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1、企业流程管理解决方案Business Process Management SolutionSTARPROCS 星程,星曜达物流(上海)有限公司 StarComLog International Logistics (Shanghai) Ltd.,工作流程网页(e-Expense 电子报销),eExpense (Tim GM 总经理),Introduction (简介),Web-architected, secure, highly configurable - Use STARPROCS anytime, anywhere - Separate information for users,

2、vendors and customers - Works the way you work 基于Web结构,高安全性,可配置化 Automatic Audit trail - Ownership and Accountability (SOX-Ready) 基于岗位和职责的自动审计跟踪 Rapidly automates and enforces your business processes 帮助贵公司加速实现流程自动化 Manages issues throughout the entire lifecycle of your projects 管理整个项目开发生命周期,Introduc

3、tion contd,Provides immediate access to customer history, company information, products purchased 可快速、直接访问客户历史状态,公司信息,产品购买信息 Provides web knowledge base for publishing FAQs, procedures 提供Web知识库管理,可发布FAQs、进程 Allows customers to initiate & check status of issues real time via web 允许客户通过Web界面实时发布并查看问题状

4、态,Features特殊功能,Support SMS & E-mail Notification Alerts 邮件及短信的自动提醒 Support PDA approval function on the move 支持PDA 手机随时审批功能 API interface with other system (SAP, Oracle, SQL,) 提供其他系统集成的API接口 Personalize the home page for every user 为每一个用户制定客户化的主页 SOX Compliant符合SOX的需求 Electronic Signature Support支持电

5、子簽名,Feature 2,Unique ID for every activity record 每一个活动的记录都有唯一ID Share hyperlink with each user ID 用超链接和每一个用户ID共享项目 Certification Assistance (e.g.: ISO9000, GMP,FDA and etc.) 认证流程的辅助功能,发送SMS信息功能,工作流程网页(e-Expense 电子报销),Feature Advantage Benefit特点、优势、利益,General Manager (总经理),Manufacture (生产部),Purchase

6、s (采购部),Finance (财务部),HR (人力资源部),Sales (销售部),IT (信息部),Recruitment (招聘),Training (培训),Payroll (薪资),AR (应收),Cashier (出纳),Product (生产采购),Non-Product (非生产采购),STARPROCS in Your Business,Plan (计划),Workshop(车间),Warehouse (仓库),QA (质量),AP (应付),GL (总帐),ERP处 (企业资源计划系统),Network (网络),Sales Representative (销售代表),

7、Sales Representative (销售代表),STARPROCS Architecture,IIS Sun One Apache,TeamTrack Server,ODBC,HTTP,HTTP,ODBC,Solaris Windows Unix Linux Apple OS Handheld,TT Admin,Remote Admin,Usages of STARPROCS星程的各方面用途,Operations Process Management (业务程序管理) Compliance (依从) Change request management (改变请求管理) Unified

8、request management (统一请求管理) Corrective action procedures (纠正行为程序) IT Infrastructure change requests (信息技术下部结构变化请求) Issue/defect tracking hardware (论点/缺点跟踪硬件) Item/Issue tracking (项目/论点跟踪服务) Product lifecycle management (产品生命周期管理) Quality initiatives (品质主动) Customer management (消费者管理) Contract and pr

9、oposal management (合同与建议管理) Sales support (销售支持),Issue and Defect Tracking (论点与缺点跟踪服务) Internal Help Desk Incident Management (内部帮助管理),Services and Support 服务和技术支持,Professional Services - Standard installation, configuration, and implementation services 标准安装、配置、开发服务 - Custom Consulting 客户咨询 - Admini

10、strator training classes on site or at TeamShare 管理员培训课程 Maintenance & Support - 5X8 Call Support 电话技术支持 (5X8) - Updates, Service Packs and point releases included in Annual fee (20% of software retail price) 年费用包括升级、版本发布等,Why STARPROCS?为什么选择 星程?(Buy vs. Build),Core Business for Teamtrack TeamTrtack

