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1、消 费 者 洞 察Consumer Insight,什么是消费者洞察? What is an insight? 为何我们需要消费者洞察? Why we need insight? 什么是好的消费者洞察? What makes a good insight? 如何得出好的消费者洞察? How to get insight?,消费者洞察是. An Insight is .,?,洞察是An Insight IS ,英文字典说,Insight是看清/看入某一状况 的能力 The English dictionary says an insight is the power or act of seei

2、ng into asituation. 中文字典说,洞察是洞悉事物原委的观察The Chinese dictionary says “Don Cha” is a sharp observation that see through the surface of something.,See through,什么是“消费者洞察”?,你观察到消费者生活里的一些素材或想法 并且它们是 Relevant distinctive or similar? Is it Famous,new,traditional? Local,cultural,international? What do people a

3、lready know/ feel about us? What trend/issues/topics are we or could we be linked to? What entertainments do we fit in with? What is at stake for consumers to change brands? Is advertising for the category distinctive or similar in strategy,execution? What is its tone of voiced? Are there any elemen

4、ts in our advertising history which are positively or negatively associated with us?,例子:江中痔康片,96年底,江中推出一种新的痔疮药 痔康片 纯天然中药制成 内服治疗痔疮发作 功能特点:“凉血止血,清热解毒,润肠通便” 为制定上市的行销及传播策略,委托华南市场研究公司在广州/北京进行痔疮药消费者的质化研究 痔疮患者座谈会和专业医生探访 奥美被邀请参加广告比稿,为此也在广州进行了一些质化研究 包括患者深度探访,患者座谈会和专业医生探访,奥美对痔疮患者的研究,痔疮对患者意味着什么? 难言之苦,什么是难言之苦?,

5、不是什么大病,但发作时却让人有很大的痛苦 疼痛难耐,坐立不安,心烦意乱 痛苦即有肉体上的,也有精神上的 这种痛苦往往难以诉说和被人分担,患者必须自己默默承受 有一定程度的隐私性 对待这种病时,患者往往会感到麻烦, 一旦得了痔疮是不能根治的,只希望它少复发 目前的解决方案是发作时才使用外用药,虽然麻烦又尴尬,但只能如此,撑过再说,如何任用 “难言之苦 ”,“难言之苦”反映出患者的内心需求: 被理解和解脱 策略: 江中痔康片帮你轻松化解痔疮发作的“难言之苦” 支持点 从内部入手,在痔疮发作初期就把它从根源化解 中药提炼,清肝肠解毒,润肠通便,凉血止血 江中制药,品质保证,华南对痔疮患者的研究,关于

6、患者对痔疮的感觉和态度 “ 痔疮是一种十分常见的多发病,大众对痔疮有了很普遍的认识,痔疮发作时患者感觉比较痛苦,但对患者造成的心理压力并不大。即使初发患者在不明诊断时有一定的恐惧感,但一经诊断明确,这种心理压力随之即逝。痔疮对患者带来不便,如忌口,行动时不方便,可以这样比喻: 痔疮就象一个人买了一双小一点点的鞋子,不影响外观,不动时没有不好感觉,但一走长路,就比较痛苦。”,那么,如何任用消费者洞察 产生一个大创意?So, how do you translate an insight into a Big Idea?,有两种类型的大创意Two Types Of big idea,执行性的大创意

7、 big executional ideas 策略性的大创意 big strategic ideas,相应也有两种类型的消费者洞察Two types of insight,两种类型的消费者洞察Two types of insight,对消费者生活中与产品类 / 品牌相关的观察,从而导致形成一个独特的,强而有力的创意执行 Observations about consumers life in relation to the category/brand that lead to powerful individual executions,A Classic Example : Impulse

8、,Female body spray brand founded on red roses and romance in the 1970s “men cant help acting on impulse” when a beautiful girl breezes by However, 1990s girl power means women no longer accept being shown as passive recipients of male attention prepared to take the initiative,Need to find a delicate

9、 balance between being true to the brand (recipient of attention) and true to consumer (deliberately attracting attention),一个例子:Impulse,70年代开始出现一些女性用体香剂品牌 洞察:“当美丽的女孩从身边一阵风走过时,男人都禁不住会即时起反应” 然而,九十年代的女性魅力意味着女人不再愿意被看作出被动地接受男人的注意 她们准备采取主动,需要在接受注意(品牌的真实)和有意地吸引注意 (消费者的真实)之间找到微妙的平衡,Some More Examples : Skin

10、care,“Each new wrinkle reminds me of how much more I want to do with my life”,“When my pores are small I wont mind if you stare at me - even close up”,“First impressions count, and blackheads count against you.”,“I cant change my age on my identity card, but I can control how old I look”,“When I loo

