your time?M: I dont think so, Mom. Ill read it all tonight, Ill listen to it tomorrow, and then when its time to study, I wil

20、l already know most of the information.W: In my day, we just read the book and tried to remember the information.M: The teacher told us the importance of active reading, and its the best way to learn, at whatever speed you choose. (13) W: I see. And whats this notebook for?M: Thats for taking notes.

21、W: What kind of things do you write down?M: Sometimes I write a summary. On this page, I write down questions. And of course, I have another page where I write down new words.Text 9 (第17题为推断题) W: Hey, Jason. I hear youre being sent to France for a new position.M: Wow, that was fast! I hardly told an

22、yone! The boss just told me a few hours ago, Lily. Katie doesnt know yet, in fact (14) W: Really? So, why wait? When are you going to give her the big news?M: Well, she is teaching at the moment. She doesnt finish until 3: 30, and then she usually stays after class for a couple hours. It will have t

23、o wait until tonight, I guess. (14) W: Well, I lived there in 2010. Its not that different from the U.S. The weather is the same, and the local people have similar customs. But the food is much better in France! (15) What about your family? Are they all moving with you?M: I hope to move everyone in

24、a few months. (16) I definitely dont like the idea of spending a year without Katie and our kids.W: Well, thats what a lot of people in our department say, I suppose.M: Yeah. Only time will tell. Ill buy our sandwiches, OK?W: No, no. Its my treat.Text 10Do you love working with children? Are you loo

25、king for a summer job? Then apply to be a staff member at our summer camp! We are looking for people who are enthusiastic, patient, and most importantly, have experience working with children. (18) You can be a staff member for our first session, our second session, or both! Staff will lead games an

26、d creative activities for our campers, be with them during mealtimes. Staff will make sure that campers are in bed by 9: 00 p.m. so that they can be up in time for our morning hike! (19) You will be asked to write a short essay of no more than 200 words explaining why you would be an ideal camp lead

27、er. Applications are available online beginning April 20th. The deadline to apply is May 12th. (20) Our first session begins on July 1st, and the second session begins on July 20th. All staff must report to camp for two days of training before the start of each session. Dont miss out on this amazing

28、 opportunity to spend the summer outdoors and make a difference in the lives of some kids! 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A Who is smarter? A human being or artificial intelligence(人工智能)?The question swept the world last week when a Google-de

29、veloped program called AlphaGo defeated the world top player, South Korean Lee Se-del, 4-1.So, what comes next?Some people have been arguing that artificial intelligence, or AI in short, will be a bad thing for humans. In an interview with the BBC in 2014, UK scientist Stephen Hawking warned that “t

30、he development of full artificial intelligence could mean the end of the human race.”So are we really about to live in the world shown in the Terminator movies?“Not quite,” answered The Economist. After all, its not hard to get a computer program to remember and produce facts. What is hard is gettin

31、g computers to use their knowledge in everyday situations.“We think that, for the human being, things like sight and balance(视觉平衡), are natural and ordinary in our life.” Thomas Edison, founder of Motion Figures, a company that is bringing AI to boys, told the newspaper. “But for a robot, to walk up

32、 and down just like human beings requires various decisions to be made every second, and its really difficult to do.”As The Economist put it, “We have a long way to go before AI can truly begin to be similar to the human brain, even though the technology can be great.”Meanwhile, John Markoff of The

33、New York Times said that researchers should build artificial intelligence to make people more effective.“Our fate is in our own hands,” he wrote. “Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make human choices that use technology to improve the world.”【语篇解读】本文为议论文,讨论了自从AlphaGo以4:1

34、战胜了Lee Sedo之后,人们一直在讨论人工智能是否可以真正打败人类。文章中不同的人发表了不同的观点。21.What was the result of the match?ALee Se-del won AlphaGo 4-1. BLee Se-del was defeated.CGoogle program beat AlphaGo. DNeither side won the match.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段 a Google-developed program called AlphaGo defeated the world top player, Sout

35、h Korean Lee Se-del, 4-1,可知Lee Sedo输了比赛。22.What does Thomas Edison possibly mean in his remarks?AIts very hard for AI to beat the human brain.BAI would take the place of human beings.CAI can make various decisions quickly.DAI does better than humans in sight and balance.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段As Th

36、e Economist put it, “We have a long way to go before AI can truly begin to be similar to the human brain, even though the technology can be great.”可知,人们认为人工智能要赶上人脑还是有很多工作要做。23.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph imply?AAI will improve the world completely. BAI is in the control of hu

37、man beings.CAI may bring disasters to human beings. DAI will make our future out of control.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一句可以得知,人工智能的价值和发展方向取决去它的设计者。BToday just as technology changed the face of industry, farms have undergone an “agricultural revolution”. On the farm of today, machines provide almost all the

38、power.One of the most important benefits will be the farm computer. A few forward-looking farmers are already using computers to help them run their farms more efficiently. The computers help them keep more accurate records so they can make better decisions on what crops to plant, how much livestock

39、 to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect. Many computer companies have been developing special computer programs just for farmers. Programs are being written for hog producers, grain farmers, potato farmers, and dairy farmers. In the future, farmers will be able to p

40、urchase computer programs made to their needs. Because of the growing importance of computers on the farm, students at agricultural colleges are required to take computer classes in addition to their normal agricultural courses. There can be no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even more in

