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1、译林版高中英语选择性必修二UNIT 1 The mass mediaAll of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. William Bernbach我们所有专业使用大众传媒的人都是社会的塑造者。 威廉伯恩巴克Reading (P2-3)Be a critical news reader! 做一名有判断力的新闻读者!Firefighters put out tower block fire 消防员扑灭高楼大火Firefighters quickly put out the Henderson

2、Tower fire last night. The fire, which is thought to have started from the 8th floor, spread quickly through the tower block on Sunday night, leaving people on the upper floor trapped. Fears grew that the number of deaths could reach 5, according to figures released by emergency services. Fire engin

3、es and ambulances, called at 9:30 p.m., reached the scene within 15 minutes. By this time, the fire had extended to the 15th floor. Firefighters got the situation under control around 11 p.m. There is concern that the construction company that built the tower block had not followed fire safety rules

4、. 昨晚消防员迅速扑灭了亨德森楼的大火。周日晚上的这场火灾据认为起于9楼,并迅速蔓延至整栋大楼,导致9楼以上的人被困。根据紧急服务机构公布的数据,人们更加担心死亡人数可能达到5人。昨晚9点30分,消防车和救护车接到报警,并于15分钟内赶到火灾现场。此时火势已蔓延至16楼。晚上11点左右,消防员控制住了火势。有人担心建造这栋高楼的建筑公司没有遵守消防安全规范。Deadly fire in tower block causes serious damage高楼致命大火造成严重灾害A terrible fire broke out on Sunday night, leaving the Hende

5、rson Tower seriously damaged. Emergency services estimate that the number of deaths could reach 9. By this morning, 4 people have been confirmed dead. The fire has also left dozens of people injured, 5 of whom are in a critical condition. Lisa Mayer, 29, is among the lucky ones who only suffered min

6、or injuries. She recalled, “I was about to have a bath when l heard people screaming and dogs barking. I looked outside and the smoke was choking me. It was like an awful dream.”周日晚间突发一场可怕的大火,致使亨德森楼严重受损。紧急服务机构估计死亡人数可能达到9人。截至今天上午,已有4人确认死亡。大火还造成数十人受伤,其中5人伤势严重。29岁的莉萨迈耶是只受了轻伤的幸运人士之一。她回忆说:“我正要洗澡,就听到有人尖叫,

7、还有狗在叫。我向外看去,却被浓烟呛住。这就像一场可怕的梦。”Mr Peterson, head of the fire service, confirms that a dropped cigarette end on a carpet of the 8th floor started the fire and that the automatic fire alarms did not go off quickly enough to prevent the disaster. A team is currently investigating the accident further.消防

8、机构长官彼得森先生证实,一个掉在9楼一块地毯上的烟头引起了火灾,而自动消防报警器没有及时报警,因而导致了灾难的发生。调查组目前正在进一步调查这起事故。Reading news reports critically 批判性地阅读新闻报道We rely on news to learn about what is happening in the world around us. However, we usually find that reports on the same events contain different or even contradictory information.

9、How do these differences come about?我们依赖新闻来了解周围的世界正在发生什么事情。然而,我们经常发现,对同一事件的不同报道往往包含不相同甚至互相矛盾的信息。这些差异是如何产生的?It is advisable to remember that journalists may have different priorities, which would influence how they report an event. Lets take the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire as an exam

10、ple. We can see that the first news report pays more attention to the rescue efforts, while the second talks more about deaths and injuries. When we read more than one report, we come to understand an event in a more comprehensive way. 明智的做法是记住记者眼中的头等大事可能会有所不同,这会影响他们如何报道一则事件。让我们以这两篇有关亨德森楼火灾的新闻报道为例。我

11、们可以看到,第一篇新闻报道更关注救援工作,而第二篇谈论更多的则是伤亡情况。当我们读到不止一篇报道时,我们就能更全面地了解一则事件。Even if news reports are written from basically the same perspective, they may contradict each other in terms of factual details, as events in the real world are usually complicated and constantly changing. For instance, the numbers of

12、 deaths differ in the two news reports on the Henderson Tower fire. When we come across such factual differences, we should not rush to the conclusion that one of the news reports gives false information. Instead, check when the reports were written. News reports written at different stages of an ev

13、ent could contain different information as new facts are brought to light. Another aspect worthy of mention is that journalists may approach information they get from research or interviews differently. Suppose emergency services estimates of the number of deaths vary between 5 and 9. Journalists ma

