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1、2006-9-3,1/,Contemporary College English 3,English Dept. of NJU Jinling College,I. Introduction of the Book,Plan of the book on page viii Some requirements (preview I find that crawling into a text, asking questions and then coming out the other side, is the best way to discover what its all about -

2、 to be surprised, challenged, moved and won over.,2006-9-3,1/,Lesson 1 Your College Years,Contents,Warm-up,Warm-up Questions Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience On Seasons in College A Song ,Lesson 1 Your College Years,Warm-up Questions,To be continued on the next page.,As a sophomore, what

3、 is your general impression of college?,many opportunities for one to explore the unknown experiencing a lot making lifelong friends enjoying various kinds of activities developing ones personal interests meeting outstanding scholars keeping a good balance and laying a solid foundation the golden ti

4、me in ones life,Lesson 1 Your College Years,Warm-up Questions,To be continued on the next page.,2. Have you experienced anything different from your middle school life?,being far away from home living with others becoming independent taking care of oneself handling ones own finance making ones own d

5、ecisions changes are occurring,Lesson 1 Your College Years,Warm-up Questions,To be continued on the next page.,3. Whats your purpose of receiving a college education?,to get and keep a good job to earn more money to get a good start in life to fully develop oneself to contribute more to the society

6、a sound investment that is worth every penny,Lesson 1 Your College Years,Warm-up Questions,The end of Warm-up Questions.,4. Have you had any psychological problems ever since you entered college?,loneliness confusion frustration jealousy a sense of inferiority feeling pressure psychological problems

7、 abound on campus,Lesson 1 Your College Years,II. Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience,To be continued on the next page.,College years are times of significant transition and challenge for an individual. Transition simply means change. Higher levels of anxiety are always experienced by peopl

8、e who are in a state of transition regardless of whether the change is perceived as good or bad. The following are some of the myths vs. the facts regarding college experience.,Lesson 1 Your College Years,To be continued on the next page.,Myth 1: College years are the best years of ones life. Fact 1

9、: While college years are memorable and enjoyable, they can also be among the most stressful and anxious times. One is faced with constant evaluation from his professors. Personal and parental expectations are always on his mind. Financial stress is often a way of life. Career decisions, various rel

10、ationships and the move toward independence are also common issues. Making these the best years of ones life involves developing an approach that is proactive and includes a support network.,II. Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience,Lesson 1 Your College Years,To be continued on the next page

11、.,Myth 2: Students experiencing stress or anxiety are unprepared to handle the rigors of college.,Fact 2: College and university environments are designed to be challenging academically, personally and socially. Stress and anxiety, among other emotions, are natural by-products of the accelerated pac

12、e of learning and growth. It is not a matter of whether or not we experience these unpleasant feelings but rather, a matter of how we manage these emotions.,II. Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience,Lesson 1 Your College Years,To be continued on the next page.,Myth 3: A good student does not

13、need assistance during his/her college experience. Fact 3: Many students come to college with the belief that to ask for help is a sure sign of inadequacy. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. Your college or university has an abundance of resources available to you, for which you are p

14、aying through tuition or fees. So become familiar with and make use of the campus resources, especially when you need assistance.,II. Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience,Lesson 1 Your College Years,To be continued on the next page.,Myth 4: I am the only one that doesnt have it all.,Fact 4:

15、As you walk on campus and observe other students, it appears that everyone else is so sure of himself. Everyone else has friends. Everyone else has direction. Everyone else is confident. Everyone else is without troubles or hassles. This misperception is common among college students. It has its roo

16、ts in one of our more powerful social norms. We all wear a “public mask” to protect a certain social image. This “public mask” communicates a sense of self-assuredness to those with whom we come in contact. It often belies the inner turmoil that we all experience from time to time.,II. Myths and Fac

17、ts Regarding College Experience,Lesson 1 Your College Years,The end of Myths and Facts.,The above are just some of the myths versus facts concerning college experiences. Can you think of any other myths? Have a discussion with your classmates about their truths.,II. Myths and Facts Regarding College

18、 Experience,Lesson 1 Your College Years,III. On Seasons in College,To be continued on the next page.,There are four seasons in a year, which make the days distinctive and exiting. Metaphorically, there are four seasons in ones college years representing different aspects of college life, which make

19、the days rewarding and unforgettable. Do you agree? If so, what do you think the four seasons represent ? Share your opinions, please.,For your reference,Lesson 1 Your College Years,III. On Seasons in College,To be continued on the next page.,Spring is the season for nature to revive, to grow and to

20、 get ready to boom. Similarly, in college, spring is the season for you to acquire knowledge, to develop yourself and to lay a solid foundation for the future. Its the season of growth.,spring,Lesson 1 Your College Years,III. On Seasons in College,To be continued on the next page.,Summer is the seas