11、核心业务 TeamTrack Product Already In Use 产品已经在很多企业使用(e.g. Dell) Tool Flexibility Combines Issue Database With Workflow 灵活的开发工具(数据库和工作流相结合) Sales & Design Support - Demo prototype designed in 1 - 3 weeks 快速支持销售阶段和设计阶段 (根据复杂程度,一至三周可完成原型演示) On-going Partnership For Development & Support 可持续的开发与技术支持 Cost v

12、s. Schedule 价格和时间,Who uses TeamTrack? 谁在使用TT,Consumer Electronics & Telecommunication,Enterprise Implementations在企业级的流程实施案例,Our Partners 强大的合作伙伴,ROI for(Dell的投资回报),Every Dell server, laptop and desktop is made with the help of TeamTrack. 每台Server, Laptop & Desktop PC都是在TT帮助下制造及交付的 Improved product q

13、uality across all Dell product lines. 在所有新产品的开发及测试过程中使用TeamTrack, 提高产品质量 Directly improved customer satisfaction by streamlining processes as they pass through the different silos within Dell. 直接增加了客户满意度 Dell will save over $300k annually by automating the opportunity management process. 由于应用了TT自动化管

14、理流程, Dell 每年会节省超过$300K,Case Study,Requests for Time-off 请假流程 Internal Knowledge Base 公司内部知识库 Internal Events 公司内部重大事件 Documentation 文档管理流程 Build Requests 版本控制请求流程,Competitive Information 竞争对手信息跟踪 Customer Escalations 客户问题升级流程 Status Reports 项目状态报告 Help Desk 公司支持中心报告流程,Expense Claims报销的流程,Approval Le

15、vel权限审批的流程,Submits PMR Request (提交PMR报告),Supervisor Approval (部门经理审批),GM Approval (总经理审批),Estimate Costs of Production (估计生产成本),System Input (检查并记录),New Product Pricing (鉴定产品新价格),Transaction closed (处理完毕),Sales Dept.,ADC Dept.,General Manager,Finance Dept.,IT Dept.,Marketing Dept.,Tommy Submits PMR

16、Request 提交产品改良报告 Supervisor Approves/Rejects & Pass to Finance/GM 部门经理审批同意拒绝 GM approve/reject 总经理审批同意拒绝 Finance Estimates Costs of Production 财务部估计生产成本 IT Department Enters Data Into System 电脑部门检查并记录进系统 Marketing Decision on New Product Pricing 鉴定产品新价格 SPR Work Flow 提交跨部门流程,PMR WorkFlow (产品改良流程),SP

17、R Work Flow (跨部门流程),e-Expense (Tommy Sourcing),Tommy Sourcing 提交报销报告给部 门经理John并等 待回复,同意/拒绝,Tim GMs e-Expense Report 总经理Tim的电子报销报告,Frank HR Assistant,Jennifer Cashier,Sunny Accountant,Tommy Sourcing,报 销 次 数,e-Expense (John Sourcing Leader),总金额超过 800,John Sourcing 经理发给 总经理Tim 进行审批,e-Expense (Sunny Acc

18、ountant),会计Sunny accountant 同意并告诉 出纳付钱,e-Expense (Jennifer Cashier),出纳付钱并通知会计记帐,User Homepage (e-Expense) 用户主页,Frank HR Assistant,Jennifer Cashier,Sunny Accountant,Tommy Sourcing,Accountant approve & key in system,Closed,Issue payment,Supervisor approval,Transaction closed,已经完成 (52.94%),尚未完成 (47.06%

19、),报 销 次 数,User Homepage (e-Expense) 实际用户主页,Product Mod. Request (PMR) 产品更改请求管理流程,Sales Price Request (SPR) 特殊价格审批流程,Contract Management 合同管理流程,E-Expense 电子报销流程,Sunny Accountants Homepage,Tim GMs Homepage (Leave Application),Annual Leave,Sick Leave,Emergency Leave,Jennifer cashier,Sunny accountant,To

20、mmy sourcing,已经完成 (50%),尚未完成 (50%),请 假 次 数,Summary 总结,Consistent, effective process management software 统一、有效的流程管理软件 Web-architected, secure and highly configurable process & issue management solution 基于Web的界面,安全可配置的流程和问题管理的解决方案 Directly increased profitability for customers worldwide in software development, manufacturing, government, financial services, healthcar


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