已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、牛津英语A英语语法(五)形容词 及副词作者:日期:牛津英语7A英语语法(五)形容词及副词形容词一、概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形 容词和表达形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。二、使用形容词的考前须知:.大局部形容词加Ty 可构成副词。但 friendly, de a dly, lo v ely, 1 on e ly, likely,! i v ely, ug 1 y , bro ther 1 y,仍为形容词。.有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。daily,w e e kl y ,mon t hly,yearly,e a rly.某些形容词

2、加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接。如:the dead, t hel i v in g , the rich, t hep o o r, th e bl i n d ,the h u ngry.有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。the B ri t ish, t he Engli s h, the French, t he C h ine s e.多个形容词修饰名词的顺序限定词一数词一描绘词-(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色)-出处-材料性质,类别一名词。 副词一、概念:副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。副词的种类有频度副词、方式副词、

3、地点副词及时间副词等。二、使用副词的考前须知:a)副词的位置:在动词之前。在be动词、助动词之后。多个助动词时,副词一般放在第 一个助动词后。(大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。方式副 词well (好),bad 1 y(糟)、,hard(坏)等只放在句尾。b)副词的排列顺序:时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。方式副词,短的在 前,长的在后,并用and或but等连词连接。多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+方式+时间副 I可。c)注意:副词very可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。副词e nough要放在形容词的后 面,形容词eno ugh放在名词前后都可。d)有

4、些副词有两种形式,但是意义不同:c lo s e意思是近;cl o sely意思是仔细地la t e意思是晚;la t e 1 y意思是最近deep意思是深”,表示空间深度;deep 1 y时常表示感情上的深度,“深深地 wid e表示空间宽度;w i de ly意思是“广泛地,在许多地方high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于muchfree的意思是“免费”;freely的意思是无限制地”形容词与副词比照及比拟级最高级 一、形容词与副词比拟级和最高级变化规那么形容词和副词的比拟级和最高级的构成方法完全相同。.单音节词和少数双音节词,比拟级加词尾-er,最高级加-est来构成比拟级和

5、最高级。 一般单音节词t a 11 , t a Iler , tallest ; h ard,ha r de r , ha r dest以不发音的 e 结尾 nice, nic e nicest;.以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节,变比拟级双写词尾再加e r,变最高级加est。如:bi g ,bigger, b i gge s t; fast,f a ste r ?f a stest.以辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词先改y为i,比拟级加e r,最高级加est如:easy , easi e r ;easiest, ear 1 y , ear lie r ; ear 1 i e s t.其他双音节词和多音

6、节词,在前面加more,most如:impor t ant,m o reim p ortant; most import ant, hap p i 1 y,more hap pily, most happily.不规那么变化:要逐个记good/ we 11; better,best bad/ i 11; wo r se,wor s t much / many; more,mos t little ; le s s, 1 e asto 1 d ,o 1 d e r, o Ide st 或 e Ide r (年长的)e 1 d e st (最年长的)f ar, f a r t h er Jar t

7、 best 或 fur t he r (进一步地),fur t he s t (最大成度地) 二、可修饰比拟级的词a bit, a lit t 1 e, rat her, mu ch, far, by f ar, many, a lot, lot s, a great d eal, a ny, s tilL even等还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比拟级形容 词或副词的前面。答案:1-5 D B CD B6-1 0 B D C A C 1 答案:1-5 D B CD B26-3 0 AC D A A26-3 0 AC D A A1 6-20 CAB

8、 A A 2 1 25 C D DAA26-3 0 AC D A A31-3 5 A C B AB 36-4 0 B D B D B 4 1-4546-50 D C A D A31-3 5 A C B A形容词及副词练习:The lead e r s p ea k s L ei Fe n g.A. hi g h B.mu c hhigh C . high 1 y D. muchh i ghl yTh e p 1 anei s f 1 y i ng in t he sk y .A. t a 1 ler and t a 1 ler B. hi g h er an d h i g h er C .

9、more taller D. much highTom s ka t e s a s hi s fa t h e r.A. so wellB. sogo od C. a swe 1 ID. a sgoo d. Y o u d o your home w o rk befo r e .A. a s be t te r as B. more better t h a n C. mu c hcarefu 1 ly t hanD. much m o re c ar e f u 11 yt h an. Ma r y ha s j ustb o u gh ther selfdress. A. a c o

10、ttonbluee x p e n s i v eB.an expensiveblue cottonC. a blu e e x pen s ive c o tton D . acott o n e xpen s ive blue 6 . A t th e meeti n g, he kep t all t h et i me.A. s i 1 e n c e B. silentC. s i 1 e ntl y D. st i 11 7.1 t was t h at h e had t o a s k fo r h elp.A. a s o big work B. a sob i gjo b