21、on for flowers to bloom, and its the season for you to enjoy the greatest passion in nature love, love from your classmates, from your teachers and from your romance.,It is the season of affection.,summer,Lesson 1 Your College Years,III. On Seasons in College,To be continued on the next page.,Autumn

22、,Autumn is a season of harvest in college. Its the season for you to enjoy what you have achieved.,Lesson 1 Your College Years,III. On Seasons in College,The end of On Seasons in College.,winter,Winter is the harshest season of the four, which presents so many difficulties and hardships. Likewise, n

23、ot every day in college is full of joy. You have to meet new faces,get adjusted, make decisions for yourself, be financially and psychologically dependent, etc. So winter is the season of change. Unpleasant as it may seem to some students, it is simply inescapable and beneficial to ones growth and m

24、aturity.,Introduction to the text,This is a text about what students will experience in their “college years”. It is appropriate as we are just beginning the second academic year, which is the most important in our college life, because with our first years experience we are in a better position to

25、understand the issues involved and the way to deal with them effectively.,College life is both an exciting and frustrating experience. We have to face many what the author calls “developmental changes” and make many important adjustment and decisions, which will concern our education and career, and

26、 values and social responsibilities. To make our college life experience meaningful and rewarding, we must learn to handle what the author calls “the identity crises”, to find out who we are, what are our strong points and weakness, what we should do and where we should go. We must learn to be indep

27、endent, which means we have to relate to our family,our teachers, our school, the people around us and the society as a whole in a new, more mature way, and means we have to learn knowledge, develop new ideas, form new habits, adopt new attitudes, and cultivate new relationships. In our text it mean

28、s the need to form a correct world outlook. Education after all is not just for making a living. It is about how to live.,take place/ occur/ happen The next Olympic Games will _ in Beijing in 2008. (take place,发生) The accident _ at the intersection. (occurred/ happened, 发生) The incident _ two weeks

29、ago. (happened, 发生) The accident _ despite all the precautions that had been taken to prevent it. (occurred, 发生),Language Points,Heavy rains _ during summer monsoon. (occur, to be found exist or appear, 出现) occur to/ dawn on It gradually _ me that Id caught the wrong train. (dawned on) It never _ hi

30、m to say “thanks”. (occur to),Language Points,take place/ happen/ occur 都可以表示“发生”的意思,take place的主语一般是历史事件或是比较”大”的事。happen和occur都可以表示偶然发生,主语一般为事故、事件等。但若事件是事先策划或事先有迹象时或在否定句中,就之能用occur了。 occur to和dawn on都可以表示某人想起某事。但occur to一般指突然想到而dawn on则强调有一个逐渐想起的过程。,Language Points,2. school personnel Whats the dif

31、ference between personnel and faculty? personnel: the body of persons employed by or active in an organization, business, or service faculty: the teachers and instructors within such a division.,Language Points,3. your professors and other school personnel have certain goals for your growth and matu

32、rity during your college years? How do you understand the sentence? People who work at a university have to make certain achievements to make you reach a certain level of maturity.,Language Points,mature adj. a mature cell: having reached full natural growth or development a mature cheese: having re

33、ached a desired or final condition; ripe mature for her age: of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical a mature plan of action: worked out fully by the mind; considered a mature bond: having reached the limit of its time; due,Language Points,3. adolescence/ ad

34、ulthood adolescence: the period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity.青春期:从青春发育期到成熟期的一段生理与心理的发展阶段 adulthood: the period after the age stated by law, usu. 18 or 21.成人期,Language Points,The term adolescence began as a Western concept, meaning the period between

35、 childhood and adulthood. This passage to adulthood is often marked by a number of small changes in status during or near the end of adolescence. Graduation from high school, the right to vote, to drink liquor and to drive a car are all events that, to some degree, signify adult status. But the main

36、 changes are psychological as well as physical. It is usually fraught with anxiety and conflict.,Language Points,key changes 1名词直接作定语时,通常用单数形式。例如: a book store 书店 a ticket office 售票处 traffic lights 交通灯 village people 村民 2名词sports,clothes作定语时,仍用复数形式。例如: a sports field 运动场 a clothes shop 服装店 3man,woma

37、n作定语时可以用单数和复数两种形式,但须随所修饰名词的数而定。例如: a man doctor 一名男医生 two women teachers 两名女教师 4一些以-ics或-s结尾的可数或不可数名词用作定语时,仍用原来形式,词尾不变。例如: a physics teacher 物理教师 a news reporter 新闻记者,5当数词与单位名词一起用作定语时,单位名词往往用单数形式,数词与单位名词用“-”连接。例如: a fourteen-year-old boy 一个十四岁的男孩 a two-hour plan 两小时的计划 a three-foot-high desk 一张三英尺高的

