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1、单项选择计谋篇 第四讲 剑走偏锋词汇问题,讲师:高继英,a . 一般情况:一个(a/an );这个、那个(the);直译(零冠词),剑走偏锋冠词,1.(2013山东) It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky. A. 不填;a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; 不填,剑走偏锋冠词,b . 逆向思维不受思维定势的影响(初中知识) 适用于: 序数词、星期、三餐、人名、专有名词(the),1.(2012全国II) He missed _ gold in the

2、high jump, but will get _ second chance in the long jump. A. the; the B. /; a C. the; a D. a; /,剑走偏锋冠词,4.(2013陕西)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in _thirteenth century. A. the; a B. a; / C. /; the D. the; the,剑走偏锋代词,1.(2013山东) Ive lived in New York and Chicago

3、, but dont like _ of them very much. A. either B. any C. each D. another,a .数量(两个、三个以上),剑走偏锋代词,1. (2013陕西)Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lost_of her enthusiasm for life. A. some B. neither C. none D. all,b .肯定、否定之分; (nothing常为答案),剑走偏锋代词,1. (2013辽宁) To her joy, D

4、ella earned first the trust of her students and then _ of her colleagues. A. that B. one C. ones D. those,c. that than 后, of 前; it make/find /feel /think _adj ./ n.,a.比较级常常是答案(a +比较级+名词)。,剑走偏锋形容词、副词,1.(2013新课标II) It may not be a great suggestion. But before _ is put forward, well make do with it. A.

5、 a good one B. a better one C. the best one D. a best one,剑走偏锋形容词、副词,b . 倍数表示法:(倍数词在前,结构对称),1. (2013安徽)Its said that the power plant is now _large as what it was. A. twice as B. as twice C. twice much D. much twice,剑走偏锋能力突破,1. (10陕西)The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city. A. that B. this C. it D. one,剑走偏锋能力突破,4.(2012北京)Many people have donated that type


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