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1、111/111植物病理学词汇1) abacterial 无菌的 2) abiotic 无生命的3) abiotic 非生物的 4) acidic 酸性的 5) acquired resistance 获得抗病性 6) acquired susceptibility 获得感病性 7) actinomyces 放线菌 8) active ingredient 有效成分 9) agroecosystem 农业生态系统 10) agronomic 农艺学的, 农事的 11) amino acid 氨基酸 12) analysis of covariance 协方差分析13) analysis of v

2、ariance 方差分析14) anatomy 剖析, 解剖学 15) anoxic 厌氧的 16) anthesis 开花期17) 开花 18) antibiotics 抗生素, 19) antibody 抗体 20) antigen 抗原 21) antitumor 抗癌的 22) apoplastic 非原质体的 23) ascomycetes 子囊菌 ascus 子囊24) asexual 无性的 25) avirulence 无毒性 26) bacterin 疫苗 vaccine 疫苗27) bacteria 细菌 28) bactericides 杀细菌剂 29) basidiom

3、ycetes 担子菌 30) biomass 生物数量 31) biosynthesis 生物合成 32) biotroph 活体营养 33) biotype 生物型 34) blast 枯萎病 wilt 萎蔫35) blight 枯萎病,36) 疫病 37) botanical 植物学的 botany 植物学39) causal agents 病原体 causative agents 病原体40) causal organism 病原生物 41) chlamydospore 厚垣孢子 42) chlorophyll 叶绿素 43) chlorothalonil (daconil) 百菌清 4

4、4) chromosome 染色体 45) coevolution 协同,进化 47) colonization 移植49) cultivar 栽培品种 50) cytogenetics 细胞遗传学 51) cytokinetic 细胞动力学的 52) cytoplasm 细胞质 plasma 原生质,细胞质53) deactivation 灭活作用 54) degradation 退化 55) derosal/carbendazim 多菌灵benomyl 苯菌灵thiophanate-methyl 甲基硫菌灵 benzimidazole苯并咪唑56) detection 鉴定 57) det

5、oxification 脱毒 58) dextrose 葡萄糖 59) diagnostic 诊断的 60) diagnostics 诊断学 61) diapause 滞育(昆虫生长的停滞期),间歇期 62)dicotyledonous 双子叶的 63) dicotyledon 双子叶植物 65) disease-resistant cultivar 抗病品种 66) dormancy 冬眠 67) dose 剂量 68) downy mildews 霜霉69) economic thresholds 经济阈值 70) ectoparasite 皮外寄生物, 外寄生虫 71) electrop

6、horesis 电泳 72) endoparasitic 内部寄生的 73) enzyme 酶 74) epidemiology 流行病学 75) epiphytotics 植物流行病(的) 79) evolutionary 进化 80) fatal temperature 致死温度 81) fauna 动物群, 动物区系, 动物志82) fermentation 发酵 83) flagellum 鞭毛 84) fungi 真菌 85) fungicides 杀真菌剂 86) genera 属 87) genome 基因组,染色体组 89) genomic library 基因组库 90) g

7、enotype 基因型 91) habitat 生境 92) herbicide 除草剂 93) hereditary 遗传的 94) heterozygous 杂合的 95) hormone 荷尔蒙,激素 96) hybrid 杂交,杂种的 98) hydrophilic 亲水的 99) hydrophobic 疏水的 100) hypersensitive 过敏的 101) hypha 菌丝 102) immunology 免疫学 103) in vitro 体外 104) in vivo 体内 105) inbreeding 近亲交配 106) induced mutation 诱导突变

8、 107) inducible 可诱导的,可导致的 109) infection cycle 侵染循环 110) infection processs 侵染过程 111) infective 可侵染的,有传染性的 113) inhibition zone 抑菌圈 114) inoculate 接种,嫁接 116) inoculum 接种体 117) inorganic 无机的 118) interferon 干扰素 119) invasion 入侵 120) invertebrate 无脊椎动物 121) isotope 同位素 123) larva 幼虫 124) lethal dose 致

9、死中量 125) mammalian 哺乳动物 126) matrix 矩阵 127) metabolic 代谢作用的, 新陈代谢的 128) metabolite 代谢物 129) microbial 微生物的,由细菌引起的 131) micronutrient 微量营养素 132) microscopic 用显微镜可见的 133) mildethane/thiophanate 托布津134) mildew 霉病 135) mitochondria 线粒体 136) mold 霉,霉菌138) molecular 分子的,由分子组成的 140) monoclonal antibody 单克隆

