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1、九上 Unit6 试卷 3Unit6like music that I can ance to 同步试题.单项选择o you enjoyA.ancingto anceto ancingancing to答案:Aenjoy后面接动词时,必需使用动名词形式。Its really col outsie the house,your coat,please.A.wear B.put onC.ress on .in答案put on 表“穿的动作 表示穿着表示穿的状态ress 的宾语应当是人,而 in 单独不能作谓语。o you know the manname is A.whoseB.whosC.tha

2、t .who答案:A先行词在从句中作name的定语。The class teacher came into the classroom an remine the stuentsforget to clean classroom after school.A.ont C.to not.not to答案:5.I really islike the movies thattwo long.A.is B.lastC.is laste .lasts答案:B关系词指代的是复数,因此谓语动词也用复数。6.I like to ancethis music.A.for B.at C.to.an答案:Cance

3、 to表“随一起跳”。7.I want to know the name of the music that you are.listening to B.listening C.listening to it .listening to 答案:Athat 就是从句中的宾语了,不可以反复出现宾语。This is Petersmovie Ive seen so far.A.best B.goo C.the best.a best答案:A形容词的最高级在句子中通常加定冠词,但是其前有人称代词时,则要去掉the。He prefers to stay home rather thanto a movi

4、e on such a col A.to goB.going C.goes .go答案:表“宁而不” ,使用prefer to o rather than o的句式。Everyone likes the bookpeople can get much knowlege about the life of animals from.A./ B.who C.where .when答案关系词在从句中作宾语,可以省略。在本句中,假如from 放在关系词前时,关系词不可省略,并且且必需用which。.句型转化The boywhos looking for his motherhas staye here

5、 for hours.() has staye here for hours?答案:Which boy12.I cant unerstan this English song.Im listening to this 用定语从句合成一) I cant unerstan the English songIm listening.答案:that/which,to13.I like swimming,but I like skating 合为一Iskatingswimming.答案:prefer,to14.Go an greet the manager with the name of Gorge

6、变成同义) Go an greet the managerGorge Brown.答案:name.完形填空About 70 000 000 Americans are trying to lose weight.That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the Unite States.Some people eat15foo an they harly have any fats or sweets.Others o running,exercise with machines,take meicine,or even have operations

7、. 16you can see weight is17work,an it will also cost a lot of money.But18o so many people in the Unite States want to lose weight?Many people in the Unite States worry about their look of the boy.For many people,looking nice also means to be19.Other people worry about their health as manyoctors20ove

8、rweight is not goo.Most people want to fin a faster an21way to take off fat,an books of this kin are popular.These books tell people how to lose weight.Each year a lot of new books like these are22 .Each one says it can easily help people take fat away.Losing weight can be23 .Some overweight people

9、go to health centres,like La Costa in California.Men an women24several hunre ollars a ay at these health centres.People there for one week or two,25exercise,eating ifferent foos.Meals there may be just a little.All this works for losing weight.26four ays on the programme,one woman calle Mrs Warren l

10、osts 5 pouns (2.27 kg).At $400 a ay,she spent $320 to lose each poun.But she sai she was still27to o so.Health centres,books,meicines,operations,running an exercise machines all 28a lot money.So in the Unite States,losing weight may mean losing 29too.15.A.lessB.more C.nice .fast答案:A“少”与后面所提到“锻”都是减肥的

11、措施。16.A.For B.So C.Or.An答案:B17.A.goo B.useful C.har .easy答案:C经过上文讲述,可见减肥并且非易事。18.A.why B.what C.how .when 答案:A19.A.high B.short C.thin .fat答案:C本句的含意美就是苗条、瘦。20.A.talk B.say C.speak .tell答案:Bspeak(表达讲某种语言时,才是及物动词)与talk 是不及物动词,不能跟宾语。而 tell 要跟宾语从句,必需用“tell sb.(that).”这种方式。21.A.earer B.harer C.shorter .e

12、asier22.A.taken B.given C.written .copie答案:C本句是被动语态。23.A.cheap B.expensive C.easy .safe答案:B本段主要讲述去健康中心是要交费的,价格不菲。24.A.pay B.cost C.take .have答案:A表示付款cost表示花钱时,主语是物。25.A.making B.taking C.playing .using答案:B26.A.Before B.InC.After.At答案:C27.A.sorry B.angry C.sa .gla答案:不管在减肥中心吃的少,花钱多,但是从but.still 可以看出她仍

13、乐此不疲。28.A.nee B.have C.use .get29.A.health B.time C.foo .money答案:减肥是要破费的。.阅读理解Scientists have learne a lot about the kins of foo people nee.They say that there are several kins of foo that people shoul eat every ay.They are (1)green an yellow vegetables of all kins;(2)citrus(柑橘) fruits an tomatoes;(

14、3)potatoes an other fruits an vegetables;meat of allkins,fish an eggs;(5)milk an foos mae from milk;(6)brea or cereal(谷类),rice is also in thiskin of foo;(7) butter(黄油),or something like butter.People in ifferent countries an ifferent places of the worl eat ifferent kins of things.Foos are cooke an e

15、aten in many ifferent kins of ways.People in ifferent countries eat at ifferent times of the ay.In some places people eat once or twice a ay;in other countries people eat three or four times a ay.Scientists say that none of the ifferences is really important.It oesnt matter whether foos areeaten 生的)

16、 or cooke,canne(罐装的) or frozen().It oesnt matter if a person eats inner at 4 oclock in the afternoon or at eleven oclock at night.The important things is what you eat every ay.There are two problems,then,in feeing the large number of people on earth.The first is to fin some way to fee the worls popu

17、lation so that no one is hungry.The secon is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kins of foo to make them grow to be strong an healthy.Accoring to the scientists,which of the following groups of foo is the healthiest for your lunch?A.chicken,apples,cereal,cabbages B.potatoes,carrots,r

18、ice,brea C.oranges,bananas,fish,tomatoes .beef,pork,fish,milk答案:A纵观各选项列举的食品,只有A 项没有反复的类别。It is important for people to eatA.three times a ayinner at twelve oclockcooke foo all the timesomething from each of the seven kins of foo every ay答案:由第二段的最后一句可知道。People in ifferent countries an ifferent places of the worlA.hav


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