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1、Unit 2 My favorite seasonPart A Period 2,此处播放歌曲four seasons,醴陵市东富镇四杨中心小学 谭丽,Lets chant,此处播放动画,Lets chant,Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone.,talk about the pictures,Challenge 1,What

2、are they doing ?,Theyre drawing pictures.,Lets enjoy these pictures,Lets enjoy these pictures,Lets enjoy these pictures,Lets enjoy these pictures,How many seasons(季节) are there in a year?,summer,spring,autumn,winter,Which season do you like best?,I like best.,spring summer autumn winter,Challenge 2

3、Ask and answer,Its Spring now. Whats the weather(天气) like in Spring?,Its _ and _,Summer Autumn Winter,sunny cold windy cloudy windy warm hot cool rainy snowy,此处播放动画点读,Lets tryWhat is the weather like today? Listen and write.,It is _and _.,rainy and cold windy and cold sunny and warm,windy,cold,此处播放动

4、画点读,Task: (任务) 四人一组,画出你最喜欢的季 节,然后参考Lets talk 部分改编对 话,谈谈你们最喜欢的季节。,大学:大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。,全人教育的办学理念:教育的范畴应该是整体性的、全面性的,同时考虑到孩子的发展学习需要与顺序,要让孩子不仅学习到各种知识,还要接受道德与正确的生命价值观念,并且启发他们学以致用,帮助他们具备相关知识以应对现实社会的种种考验,更重要的是拥有追求“真、善、美”的人生目标。,第一次自学提示: 仔细观察14页对话中的插图。回答问题: 1、How many people do you see ? (你们看到了几个人?) A. Th

5、ree 答案 B. four 2、 Who are they ?(他们是谁?) 找到答案后,向组长汇报,组长带领讨论答案。 1分钟后推荐组员汇报。,Challenge 3 Learning tips,Mr Jones Mike Wu Yifan,此处播放动画,Learning tips,第二次自学提示: 边听14页课文录音,边看课本。思考出示的问题: Listen and choose (听音选择) What are they talking about?(他们在谈论什么?) A Season (季节) B Music (音乐) 找到答案后,组长组织讨论答案, (时间为1分钟),此处播放动画点

6、读,_ .,season /si:zn/ 季节,此处播放动画,1. Which season do you like best,Mike?(Mike,你最喜欢哪个季节?),_. I like snow. A. Winter B. Spring,2. Which season do you like best,Wu Yifan? _. Its very pretty. A. Winter B. Spring 找到答案后,组长以组为单位核对答案,有疑问的进行汇报讨论。,Learning tips,第三次自学提示: 思考下面的问题,并做出选择。,Which season do you like be

7、st, Mike? Winter. I like snow. 2. Which season do you like best,Wu Yifan? Spring. Its pretty.,Lets talk,Mr. Johns: Do you like the music, children ? Mike: Yes. Its very beautiful. What is it? Mr. Johns: The Four Seasons. Today well draw the seasons. Which season do you like best, Mike? Mike: Winter.

8、 I like snow. Mr. Johns: I like snow, too. Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan ? Wu Yifan: Spring. Its pretty. Mr. Johns: Yes, it is.,1、默读对话,理解对话的深层含义,用笔划出不懂、不会读的单词、句子或其他疑问。 2、划出后组内交流解决不会的地方,交流后仍不会的请教其他组成员或老师。 3、时间为2分钟。,第四次自学提示,Learning tips,Listen and imitate 听音模仿跟读对话。,此处播放课文朗读动画,Role play in y

9、our group. 以组为单位进行角色表演。 不会读的组长指导,或请教其他同学或老师。,Challenge 4 Fill in the blanks,Mr Jones: Do you like the music,children? Mike:Yes. _ What is it? Mr Jones: The Four Seasons. Today well draw the seasons._ Mike: _ Mr Jones: I like snow ,too. _ Wu Yifan: _ Mr Jones: Yes,it is.,Its very beautiful.,Which sea

10、son do you like best,Mike?,Winter.I like snow.,Which season do you like best,Wu Yifan?,Spring. Its pretty.,Finish the task,Challenge 5,Mr. Jones: Do you like the music, children? Mike:Yes.Its very beautiful. What is it? Mr. Jones : The Four Seasons. Today well draw the seasons. which season do you l

11、ike best, Mike? Mike: Winter. I like snow. Mr. Jones : I like snow ,too. which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan: Spring. Its pretty. Mr. Jones : Yes, it is.,Finish the task,Challenge 5,S1: Do you like the music, children? S2:Yes.Its very beautiful.What is it? S1: The Four Seasons. Today well draw the seasons. which season do you like best,S2? S2:. _ S1: which season do you like best, S3? S3:_ S1: Yes, it is. which season do you like best, S4? S4: _,Students:,春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。我们的大自然是多么美丽。,Students:,We should love Our nature. 我们应该热爱大自然.,Homework,1 Read and write


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