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1、 高三议论说明文主题句专题精讲 一 议论文说明文主题句的解析 英语段落的中心思想常用主题句表达。所谓主题句就是概括说明某一段落中心思想的句子。阅读的主要目的就是读懂文章段落的中心大意阅读理解的技巧中非常重要的一点是在阅读中迅速地抓住文章或段落的中心思想。段落的构成有其内在的规律,其中心思想往往是通过段落中的主题句来体现的。因此了解并掌握这些规律,迅速找出主题句,这些规律主要是通过主题句在段落中所处的不同的位置体现的。因此同学们首先应对以下四种段型有所了解,然后通过一系列有意识的训练掌握它们。1.首句是主题句的规律给予例证、解释或说明的段落;下定义的段落;对两个或两个以上的事物作比较或对比的段落

2、;表明原因和结果(往往结果交代在前)的段落。主题句是首句的段落总是用演绎法撰写,遵循从一般到个别或特殊的写作程序,即以概述开段,随之辅以细说。这样的段落在文章中出现得最多,据专门研究阅读理论与技巧的专家们统计,概率达到70%。请看下例:(1)Good tool design is important in the prevention of overuse injuries. Well-designed tools and equipment will require less force to operate them and prevent awkward(别扭的)hand positio

3、ns. They will allow the worker to keep the elbows(肘)next to the body to prevent damage to the shoulder and arm.解析:读首段,找出首段中有主题句,文章很明显的第一段就提出了说明的内容“Good tool design is important in the prevention of overuse injuries.”(2)Two friends have an argument that bleaks up their friendship forever, even though

4、 neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact, according to an official report on youth violence, In our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvat

5、ion or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence. Given that this is the case, why arent students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive cars, or stay physically fit?解析:读首段,找出首段中有主题句,文章很明显的第一段就给我们论点“Given that this is the case, why arent students taug

6、ht to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive cars, or stay physically fit?(3)People who talk and sing to plants have no mental problems at all, according to an agricultural expert. In fact, singing and talking to plants makes them grow better, says Dr Braymar. The reas

7、on is quite simple. When we sing or talk to plants, we exhale(呼出) CO2 which plants need to survive (continue to live)and grow better. Plants absorb (take in) CO2 through their pores(小孔) during the sunlight hours and produce oxygen which people to survive. Singing and talking have good effect on plan

8、ts, however, only during the daytime. Singing or talking at bedtime will not help plants to grow better or grow faster.解析:本段的首句是主题句,其后的句子或是解释说明“对植物说话或唱歌有益于植物”,或是为这一主题思想提供论据。本段的结尾句呼应主题句,在给予主题思想又一论据的同时,幽默地收尾。 2.段落尾句是主题句的规律(1)阐述一个不常见的或难以令人接受的观点的段落。(2)旨在说服读者相信甚至信服其论点的段落。尾句是主题句的段落总是用归纳法撰写的,其程序是先表述细节或交代论据

9、,最后作出概括性的结论,以总结性的句子收尾。这种写作方法的特点是从个别到一般,由特殊性到共性。请看下例:(1)The little boy smiled and thanked us. We wished him the best and he left. I was left with a good feeling.I had seen the love and goodness of others all around me.The woman in front of me smiled and said, “It sure feels good to give, doesnt it?”

10、I smiled back and said, “Yes!”解析:找到主题句,即划线句。主要是讲述了Love and goodness的关系。(2)If you hadnt known them, you would have thought Joe and Jim were quite alike. They were both tall and wore long and fair hair. They both walked with a steady stride (坚定的步伐). They both spoke in a deep voice that made themselves

11、 seem much older than they really were. Both of them wore dark clothes as a rule, and they liked light coloured ties. But that was all the likeness they had. In other things they were sharply different. Joe was considerate and helpful, and everyone liked him. Jim, however, was very selfish and often