11、C. such a bi g workD. su c h a big job8 . Weve n e ver agai n writ t en as h i s f irst one.A. s u ch g o o d a b oo k B. so a good b ookC. so go o d a bo o k D . s uch g ood bo o kWo u Id you b e tos h o w meth eway t o the Cit y Hall?Agoodenou g h B. go o denou g h a s C. so go o d D. a s g ood a

12、sM y b r o t her is six years th a n I am. Heis of t he three b ro t he r s .A . olde r , older, o 1 d er C. elder, o lder, the oldes t D.A . olde r , older, o 1 d er C. elder, o lder, the oldes t D.B. el d e r , elde r , e 1 d er e 1 der. elder. the eldestA. more f riendli e r than B. fri e ndly th

13、anC . fr i endl i e rasD. mo r e fr i en d 1 y thanW o ul d you be d o i t for me, please?A. k ind enough B. as kind to C.so kind as to D. s o kind to1 3. He drives m u ch than he did thre e ye a rs ago.A. c ar e f ul B . car e fullyC. moreca r e fulD. morec a refullyMynewgl a s s es c os t me the 1

14、 as t pa i r that I b oug h t.A. times threeB.three times more thanC. thr e e t ime s as muc h as D. a s mu chthreeti me s as 15. Igo t o s c hool except Sun day.A. e v eryoneday B. e v e ryday C.an y one da y D. every d ay 1 6 . H ave th e children g o ne t o school?A. already B. still C . yet D. h

15、o w e v e r1 7. He11 stay here fb r.A. some t im e B. sometime C. some times D. some day 18. Whic h isof the two watch e s ?A. more e x pens i ve B . the m o re e xpe n si v eC. t h e exp e n s ive D. t he most ex p en s i v e19. How th e f i 1 m is!A.instruc t iveB. ins t ru c t i vel yC. the mosti

16、nstruc t i ve D. much instruct i ve2 0. What a s t reetWan g fuj i ng is!A. b usy B. bu s ierC. b u s ie s t D. bu s yerHe i s two years than I.A. elder B. smalle r C.youn g erD. lessT he son g sounds.A. sweetly B. nicel y C. wel 1 D.go o d 2 3 . U S Ais cou n try.A. anEngli s h-sp o ken B. a sp e a

17、 k i ng - E nglishC. a spoken English D . an English- spea k i n gseem to have metyou.A. b efbre B. ago C. yet D . some time25. They h a ve mo v ed away fr o m Bei j i n g. Th ey d o nt live the r e.A. an y Ion g e r B.on c emor e C. either D. a g a in2 6. The road i snot fb r th r e e tr u c k s t

18、o run s i de by side.A. wide en o ughB. so wide C. toow i d e D.enough wi deThe s t r eet are wet because it has rained a 1 1 morni n g.A. th i ck 1 yB. s tr o nglyC. hea v il y D.d e eplyY o u H 1 miss your t ra i nifyo u dont put on your clot h es.A . fastB. s o onC. quick D.qu ick 1 y9 . Who is o

19、f you three ?A. the o 1 dest B . muc h o Ider C. o 1 d e st D . old e r0 .The s eap p 1 e s 1 o ok .A nic e B. wel 1 C . s we e t 1 y D. nicelyCan we d o ou rwork wit h money and peopl e ?A.1 es s , fewer B. 1 e ss e r? f ew C. few,lessD.little, 1 e ssH e m a de mistakes i n the last e xam.A. t h e

20、1 e ast B. fewer C . t h e fewest D . less 3 3. Which do y o u t hink is, the ch i c ke n o r t h e f i sh?A. good B. bet ter C. b es t D. wellA sit was a r a iny night, p e ople wentt o se e the film.A. few B. severa 1 C. m a ny D. a few3 5 . It ta k es t i mes t o go t h e r eby p lan e than b y t

21、 r ain.A. 1 i ttle B. Ie s s C . f e w D. fewerTh i s s hi r t is not go o d . T h at o n e is e ven.A. better B. w o rse C. well D. w o r s tMonday! s my day.A. thebu s iestB. busy C. bus i e r D. bus i es tHe drive s mu c h t h a n h e did thre e years a go.A. more c a ref u 1 B. m o re c arefu 1

22、ly C. careful D. c a refill 1 y3 9.1 c o u 1 d nt findm y Engl i s h Chin e sed i ctionary.A. eve r ywhere B .nowhere C . som e w h ere D. a ny where4 0 . John did ba d ly int h e sport s meeting. I did e ven 1.A. also b adly B. wo rseC. worst D. more badly4L H e i s t eache r tha t all o f u s 1 ike h i m.A . s u chg o o da B. a so goodC. s o good a D. a sue h good42 Ja c k does ntwo r ktom.A. a s s o good B . so good a s C. s o hard as D. s o hard e r asThe story bo o kwas, in t erest i ng Icou 1 d not put i t d o wn.A. as, t ha t B. s o ,that C. s o , as D. a s , asLi L i u nde r s


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