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1、中考英语书面表达,南京一中 黄侃,书面表达是一项能够充分体现学生综合语言能力,特别是写作能力的题型(15分)。英语书面表达一向被看着是主观性较强的测试题。它主要考查学生英文写作能力。答案开放、多元,有利于培养学生的创新思维。学生既要具备一定的语言知识,又要具备运用语言和组织语言的能力,具有很强的综合性。英语书面表达决不是停留在句子翻译的层面上,而是要求语言流畅,语法正确,逻辑合理。全日制义务教育英语课程标准对九年级学生在书面表达方面提出了要求。,全日制义务教育英语课程标准书面表达要求,1能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;,2能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改;,3能使用常见的连接词

2、表示顺序和逻辑关系;,4能简单描述人物和事件;,5能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。,书面表达 (本大题共10分) 假如你是杰克,现在深圳姑妈家探亲。到达深圳几天后,你用英语发了个电子邮件给父母,内容要点如下: 1. 我于上周六下午乘火车抵达深圳,旅途愉快; 2. 姑妈全家人身体都好,他们对我非常亲切; 3. 这几天表兄弟们正带我四处参观这座城市; 4. 谈谈对深圳的印象; 5. 希望长大后能在这里工作。,2007 年无锡市中考卷,注意: 1. 第4 要点的内容须用3、4句话作适当发挥; 2. 邮件须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 3. 词数70个左右,邮件的开头和结尾

3、均已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Dad and Mum, _ _ Uncle and Aunt send you their best wishes. Love, Jack,书面表达(共1题;满分15分) 最近你校开展了一次为某灾区捐款的献爱心活动,请你根据表格内容写一篇日记,词数80左右。,2007 年常州市中考卷,要求: 1. 句子通顺、表达准确,可适当增加细节使内容连贯; 2. 文中不得使用真实的人名、校名; 3. 日记的格式已为你写好,不计入总词数。 June 6, Wednesday Sunny An earthquake hit Puer in Yunnan Province

4、on June 3, 2007. _ _ _.,书面表达(共1题;满分20分) 假设某英语杂志“奥运来了”栏目正在举办征文比赛。请你根据下面的“奥运会徽”和内容要点,用英语以“中国印-舞动的北京”为题写一篇短文,参加比赛。,2007 年苏州市中考卷,内容: 1. 会徽设计成中国印,名为“中国印-舞动的北京”; 2. 印中的“京”字代表北京,像个舞者,向世界展开双臂; 3. 印是红色的,下面写有“北京2008”,红色代表好运; 4. “舞动的北京”使你想到.(考生自拟,至少一点)。,注意: 1. 词数90字左右。短文的标题和开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2. 短文须包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻

5、译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing The Olympic emblem(奥运会徽) for the 2008 Olympic Games was shown to the public in Beijing, August 3, 2003. _ _.,牛津初中英语7A9B 书面表达有哪几种体裁?,牛津初中英语书面表达体裁有:,记叙文,应用文,(书信),(记人、记事),4. greeting,书信格式,conclusion,introduction,main body,6. closing,7.

6、signature,1. address of sender(右上角),2. date,3. address of receiver,5. message,8. title of sender,Class 1,Grade 7 Beijing Sunshine Secondary School Sunshine Town Beijing 20th April Dear parents, teachers and classmates We are happy to invite you to a farewell party for our friends from Britain. We wi

7、ll hold a party in _.,邀请信格式:(7A Unit Three),The map shows you how to get to Sunshine Park. We hope you can come. We look forward to seeing you at our party. Yours faithfully Simon Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7,13th October Dear Mr. Wu We are writing to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Stu

8、dents Union. We think he will be an excellent chairperson because he has many good personal qualities.,推荐信格式:(9A Unit One),_ _.,We think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. We hope that you agree with us. Yours sincerely Signature,Dear Sigmund Friend I am a Grade 9 student. I

9、have a problem and I want to know how to solve it. _ _ _. I really dont know what to do.,倾诉信格式:(9A Unit Three),Can you offer me some suggestions? (Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two?) They would be most valuable. (I hope to hear from you soon. ) Thanks a lot. Best wishe

10、s Simon,22nd March Friendly Roberts Co Ltd 100 Sun Street Sunshine Town Dear Sir/ Madam Robot model no, HUGO123BB Two weeks ago, I bought a robot from your company in order to have more free time. However, I am not at all satisfied with it.,投诉信格式:(9B Unit Two),Rm702, Happy House 155 Summer Road Suns