12、 flared into terrible anger (勃然大怒) at little things that displeased him. Alike as Joe and Jim were on the surface, they were really very different in nature.解析:这段文字从乔与吉姆两个人相像和不同的细节叙述,最后一句作了归纳总结:这两人表面相似,但实质极不相同。3.段落中间句是主题句的规律表述某种观点的段落的主题句往往处于段落的中间。这样段落先以一句或几句为主题句的出现作铺垫,或是交代一个细节或论据。在主题句出场后,仍有适当数量的句子陈述

13、细节或继续给予例证。这类段落包括几个层次:引题主题思想解释或“提问”回答问题或继续给予例证。这样段落的撰写总是遵循这条规律:先归纳后演绎。给出一两个例证之后,作出概括性的总结,然后根据这一结论再给予例证来证实其论点。请看下例:(1)When you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can, the ball reaches a point where it seems to pause for a moment, and then it comes down. When a bullet (子弹) is shot straight up,

14、 it will travel much faster and higher than a ball, but it, too, will come down. Whatever goes up must come down. We have al-ways thought this to be true. An airplane may climb to a height of seventeen miles and then travel far and long. Yet it does not stay up forever. Finally, like every-thing els

15、e, the plane must come down.解析:本段文字中间划线的这句话是主题句。其行文顺序与写作方法与上述的发展程序完全吻合。(2)Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. Im not going to say luck, talent, and circumstances dont come in

16、to play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence, and thats just the reality of how life is.However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And, in addition to that, in order to get

17、 really good at something, one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things, itll require even more time, time that most people wont put in.This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love. If you dont enjoy what y

18、ou do, it is going to feel like unbearable pain and will likely make you quit well before you ever become good at it.解析:本文有首段引出了话题在人生中要成功,虽然运气、天赋、家庭出生固然很重要,但在第二段:说明成功首先要树立目标,由第二段开头的However可知,本文的中心论题不是第一段而在第二段to succeed in life, one first needs to needs to 4. 主题句没有明显地表示出来,而用一种含蓄的方法加以表示。这时需要读者对整段意思加以领

19、会,然后自己归纳出一句能体现全段中心思想的主题句来。如: (1)Joshua Bingham studied 4 years at the University of Paris and decided to leave his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is pr

20、esently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.解析:全篇共四句,只陈述了四个细节(detail)性的事实。因此就答案本身看,个个都对。读者只能将所有的details综合起来,进行逻辑推理,才能构成一个没有言明的主题思想(unstated main idea)。由于文中主要涉及了Joshua Bingham接受教育的情况,即作者想告诉我们的是:Joshua Bingham接受过良好的教育。(2)First you must wait for a sunny day. Remember that the rays of the sun are mos

21、t direct between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. This is the time when you will tan the quickest. At the right time and on the right day, pick an open spot outdoors and lay out a large towel or beach mat. You want to bring along several things: suntan oil, a portable radio, a book or magazine, sunglasses, a pill

22、ow. It is a good idea not to stay in the sun too long at first. Begin with a half hour, and then gradually increase the time you spend in the sun. Certain parts of you body will burn more quickly than others. These include the backs of you knees, the insides of your elbows, your shoulders, and your

23、nose. Be sure to cover these spots with suntan oil when you first go outside. Cover them again with oil after you have been out in the sun for a while.解析:(可能的含蓄主题句:Taking a sunbath calls for careful planning. 或 It calls for careful planning to take a sunbath.)要注意,这种包含在段落意义中的含蓄主题句对于初学者来说比较困难,只有在熟练掌握上

24、述各种主题句用法基础上,才可灵活辨别。(3)Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命) often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the days work. This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International Space Station(ISS)ISS crew members usu

25、ally live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email,intern

26、et phone and through private video conferences. While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit,there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy .Before a mission,the family and friends of each ISS crew member put together a collection of family photos,messages,videos a

27、nd reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their mission,the crew also receives care packages with CDs,books,magazines,photos and letters. And as from early 2010,the internet became available on the ISS,giving astronauts the ch

