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1、高考英语阅读理解高考英语阅读理解分不高原因分析做题步骤与方法历年考情分析题型与解题技巧目录分不高原因分析做题步骤与方法历年考情分析题型与解题技巧目分不高 1.语言知识问题 1).词汇量不达标,识记的单词太少 2).语法基础较差 2.背景知识问题 3.分析能力问题 4.心理因素问题 有些学生在阅读中因粗心大意而导致失误。 分不高 1.语言知识问题 做题步骤与方法做题步骤与方法策 略 1.强化基础训练 扩大词汇量的最好方法是大量阅读 还需要学一点构词法前缀、后缀 和合成 2.丰富背景知识 3.注意体裁特点 4.注意正确的阅读方法的使用策 略 1.强化基础训练 1. 跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际

2、上是有选择阅读,找关键词。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。2. 略读:指比跳读慢些的二步阅读法。即泛泛地、粗略地快速阅读,目的是了解大意,对文章有个总的概念。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。3. 精读:即最细致、最慢的深层阅读方法,目的是求得对所读文章的全部意义的理解与掌握。 方 法1. 跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际上是有选择阅读,找关键心、手、头、口共用 强作语法分析心、手、头、口共用 强作语法分析解题步骤 1. 带着问题阅读短文。 2. 找出主题句、确定中心思想。 3. 推断单词、句子和文章的含义。 4. 尽快选择答案。 坚持每天

3、3篇,且限时。解题步骤 1. 带着问题阅读短文。 坚持每天3篇,且限时。阅读理解考情分析阅读理解考情分析核心考点2017北京卷2016北京卷2015北京卷2014北京卷2013北京卷细节理解96896主旨大意23213推理判断44345词义猜测01111逻辑推理01100核心考点2017北京卷2016北京卷2015北京卷2014北题型及解题技巧题型及解题技巧1细节理解5猜测词义2主旨大意6篇章结构题型分类3推理判断4观点态度1细节理解5猜测词义2主旨大意6篇章结构题型分类3推理判断4专题一:细节理解专题一:细节理解细节理解题简介问题包括询问人(who)、物(what)、时间(when)、地点(

4、where)、原因(cause)、结果(effect)、文中的数据(data)等。主要考查学生对阅读材料中的某一特定细节或文章的主要事实的理解能力。新闻、说明文、广告信息等常常考查这些细节。细节理解题简介问题包括询问人(who)、物(what)、时间常见问题形式Which of the following is true/false except? Which of the following is mentioned except特点: 三正一误/三误一正常见问题形式Which of the following i1. According to the passage, who/ what/

5、 which/ when/ Where / why / how/ how many/how much/ how long/ How soon/ how often, etc. ?2. According to the passage, which of the following is true/ not true?3. According to the passage, Which of the following is not mentioned ?4. All of the following are true EXCEPT _.5. In the passage the writer

6、states that _.6. Choose the best order in which the people do_.1. According to the passage, w解题技巧答案一般可以在文章中直接或间接找到 但不可能与阅读材料一模一样解题技巧答案一般可以在文章中直接或间接找到 A giant dam was built many years ago to control the Colorado River in the U.S.This dam was built to protect the land and houses around the river. This

7、 huge dam is in the Black Canyon. It is possible to drive a car from one side of the river to the other on a road, which is on the top of the dam.This dam is so big that there is an elevator inside. The elevator goes down forty-four stories from the road to the bottom.There is enough concrete in thi

8、s dam to build a highway from New Yoik to San Francisco.Thousands of people worked on this dam for five years. This huge dam was called Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United State s. Hoover Dam,one of the highest dams in the w

9、orld, is situated between the states of Arizona and Nevada.Q: Hoover Dam lies_A. between Arizona and NevadaB. in the Black CanyonC.between New York and San FranciscoD.both A and B A giant dam was built many Miss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of 1991, Born in Shanghai and taken to Hong Kong when she was only si

10、x years old, Luo Lin has never dreamed of being Miss Asia. Her childhood dream was to be an air hostess. Before she took part in the competition, she had been an airhostess in Cat hay Airline for seven years. However, it still took her three months to learn the art of walking on the stage, dancing,

11、singing, making-up and other proper manners, designed by the Asia TV Station.Q: Which of the following is NOT true?A. Luo Lin is a native of Shanghai.B. Luo Lin moved to Hong Kong with her parents.C. Luo Lin won the title of Miss Asia in 1991.D. Asia TV Station helped Luo Lin to become Miss Asia. Mi

12、ss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusaually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years . Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.Q: According to scie

13、ntists ,the DIRECT cause of more and fiercer storms is . Agreenhouse gas emissions (散发) in industrialized nationsBhigher surface water temperatures of the seaCcontinuous global warmingDrising sea levels reported to the Earth Polic Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing

14、 to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions ,which are a main cause of global warming . “By refusing to sign the agreement, the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluan to live

15、there,” Laupepa told the BBC.Q: Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not .A. agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions B. sign an agreement with TuvaluC. allow Tuvaluans to move to the US D. believe the problems facing Tuvalu were real故意用与原文中一模一样的词来迷惑考生 Laupepa expresse

