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1、 PAGE 页码 13 / NUMPAGES 总页数 13人教新起点六年级上册英语期末整理复习重点知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图题填单词】1. 根据图片写单词。1. 2.3.2. 看图,写出下列短语。1 23 453. 根据图片内容补全单词。(1)ph_t_ (2)sw_ter(3)m_n (4)umbr_lla(5)t_x_4. 看图填空,我最棒!例:How many pencils do you need?I need four pencils.How much are they? two dollars for oneThey are eight dollars.1. How ma

2、ny _do you need?I need _ _.How much _ _?_ _ _fifty dollars for one_ _ _ _.2. How many _do you need?I need _ _.How much _ _?_ _ _ _.three dollars for one5. 根据图片提示,在横线上补充完整Mike上周六的活动,注意表达准确,字迹工整。 Saturday was a busy day for me.In the morning, I got up early.Then I_.After that, I_.Next, I_.In the after

3、noon, I_.In the evening, I_.Finally, I_at 10 p.m.【填空题】6. 填空题。1_did you do last Sunday?I visited my grandparents.2They learned_(play) football from Tom.3The cat_(call) Mimi is mine.4We learn English by_(work) in pairs.7. 写出下列单词的-ing形式1play 2skate3run 4swim5boat 6cheer7watch 8pass8. 填空题。1Its going to

4、be_(snow) tomorrow.2He is going to_(buy) some cola.3A: What are you going to do?B: Im going to_.4What are you going_(do) there?5My friend_the play yesterday. I_it tomorrow. (see)9. 填空题。1A: Is the man_than the woman?B: Yes, he is stronger than her.2A: How_are you, Tom?B: I am 75 kilograms.3A: What_ar

5、e your shoes?B: My shoes are size 38.10. 根据图片提示补全句子。1Im_, but the bell_.2He is_his_, but the phone_.3They are_the road, but a car_.【选择题】11. _ will the children go to the bookshop? ( )Tomorrow morning.A.How B.What C.When D.Where12. 选择不同类的单词:( )A.like B.hot dog C.want13. Where will you go next week? (

6、 )Ill go to Nanjing _ my friends.A.with B.help C.and14. It is an _ book about film. ( )A.interest B.interested C.interesting15. Sam is playing _ basketball,but Tim is playing _ flute.A./;the B.the;/ C.the;the【连词成句】16. make, going, afternoon, were, this, snowman, to, a (.)17. is, your, where, teacher

7、, going, (?)18. than, more, is, the, long, kilometres, thousand, one, wall, (.)19. what, Nancy, play, will, in the concert (?)20. out of, window, the, Bobby, looking, is (.)【阅读理解】21. 阅读短文,选择最佳的一项。Mr and Mrs White have three daughters. They are Alice, Kitty and Rose. Rose is the youngest of the three

8、 daughters. She is two years younger than Alice. Alice is thirteen. She and Kitty are twins. They are all pretty and lovely. They study in the same school. Their parents are both doctors, but they dont work in the same hospital. They love their daughters very much.Mr White likes music very much. He

9、always listens to music when he drives the car. And he likes reading books, too. After dinner he helps the children with their studies, and then he goes into the study to read books. He goes to bed very late. Fathers Day is coming. What presents do the children give to their father? The youngest sis

10、ter wants to buy a watch for her father, but she doesnt have enough money. She buys a book as a Fathers Day gift. And the twin sisters buy some CDs for their father. Mr White is very happy when he gets these presents.( )(1)There are _people in Mr Whites family.A. three B. four C. five( )(2)How old i

11、s Rose?She is _.A. eleven B. thirteen C. fifteen( )(3)_+_ buy some CDs for Mr White.A. Rose and Kitty B. Kitty and Alice C. Rose and Alice( )(4)Rose buys _+_ as a Fathers Day gift.A. a book B. some CDs C. a watch( )(5)Which of the following is not TRUE?A. Mr and Mrs White work in different hospital.

12、B. The three sisters all give gifts to their father.C. The three sisters study in the same class.22. 阅读理解。I have a new schoolbag. It is beautiful. It is yellow and blue. I like it vey much. But my schoolbag is very heavy. There are many things in my schoolbag. Look, whats in it? I have two books, a

13、notebook, four pencils, two crayons, a ruler, and an apple in my schoolbag.根据课文内容回答问题,将问题的答案填写在横线上。1What color is the schoolbag?2Is the schoolbag very heavy?3Whats in the schoolbag?23. 根据以上短文内容判断下列句子的正误。Today is Sunday. I feel sick. So I go to the hospital. I see the doctor. The doctor tell me to ta

14、ke some medicine, because I have a cold. On my way home I meet my friend. his name is Mike. He goes home on foot. His home is next to my home. So we go home together. He is very happy.( )(1)Today is Satursday.( )(2)I go to the restaurant.( )(3)I go to see the doctor.( )(4)I have a headache.( )(5)Mik

15、es home is next to my home.24. 根据短文内容判断下列各句的正误。Its a snowy day in winter. Sarah feels cold and she cant get up. Her father asks, Whats wrong? Dad, I think I am ill. What should I do? Sarah says. Her father is so worried about her, You should see a doctor. Lets go to the hospital now. OK. Dont worry.

16、 I will get well soon. And I will do more exercise to keep healthy. Sarah says.( )(1)Its a snowy day in spring.( )(2)Sarah feels cold and she thinks she is ill.( )(3)Sarahs mother takes care of (照顾) her.( )(4)Sarah should see a doctor and she will do more exercise to keep healthy.25. 读一读,判断句子正误。( )(

17、1)It is windy on Wednesday morning.( )(2)It is sunny all day on Thursday.( )(3)It is hot on Friday.( )(4)You can make a snowman on Saturday.( )(5)It is winter.26. 根据短文判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“正确”,错误的写“错误”Im Lingling. I tell you what happened yesterday. Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met Jo

18、hn in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran to the bus. But I dropped my ice cream!1Lingling went to the park yesterday.(_)2They met John.(_)3They bought ice creams.(_)4They went home by bike.(_)5Lingling walked to the bus.(_)【写作】27. 书面表达。现在是周日上午8:30,Dim和他的朋友们正在公园玩。根据下表提示用现在进行时写一篇60-80词的短文。28. 书面表达假如你是Sally,请给你的笔友John写一封信,介绍你的小学。注意:开头已给出,全文80词左右。Dear John,How are you recent


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