10、抗体 141) monocotyledonous 单子叶植物的 143) morphology 形态学 145) mortality 死亡率 146) mosaic 花叶 147) multinucleate (细胞等)多核的 148) mutant 突变异种 149) mutation 突变 150) mutualism 互惠共生 151) mycelium 菌丝体(复数mycelia) 153) mycotoxin 真菌毒素 154) necrotic 坏死的 155) nematicide 杀线虫剂 156) nematode 线虫 157) normal saline 生理盐水 158

11、) oomycetes 卵菌 159) oviposition 产卵 160) parasite 寄生虫,食客 162) parasitism 寄生 163) parthenogenesis 单性生殖, 孤雌生殖 164) passive resistance 被动抗性 165) Pasteurization 巴氏灭菌法 166) pathogenicity 病原性,致病性 167) pathogens 病原体(物) 168) pathology 病理学 169) penetrate 渗透 170) pesticide 杀虫剂 171) pesticide residue 农药残留 172)

12、phenology 物候学 173) phenotype 显型 174) photosynthesis 光合作用 175) phylogeny 系统学,系统发育 177) phytocentric 植物群落 179) phytocide 植物杀菌素 181) phytohormone 植物生长素 183) phytopathology 植物病理学 185) phytotoxic 植物性毒素的 187) pollination 传粉, 授粉(作用) 188) polyclonal antibody 双克隆抗体 189) polygenic 多基因的 190) polymorphism 多型现象

13、191) postharvest 收割期后的 192) potential host 潜伏寄主 193) probe 探针 194) proliferation 增殖 195) propagule 繁殖体 196) protist 原生生物 197) protoplast 原生质体 198) quarantine 检疫 199) reciprocal 互惠的 200) resistance 抗药性 201) rodenticide 灭鼠剂 202) root-knot nematode 根结线虫 203) rotozoan 原生动物 204) secretion 分泌,分泌物(液)206) s

14、egregate 隔离 207) sensitivety 敏感性 208) serology 血清学 209) silborne 土传的 210) smut 黑粉病 211) soilborne 土壤带有的,土壤传播的 212) sporangium 孢子囊 213) sporosorus 休眠孢子堆 214) stochastic 随机的 215) strains 菌株 216) stripe 斑纹, 条纹 218) sublethal dose 亚致死中量 219) sustainable agriculture 可持续农业 220) symbiosis 共生关系 221) symposi

15、a 座谈会, 评论集 222) symptomology 症状学 223) target 靶子,标的 226) taxonomy 分类学(法) 227) template 模板 228) therapeutics 治疗学、疗法 229) threshold 临界值 230) toxicity 毒性的 231) toxigenic 产毒的 232) transgenic 转基因的 233) tumor 瘤 234) ultrastructural 超微的 235) vaccine 疫苗 236) vector 介体 237) virion 病毒粒子 238) virological 病毒学的 2

16、39) virulence 毒力,毒性 241) virus 病毒 242) vivo 活泼的 243) wilt 萎蔫病 244) winter spore 越冬孢子 245) zoospore 游动孢子植物病理学词汇网站(有单个词汇的发音) HYPERLINK ://glossary/Defs_A.htm ://glossary/Defs_A.htm#The%20A%27s把#号后的单词修改后,可直接到需查的单词 HYPERLINK :/ /glossa

17、ry/Defs_A.htm :/ /glossary/Defs_A.htm#abaxial农药学词汇1) acaricide 杀螨剂 2) acetate 醋酸盐,醋酸纤维素与其制成的产品 3) acetyltransferase 乙酰基转移酶 4) acidify 使酸化 5) activator 催化剂,触媒剂 6) acute toxicity 急性毒性 7) adult 成虫 8) affinity 亲和力 9) aldehyde 醛 10) alkaloid 生物碱 11) amino 氨基的 12) analysis of covarian

18、ce 协方差分析13) analysis of variance 方差分析14) antibiotics 抗生素 15) antifeedant 拒食 16) antigen 抗原 17) aphid 蚜虫 18) arthropod 节肢动物 19) avirulence 无毒性 20) bacterin 疫苗 21) bactericides 杀细菌剂 22) bioassay 生物测定 23) biocontrol 生物防除 24) biological control 生物防治 25) biosynthesis 生物合成 26) biotic pesticide 生物杀虫剂 27) b

