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1、 重点短语【温故知新】1. 因而出名 _ 3. 根 _5. 国的 _7. everyday _2. 避做某事_ 4. 自环境的 _6. no matter _8. chopstick _考一I think the TV was invented before the 我为视在汽之被明。P41) 【考点梳理】此从句一般去的动态一般过去时的被动语态的基本结构为: _I think the computer was invented after the car.【小试牛刀】( ) Simon,do you know who invented the Sure! It _ by Mozi over 2

2、,000 years A. is invented B. invented C. invented D. will invented考二What are used for? 们用做么?(P42)【考点梳理】 be for 的法be used for 意“被用来做”,词 for 后名、词动词宾语,强调用途。The sweaters used ing us warm in winter.The cloth is used for making clothes.【小试牛刀】( ) hear your grandpa has an old cup in your _ drinking tea long

3、 and my grandpa _ drink tea with when he young.A.was used to; was used C.was used for; used to考三With pleasure! 我很意(P42) 【考点梳理】With pleasure的法B.used for; used toD.was used for; to1“with pleasure!意为“乐意效劳!很愿意!”。当别人请求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候,用 With pleasure!答,且用于事情发生之前,表示客气地接受或同意。 you help me look my dog when Im

4、【考点辨析】 pleasure., With pleasure. With pleasure!My pleasure.With pleasure.对别人表示感谢的礼貌回答,意为“不客气”。完整形式为 Its pleasure。 客气地表示接受或同意,意为“当然了,很愿意”。是对方提出要求,答应对方 时的用法,问句通常是 you please sth.?Thank you for help.一 My pleasure!【小试牛刀】( ) Could you please help carry the heavy bag? _. A. pleasure B. pleasure C. Youre w

5、elcome D. It doesnt matter考四Think about how often its used our daily lives. 想在们常活会么繁地用 吧【考点梳理】daily 的用daily 在句中为形容词,意为每日的;日常的”,只能放在名词前做定语,不能做表语,相于 everyday。Dont read the daily news in todays newspaper?【考点拓展】1. adj. 每的adv. 一周一次2. monthly adj. 每月的adv. 一一次3. yearly adj. 每年的adv. 一一次【小试牛刀】根据汉语提示完成句子The p

6、layers the Chinese mens soccer team are paying more attention to their 日的) training.考五Well,you do seem to have a point. 嗯看你的实有道(【结构分析】助动词 在本句中表示_ 。 to do sth.为“好像做某事”。【考点梳理】have a point 的用法have a point 意“有道理”,常用于口语中,表示赞同某人的观点和看法。You a point it would better to wait till tomorrow.【小试牛刀】( ) With help o

7、f your friends, youll the problem better, John. _. didnt I remind of such good idea?2A. Why not? B. You a point. C. done! D. Thats all right. 考六For example, it mentioned that the zipper was invented Whitcomb Judson in 1893. 【考点梳理】mention 的用mention 及物动词,意为“提到;说到”,其后常跟名词、代词或从句。mention sth.mention sth.

8、mention sb.从提到某事某物 提到做某事向某人提起某事某 提到He mentioned this idea.Whenever I mentioned having dinner together, said he busy.Nobody anything me about it.She in letter that she planned to go abroad.【考点拓展】Dont mention it. 是见口语表达,主要用来回答感谢,意为“不客气;不用谢”。有时也用来回答道 歉。 Thank very much Dont mention it.【小试牛刀】( ) What he

9、 say in letter? everything with his father? No idea. He _ his parents in letter.A. admire B. notice C. mention D. miss考七Did you know that tea, most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? 【考点梳理】by accident 的用by accident 意为“偶然地;意外地”,相当于 by chance, 在句中做状语。My friend and by a

10、ccident at the airport.The broke the accident.【小试牛刀】那个小孩儿在登山中意外地摔伤了腿。That child broke leg _ _ when climbing the mountain.考八 It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong the first discover tea as a drink.【考点梳理】句型 It is said that.的用法It said 为“_ ”其_ 为形式语,_ 是真正的主语, said 是 _ 语。3It said that there a b

11、ig rainstorm.【考点拓展“ is+及动的去词+ that.”的型 1. is believed that.人认为2. is known that.所周知3. is reported that.据报道4. is supposed that.据测 5. is expected 预It known that China famous for the Wall.It reported that 20 people killed in the accident.【小试牛刀】( ) It has been raining for days. will it stop? It _ that th

12、e rainy season will be longer than last year.A. says B. said C. saying D. to say考九 leaves from a tea plant into the water and remained there for time.【考点梳理】remain 的法remained 在句中为不及物动词,为“停留;逗留”。How long will you remain here?【考点拓展】1. remain 为动词时,意为“仍然是(处干某种状)保持不变”,相当于 keep,后可接名词、分词 或介词短语做表语。Though he

13、in danger, remains calm.2. remain 为及物动词,意为“剩余”。There only apple remaining.【小试牛刀】( ) plane _ on ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.A. ran B. C. shook D. remained考十It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water.【考点梳理】smell 用smell 为名词,意为“气味”,此时多用作可数名词smell 还表示“嗅觉”,此时为不可数名词。 The

14、re a smell of cooking.【考点拓展】1. smell 还用作及物动词,意为“闻到”,其后可接名词或代词。I smelt something burning.2. smell 用系动词时,意为“闻起来”,其后跟形容词做表语。4These flowers smell sweet.【小试牛刀】( ) cheese cake _ so good that I cant wait to it.A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells考十:It quite delicious, and so, one of the worlds favorite d

15、rinks was invented.【考点梳理】one of 的用“ of ”表示“之”,其后接名词或代词复数式。该结构做主语时,谓语动词要单形 式。One of the students in our class helps the old carry bag.There lot of foods on the table. One of them is favorite.【考点拓展】 “ of the +adj. _ 级名词复数”意为“最的之一”。Do you know that China is one of the oldest countries the world?【小试牛刀】(

16、 ) Nile one of _ rivers in the world.A. long B. longer C. longest D. most longest考十:In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660, but less than 100 years, had become the national drink.【考点梳理】national 的用national 为容词,意为“国家的;全的;民族的”。My father is interested in national international news.【词性转换】nation

17、n.国家;民族national adj. 国家的;民族的international adj.国的 nationality n.国籍【小试牛刀】The _ (nation) Day of has a 7-day holiday for people to travel and relax.考十:take place 的用【考点梳理】意为“发生;出现”,为不及物动词短语,只能用在主动语态的句子中没有动态。 How many of you believe that there are meetings that take place without you?【考点辨析】take place, 1.

