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1、虚拟语气,熟读深思 朗读下列各句, 特别留意主句和从句的谓语动词的形式: 1. If I were a bird, I could fly high in the sky.假如我是只小鸟, 我就可以在天空飞翔。,虚拟语气在条件句中的用法,2. If you left your car outside, someone would steal it.如果你把车放在外面, 有人会偷的。 3. If it rained tomorrow, we would put off the sports meet.如果明天下雨, 我们会将运动会推迟。,4. If she should fail again,

2、we would not blame her. 要是她万一失败了, 我们也不会责怪她。 5. We would stay home if it were to rain tomorrow. 假如明天下雨, 我们将呆在家里。,6. In the past, if someone had worked for a company for over 20 years, they would have stayed there until retirement. 在过去, 如果一个人在一家公司工作超过20年, 他就会在公司工作至退休。,虚拟语气表示一个人所说的话不是发生的事或者是不大可能发生的事,只是

3、表达说话者的愿望、建议或假设。请根据以上例句中虚拟条件句与主句的谓语动词的形式,完成下表:,另外,有时虚拟条件句与主句发生的时间不一致,就构成错综时间虚拟语气。如: Ben Johnson would still be the 100 meters world record holder today if he had not been caught taking drugs in the 1988 Olympics. 本约翰逊如果在1998年奥运会上没有被查出服用兴奋剂的话, 今天他还可能是世界纪录的保持者。,有时只有主句,不出现虚拟条件句,而是用without, with, but for

4、(要不是)等介词短语,或者用but, or, otherwise等副词或连词来表示虚拟条件,可称之为含蓄条件虚拟语气。如: I was so busy then; otherwise, I would have helped him.我当时很忙,要不然,我会帮助他的。,We couldnt have finished it without Mary. 如果没有玛丽,我们是不能按时完成这个工作的。 But for(=if it had not been for )your help, I wouldnt have been successful.要是没有你的帮助, 我就不会成功。,熟读深思 朗读

5、下列句子, 留意谓语的构成。 1. I wish I were rich.我恨不得我很富有。 2. I wish I could fly like a bird.但愿我像鸟一样能飞。,几种特殊的虚拟语气,3. I wish you hadnt told me all this.我倒希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我。 4. I wish I knew what was going to happen in the future.但愿我能知道将要发生什么事。 5. If only I could fly like a bird.要是我能像鸟一样能飞就好了。,6. If only they would

6、tell me what theyve decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我。 7. If only I had taken her advice. 要是当时听取了她的建议就好了。,8. Li Ming speaks English as if he were an American.李明讲起英语来就像一个美国人似的。 9. Id rather you knew that now, than afterwards.与其以后让你知道, 不如现在就让你知道。,10. Id rather you hadnt told me the truth. 我宁愿你没告诉我真相。 11. It is imp

7、ortant that students (should) attend all the lectures. 所有的课学生都应该去听, 这是很重要的,12. They requested that the meeting (should) be postponed.他们请求推迟开会。 13. It is time that we made/should decide a decision.是作出决定的时候了。,除if引导的条件句中可用虚拟语气表示与事实相反或不太可能的情况外, 以下句型中的谓语动词也用虚拟语气, 有的用过去式表示, 有的用“(should+)动词原形” 表示。 1. wish后

8、的宾语从句的谓语动词用过去式; 2. if only引出的句子, 其谓语动词用过去式;,归纳总结,3. as if/as though引导的从句也时也用过去式表示虚拟语气。 4. would rather (that).后的从句谓语用过去式; 5. it is important/necessary/strange that.从句谓语用“(should+)动词原形”;,6.order, insist, request, suggest等表示“命令、坚持、要求、建议” 的词语之后的名词性从句中,其谓语用“(should+)动词原形”。 suggest不表示“建议”, insist不表示“坚决要求

9、(某人做某事)” 时, 谓语动词不用虚拟语气。,注意:,7. it is (high/about) time that.从句中的谓语动词用过去式, 也可用“should (不能省略)+动词原形”。,1.If I _ (be) you, I would do it in a different way. 1. 与现在事实相反。 2. If you had followed my advice just now, you _(be) fine now. 2. 与现在事实相反。,一、动词填空,were,would be,3. He hesitated for a moment before kick

10、ing the ball, otherwise he _ (score) a goal. 3. 与过去事实相反。 4. If I _(have) a million dollars, I would first donate some of the money to poor children in remote mountainous areas. 4. 与现在事实相反。,would have scored,had,5. If I hadnt attended high school, I _ _(be) a student of an occupational school. 5. 与过去

11、事实相反。 6. _(be)I to be a teacher in the future, first of all, I would try my best to give students lessons, guiding them into a correct direction and arousing their interest in the subjects. 6. 将来可能性不大的假设。,Were,7. If I _(happen) to be present at the scene, first, I would have come to help the injured

12、 and sent him to the nearest hospital or dialed 120 for help. 7. 与过去事实相反的情况。 8. If the injured had been bleeding badly, I _(stop) the blood immediately using a bandage or a handkerchief if possible. 8. 与过去事实相反。,had happened,would have stopped,9. If she had been warned earlier, she_ _(not break) the

13、rules. 10. I wish I _ (see) her yesterday. 11. The doctor ordered that she _ (stay) in bed for a few days.,wouldnt have broken,had seen,(should) stay,12. It is very important that you _ _(master) the skills of computer. 13. English teachers give advice that we _ (make) good use of every chance to sp

14、eak English.,(should) make,14. It is high time that we _ _(take) some measures to protect the wild animals. 15. I would rather she _ (come) tomorrow.,came,16. If I were ten years younger, I _ _(start) all over again. 17. How I wish every family _ (have) a large house with a beautiful garden!,had,18.

15、 When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _ (be) broken. 19. Janes pale face suggested that she _ _ (be) ill, and her parents suggested that she _(have) a medical examination.,should have,were,was,假如你是李华, 你班很多同学经常在课余时间网上购物, 浪费了许多宝贵时间。你在一次主题班会上发言, 用自己的亲身经历劝告同学慎重网购。以下是发言内容: 上周你在淘

16、宝买了一部mp4但是三天后它就坏了。结果你建议卖家给你换一个新的或者退款,他拒绝了。你想:如果在买之前没有相信他说的话该多好。令你生气的是, 他把这部mp4吹捧 (brag about) 得不得了, 所以你毫不犹豫买下了。现在该是我们意识到网络购物的弊端的时候了。,二、写作运用,Dear classmates, I bought an mp4 at taobao last week but it stopped working three days later. As a result, I suggested that the seller (should) change it with a new one or give me a refund but he refused.


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