14、y choose to present the minimum, the maximum or something in between in their news reports. Therefore, checking different sources enables us to draw a more informed conclusion. 即使新闻报道的撰写角度基本相同, 它们也可能在事实性的细节上相互矛盾, 因为现实世界中的事件通常是复杂且不断变化的。例如,在两篇有关亨德森楼火灾的新闻报道中,死亡人数截然不同。当我们发现这些事实性差异时,不应急于下结论,认为其中一篇新闻报道提供了

15、错误信息。相反,要核查这些报道的撰写时间。随着新的事实被披露,在一则事件的不同阶段撰写的新闻报道可能包含不同的信息。另一个值得一提的方面是,记者可能会以不同的方式处理他们从研究或采访中获得的信息。假设紧急服务机构估计的死亡人数在5人到9人之间,记者可能会选择在他们的新闻报道中呈现数据的最小值、最大值或中间的某个数值。因此,核实信息的不同来源能够让我们得出更有根据的结论。To sum up, it is wise to read news reports written from various perspectives and at different stages, which brings

16、 us a more accurate understanding of a situation. We also need to be critical about the information we receive and remember not to blindly trust what we have read. Though journalists are committed to presenting the truth, it is better to use our own judgement than rely entirely on news reports. With

17、 great discrimination, every one of us has the potential to be a critical news reader. 总之,阅读从不同角度、不同阶段写就的新闻报道是明智之举,这样可以让我们更准确地了解情况。我们也需要批判性地看待我们接收到的信息,并且记住不要盲目相信我们读到的新闻。尽管记者致力于呈现真相,我们最好还是运用自己的判断力,而非完全依赖新闻报道。有了明辨是非的能力,我们每个人都有潜力成为一名有判断力的新闻读者。Extended reading (P11-12)Advertising: the power of persuasio

18、n 广告:说服的力量In just one day, a person can see hundreds of marketing messages. Advertising has become part of modern life. But what is advertising exactly? In short, it refers to the activity of promoting a product or service. In other words, it tries to persuade people to buy a product or service. 短短一

19、天之内,一个人就能见到数百条促销信息。广告已然成为现代生活的一部分。但是,广告究竟是什么?简单地说,广告指的是推销一种产品或服务的活动。换言之,广告试图说服人们购买一种产品或服务。The history of advertising has always been closely linked with that of the mass media. From the ancientsimple advertisements painted on outdoor signs to the colourful, interactive ones in smartphone apps, adver

20、tising and the mass media have developed hand in hand. As media channels have grown in number and type, so have advertisements. 广告的历史一直以来都与大众传媒的历史息息相关。从古代画在户外招牌上的简单的广告,到智能手机应用程序里丰富多彩的交互式广告,广告一直与大众传媒携手发展。随着媒体渠道数量的增长和类型的丰富,广告也在不断发展。Because the mass media reaches so many people, it is a perfect vehicle

21、 for advertisers. If an advertisement is placed on a popular website or on TV at peak times, a huge number of people will know about the product or service it is advertising. In addition to making people aware of a product or service, a successful advertisement will also create a desire to buy, thus

22、 boosting business. That is why when a company wants to promote a product or service, it often launches a mass media advertising campaign.大众传媒的受众十分广泛,正因如此,广告商视其为广告宣传 的完美工具。如果一则广告投放在一个热门网站或在电视黄金 时段播出,许多人都会知晓它所宣传的产品或服务。一则成功的广告除了让人们知晓一种产品或服务外,还能激发购买欲,从而增加销售量。这就是为什么当一家公司想要推销产品或服务时,往往会在大众传媒上发起一场广告活动。Base

23、d on the psychology behind creating a desire to buy, advertisers have developed ways of persuading people into purchasing their products or services. A common technique to make an impact is to create a memorable slogan. Slogans use simple but impressive language to make us remember the product or se

24、rvice being advertised. Some of these slogans may also appeal to our emotions. For example, a slogan may connect a fine china teapot it aims to promote with our pride in having good taste. You will hear a variety of slogans any time you watch TV. Think about your favourite one. What makes it special

25、? And what message does it try to get across? A slogan which communicates an idea effectively can boost sales and even become part of popular culture. That is the power of memorable slogans.基于激发购买欲背后的心理特征,广告商研究出了各种方法说服人们购买他们的产品或服务。一种用于影响消费者的常见手段是创作一则令人难忘的广告语。广告语用简单但令人印象深刻的语言使我们记住它所宣传的产品或服务。有些广告语还能引起