28、ance to do some “web surfing(冲浪)”in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments,astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space. Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe a

29、nd the Earth. Both the shuttle and the ISS circle the planet several times each day,and every moment offers a new view of the Earths vast land mass and oceans. 解析:本文主要向我们介绍了宇航员在休息时做的事,但可以看出文章中的句首和句尾都没有其主题句。但通过第一段中的They can communicate with family and friends by email,internet phone and through priva

30、te video conferences,第二段中的第一句do some “web surfing(冲浪)”in their personal time,以及最后一段的内容可以看出本文向我们介绍了宇航员在太空中是如何打发他们的自由利用的时间的。二、专题过关实例演练(一)Eating too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of heart disease. But there is another factor that can cause your heart prob

31、lems more immediately: the air you breathe.Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露)to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problem, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风)within as little as a few hours after exposure. In one re

32、view of the research, scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants (污染物)were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure. A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Age

33、ncy (EPA) considers to be of “moderate” (良好)quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other ri

34、sk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices. So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become

35、 necessary to protect public health.1.找出文章中第1段中的主题句:But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you breathe. 2.找出文章中最后一段中的主题句:However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choice

36、s.3. The text mainly discusses the relationship between .A. heart problems and air quality B. heart problems and exercisingC. heart problems and smoking D. heart problems and fatty food解析思路:A1,读首段,引出了要说明的观点:But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you

37、breathe.即:最新的研究表明,另外一项我们平时不注意的东西更使我们患心脏病的风险大大增加,那就是我们所呼吸的空气。说明了空气的质量和心脏病之间可能存在的某种关系。2,通过略读全文,找出第二三段与第一段之间的关系,不难看出第二三段是举出了大量的实验的例子来说明空气环境质量差的患心脏病的肯能性要比空气质量差的患心脏病的可能性大。3,再回顾第一自然段的最后一句可知本文大意是说明空气质量和心脏病发病率之间的关系,选A。(二)Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames (绰号). Some people called him Bagama. They said

38、 his mouth looked like a large bag, Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence (影响) on the world of music.Born in 1901 in New Orleans, be grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said,“Jazz

39、 and I grew up together.”Armstrong showed a great talent (天赋) for music when he was taught to play the cornet (短号) at a boys home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that traveled on the Mississippi River. At that tim

40、e, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal.In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale of Louis Armstrong begins. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was cele

41、brated and loved wherever be went Armstrong had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song.His cornet playing had a deep humanity (仁爱) and warmth that caused many listeners to say, “Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over.”He was the father of the jazz style(风格) and also

42、one of the best-known and most admired people in the world. His death, on July 6, 1971, was headline news around the world.1.找出文章中第1段的主题句:Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames (绰号). 2.找出或归纳文章中的第3段的主题句:He was talented in learning all kinds of music at different periods of ages .3. Which would be t

43、he best title for the text?A. The Invention of the Jazz Music B. The Father of the Jazz StyleC. The Making of a Musician D. The Spread of Popular Music解析:这篇文章讲述了Armstrong称为爵士音乐之父的过程,文章最后一段中“He was the father of the jazz style(风格) and also one of the best-known and most admired people in the world.”点

44、明了文章的主题,是总结全文的主题句。很明显本文是一篇人物传记。由此我们可以选出正确答案B。(三)Michael, a typical American, stays home on workday. He plugs into his personal computer terminal in order to connect with the office. After work he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder or plays baseball on the computer. On

45、 many days, Michael does not talk to any other human beings, and he does not see any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his life style is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings. 找出文章中的主题句:The

