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1、go被动语态部分新邵四中 张梦龙the subjunctive mood虚拟语气英语的两大语态:主动语态和被动语态A.主动语态中主语是谓语动词的发出者。宾语是谓语动词的对象。B.被动语态中主语是谓语动词的承受者(动作的对象)。 (把主动语态改为被动语态也就是把主动句中的宾语改为被动句的主语,这是最关键的着眼点,同时谓语动词作相应的变化。)被动语态的谓语构成:助动词be动词过去分词(根据句子的主语和时态,助动词be有am, is, are, was, were,been几个形式变化。)什么时候要用被动语态呢?在下列三种情况之一要用被动语态:不知道动作的执行者是谁,用被动语态。没有必要指出谁是动作

2、的执行者,用被动语态。需要强调动作的承受者时,用被动语态。主动句中谓语动词的发出者由by引出,作为by的宾语,也可以省略。请看以下主动语态和被动语态结构的转换:主动语态:主语谓语宾语被动语态:例: We clean our classroom every day. (主动)注意把主动语态改为被动语态时,句子的时态不能变。如上 例,所给的主动句子是一般现在时,改为被动语态时,也 要用一般现在时。如果主动句中的主语是人称代词,改为被动句时作介词 by的宾语,要用宾格。如上例中的主语we改为us。主语by+宾语be+过去分词Our classroomis cleanedby usevery day(

3、被动) 把下列主动句改为被动句 Lily writes many letters every day. (主动) They visited this farm last year.(主动) We have learned 3000 English words so far.(主动)Many lettersare writtenby Lilyevery day.This farmwas visitedby themlast year.3000 English wordshave been learnedby usso far.在被动语态中要注意的问题在上面我们已经初步了解了被动语态的构成和主动变

4、被动的方法。下面我们接着学习在被动语态中要注意的问题。一些使役动词(let, have, make等)或感观动词(see, hear, watch,notice等)在主动语态中后面接的动词不定式不带to,但改为被动语态时,要补上to。如:The boss makes the workers work 18 hours a day. The workers are made to work 18 hours a day by the boss.I saw him enter the house. He was seen to enter the house by me.The teacher l

5、et them leave the classroom after class. They were let to leave the classroom by the teacher after class.We hear her sing in the room every day. She is heard to sing in the room every day.注意当使用see/hear/watch sb doing sth时,变为被动语态时, doing保持不变。如: I saw him going into the shop.(主动) He was seen going int

6、o the shop.(被动) 使役动词和感观动词主被动语态对照表主动语态被动语态使役动词make sb do sthsb be made to do sthhave sb do sthsb be had to do sthlet sb do sthsb be let to do sth感观动词see sb do sthsb be seen to do sthwatch sb do sthsb be watched to do sthhear sb do sthsb be heard to do sthnotice sb do sthsb be noticed to do sthgoHomew

7、ork把下列句子改为被动语态1. We plant many trees every year. Many trees are planted by us every year.2. His mother made him wash his own clothes at the age of 10. He was made to wash his own clothes by his mother at the age of 10. 含有短语的被动语态结构。一般来说,只有及物动词才有被动语态,因为只有及物动词才有承受者。但许多不及物动词加上副词或介词构成动词短语也相当于及物动词的用法,可以带宾

8、语,因而也有被动语态。动词短语主要有三种:A 及物动词+副词 如: turn off 、 set up 、 carry out 、 put off 、take away 、 turn on 、 hand in 、 move away 、 pass on 、 write down 、put away 、 put on 、 take down 、send away 、 try on 、 put down 、sell out 、 hold on 、 try out 、 send up 、 take off 、 wear out 、wake up 、take out 、dress up 、 give

9、back 、 work out 、 get back 、 find out 、pick up 、give up 、 pull up 、 put up 等B 不及物动词+介词 如: look after talk about play with等C.“动词+名词+介词” 构成的短语。如: take care of、 pay attention to、make use of等动词短语是不可分割的整体,在变被动语态时,不可丢掉构成动词短语的副词或介词。请看下面的例子:They set up the factory in 2000. The factory was set up in 2000.Our