16、d dissatis Jack London was a famous American writer. He burned himself out when he was 40. He thought of his mother, Flora, who had never been a very responsible person. He was sure she was mentally ill and that he was becoming like her. At last he became too tired to care. He would not work and con

17、tinued to spend money he did not have. He would not change his life, or his writing, perhaps he could not.Q: Jack Londons last days were _.A. usual onesB. not poor onesC. rich onesD. unhappy ones Jack London was a famous ATuition Fees (学费) Tuition fees are different from department to department, ge

18、nerally from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. For further information: tui waikatoacnz. Accommodation (住宿) You can have a room in a 4-bedroom flat, which will cost about $100 a month with other regular living costs of about $150 a month for one person. For further information: acc waikatoacnzQ: You have to

19、pay at least _ a year if you study at the University of Waikato. A. $5,250 B. $8,000 C. $9,000 D. $11,000$5000(学费)+$100(住宿费)x12(months)+$150(生活费)x12=$8000Tuition Fees (学费) Tuition 专题二:主旨大意专题二:主旨大意主旨大意题简介考查学生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力,也包括分析归纳文章的段落大意、重要情节、人物特征、环境特点的能力。考查考生加工与浓缩信息的能力要求考生能把握文章的总体,并真正理解主题和中心句;要求能较

20、好地运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑思维的方法,难度较大,属于高层次题。主旨大意题简介考查学生把握全文主题和理解中心思想的能力,也包常见问题形式1. 标题类常见的题型:The best title/ headline for this passage might be_.The text (passage) could be entitled .What is the best title for the passage? Which of the following would be suitable as a title for the passage? 常见问题形式1. 标题类常见的题型

21、:常见问题形式2. 大意类常见题型This passage chiefly deals with_. Whats the topic of the article? What is the subject discussed in the text? With what topic is the passage chiefly concerned?常见问题形式2. 大意类常见题型常见问题形式3. 目的主旨大意常见题型The authors main purpose in writing the passage is_.The passage is meant to _ The purpose

22、of this article is _常见问题形式3. 目的主旨大意常见题型解题技巧概括主题抓标题抓高频词解题技巧概括主题主题句呈现的形式 1. 文首提出主题, 随之用细节来解释, 支撑或发展主题句所表达的主题思想. 最常见的演绎法写作方式。主题句呈现的形式 1. 文首 Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illness), can

23、cer, cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems. For example, it can give one a “smokers cough”. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for cigarette smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it? Smoking cigare

24、ttes is harmThe panda is a popular animal. Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children, and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.The panda is a p

25、opular animal.Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious. The world population is rising, so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we c

26、ontinue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.Today the problem of environme主题句呈现的形式 2. 文尾在表述细节后, 归纳要点, 印象, 结论建议或结果, 以概括主题. 这是英语中最常见的归纳法写作方式。主题句呈现的形式 2. 文尾Often no one looks more guilty than the innocent. On the other hand, nobody may look more innocent than a professi-onal criminal. And

27、the man who knows“everything” may really only be trying tohide his own weakness. So, it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearanceOften no one looks more guiltySome students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Stil

28、l others like a democratic discussion type of class. No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.Some students prefer a strict 主题句呈现的形式 3. 文中通常前面只提出问题, 文中的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出, 而后又作进一步的解释, 支撑或发展。主题句呈现的形式 3. 文中 If you were planning to buy a television set, the fo

29、llowing advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color TV. Only 79. Two days sale. Hurry.” However, when you go to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he has another model. A much better set which is “just right

30、 for you” It costs 395. This sales method is called “bait and switch”. Buyers are baited with a sales advertisement, and then they are switched to another more expensive one. Buying things on sale needs careful consideration of the goods and the reason for the sale.Q: The paragraph could be entitled

31、 _. A. Buying A TV Set B. A Selling Method C. Buyer Beware D. TV On Sale (detail)(detail)(detail) If you were planning to buyNothing is as useful as a flashlight in a dark night if a tire goes flat. Few inventions are so helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark. In fact, the modern flashlight br

32、ings light to many dark situations. Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashlight in hand a camper also needs one after the light of the campfire has been out.Nothing is as useful as a flas主题句呈现的形式 4. 无主题句即主题句隐含在全文中, 没有明确的主题句. 必须根据文篇中所提供的事实细节,进行全面考虑,综合分析,然后找出共同的东西,归纳成一般概念。必须注意的

33、是,既不能以偏概全,也不能在概括时过于宽泛,要恰如其分。主题句呈现的形式 4. 无主题句Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal backgroun

34、d. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.Q: The main idea of this paragraph is that _.A. Tom, who had studied at Paris Universities for four years, moved to another university.B. Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from Harvard Law School and later from Boston College.C. Tom wa

35、s an excellent student when he studied at Berlin university.D. Tom received an excellent education.detaildetaildetailTom studied four years at the Types Of Paragraph StructuresTypeThe position of the topicInformation wordsNo clear topic sentenceAt the beginningAt the endIn the middlefor exampleso, t