46、 inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings. 二、学法提炼1、专题特点理解一个段落或一篇文章的中心意思首先要学会寻找主题句。主题句一般具有三个特点:(1)概括性强,表述的意思比较概括。(2)结构简单,句子结构较简单,多数都不采用长、难句的形式。(3)受它支撑,段落中其他的句子是用来解释、支撑或发展该句所表述的主题思想。2、解题方法第一招:识别篇章或段落结构、寻找篇章或段落主题句文章的首尾段往往揭士文章的主题,各段的首位也往往是各段主题句的


48、的概括性,因此在选择时应优先考虑这类选项。主旨大意题的干扰项经常是文中部分内容的概括,其本身内容与原文相符,但只是文章所陈述主体的一部分,而不能概括整篇文章的主旨,因此在解答主旨大意题时,要从文章的整体来考虑,切记根据某一段落而误选内容片面的选项。3、注意事项 (一) 夹叙夹议文: 主题句常在议论中 说明文: 一般在首段 议论文: 一般为总分总模式, 即主题句(作者的观点) 常在首段或末段(作者观点的重申)。当然,由于写 作需要,主题句偶尔也可在一段 文章中间。 (二) 文中出现的连词(转折but/ however,因果 so/ therefore,或一些常见但在文章中间出现有一定目的的词(i

49、n fact, the study shows that, for example, in short), 这些词后面所阐述的往往就是主题句 。(三)有的文章无明显主题句,主题句隐含在段意之中,这就需要读者对每段文章的段意进行归纳,在段落大意的基础上再进一步加工概括了。(四)首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答就是文章主旨.能力培养综合题1 Too much TV-watching can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies su

50、ggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.One of the studies looked at nearly 400 northern California third-graders. Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedrooms TVs.请找出第一段话的主题句:Too m

51、uch TV-watching can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, 解析:通过文章的句首中的Too much TV-watching can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree,以及第二段中对上述的观点进行了例证,可以看出是整个文章中的主题句。综合题2There are three separate

52、sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power(原子能) First,the radioactive material must travel from its place of production to the power stationAlthough the power stations themselves are strongly built,the containers used for the transport of the materials are notNormally,only two methods of

53、 transport are in use,namely road or railUnfortunately,both of these may have an effect on the general public,since they are sure to pass near,or even through,heavily populated areasSecond,there is the problem of wasteAll nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioacti

54、ve for thousands of yearsIt is impossible to make these wastes nonradioactive,and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have inventedFor example,they may be buried under the ground,or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the seaHowever,these methods do not solve t

55、he problem,since an earthquake could easily break the containersThird,there may occur the danger of a leak(泄漏)or an explosion at the power stationAs with the other two dangers,this is not very likely,so it does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear programHowever,it can happenSeparately,the

56、se three types of dangers are not a great cause for worryTaken together, though,the probability of disaster(灾难)is extremely high请分别找出文章中第1段,第2段和第3段的主题句,并总结文章的主旨大意:第1段There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power(原子能) First,the radioactive material must travel from i

57、ts place of production to the power station第2段Second,there is the problem of waste第3段Third,there may occur the danger of a leak(泄漏)or an explosion at the power station主旨大意通读全文:可以看出文章的结构是总分的结构模式。首句There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power(原子能)即三中原子能所带来的危害。最后分别用Fi

58、rst,the radioactive material must travel from its place of production to the power stationSecond,there is the problem of wasteThird,there may occur the danger of a leak(泄漏)or an explosion at the power station即:Dangers from nuclear power二、 能力点评通过综合(1)可知主题句在段首 一个主题句常常是一个段落的开头,其后的句子则是论证性细节。在议论文,科技文献和新闻

59、报道中多采用这种格式。 而通过综合(2)可以看出文章中重复频率较高的词汇很可能就是蕴含文章中心意思的关键词,这类关键词可能是同一个词语多次出现,也可能是同一类词语贯穿全文。课后作业请划出下面段落的主题句(一)People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they havent eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat. Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Othe

60、rs prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant, and fresh fruit. Others could live on what were called fast-foods: a hamburger or hot dog, French fries and a soft drink.(二)Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious. The world population


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