10、 school will put off the School Sports meeting until December. The School Sports meeting will be put off until December.People have talked about the accident . The accident has been talked about.You should pay more attention to your study this year. Your study should be paid more attention to this y

11、ear.带有介词或副词的动词短语,在改为被动语态时,不能把介词或副词拆开。带有双宾语的被动结构在句中的使用。 有些动词可以带两个宾语,即指人的间宾和指物的直宾。可以将其中一个宾语提到前面做主语,另一个留在后面。Her parents bought her a new computer yesterday. She was bought a new computer yesterday. A new computer was bought for her yesterday.They have given me some good advice. I have been given some g

12、ood advice. Some good advice has been given to me.She will write a long letter to David Smith. A long letter will be written to David Smith. David Smith will be written a long letter. buy sth for sbgive sth to sb带双宾语的动词主要有以下几个:give, buy, sell, take, bring, make, hand, pass, keep, send等带双宾语的动词,改为被动语态

13、,当用直接宾语作主语时,要根据动词的习惯配搭、要在间接宾语前补上介词to或for.它们的句型主要有以下几个:give sth to sb=give sb sthbuy sth for sb=buy sb sthsell sth to sb=sell sb sthtake sth to sb=take sb sthbring sth to sb=bring sb sthmake sth for sb=make sb sthhand sth to sb=hand sb sthpass sth to sb=pass sb sthkeep sth for sb=keep sb sthsend sth

14、to sb=send sb sth 例:He passed me some paper.(主动) Some paper was passed to me by him.(被动)You must keep some fruit for him.(主动) Some fruit must be kept for him.(被动)三、一些特殊的被动结构(1)某些系动词,如feel. smell. taste. sound等加上形容词, 可用主动语态表被动意义。e.g.:The food tastes delicious. The music sounds very familiar to me.(2)

15、动词need. require. want. be worth. deserve后加v.-ing 的主动结构常表示被动含义e.g.: My watch cant work, it needs repairing. This film is really worth seeing. need, demand, want(需要), require, be worth等后用动名词表被动。The desk needs repairing. The novel is worth seeing.注意:need后可接动名词表被动,又可接动词不定式的被动形式。但若有附加成分有用动词不定式的被动形式。比较:Th

16、e desk needs repairing.The desk needs to be repaired this afternoon.4) 注意动名词的被动形式,(being done) Nobody likes being laughed of. 没人喜欢被嘲笑。The end 翻译下列句子电视机关掉了。 The TV set was turned off.2. 那小偷被抓住了。 The thief was caught.3. 所有的窗户都被打破了。 All the windows were broken. Fill in the blanks with the Passive Voice

17、. 1、Tea _ (grow) in Fujian. 2、Chinese _ (speak) in China. 3、The bed _ (use) for sleeping. 4、Our classroom _ (clean) every day. 5、The cars _ (make) in Beijing.is grownis spokenis usedis cleanedare made归纳总结方法 把主动语态改为被动语态可按“ 、 、 ”来进 行。即: 变把主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语,把主动 语态的主语改为被动语态的介词by的宾语。套根据原句的时态套用相应时态。注意注意人称的

18、变化而引起的主谓一致问题。 例:Many people speak English. English by many people. He washed his shoes yesterday. His shoes by him yesterday.is spokenwere washed一变二套三注意各种时态的主动语态和被动语态谓语结构对照表时 态主动语态被动语态1一般现在时do/doesam/is/are+过去分词2一般过去时didwas/were+过去分词3一般将来时will/be going to+动词原形will/be going to+be+过去分词4过去将来时would+动词原形would+be+过去分词5现在进行时am/is/are+现在分词am/is/are+being+过去分词6过去进行时was/were+现在分词was/were+being+过去分词7现在完成时have/has+过去分词have/has+been+过去分词8过去完成时had+过去分词had+been+过去分词9含情态动词情态动词+动词原形情态动词+be+过去分词把下列主动句改为被动句1. The boy cleaned the desk a moment ago


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