38、课桌 6单位名称、报纸、广播、电视等的标题中经常出现复数作定语。例如: The Boys Club 男孩俱乐部 Learning Skills Centre 学习技巧交流中心 7名词直接作定语与名词所有格作定语意义不一样。例如: the girl friend 女朋友 the girls friend 这个女孩的朋友,4. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are?(2) go through: to experienc

39、e, undergo, suffer 他真的相信只要说出这些魔咒他就可以轻易地穿墙而过。 He really believed that by saying those magic words he could go through walls without trouble.,Language Points,Other use of this phrasal verb: I dont think this plan will go through the Security Council. (be accepted by) We have gone through all these arg

40、uments. (go over carefully from beginning to end) Its too late to back out. We just have to go through with it. (do it because you have promised or planned to do it, even though you are no longer sure you want to do it.),Language Points,Identity crisis It refers to the difficulties, confusions and a

41、nxieties that you go through during adolescence when you are not sure who you really are and what your purpose in life is. Also: national identity; political identity; cultural identity; social identity, etc.,Language Points,Paraphrase the sentence:,Language Points,5. to perceive He perceived himsel

42、f a loser who could not even support his family. (to think of as) Musicians can perceive very small differences in sounds. (to notice, to discover, to observe) I gradually perceived that culture and language cannot really be separated. (to understand, to grasp),Language Points,Translation: 我们(仔细观查后)

43、发现那个人影原来是你的母亲。 We perceived that figure to be your mother. 婴儿可以看见物体,但很久以后才能分辨出是人还是物体。 An infant sees objects long before it is able to perceive them as definite persons or things.,Language Points,5. identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment,

44、and influenced by chance events. Paraphrase: Who we are is determined by three things: First, our genes, or what our parents have given us, our legacy; second, environment, and third, luck or opportunities.,Language Points,Chance events: “Chance” here is an adjective, meaning “accidental”. This chan

45、ce meeting with the famous writer changed his whole life. 这种药是偶然的发现。 This medicine was a chance discovery.,Language Points,6. To de independent from: Notice the different prepositions used after “dependent” and “independent”: To be independent from/of To be dependent on Translation: 他们在经济上还是依赖着父母。 F

46、inancially they are still dependent on their parents. 现在这些银行之间完全独立了。 These banks are now completely independent of/ form each other.,Language Points,6. To de independent from: Notice the different prepositions used after “dependent” and “independent”: To be independent from/of To be dependent on Tra

47、nslation: 他们在经济上还是依赖着父母。 Financially they are still dependent on their parents. 现在这些银行之间完全独立了。 These banks are now completely independent of/ form each other.,6. To de independent from(3) Notice the different prepositions used after “dependent” and “independent”: To be independent from/of To be depe

48、ndent on Translation: 他们在经济上还是依赖着父母。 Financially they are still dependent on their parents. 现在这些银行之间完全独立了。 These banks are now completely independent of/ form each other.,7. It may by heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. What does it refer to? What does to heighten mean? It here

49、 refers to the word “struggle” in the previous sentence. To heighten means to become stronger or intensified. Paraphrase: If they choose to go to college to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the finan

50、cial support of their parents.,Language Points,8. distinct (4): clearly different or belonging to different type as distinct from be distinct in from Distinctive: characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it form others distinction,9. First, there is functional independenc

51、e, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda.(4) Functional independence: independence in handling everyday life situations; the ability to solve practical problems. Handling finances: learning how to spend money wisely. Choosing their own wardrobes:

52、 choosing their own clothes.,Language Points,Determining their daily agenda: determining (making a list of) what they are going to do every day.,Language Points,9. Freedom from an excessive need for approval, closeness, togetherness, and emotional support in relation to the mother and father. Freedo

53、m/ free from sth.: no longer having sth you do not want, e.g. The most important freedom our people should have is the freedom from hunger. An ideal society is one free from exploitation and oppression. Within a month, the whole building was free from flies and mosquitoes.,Language Points,Note: free

54、dom from sth is different from freedom of sth. Compare: “We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression - every where in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way - every where in the world. Th

55、e third is freedom from want everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear anywhere in the world.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt.,Language Points,Excessive: much more than reasonable or necessary If somebody has an excessive need for approval, it means that he is too dependent on sbs approval.

56、Children need their parents to tell them what to do or not to do. They also need to be close to their parents and receive encouragement, love, and all kinds of emotional support to give them strength. But when they grow up, this should change. They should no longer have the same needs as babies.,Lan

57、guage Points,Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” How do you understand the sentence? Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they are eager to please their pa

58、rents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their pa

59、rents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.,Language Points,projecting the future roles as men or women (5) planning, designing, outlining, devising the future roles as men or women to feel low: to feel unhappy , without much hope for the future,Language Points,dragging his feet with a dismayed, dejected look on his face: paraphrase: walking slowly and listlessly, looking


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