19、iotype 生物型 28) botanical pesticide 植物源杀虫剂 30) broad spectrum pesticide 广谱杀虫剂 31) carbohydrate 碳水化合物 32) carbonyl 羰基;碳酰 33) carcinogenicity 致癌性 34) causal agents 病原体 35) chiller 冷却器 36) chloroform 氯仿 37) chlorothalonil (daconil) 百菌清 38) chronic 慢性 39) coagulation 凝结物 40) concentration 浓度,浓缩 41) const

20、ant temperature 恒温 42) contact pesticide 触杀性农药 43) cytokinin 细胞分裂素 44) deactivation 灭活作用 45) derivative 衍生物 46) derosal 多菌灵 47) desorption 解吸附作用 48) detoxification 脱毒 49) development rate 发育速度 50) development zero 发育起点 51) diamondback moth 小菜蛾 52) diapause 滞育 53) digenesis 世代交替 54) disease-resistant

21、 cultivar 抗病品种 55) disinfectant 消毒剂 56) dissect 解剖 57) disulfide 二硫化物(=disulphide) 58) ecdysone 蜕皮激素 59) economic threshold 经济阈值 60) egg/ovum 卵 61) electrophoresis 电泳 62) endotoxin 内毒素 63) entomology 昆虫学 64) entomophagous insect 食虫昆虫65) enzyme 酶 66) epidemiology 流行病学 67) ethylene 乙烯 68) exotic speci

22、es 外来的物种 69) fatal temperature 致死温度 70) fauna 动物群,动物区系,动物志 71) fecundity 生殖力,产卵力 73) feign death 假死 74) fermentation 发酵 75) flammable 易燃的 76) flavonod 类黄铜 77) formulation 剂型 78) fumigant 熏剂 79) fungicides 杀真菌剂 80) galactosyltransferase 乳化转移酶 81) glycol 乙二醇 82) granular pesticide 粒状农药 83) herbicide 除

23、草剂 84) hibernate 越冬 85) hormone 荷尔蒙,激素 86) hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物 87) hydrophilic 亲水的 88) hydrophobic 疏水的 89) hydroxyl 羟基 90) hypochlorite 次氯酸盐 91) in vitro 体外 92) in vivo 体内 93) inorganic 无机的 94) insecticide 杀虫剂 95) instar 龄,龄期 97) instar larvae 幼虫龄期 98) integrated pest management IPM有害生物综合防治99) interfe

24、ron 干扰素 100) ionization 离子化,电离 102) isotope 同位素 104) juvenile hormone mimic 仿生的保幼激素105) larva 幼虫 106) less-persistent pesticide 低残留农药 107) life history 生活史 108) low-toxic pesticide 低毒性农药 109) maggot 蛆 110) malarial 毒气的 111) male sterility 雄性不育 113) median lethal dosage (LD50)致死中量114) median lethal c

25、oncentration (LD50)致死中浓度115) metabolic 代谢作用的, 新陈代谢的 116) methyl 甲基 117) microbial 微生物的,由细菌引起的 118) mildethane 托布津 119) mist sprayer 喷雾器 120) molt 蜕皮 121) mortality 死亡率 122) moulting hormone antagonist 抗蜕皮激素123) mutase 变位酶 124) mutation 突变 125) nematicide 杀线虫剂 126) nematode 线虫 127) nicotine 烟碱 128) n

26、itrogen 氮 129) non-contamination pesticide 无污染农药130) nontarget organism 非靶标131) 生物 132) normal saline 生理盐水 133) nymph 若虫 134) offspring 后代 135) organic pesticide 有机农药 136) organomercury pesticide 有机汞农药 137) organophosphorus pesticide 有机磷农药 138) parasitism 寄生 139) pathogens 病原体(物) 140) pathology 病理学

27、141) peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶 142) persistent pesticide 持久性农药;残留性农药 143) pesticide 杀虫剂 144) pesticide residue 农药残留 145) pesticide tolerances 耐药性 146) pest-resistant cultivar 抗虫品种 147) petri dish 有盖培养皿 148) pharmaceutical 制药学 149) pheromone 信息素,150) 外激素 151) phosphatase 磷酸酶 152) photosynthesis 光合作用 153) ph

28、ytohormone 植154) 物生长素 155) phytopathology 植156) 物病理学 157) phytotoxic 植158) 物性毒素的 159) polyethylene 聚乙烯 160) population density 种群密度,161) 虫口密度 162) progeny 后裔 163) pronotum 前胸背板 164) pupa 蛹 165) quarantine 检疫 166) reductase 还原酶 167) remnant 残留 168) repellent 忌避剂,169) 驱虫剂 170) resistance 抗药性 171) risk