26、我们的情感共鸣。例如,一则广告语可能会用其打算推销的一款精美的瓷器茶壶,让我们联想到拥有高雅的品味所带来的自豪感。无论何时打开电视,你都会听到各种各样的广告语。想想你最喜欢的那则广告。它有什么特别之处?它试图传达什么样的信息?一则有效传达一种理念的广告语可以增加销售量,甚至成为流行文化的一部分。这就是令人难忘的广告语所拥有的力量。Another technique advertisers often employ is to link their company or product to a “brand ambassador”a famous actor, a sports star, o

27、r even a fictional character. Think of a popular fast-food restaurant. Does it have a brand ambassador? Is the brand ambassador popular among potential customers? The more we like the brand ambassador, the more we will be attracted to buy the product.广告商常用的另一种手段是将其公司或产品与一位“品牌大使”联系起来,例如一位著名演员、体育明星,甚至

28、是一个虚构人物。想想一家很受欢迎的快餐店。它有品牌大使吗?这位品牌大使是否受到潜在消费者的喜爱?我们越喜欢这位品牌大使,就越会受其吸引而去购买相关产品。Of course, some advertisements are not so obvious: product placement is typically used in films with huge box-office success and TV shows with high ratings. Some films are now sponsored by leading brands, so that only their

29、products appear in the films, like the watches worn by the title character in the James Bond films. Other types of mass media use product placement too, including video games. It is not uncommon for sports video game series to feature different in-game equipment with real brand names. We absorb thes

30、e marketing messages without thinking about them too much, yet they will probably have an effect on us the next time we go shopping.当然,有些广告并不那么明显。在超高票房的电影或高收视率 的电视节目中,植入式广告是很典型的。如今有些电影由知名品牌赞助,因而只有该品牌的产品会出现在电影中,比如“007”系列电影的主人公詹姆斯邦德佩戴的手表。其他类型的大众传媒也会有植入式广告,包括电子游戏。在体育电子游戏系列中,用真实的品牌名给不同的游戏装备命名的做法并不罕见。我们没

31、有多加思考就吸收了这些促销信息,而这些信息有可能在我们下次购物时对我们产生影响。In the past, advertising was all about reaching as many people as possible with the same message. Now, advertising is becoming more digital and more personalized. Already we may see online advertisements for products or services we have previously searched for

32、 on the Internet, and we are very likely to receive special discounts and promotions targeted specifically at us. In the future, advertising will be even more about understanding individual customers and sending them advertisements that are tailored to specific needs. Not only will this make them fe

33、el more valued and enable them to see what they are most interested in, but it will also help companies target their customers more efficiently to have a positive effect on sales. 在过去,广告只是要向尽可能多的人传播同样的信息。而现在,广告则变得更加数字化与个性化。我们或许已经见过针对自己之前在网上搜索过的产品或服务的在线广告,而且很可能会收到专门为我们定制的特别折扣和促销活动。在未来,广告将更注重对个体消费者的了解

34、,并向他们发送针对其特定需求而量身定制的广告。这不仅会让消费者觉得自己备受重视,还能让他们看到自己最感兴趣的东西,此外也能帮助公司更加有效地锁定目标客户,从而对销售量产生积极影响。 UNIT 2 Sports cultureSport teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and loseit teaches you about life.Billie Jean King体育塑造你的性格,教会你遵守规则,让你体会输赢

35、它教会你生活。 比莉简金Reading (P16-17)The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会Every four years, thousands of highly trained and talented athletes gather together in the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play, ready to test their abilities against each other in the hope of being recognized as the best of the best. Th

36、is is the Olympicsan extraordinary sporting event that was first celebrated about 3, 000 years ago. 每隔四年,成千上万训练有素、极具天赋的运动员承着友谊、团结和公平争的奥林匹克精神聚集在一起,准备挑战彼此的能力,希望成为世界公认的精英中的精英。这就是奥林匹克运动会项非凡的体育赛事,首次举办于大约3,000年前。Subheading 1 _The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BCE. During the early Games, onl