36、herefore,Types Of Paragraph StructuresT文章中的but, however, as a result, therefore等词。它们通常是引出中心主旨的方向词。而for example, first, or to begin with等是引出细节的信息词,在它们之前往往提到文章的中心主旨。文章中的but, however, as a result,How to get the main idea of a passage?How to get the main idea of a ( Passage B(NMET2003)Reading to dogs is

37、 an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt La

38、ke City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the leve

39、l of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the childrens department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the childrens department of the main library. Ab

40、out 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public

41、 relations manager.59. What is mainly discussed in the text? A. Childrens reading difficulties. B. Advantages of raising dogs. C. Service in a public library. D. A special reading program. ( Passage B(NMET2003 ( Passage B(NMET2003)Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their lite

42、racy skills(读写能力). With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence (自信心), according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in

43、the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ). The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of readin

44、g aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,” said Lisa Myron, manager of the childrens department. Last November the two groups started “ Dog Day Afternoon” in the childrens department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-

45、afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager.59. What is mainly discussed in

46、the text? A. Childrens reading difficulties. B. Advantages of raising dogs. C. Service in a public library. D. A special reading program.Example and success of the program ( Passage B(NMET2003detailsParagraph ideasPassage ideadetailsParagraph ideasPassage ExercisesExercises 1. Magellans men were the

47、 first to make the trip around the world. It took them more than two years to do so by ship. 2. Magellan was from Portugal, but he sailed for the King of Spain. On September 20, 1519, he left Spain with five ships and 240 men. After passing the tip of South America, they reached the Pacific Ocean, o

48、n which they sailed more than one year. Very often they could not see a piece of land for months and they suffered greatly from the lack of food and fresh water. Many of them died of hunger and diseases. They even had to live on sawdust. Finally in April 1521, Magellan got to the Philippine Islands,

49、 where he was killed. His men fled and continued their voyage across the Indian Ocean. It was with the greatest difficulty that they passed the Cape of Good Hope. By the time they returned to Spain on December 21,1521, seven out of every eight men had died. 3. Magellans voyage proved that men could

50、sail around the world and that our earth is but a huge ball. 1. Magellans men were th 1. Magellans men were the first to make the trip around the world. It took them more than two years to do so by ship. Magellans voyage was the first trip around the world . 1. Magellans men were th 2. Magellan was

51、from Portugal, but he sailed for the King of Spain. On September 20, 1519, he left Spain with five ships and 240 men. After passing the tip of South America, they reached the Pacific Ocean, on which they sailed more than one year. Very often they could not see a piece of land for months and they suf

52、fered greatly from the lack of food and fresh water. Many of them died of hunger and diseases. They even had to live on sawdust. Finally in April 1521, Magellan got to the Philippine Islands, where he was killed. His men fled and continued their voyage across the Indian Ocean. It was with the greate

53、st difficulty that they passed the Cape of Good Hope. By the time they returned to Spain on December 21,1521, seven out of every eight men had died. 1. time2. ships and people3. route4. Sufferingsand difficultiesa. Lack of food and freshwaterb. Hunger and diseases c. Deaths5. successThe process of M

54、agellans long difficult voyage 2. Magellan was from Port 3. Magellans voyage proved that men could sail around the world and that our earth is but a huge ball. Magellans voyaged proved the earth is round. 3. Magellans voyage prov 1. Magellans men were the first to make the trip around the world. It

55、took them more than two years to do so by ship. 2. Magellan was from Portugal, but he sailed for the King of Spain. On September 20, 1519, he left Spain with five ships and 240 men. After passing the tip of South America, they reached the Pacific Ocean, on which they sailed more than one year. Very

56、often they could not see a piece of land for months and they suffered greatly from the lack of food and fresh water. Many of them died of hunger and diseases. They even had to live on sawdust. Finally in April 1521, Magellan got to the Philippine Islands, where he was killed. His men fled and contin

57、ued their voyage across the Indian Ocean. It was with the greatest difficulty that they passed the Cape of Good Hope. By the time they returned to Spain on December 21,1521, seven out of every eight men had died. 3. Magellans voyage proved that men could sail around the world and that our earth is b

58、ut a huge ball. Para 1: Magellans voyage was the first trip around the world .Para 2: The process of Magellans long difficult voyagePara 3: Magellans voyage proved the earth is round.Magellans voyage 1. Magellans men were th 1. Magellans men were the first to make the trip around the world. It took

59、them more than two years to do so by ship. 2. Magellan was from Portugal, but he sailed for the King of Spain. On September 20, 1519, he left Spain with five ships and 240 men. After passing the tip of South America, they reached the Pacific Ocean, on which they sailed more than one year. Very often

60、 they could not see a piece of land for months and they suffered greatly from the lack of food and fresh water. Many of them died of hunger and diseases. They even had to live on sawdust. Finally in April 1521, Magellan got to the Philippine Islands, where he was killed. His men fled and continued t


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