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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11四年级牛津英语上学期期中整理复习难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【单词拼写】1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1.W_is it?2. It is aa_(苹果).3.P_give me a pen.2. 根据括号中的数字填写合适的序数词或基数词(写单词)。1、Bill is _(11)years old , he is in Class_(2)Grade_(4).2、My birthday is on the_(3)of March .3、September is the _(9)month in a year .4、Which

2、 boy is thinner , the _(1)one or the _(2)one ?5、There are _(12)apples on the desk .3. 完型填空。1sch_l2libr_ry3playgr_nd4 cl_ssr_m4. 根据中文写单词。1.十二月_ 2.十月_3.五月_ 4. 月_5.二月_ 6.八月_7.九月_ 8.四月_9.七月_ 10.三月_11.六月_ 12.十一月_5. 根据句意填写单词。1.Doyoulikethis_?(你喜欢这把雨伞吗?)2.CanItrythem_?(我能试穿吗?)3.Thegloves_nice.(这个手套很漂亮。)4.C

3、anI_you?(我能帮助你吗?)5.We have many _.(我们有很多围巾。)【填空题】6. 写出单词的正确形式填空,并将其填在横线上。1How many_(orange/oranges)do you have?I have one orange.2Look at_(that/those)animals.3 Can Wang Biang_(skates/skate)Well? Yes, he can.4Have a birthday cake_(with/at) a cherry.5They_(is/are) tigers.7. 按要求分类,只写序号。studyvegetablesc

4、hopsticksdrivercousinauntliving roomfork ricefarmer1职业类:_2家庭居室类:_3家庭成员:_4餐具类:_5食物类:_8. 填空。1Where do you want_go this holiday?2I want_go_Suzhou.3What do you want_do there?4I want_row a boat_the lake.9. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。for good under in colour1I have a_friend. He is short and thin.2What_is it? - Its brow

5、n.3Try chopsticks_noodles.4The keys are_the door.5Put your book_your schoolbag.10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Its hot and _ (sun) today.2February is the _ (two) month of the year.3How many _ (book) are there on the desk?4I like _ (snowy).5There are twelve _ (month) in a year.11. 按照提示填入正确的单词或词组。1Chen Jie has a_(绿

6、色的苹果).2I like those_(裤子).3Are these_(麦克的)?4_(穿上)your shirt.5Its time to_(回家).12. 按要求写一写。1me(主格)_ 2teach(名词)_3have(第三人称单数)_ 4come(对应词)_5like(第三人称单数)_13. 给下列单词归类,写序号。A. twenty B. living room C. noodles D. fifteen E. eyeF. hamburger G. nose H. fish I. forty J. bedroomK. mouth L. rice M. sandwich N. ear

7、 O. bathroom P. pie Q. thirty R. nine S. kitchen T. nine1房间类:_2食品类:_3数字类:_4器官类:_【选择题】14. 为下列对话选择相应的图片。1What are those? Are they apples? ( )No, they are tomatoes.A. B.2Are those cows over there? ( )No, they are horses.A. B.3What are these? ( )A. B.4Are these hens? ( )Yes, they are.A. B.15. 选出每组中不属于同一

8、类的词。1A.pants B.shorts C.coat( )2A.clothes B.sweater C.jacket( )3A.carrot B.sock C.potato( )4A.skirt B.shirt C.those( )5A.whose B.what C.pack( )16. What _ these?( )Theyre cats.A.do B.are C.is17. Can I help you? ( )_Can I see these pants?A.Yes, please. B.No, thanks. C.Thats OK.18. Can I have _ milk, M

9、um? ( )Here you are.A.any B.a C.some【句型转换】19. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Itscloudytoday. (对句子主题意思提问)_is the_today?2. Peter lives in Beijing. (改为否定句)Peter_in Beijing.3. We have some old friends. (改为单数句)I have_old_.4. I like skiing in winter. (改为一般疑问句)_you_skiing in winter?5. How is the weather in summer in Shangha