37、y Greek men were allowed to participate. They competed in such events as boxing, running and the long jump. The ancient Olympic Games were held at Olympia in Greece every four years for almost 12 centuries, until they eventually died out around the year 393. 首届古代奥林匹克运动会于公元前77年举办。在早期的运会上,只有希腊男子才被允许参加

38、比赛。他们参加的比赛项目有拳击、赛跑和跳远等。古代林匹克运动会每四年在希腊的奥林匹亚举行一次,持续了近12个世纪,直到393年左右才最终停止举办。More than 1,500 years later, however, the Games rose again. The modern Olympics were first held in 1896, in Athens. It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who brought the Olympics back to life. His dream was that the Olympics

39、 would help people of different racial origins and from different cultures live side by side in peace. For over a century, people from diverse backgrounds have made joint efforts to help realize Coubertins dream. 但是1,500多年后,奥运会再次兴起。首届现代奥运会于1896年在雅典举行。是一位叫皮块尔德顾拜旦的法国人使奥运会重现生机。他的梦想是奥运会能够帮助不同种族、不同文化的人们和

40、平共处。一个多世纪以来,来自不同背景的人们共同努力,帮助实现顾拜旦的梦想。Subheading 2 _Motivated by the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, many well-known athletes, both male and female, have devoted themselves to achieving sporting excellence and pushing the boundaries of human achievement. One such Olympian was the boxer Cass

41、ius Clay. He came to public attention during the 1960 Rome Olympics, when he won the light-heavyweight gold medal for the USA, demonstrating great talent and personality in the process. Afterwards, this young man proceeded to become the world heavyweight champion in 1964, and later changed his name

42、to the one we all knowMuhammad Ali. He returned to the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony. By the time he died in 2016, Ali had been recognized as one of the greatest boxers of all time. 他们当中有许多著名的运动员,有男有女。在奥林匹克口号“更快、更高、更强”的激励下,他们力争取得体育运动上的杰出成就并不断突破人类成就的极限。

43、奥林匹克运动会上的知名运动员拳击手卡修斯-克莱就是这样一位奥运选手。他在1960年罗马奥运会上引起了人们的关注,当时他为美国赢得了轻重量级拳击金牌,并在比赛过程中展现了过人的天赋和优秀的品性。之后,这个年轻人接着在1964年赢得了世界重量级拳击锦标赛冠军,后来改名为我们熟知的那个名字默罕默德-阿里。他重返1996年亚特兰大奥运会,在开幕式上点燃奥运圣火。到2016年去世时,阿里一直被公认为有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一。Another sportsperson that should be applauded is Jessica Ennis-Hill. Her story is a remark

44、able example of how hard work and devotion can lead to sporting excellence. A former track and field athlete from the UK, she won an Olympic gold medal in her home country in 2012. As if that were not enough, she returned to the Olympics and won a silver medal in 2016, just two years after giving bi

45、rth to her first child. In an interview she revealed that the secret of her consistent good performance was the training that she never missed. 另一位值得称赞的运动员是杰西卡-思尼斯-希尔。她的故事很好地例证了在一项运动中努力和投入可以让你出类拔萃。她曾是英国的田径运动员,并于2012年在祖国赢得了一枚奥运会金牌。似乎这还不够,她仅在生完一个孩子两年后的2016年,就重返奥运会,并获得了银牌。在一次采访中,她透露始终保持好的表现的秘诀是她从未停止训练。

46、Subheading 3 _The 2008 Beijing Olympics called on the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit and build a better future for humanity with the slogan “One World, One Dream”. In addition to hosting the Olympics for the first time, China also ranked first in the medal table. This success is truly rem

47、arkable if you consider that just 24 years before, at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Xu Haifeng won our countrys first-ever gold medal. Since then the upward trend for Chinese sport has been unstoppable. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the

48、mens 110-metre hurdles, while at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, the Chinese womens volleyball team won a hard-fought victory in the final. The year 2022 will be another historic moment for China, as Beijing won the election to host the Winter Olympics. 2008年北京运会的官方口号是“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,号召全世界一起弘扬奥林匹克精神,为人类建设

49、更美好的未来。这是中国首次举办奥运会,也是首次登顶奖牌榜。想想24年前的1984年洛杉矶奥运会,许海峰为中国赢得了第一枚金牌,那么这种成功就显得非同寻常了。从那以后,中国体育的上升趋势就一直势不可挡。在2004年雅典奥运会上,刘翔成为第一个获得男子110米跨栏的亚洲人,而在2016年里约热内卢运会上,中国女子球队在决赛中赢得了一场艰苦的胜利。北京当选2022年冬季奥运会主办城市,于是2022年对中国来说将是另一个历史性的时刻。The Olympic Games bring joy and excitement to people across the world. As Coubertin b