29、 assessment 风险评估 172) riskiest pesticide 高毒农药 173) rodenticide 灭鼠剂 174) secretion 分泌 175) segregate 隔离 176) selected insecticides 选择性杀虫剂 177) semiochemicals 化学信息素 178) sodium 钠 179) solvent 溶解的,180) 溶剂 181) stochastic 随机的 182) sublethal concentrations 亚致死浓度 183) sublethal dose 亚致死中量 184) sustainable

30、 agriculture 可持续农业 185) synthase 合酶 186) target organism 靶标187) 生物 188) terpenoid 萜类化合物 189) tetrachloride 四氯化物 190) virulence 毒力191) virus 病毒昆虫学词汇A Abdomen. The hindmost of the three main body divisions of an insect. Acaricide. A chemical employed to kill and control mites and ticks. Acetyl choline

31、. A substance present in many parts of the body of animals and important to the function of nerves. Acrostichal Bristles. The two rows of hairs or bristles lying one on either side of the mid-line of the thorax of a true fly. Active Space. The space within which the concentration of a pheromone or o

32、ther behaviourally active substance is concentrated enough to generate the required response, remembering that like light and sound pheromones become more dilute the further they radiate out from their source. Aculeate. (Hymenoptera) Those members of the Hymenoptera which possess a sting. Acuminate.

33、 Tapering to a long point. Adeagus. The part of the male genitalia which is inserted into the female during copulation and which carries the sperm into the female. Its shape is often important in separating closely related species. Adecticous. Of pupa: referring to the state in which the pupa does n

34、ot posses movable mandibles, the opposite being Decticous. Aestivation. Summer dormancy, entered into when conditions are unfavourable for active life i.e. it is too hot or too dry. Age Polyethism. The regular changing of roles of colony members as they get older. Air sac. A dilated portion of a tra

35、chea Alar Squama. The middle of three flap-like outgrowths at the base of the wing in various flies. Alate. Winged; having wings. Alitrunk. Name given to the thorax and propodeum of wasp-waisted hymenopterans. Allopatric. Two or more forms of a species having essentially separate distributions. Alte

36、rnating Generations. When two generations are produced within a life cycle each producing individuals of only one sex, either male first and then female or visa-versa. Alula. In insects (not birds) the outermost of the three flap-like outgrowths at the base of the wing in various flies: really a par

37、t of the wing membrane. Aldrin. (common name). A synthetic insecticide; a chlorinated hydrocarbon of not less than 95 per cent 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene; moderately toxic to mammals, acute oral LD, for rats 44 mg/kg; phytotoxicity: none when proper

38、ly formulated, but some crops are sensitive to solvents in certain formulations. Aliphatic. A term applied to the open chain or fatty series of hydrocarbons. Alkaloids. Substances found in plants, many having powerful pharmacologic action, and characterized by content of nitrogen and the property of

39、 combining with acids to form 憇alts. Alloparental. When individuals other than the parent assist in the caring for that parents offspring. Altruistic. Self-destructive. or potentially self-destructive behaviour performed for the benefit of others. Ambrosia. The fungus cultivated by wood-boring beetl

40、es of the family Scolytidae Ametabola. The insects which develop without metamorphosis, namely the Protura, Thysanura, and Collembola. Amide. Compound derived from carboxylic acids by replacing the hydroxyl of the -COOH by the amino group, -NH2-. Amine. An organic compound containing nitrogen, deriv

41、ed from ammonia, NH3, by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by as many hydrocarbon radicals. Amino acid. Organic compounds that contain the amino (NH,) group and the carboxyl (COOH) group. Amino acids are the building stones of proteins. Ammonia. A colorless alkaline gas, NH3, soluble in water. An

42、al. Pertaining to last abdominal segment which bears the anus. Anal angle. The small apical area enclosed by the inner and outer margins of the hindwing. Anal fold. A fold in the inner margin of the hindwing. Anaplasmosis. Infection with Anaplasma, a genus of Sporozoa that infests red blood cells. A

43、nasa wilt. A wilt disease of cucurbits caused solely by the feeding of the squash bug, no parasitic microorganism involved. Androconia. (singula = Androconium) In male butterflies, specialised wing scales (often called scent scales) possessing special glands which produce a chemical attractive to fe

44、males. Anemic. Deficient in blood quantity or quality. Annulate. Formed in ring-like segments or with ring-like markings. Antenna. (pl., antennae). Pair of segmented appendages located on the head and usually sensory in function - the feelers. Antennation. Touching with the antenna Antenodal Veins.