10、i? (根据实际情况回答)20. 句型转换。1You can climb the tree.(改为否定句)You_the tree.2The cows eatgrass.(根据句子主题意思提问)_the cows eat?3This is a rabbit.(把this改成these,其余作相应变化)4The hens eatcorn.(根据句子主题意思提问)_the hens eat?5I have an orange kite.(把I改成she,其余作相应变化)_an orange_.21. 按要求改写句子。1把句子改为一般问句:I came here by plane.2把句子改为一般问

11、句:I saw my friend in Hangzhou.3把句子改为一般问句:I had a good time yesterday.4把句子改为一般问句:They went to Beijing by train.5把句子改为一般问句:I did my homework last night.22. 按要求完成下列句子。1The classroom ison the second floor.(对句子主题意思提问)_the classroom?2Is this the computer room?(否定回答)_, it_.3It is next to Classroom 3.(变一般疑问

12、句)4There arefortychairs in my class.(对句子主题意思提问)_chairs are there in your class?5Do you have a library?(肯定回答)23. 按要求改写句子。1.Therearesomestarbiscuitsinthebag.(改为否定句)2.Hisrobotisarectangle.(句子主题意思提问)3.ThereisaglassinClareshand.(句子主题意思提问)4.Mymotherlikesheryellowdress.(改为否定句)5.Hisauntisanurse.(句子主题意思提问)_h

13、isaunt?_hisaunt_?6.Aliceshoopisacircle.(改成意思相同的句子)_,and_【阅读理解】24. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Look at the room. Its big and clean. There is a big table near the window. There are three books, two volleyballs, a violin and a guitar on it. Whose books are these? They are Lucys B8books. Lucy likes reading. The volle

14、yball are Mike s. Mike likes playing volleyball. He often(经常) plays it with his friends after school. The violin is Sallys. Sally can play the violin very well. Whose guitar is this? It is Peters guitar. It is new and wonderful.( )(1)he room is.A. small and new B. new and clean C. big and clean( )(2

15、)There arebooks on the table.A. two B. three C. four( )(3)Mike likes playing.A. football B. the violin C. volleyball( )(4)The violin is.A. Peters B. Sallys C. Lucys( )(5)The guitar is.A. new and wonderful B. big and wonderful C. small but wonderful25. 阅读短文,选出最佳答案。This is Jims bedroom. Its new and ni

16、ce. A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it .A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the shelf. A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know?( )(1)Whose room

17、is it ?A.Jims room. B.Fathers room. C.Mothers room.( )(2)Where are the flowers?A.On the floor. B.In the desk. C.On the desk.( )(3)Whats on the shelf?A.Some Chinese books. B.Some math books. C.Some English books.( )(4)Who is the woman?A.Jim. B.Jims mother. C.Jim aunt.( )(5)Who is the boy? Its _.A.Jim

18、 B.Mike. C.David.26. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello! Welcome to our new music room. Look! There is a teachers desk,8 pictures, a big map of China and a nice piano in it. You can see 6 fans and 7 lights. The wall is blue and the floor is white. I can sing and dance in the music room. I like my new music room.( )(1)

19、We have a new music room.( )(2)I can see six pictures in the room.( )(3)A big piano is in the room.( )(4)I can see eight lights in the room.( )(5)The floor is white.27. 看图,回答问题,每题词数不限。(1)Where are the ducks?(2)How many children are there on the seesaw?(3)Can you see a boy in the plant house?(4)Where

20、 is the fountain?28. 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。In my dream house, there is a big garden. There are many beautiful flowers and green trees in the garden. There is a comfortable(舒适的)living room. In the living room, there is a color TV, a sofa, a table and many other things. On the left(左边)of the living room, there is a dining room. A large table is there. Behind(后面)the dining room, there is a kitchen. The bathroom is next to the kitchen. On the right(右边)of the living room, there are two bedrooms. There is a study. In the study, there is a


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