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1、NEOCLASSICAL FORMATION,Neoclassical formation denotes the process by which new words are formed from elements derived from Latin and Greek.,In the 19th century, it was a kind of linguitic snobbery to use neoclassical formation in order to add dignity and seriousness to a new word. Today, scientists

2、still tend to coin words according to classical rules. The majority of neoclassical formations are scientific and technical.,“ 组合形式” (combining form) 一词起源于牛津英语词典(oxford English Dictionary , 简称OED ) , 用来bio-,electro-, haom-, micro -,peri-, photo-这一类构词成份。 由组合形式构成的词, 如biology, electrolyte, heamocyte, m

3、icroscope, periderm, photograph, 在构词法中称为“新古典复合问” 。“ 古典” 是指欧洲的古典语言古希腊文和拉丁文; 冠以“新” (neo-) 字, 是“ 古词新用” 的意思, 即是取古希腊文和拉丁文中的词汇成份, 来构成现代英语的词语。这一构词法在现代英语中十分活跃。,组合形式大多夹自古希腊文和拉丁一文实词(如名词、动词、形容词) 的词根,它们的语义保留在现代英语中, 因此, 组合形式所含的语义往往相当于一个实词。 例如:bio-,macro-, cryo-, xylo-分别作life, living things,large, icy, cold,wood.

4、,aeroacostics n. The study sound propagation in the air and its effect on the environment astrochemistry n. The study of the chemical composition of heavenly bodies and the regions of outer space bacteriocin n. an antibacterial agent produced by bacteria densometer n. an instrument to, or causing an

5、 exposure of normally repressed psychic elements,The above words are all neoclassical formations of the 1970s.With the advance of science and technology, more and more new names will be created along classical lines. Some of the neoclassical scientific terms are labelled ISV(International Scientific Vocabulary)in The Third Webster to denote that they are known to be current in at least one language other than English.,Neoclassical formation, therefore, plays a prominent


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