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1、I. Skill Review,word formation clues context clues,Which is more helpful in figuring out the meaning of idiomatic expressions?,examples,explanations,contrast phrases,parallel phrases,II. Skill Practice,Guess their meanings:,go off leave over turn in next to nothing a nine-to-five job knows how many

2、beans make five keep sb.s seat etc.,with the help of the sentences,A. left B. fallen asleep C. died D. got tired,2. As soon as the babys gone off we ll be able to relax and watch television.,Jane seems to have gone off Peter. She likes talking about Tom now.,A. left B. forgot C. lost interest in D.

3、met,3. I regret that my first date with Kate will have to be left over until next Saturday.,A. canceled B. moved up C. postponed D. reported,4. Ill give the machine one more week to behave itself. And if it doesnt then Ill turn it in for another.,A. move in B. abandon C. repair D. return,5. She eats

4、 next to nothing.,Shes on diet.,almost nothing; a very small amount,6. Out from school, some graduates go straight to nine-to-five jobs and within three months they looked like old people.,regular work as an employee, esp. in an office, shop, factory, etc.,7. I wouldnt worry about Jack if I were you

5、 he knows how many beans make five.,be clear-minded, sensible in practical matters,Main Idea,By describing an assumed case and two cases he deals with as a doctor, the author urges cooperation between doctors and families in deciding what is best for a patient in the final phase of an illness.,Text

6、Structure,L18 What choice would you make in the theoretical situation described in the beginning of the text? L22 What does “this road” refer to? L46 Why did the doctor seem to feel sad for the way his patient die?,the final phase of illness confronted with life-death decisions,His patient could hav

7、e died pain free if his children could have opted for a more natural and simpler course of action.,Paras. 1-6,In the assumed case, which choice(s) the author would make?,Treat the infection with drugs. Deny the anti-infectious medicine. Give the patient pain killers and sleeping pills.,Paras. 7-12,C

8、ompare the cases of the woman and the man.,80-year old, cancer of liver, operate in vain, anti-cancer drugs, sick, cannot cure, fluids, needle, fed, add, withdraw, vitamin pills, comfortable, die peacefully, pain free,The woman:,Paras. 7-12,Compare the cases of the woman and the man.,a severe stroke

9、, unable to move, couldnt swallow anything, fluids, fed, tube, pass through, painful sore throat, four grown children, insert, small hole, remove, take the responsibility, give permission, continued on, 3 months; painful throat, bleeding, a major infection,The man:,Paras. 13-15,What should doctors a

10、nd families do when confronted with life-death decisions?,Tips They should cooperate to decide what is best for the patient and make a reasonable decision after appropriate discussion.,Paras. 16-17,If a neutral third party is brought in the final phase of an illness, what will be the result?,Tips Th

11、e process will take longer and the decision will be more arbitrary and less sympathetic.,Paras. 16-17,Who has the least qualification to make a life-death decision?,The doctors. The families. The lawyers and government officials. The patients most intimate friends.,When you have a college degree, pe

12、ople assume that you are book-smart. He denies his wife nothing. His broken leg condemned him to a wheelchair. The firm had to fight off a lot of competitors to win the contract. He worked like hell to get the house built. Our efforts were not in vain and the situation began to improve. Public funds

13、 relieved the poverty-stricken families. The smaller company later withdrew from the competition. Due to his bad health, he elected to take the summer off. Jobs are hard to come by in a recession. I was confronted with the challenge of designing a new system.,Examples,refuse impractical unsuccessful

14、, useless pull, take back advice, suggestion no doubt, obvious private, personal appear, arrive,deny theoretical vain withdraw recommendation transparent intimate come along,I. Old to New,患中风 右撇子 棘手的问题 安详死去 十四天,两周 常识 生死攸关的决定,suffer a stroke right-handed a tough question die a peaceful death/ die pea

15、cefully fortnight common sense life-death decision,II. Chinese to English,deny (L12),There is no denying the fact that (No one can deny) Albert Einstein was one of the greatest geniuses that ever lived,vt. say that sth. is not true,deny a charge,否认一项指控,deny the rumor,辟谣,Translation,无可否认爱因斯坦是人类最伟大的天才

16、人物之一。,. Word Using,condemn (L16) vt. criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasons,Translation 在这篇文章中作者用最严厉的语言谴责了种族主义。,Key The author condemned racism in the strongest language in this article.,condemn (L16) vt. criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasons,condemn sb. to make sb. take or accept sth. unpl

17、easant,e.g. His broken leg condemned him to a wheelchair.,fight off (L20) keep sth.away with effort; struggle to prevent sth. Unwanted,Key I must wear warm clothes, as I am fighting off this cold.,Translation 我在抵御感冒,所以得穿得暖和些。,Use it The firm had to fight off a lot of competition to win the contract.

18、,hell (L21),for the hell of it,for no particular reason,hell-cat,spiteful or furious person 恶人;泼辣的人,We gave the enemy hell. 我们让敌人吃尽苦头。,hell (L21),sometimes used as a swear-word to show anger or surprise or to make emphasis,Translation 1. Oh hell, Ive missed the last train. 2. What the hell do you wa

19、nt? 3. How the hell can I go there?,in vain (L23) without success,It seems that all my hard work may have been in vain.,On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher t

20、omorrow.-Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher (1844 - 1900),relieve (L24),vt. lessen or remove (pain, disease),This helps relieve pain, itching, and swelling from bug bites.,Translation,瑜珈是减轻压力的好方式,Yoga is one of the best ways to relieve stress.,to relieve famine 救济饥荒,withdraw (L30),withdraw troo

21、ps 撤军,withdraw ones criticism,撤回批评,withdraw a curtain,拉开窗帘,The company withdrew its unsafe cosmetics from the market.,这家公司把不安全的化妆品撤出市场,withdraw money from the bank 取钱,withdraw (L30),He had to withdraw from the competition because of a shoulder injury.,Translation,他因为肩伤而不得不退出了比赛,vi. go away from a pl

22、ace or from other people,He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew.,n. withdrawal,Translation 由于失业的人很多,现在很难找到工作。,come by (L34) obtain, usu. by effort,Key Jobs are hard to come by with so many people out of work.,come by (L34) get; receive by accident or chance,Translation 你手臂上的伤是怎么弄的?,Key How di

23、d you come by that wound in your arm?,1. Carefully, to avoid injuring her, I rub cream into the yellow skin, which rolls freely over the bones, feeling perfectly the outline of each bone in the back. (SA L29),为了避免伤到她,我小心地把护肤霜抹到她的发黄的皮肤上. 她的皮肤松松地在骨头上滑动,背上每块骨头的轮廓都能清楚地摸到。,主语为I,插入非限制性定语从句,修饰skin,2. In th

24、e total silence, I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers, breath for uneven breath. (SA L42),在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了。我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随她那不均匀的呼吸一起一落。,指 my breath,指 her uneven breath,3. Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privi


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