Unit 1 单词拼写练习-高中英语牛津译林版必修第一册_第1页
Unit 1 单词拼写练习-高中英语牛津译林版必修第一册_第2页
Unit 1 单词拼写练习-高中英语牛津译林版必修第一册_第3页




1、 . Study without thinking leads to c_; thinking without study ends in puzzlement.You should put more e_ into your work.There was no o_ for further discussion.First we need to identify actual and p_ problems.The story was completely untrue and was successfully c_ in court.I can hardly wait to describ

2、e to you what _ high school life is like. (中学的) However, for those of you with a _ mind, opportunity lies in each challenge.(正面)To fully realize your _, it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.(潜能)That meal was _ cheap.(令人惊奇)She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and

3、her _.(上级)Of e_ importance are good study habits, useful skills and an optimistic attitude.In time, you will find yourself growing into a w_ individual.This will remind you of what you are working for and keep you f_.Last year, I had the chance to study at a British s_ school as an exchange student.

4、I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the material was less a_ in the UK than in China.My brother is my _ by two years.(较年长的人)She has _ a good knowledge of English.(获得)Luckily, my mother _ to the occasion.(能够处理)Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I could not make _ because som

5、etimes I wasnt able to express myself clearly in English.(贡献)These negotiations are intended to smooth the _ to a peace treaty.(道路)Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious c_ we face.Well, to my way of t_, they should have done that years ago.Shes got a really p_ attitude to life.Sh

6、e gave him a c_ look. “Are you really sure?” she demanded.Id like to take this o_ to thank my colleagues for their support.He took _ of my generosity.(利用)The problem _ in deciding when to intervene.(在于)Abstract art is an _ taste.(养成的)The local clubs are making every _ to interest more young people.

7、(努力)The f_ of recent research has been on environmental issues.Its been a difficult time but, on the p_ side, I feel physically fine.The project was a joint e_.Its cheaper if you book the ticket in a_.While girls lack c_, boys often overestimate their abilities.Changing schools made a big d_ to my l

8、ife.We must make the most efficient use of the available financial _.(财力)The hotel has special _ for welcoming disabled people.(设施)I hope that he proves _ to the challenge.(能胜任的)On Bali, there is a healthier, more relaxed _ to life.(态度)Your goal as a parent is to help your child become an _ adult.(独

9、立)Try to keep a b_ between your spending and your earnings.All children should be encouraged to realize their full p_.Many wines i_ with age.You can have the bathroom designed to suit your i_ needs.People sometimes forget that television c_ are fictional. Cigarette smoking is _ for about 90% of deat

10、hs from lung cancer.(是的原因)We do not foresee any major changes in the years _.(提早)Each _ receives two genes, one inherited from each parent.(个人)She feels a strong sense of _ towards her students.(责任)My bank _ isnt good.(余额)There are several people j_ to me.By this age, the child becomes relatively i_ of his mother. I have ten years experience at s_ management level.We need to f_ public attention on this issue.Editing requires great attention to d_.These measures are _ at preventing violent crime.(旨在)I think on _ I prefer the old system.(权衡


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