词器厂话题口语文本college dropouts_第1页




1、Some college students drop out of college in pursuit of their dreams. Would you consider it a good thing?1. 如今,越来越多的大学生心痒难耐,没毕业就辍学,想快点寻找大好前途。(be tempted, in search of, sooner rather than later)1.Nowadays, more college students than everaretemptedto leave school without earning a college degreein sea

2、rch ofa bright futuresooner rather than later.2. 很多人认为自己就是下一个乔布斯,下一个比尔盖茨这两个人称得上是世界上最成功的辍学者。(arguably, dropout)2.Many believe that they will be the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates,arguablythe most successful collegedropoutsin the world.3. 但是学生不该冲动行事。(on a whim)3.But students should never do thison a wh

3、im.4. 这种改变一生的决定值得谨慎思考。(life-changing decision)4.Instead, such alife-changing decisionis worth serious consideration.5. 例如,我的朋友Jim大二辍学了,因为想当歌手。(drop out)5.For example, one of my friends, Jim,dropped outof college in his second year because he wanted to be a singer.6. 他觉得他的专业,市场营销,对他没用。(of no use)6.He

4、 thought his major, marketing, wasof no useto him.7. 在当地酒吧驻唱了几年,参加了数不清的唱歌比赛后,他还是没什么名气。(participate in, nameless)7.After spending years singing in local bars andparticipating innumerous singing competitions, he is still anamelesssinger.8. 他家境一般,很快就花完了微薄的积蓄。(born with a silver spoon in ones mouth, run

5、 out of)8.Notborn with a silver spoon in his mouth, he soonran out ofwhat little savings he had.9. 就连老婆也跟他离婚了,因为他养不了家。(divorce, provide for)9.His wifedivorcedhim because he could notprovideforthe family.10. 可惜,他对音乐的热爱并不能说明他退学是正确的。(justify)10.Sadly, his love of music did notjustifyhis decision to dro

6、p out.11. 如果当年他拿到文凭,找一份稳定的工作,业余时间再去追求音乐梦想,可能一切要比现在强。(get a college degree, spare time)11.Things could be easier if he hadgot a college degree, had a stable job and pursued his music dream in hisspare time.12. 我们经常听说辍学者的成功故事,这些故事激励人心,具有传奇色彩。(inspiring, legendary)12.We often hear aboutinspiringandlege

7、ndarysuccess stories of dropouts.13. 虽然,盖茨等人的故事让人觉得,从大学辍学了,也能成名、赚大钱,我们却不能忽略一个残酷的事实:(present cases of, rise to fame and fortune, the hard truth)13.While stories like that of Gatespresent cases ofcollege dropoutsrising tofame and fortune, thehard truthshould not be ignored:14. 大多数退学学生在事业上都不如有学历的学生。(th

8、e vast majority, fare worse )14.The vast majorityof students who drop outfare worsein careers than those with degrees.15. 根据国家教育统计中心的数据,进入职场几年后,大学毕业生要比只有高中学历的学生平均多挣两万美元。(National Center for Education Statistics, an average of, several years into)15.According to data from theNational Center for Educa

9、tion Statistics, college grads earnan average of$20,000 more than those with a high school education when both groups areseveral years intotheir careers.16. 有大学学历的人也更容易在业内立足,发展空间更大。(establish oneself, career prospects)16.People with a college degree can more easilyestablish themselvesin their jobs and have bettercareer prospects.17. 而且别忘了,乔布斯是从里德学院退学的,而比尔盖茨是从哈佛退学的,这两所学校都是世界知名学府。(prestigious institutions)17.And dont forget, Steve Jobs dropped out from


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