11、k at myself, I wish my eyes had a soft-focus lens ”,“By mid-afternoon, people can see their faces reflected on my nose”,“Why do I have to be a prisoner of the sun I dont want to be completely covered in armour whenever I go out”,两种类型的洞察 Two Types Of Insight,对消费者生活与产品类 / 品牌相关的观察,从而能导致形成一个强有力的创意执行Obse

12、rvations about my life in relation to the category that lead to powerful individual executions 一个“Missing Link”,它能导致建立一个新的策略性品牌定位创意 A missing link which establishes a new strategic brand positioning idea,某些“Missing Link”洞察的规律 Some Laws Of Missing Link Insights,它们让没有关联的事情之间建立联系 They make the disconne

13、cted connect 它们不是真正的“发现”They are not true discoveries “You invent nothing. You rediscover what you have forgotten” Socrates “Discovery is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought” German idiom 它们在品牌和消费者之间建立起真正的共鸣关系 They establish a real complicity between the advertiser an

14、d the consumer,四种类型 “Missing Link”Four Groups Of Missing Link,1.关于人的 Tapping into what turns people on culturally, communally or individually,Bank Of China - Singapore,To young Singaporean Chinese, Bank of China was seen as the establishment bank for old-style Chinese young Singaporeans are highly c

15、osmopolitan; yet they still revere traditional Chinese wisdom and imagery, and the way Chinese do business By appealing to this cultural other side, Bank of China successfully brought young Chinese into its franchise,三菱拖拉机 泰国Mitsubishi Tractors-Thailand,In rural Thailand, institutional authority is

16、regarded with disdain the army and police force are routinely ridiculed for their incompetence in the local bars and clubs Belief in widespread corruption and cronyism leads to an acute sense of self-dependence,Creating a concept of a superfarmer marries the two themes perfectly, and forges a sense

17、of tribal identity,British Telecom - Britain,To men, the phone is an instrument to deliver precise messages with a clear purpose : means to an end lack of emotional gratification perceive women to chat aimlessly Habitually pay the bills, and perceive them to be higher than they actually are causes a

18、cute resentment / guilt in both sexes, and less usage,Teach men to respect womens approach to the telephone, and view the act of phoning as giving pleasure : an end in itself,2. 关于产品的 Reinterpreting the way a product attribute is presented,四种类型 “Missing Link”Four Groups Of Missing Link,Volvo 850 - B

19、ritain,Brand franchise built on safety; but want to launch a high performance saloon safety is very boring to new category target who enjoy the thrill of motoring Opposite ends of the positioning spectrum create a difficult paradox,Resolve paradox by exaggerating both ends of the spectrum : those pe

20、ople who value safety most are those who (have to) take the most risks in life!,亚洲油漆 印度Asian Paints - India,Paint brightens up homes everywhere However, in India (a poor country), paint takes on an additional relevance as a symbol of prosperity quality of home = quality of life,Identify with the myt

21、h of overflowing milk to highlight the quality of the paint, and make it an indelible part of the celebration of wealth,BUPA - Britain,Private healthcare advertising characterized by smiling faces in the recovery ward Attitudes to BUPA highly positive, but sales under-performing claimed usage people

22、 only think of their health when they are ill (but BUPA is an insurance product you stumble across them! facts have no human dimension: truth is pure instinct Insights builds on human introspection and curiosity; it is a very powerful force Insights switch focus from problem to solution Insights alm

23、ost always reposition your competitors Insights are always obvious in hindsight use this factor to judge your insights!,Some Final Thoughts,消费者对痔疮的感觉及处理,它是不可告人的隐疾 发作时疼痛难耐,坐立不安,心烦意乱 一旦得了痔疮是不能根治的,只希望它少复发 目前的解决方案是发作时才使用外用药,虽然麻烦又尴尬,但只能如此,撑过再说 其实痔疮要发作,好象都有预感.,华南的研究结论,目前市场上痔疮药品牌比较多,但各品牌优势不明显 与会者对痔康片的概念(B)接受程度十分高,普遍认为痔康片上针对轻中度痔疮患者的,与会者推崇纯天然,但对其真实性有怀疑 专业人士认为没有必要把痔康片分为内痔、外痔,因为痔康片的止血效果并不具备优势,通便、清热、解毒之功能对内外痔均十分必要 对痔康片的包装设计接受程度十分低,普遍认为包装不能与概念相配,应突出“纯天然中草药”和“新药”特色,但亦不太华丽 对价格的接受程度集中在10 - 30元之间,概念卡B,目前有一种治疗


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