41、the future. While the old-time farm depended on horse power, and modern farms depend on machine power, farms of the future will depend on computer power.Another technological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robot, a real “mechanized hired hand” that will be able to move and,

42、in some ways, think like a human being. Agricultural engineers believe that computer-aided robots will make startling changes in farming before the end of the century. Unlike farmers of the present, farmers of the future will find that many day-to-day tasks will be done for them. Scientists are now

43、developing robots that will be able to shear sheep, drive tractors, and harvest fruit. Even complex jobs will be done by robots. For example, in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive them into the barn, then connect them to the milking machines, watch the machines, and disconnect them w

44、hen they are finished. In the future, this will all be done by robots. In addition, when the milking is completed, the robots will automatically check to make sure that the milk is pure. The complete mobilization of the farm is far in the future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used be

45、fore long.【语篇解读】本文为说明文,介绍了科学技术在农业方面的重大作用以及机器人将在农业中的应用。24. Which sentence carried the main idea of the whole passage?A. The first sentence of the first paragraph.B. The first sentence of the second paragraph.C. The first sentence of the third paragraph.D. The last sentence of the second paragraph.【答案

46、】A【解析】主旨题。通过阅读全文可知整篇文章都是围绕第1段第1句而展开的,故答案为A。25. according to the passage, computers can not help farmers decide _.A. how much money they can earn from their productsB. whether to plant a certain kind of cropC. what livestock to raiseD. when to sell their products【答案】C【解析】细节题。从 The computers help them

47、 make better decisions on what crops to plant, how much livestock to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect可知A、B、D三项正确,C项中应把what 改为how much。26. What is the best title for the whole passage?A. Computer, Farmers Best Friend B. Farmers in The FutureC. The Agricultural Rev

48、olution D. Computers and Robots【答案】C【解析】主旨题。从 Today just as technology changed the face of industry, farms have undergone an “agricultural revolution”(科技推动了农业的重大变革),故答案选C。COne morning a few years ago, Harvard President Neil Rudenstine overslept. For this busy man, it was a sort of alarm: after years

49、 of non-stop hard work, he might wear himself out and die an early death.Only after a weeks leaveduring which he read novels, listened to music and walked with his wife on a beachwas Rudenstine able to return to work.In our modern life, we have lost the rhythm between action and rest. Amazingly, wit

50、hin this world there is a universal but silly saying: “I am so busy.”We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts were a talent by nature and an ability to successfully deal with stress. The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others. To be unavailable

51、 to our friends and family, and to be unable to find time to relaxthis has become the model of a successful life.Because we do not rest, we lose our way. We miss the guide telling us where to go, the food providing us with strength, the quiet giving us wisdom.How have we allowed this to happen? I be

52、lieve it is this: we have forgotten the Sabbath, the day of the weekfor followers of some religionsfor rest and praying. It is a day when we are not supposed to work, a time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautiful. It is a good time to bless our children and loved ones

53、, give thanks, share meals, walk and sleep. It is a time for us to take a rest, to put our work aside, trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world.Rest is a spiritual and biological need; however, in our strong ambition to be successful and care for our many responsibiliti

54、es, we may feel terribly guilty when we take time to rest. The Sabbath gives us permission to stop work. In fact, “Remember the Sabbath” is more than simply permission to rest; it is a rule to obey and a principle to follow.【语篇解读】本文为议论文,探讨了现代社会人们衡量成功的标准为“忙碌”,其实我们都应该放慢脚步去多多陪伴身边的人,关心自己,不然不仅我们的身体就会发出警报

55、,我们也容易迷失方向。27. The “alarm” in the first paragraph refers to “_”.A. a signal of stressB. a warning of dangerC. a sign of age D. a spread of disease【答案】B【解析】推理判断题,根据第一段最后一句he might wear himself out and die an early death,可知,这里的“alarm”是指身体发出了警报,提醒该是休息的时候了。28. According to Paragraph 4, a successful pers

56、on is one who is believed to _.A. be able to work without stressB. be more talented than other peopleC. be more important than anyone elseD. be busy working without time to rest【答案】D【解析】 细节题。根据文章第四段The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others.和To be unavailab

57、le to our friends and family, and to be unable to find time to relaxthis has become the model of a successful life.可知,在人们自己眼中,成功的标准为忙碌,也自以为在别人眼中成功的标准也是忙碌。29. Some people feel guilty when taking time to rest because they _.A. lack a sense of responsibility B. lack the ambition to be successfulC. fail

58、 to realize that religions force them to restD. fail to realize that rest is an essential part of life【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一句话我们可以理解为“rest”是我们要去准守的准则,换言之,就是我们生活的一部分。30. What is the main idea of this passage? A. We should balance work with rest.B. The Sabbath gives us permission to rest.C. It is sill

59、y for anyone to say “I am so busy”.D. We should be available to our family and friends.【答案】D【解析】主旨题。全文向读者透露的信息是要劳逸结合,不然我们会忽视句子的健康,忽视自己的朋友家人,甚至迷失自己的路。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for waiting in lineWeve all been there - when lining up at the supermarket checkout

60、counter, the lines next to us always seem to be moving faster than the one we are standing in. Recently a report by The New York Times looked into the math and psychology of queuing.31., either in a supermarket, a bank or anywhere else.Study the customersIts important to know who the customers are.


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