18、take place 一指非偶然事件,事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排不用于被动态。2. happen 指经筹划而偶然“发生”,多指生不好的事情能被动态 did the meeting take place?5That traffic accident at 8:00 am.【小试牛刀】在过去的儿年里,长沙发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have _ _ Changsha in past several years.考十:Even though many people now know about tea culture, Chinese are without doubt

19、the who best understand the nature of tea.【考点辨析】这是一个多重复合句Even though 引导让步状语从句。主句中含有一个语从句 who best understand nature of tea, 修先行词“_”,_ 是关系代词,在定语从句中做主语。 【小试牛刀】( ) CCTV has produced a TV Chinese Poetry Competition. Have you it? Sure. Wu Yishu, 16, _ studies the High School Affiliated to Fudan, is the w

20、inner.A. which B. where C. who D. 【考点梳理without doubt 用法without doubt 相于 there doubt, 意“毫无疑问的确”。其中 为词,意为“疑问;疑 惑”。Without he working hard.The girl wins the game without doubt.【考点拓展】 做物动词时,意为“怀疑,不相信”,其后可直接跟名词或代词做宾语。You shouldnt 【固定搭配】 doubt 不定,不确定,拿不准。【考点拓展】 在定句中其后常接 whether 从,在否定句和疑问句中常接 that 从句。We do

21、ubt whether he will come.I never doubt that you are a good boy.【小试牛刀】( ) doubt _ he can speak English?A. whetherB. if C.that D. which考十:They sold the fridge at a low price. 他低出了箱()【考点梳理】at low price 用at a price 意“以低价”。表示价格的高低,用 high/low,用 expensive/cheap。饰商品时,才能 用 expensive/cheap。House prices are ve

22、ry high now. = Houses are expensive now.【小试牛刀】( )I cant afford the white dress.What about the orange price is _.6A. cheaper B. higher C. lower D. more expensive考十:Different writers translated the book different languages.【考点梳理】translate 的用translate 为及物动词,意为“翻译”translate 意“把译成”。Can you translate the

23、text into Chinese?【词性转换】translator n._ translation n._The girl acted a translator for two strangers different countries.【小试牛刀】This machine _ (translate) simple messages into different languages.考十:The earthquake happened all of sudden, but luckily the villagers were brought to a safe place. 【考点梳理】al

24、l of a sudden 的法all of sudden 为定短语,意为“突然;猛地”,在句中做状语,可位于句首或句末,相当于 。All of a sudden, realized what I had to do.【小试牛刀】 根汉语提示完句子 he looking into a hole, a big _ (然地)大显身手一单选.( found _ in the room. Where have they Theyve gone to Daves birthday party.A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody( Look, Lin

25、da. flowers in our classroom came out in one night. cant believe it. They are beautiful and colorful. They _ great.A. sound B. smell C. taste( Lily, could you please help hand my papers to our teacher? _ .Where are A. pleasure B. Yes, pleas C. course not D. idea( did the tea trade from China to coun

26、tries _? the century.A. take B. take off C. take place D. take away( _ paper invented _ ?7 Cai Lun ancient China.A. for B. How; C. Who; by D. by( Perfect photos! Good skills! They _ by my Huawei mobile phone. In I not A. took B. were taken C. will taken二根汉意完下句,空词1. 人相信在未来五年我们国家将会发生巨大的变化。It believed

27、that great changes will _ _ in our country in the next five years. 2. 乔毫无疑问是我们学校最棒的篮球运动员。George _ _ the best basketball player in school.3. 据你们俩在这次体育考试中得了满分。_ _ _ both got full scores in this PE examination. 4. 这男人突然驾车离去。The man drove away _ _ _ _.5. 这书在两年前被译成了许多语言。The _ _ _ many languages years Hom

28、ework一按求成子每一。1. villagers the bridge last 改被动语)The bridge _ _by the villagers year.2. telephone invented 对线部分提)_ _ the telephone _ ?3. cleaned by 对线部分提问_ _ the room cleaned _?4. knives can used for cutting 改同义)These knives can _ _ _ _ things. 5. waiter away the plates we finished 改被动语态)The plates _

29、_ away by the waiter after finished eating.8二阅理。Most 15-year-olds are worrying about their math homework trying get on with other their Henry Patterson busy running successful online business instead.Patterson, a teenager from Bedfordshire, a county in East of England, started a business justnine. H

30、e used to sell sweets, but he sells household products like wash bags soft toys. The things sells are the characters book he wrote.Pattersons early school years were difficult, as he different from what his classmates were like. He sawthe world differently seldom invited to parties or play dates ( w

31、hich made him feel even more lonely.玩耍约会). He also had a stammer (口吃),But these things didn hold him back. To cheer himself up, Patterson gradually lost himself in designingdifferent animals and writing interesting stories about them. His characters started to popular. He tried hard to express himself clearly and talk to bigger audiences. His business has earned hi


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