45、Small cross-veins at the front of the dragonfly or damselfly wing, between the wing base and the nodus. Anterior. Concerning or facing the front, towards the head. Antibiosis. An association between two or more organisms that is detrimental to one or more of them. Anticoagulin. A substance antagonis

46、tic to the coagulation of blood. Anus. The posterior opening of the digestive tract. Anal veins. The hindmost, or most posterior longitudinal wing veins. Aorta. The anterior, non-chambered, narrow part of the insect heart which opens into the head. Apex. The point where the costal vein and the outer

47、 margin of the forewing meet. Apiary. A place where bees are kept, normally a group of hives. Apical. At or concerning the tip or furthest part of any organ: apical cells, for example are at the wing-tip. Apical area Of the forewing, the area just inside of and contiguous with the apex. Appendage. A

48、ny limb or other organ, such as an antenna, which is attached to the body by a joint Appendix. In insects, a short vein, especially a short continuation after the main vein has changed direction. Apterous. Without wings. Apterygote. Any member of the Apterygota -primitively wingless insects (i.e. in

49、sects which have never developed wings during their evolutionary history) in modern classifications this includes the Thysanura but not Collembola Diplura and Protura which are no longer considered insects, but are termed Hexapods instead . Aquatic. Living in water. Arachnida. A class of arthropods

50、which include the scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks, among others. Arboreal. Living in, on, or among trees. Arista. A bristle-like outgrowth from the antenna in various flies. Aristate. Bearing an arista or bristle. Arolium. A small pad between the claws on an insects foot. Usually very small, but we

51、ll developed in grasshoppers and some other insects. Arrhenoyoky. The production of males from unfertilised eggs. Arthropoda. A phylum of animals with segmented body, exoskeleton, and jointed legs. Arthropods. Animals belonging to the phylum Arthropoda. Asymmetrical. Organs or body parts not alike o

52、n either side of a dividing line or plane. Astelocyttarus. Pertaining to nests, normally those of social wasps, in which the come is attached directly to the support. Aster yellows. A virus disease of many kinds of plants transmitted by the six spotted leaf hopper and characterized by stunting of pl

53、ants, sterility, and chlorosis in foliage. Attractants. Substances which elicit a positive directional response; chemicals having positive attraction for animals such as insects, usually in low concentration and at considerable distances. Axon. The process of a nerve cell that conducts impulses away

54、 from the cell body. B Basal. Concerning the base of a structure - that part nearest the body. Basal cells in Diptera are generally small cells near the base of the wing. Basitarsus. The Ist segment of the tarsus - usually the largest. Batumen. A protective layer of propilis or hard cerumen that enc

55、loses the nest cavity of a stingless bee colony. Benzene hexachloride. (chemical name) or BHC. (common name). A synthetic insecticide, a chlorinated hydrocarbon, 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocvclohexane of mixed isomers; slightly more toxic to mammals than DDT, acute oral LD51 for rats about 200 mg/kg; phy

56、totoxicity: more toxic than DDT, interferes with germination, suppresses growth and reduces yields except at low concentration; certain crop plants, as potato absorb crude BHC with consequent tainting of tubers. Bilateral symmetry. Similarity of form, one side with the other. Biological control. The

57、 control of pests by employing predators, parasites, or disease; the natural enemies are encouraged and disseminated by man. Bionomics. The study of the habits, breeding, and adaptations of living forms. Bipectinate. Feathery, with branches growing out oil both sides of the main axis: applied mainly

58、 to antennae. Bisexual. Having two sexes distinct and separate;i.e. a species with males and females. Bivouac. The mass of army ant workers within which the queen and brood, live while the colony is not on the move. Bivoltine. Having two generations per year. Blastogenesis. The origination of differ

59、ent castes, within a species, from the egg by means other than genetic. Book lung. A respiratory cavity containing a series of leaflike folds. Bot. The larva of certain flies that are parasitic in the body of mammals. Brachypterous. With short wings that do not cover the abdomen, used of individuals

60、 of a species which otherwise has longer wings. Bract. A small leaf at the base of the flower. Brood. In insects, a group of individuals of a given species which have hatched into young or which have become adult at approximately the same time and which live together in a defined and limited area. O


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