11、hine Town,So, I would like to get my money back. Yours faithfully Millie,4根据对话或短文及范例,模仿写作。80字左右。,2008年中考英语书面表达采用的题型,1根据提示的要点,写一篇80字左右的短文。,2根据所给的图画和提示用语,写一篇80字左右的短文。,3根据所给的图画和英文开头提示,写一篇80字左右的短文。,5文章续写。80字左右。,书面表达技巧,1. 引出全文话题的主题句、论点和论据,2. 使用恰当的词汇、短语和句式,3. 适当加入过渡词, 增强文章的连贯性和整体性,4. 避免中文式英文、书写规范、符合规格,Wri

12、ting practice,A recommendation for the chairperson:,Sandy is going to recommend Simon as the new chairperson of the Students Union. Now she is making a flow chart to organize her ideas. Help her to complete it.,A. get good scores in every subject B. easy-going C. finishes homework quickly D. organiz

13、e activities well E. fair F. good at sports,Simons advantages for a new chairperson:,He is clever and hard-working enough to(6)_.,He (4)_, so he has enough time to work for us.,He is(5)_, so everyone thinks he can be a friend.,d,e,f,c,b,a,13th October Dear Mr. Wu We are writing to recommend Simon as

14、 the new chairperson of the Students Union. We think he will be an excellent chairperson because he has many good personal qualities.,date,greeting,introduction,main body,Simon is businesslike and practical, so he can organize activities well. Since he is fair, we all believe him. He is good at spor

15、ts and we think he is strong enough to work for us. He finishes homework quickly, so he has enough time to work for us. Because he is easy-going, everyone thinks he can be a friend. He is clever and hard-working enough to get good scores in every subject.,We think that Simon has all the qualities to

16、 be a good chairperson. We hope that you agree with us. Yours sincerely Sandy Class 6, Grade 9 monitor,conclusion,closing,signature,title of sender,书面表达: 假如你是李强,你的美国笔友Shirley正在学习汉语。她在给你的来信中介绍了她的汉语老师的情况。请根据以下信息用英语写一封回信,向她介绍你的英语老师Miss Li.,南京市2006年初中毕业生英语学业考试,要求: 1. 词数80字左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 文中不得出现

17、真实的人名和校名等相关信息。 3. 根据所给信息作适当发挥,要求条理清楚,语意连贯, 字迹工整。,Dear Shirley, Thank you for telling me about your Chinese teacher. I think he has a good sense of humor. Now let me tell you something about my English teacher, Miss Li. _ _ _ Best wishes Yours sincerely Li Qiang,One possible version: Dear Shirley, Th

18、ank you for telling me about your Chinese teacher. I think he has a good sense of humor. Now let me tell you something about my English teacher, Miss Li. Miss Li is a nice teacher and taught us for three years. She is tall and slim. Blue is her favorite color and she often wears blue clothes. She lo

19、oks smart in blue. She likes reading and she often travels when she is free. She is kind and helpful. As a teacher, she is very patient. She spends lots of time explaining difficult things to us. She teaches so well that she won the first prize in the teaching competition last year. All of us like h

20、er. Best wishes Yours sincerely Li Qiang,书面表达:(共A、B两部分;A部分5小题,每小题1分; B部分10分。满分15分) A) 学生应当遵守学校的规章制度。请根据图表的内容, 在9195小题的题号后用短语写出学校在这五个方面的要求。 B) 请用短文表述图表中的五点内容,并提出你认为中学生还应 遵守的学校规章制度;选择其中一点或几点谈谈你的看法。,南京市2007年初中毕业生英语学业考试,要求: 1词数80左右(不包括文中已给出的第一句)。 2条理清楚,语义连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。 3文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。,91. wear scho

21、ol uniforms,92. listen to our teachers carefully in class,93. do homework carefully and hand it in on time,94. keep quiet in the library,95. get along well with our classmates,One possible version: Every school has its own rules for students. We are told to wear school uniforms at school. We should

22、listen to our teachers carefully in class. Homework must be done carefully and handed in on time. We ought to keep quiet in the library. Getting along well with our classmates is necessary. Besides, we must always be on time for school. I think it is important for us to follow the school rules. But we dont like to wear our school uniforms all the time. Each of us is not in the same and we like to be different from each other.,仔细审题、按规定写、 准备写作。,书面表达友情提醒


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