50、elieved, “With the Olympic Games, each generation celebrates its advent, its joy of living, its faith in the future, its ambition and its will to ascend.”奥林匹克运动会给全世界人民带来欢乐和兴奋。正如顾拜旦所说:“有了奥林匹克运动会,每一代人都在庆祝它的到来,庆祝它给生活带来的喜悦,庆祝它对未来的信念,庆祝它的雄心壮志和它向上的意志。”Extended reading (P25-26)Sports idioms 体育习语Every langu

51、age has its idioms, which are groups of words with meanings different from the meanings of the individual words. Idioms make language more colourful and expressive. Since sport is an inseparable part of day-to-day life, there are lots of sports idioms that have found their way into everyday language

52、. Lets take a look at some of them!每一种语言都有习语,习语由词组构成,其蕴含的意义往往不能从词组中单个词的意思推测而得。习语使语言更加丰富多彩,富有表现力。由于体育是全球文化的重要组成部分,日常用语中已经出现了许多体育习语。让我们来看看其中的一些体育习语吧!FootballFootball (or soccer, as it is called in the USA) is one of the most popular sports in the world and many countries have their own football league

53、s. The English language is full of idioms which are thought to have come from football. 足球足球( football,美国称为soccer)是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一,许多国家都有自己的足球联赛。英语中有很多习语都被认为是源于足球。As you know, in a football match, players try to kick or head the ball into the opposing teams goal, which is the net between two big goalpo

54、sts fixed to the ground. Can you imagine that every time you have a chance to score, the goalposts are moved? That would be not only difficult, but also upsetting. If someone “moves the goalposts” in everyday life, it means they unfairly change the rules or requirements for something. An insurance s

55、alesman who is about to reach his annual sales target, only for the company to make the target higher, could rightly complain about the company moving the goalposts. 你可能知道,在足球比赛中,球员试图将球踢进顶进对方的球门,球门是固定在地上的两个大门柱之间的。你能想象,每当你有机会进球时,球门柱就被移动吗?这不仅很难做到,而且也是令人不快的。如果有人在日常生活中“移动门柱”,这意味着他们不公平地改变了某个过程的规则或要求。一位保险

56、推销员即将达到他的年度销售目标,但公司却把目标定得更高,那他就可以理由充分地抱怨公司是在“移动球门柱”。Thankfully, goalposts do not really movebut when a player scores an own goal, he or she might wish they did. “Scoring an own goal” in football means accidentally kicking or heading the ball into ones own net, and it is one of the worst things that

57、can happen to a football player. If someone makes a bad mistake which unintentionally harms their own interests, they are said to have scored an own goal. You might see this expression in the newspapers when the local council makes a decision which backfires terribly!谢天谢地,球门柱并不会真正移动。但当一名球员把球踢进自家的球门时

58、,他/她可能会希望球门会移动就好了。在足球运动中,“Scoring an own goal(进乌龙球)”的意思是不小心把球踢进了自己方的球门,对足球运动员来说,这是最糟糕的事情之一。如果有人犯了一个严重的错误,无意中损害了自己的利益,就被说成是“进乌龙球”。如果地方议会做出了一个完全适得其反的决定时,你可能会在报纸上看到这种说法!BaseballBaseball is an old and popular sport that has given the English language many different idioms. You might have heard expressio

59、ns like “in the ballpark” or “a ballpark estimate”. The venue where a baseball game is played is called a ballpark. So, even if we do not know exactly where the ball is during the game, we can assume that it is somewhere in the ballpark. For this reason, people use the expression “in the ballpark” o

60、r “a ballpark estimate” to talk about rough estimates. 棒球棒球是一项古老而流行的运动,它给英语带来了许多不同的习语。你可能听过“in the ballpark(差不多)”或“a ballpark estimate(大致的估计)”这样的表达。举行棒球比赛的场地叫作“ballpark(球场)”。所以,即使我们不知道球在比赛中的确切位置,我们也可以假设它在球场里的某个地方。因此,商业人士使用短语“in the ballpark”或“a ballpark estimate”来谈论粗略的估计。Another common baseball expr


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