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1、Unit 6,Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,Section B1 Grammar focus-B1d,【温故而知新】,默写,批改并进行小组加分 object 2. tail 3. hide 4. magic 5. western 6. excite 7. stick 8. turninto 9. give up 10. finish doing sth. 11. be interested in,2分钟,Lets enjoy a vedio!,Look at the picture. Do you know this story?

2、 Whats the name of this story?,The Emperors New Clothes.,emperor,empr,n. 皇帝,君主,cheat,n. 骗子;v. 欺骗,tit,underwear ndwe n.内衣,Task 1,词汇朗读与应用,New words,His clothes are made of silk.,gold,n.丝绸;丝织物,n.金子;金币 adj. 金色的,They were making special clothes for the emperor.,gld,slk,Matching,Match the words with the l

3、etters in the pictures in 1c.,_ gold _ emperor _ silk _ underwear,b,c,d,1a,a,看图完成1a任务。,Task 2,P45,Guess the order of the pictures.,Task 3,P45,Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in 1c.,1,1b,2,Listening,3,4,5,P45,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1c,This story is about an emperor who loved _.,cloth

4、es,Two _ came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor.,brothers,P45,The emperor had to _ them silk and gold, but they _ everything for themselves. They were trying to cheat the emperor.,give,kept,Nobody wanted to sound stupid. But suddenly, a young boy _, “Look! The emperor isnt _ any cl

5、othes. ”,When the emperor _ at himself, he only _ his underwear.,looked,saw,shouted,wearing,Once upon a time, there _ (be) an emperor. He _ (love) buying and looking at clothes. One day, two brothers _ (come) to the city. They _ (tell) the emperor that they could make beautiful clothes for him, but

6、he must _ (give) them silk and gold.,was,came,loved,told,give,2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,Task 4,Self check,P48,The brothers _ (be) bad people. They _ (keep) all the silk and gold for themselves. They told the emperor the clothes they made _ (be) special be

7、cause only clever people could _ (see) them. When the emperor _ (put) on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear.,were,kept,were,see,put,But he didnt want people to _ (think) he was stupid, so he _ (say) the clothes were beautiful. Then he _ (walk) around the city in his new clothes until on

8、e boy _ (shout), “The emperor isnt wearing any clothes!”,said,think,walked,shouted,根据课本内容, 完成下列句子。,1. 故事是如何开始的? _ does the story _? 2. 从前,有一位老翁 _ _ _ _ there was a very old man 3. 接下来发生了什么事? _ _ next?,Once upon a time,How begin,What happened,Grammar focus,Task 5,P44,4. 那个人刚一说完,愚公就说在他死后, 他的家人可以继续移山。

9、_ _ _ the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could _ _ move the mountains after he _. 5. 为什么愚公要移山呢? _ _ Yu Gong trying to _ the mountains?,As soon as,continue to,died,Why was move,6. 因为山太大了,到达山对面要花费他们 很长的时间。 Because they were _ _ _ it took a long time _ _ the other side. 7. 美猴王是谁? _

10、is the Monkey _? 8. 他是西游记里的主要人物。 He is the _ _ in _ to the West.,to walk,so big that,Who King,main character Journey,9. 美猴王不能做什么? What _ the Monkey King do? 10. 除非他能藏起自己的尾巴,否则他不 能将自己变成人。 He cannot _ himself _ a man _ he can _ his _.,cant,turn into,unless hide,tail,1、背诵导学案unit6 Section B2温故而知新和预习预习指导

11、与检测 。 2、完成导学案unit6 Section B1检测反馈。 3、完成书本P44的4a和4b。 4、完成练习册; 5、熟记本节课的单词、短语、句型。,Homework,1. unless是连词,意为“除非;如果不”, 引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相 当于if . not 。 注意: unless引导条件状语从句时,如果 主句是一般将来时,从句用一般 现在时表将来。如: Well go to the concert unless it doesnt rain.,重难点释疑归纳,主句,从句,2. as soon as是连词词组,引导时间 状语从句,意为“一就”。 as soon as引

12、导的时间状语从句中, 若主句是一般将来时,从句用一般 现在时表将来。如: My brother will look for a job as soon as he leaves school.,主句,从句,3. so . that表示“如此以至于”,常用于引导结果状语从句。常见结构为“so +形容词/副词+ that从句”或“so +形容词+ a / an +单数名词+ that从句”。如: He was so excited that he couldnt say a word. It is so interesting a book that many people want to buy

13、 it.,4a,Fill in the blanks with unless, as soon as or so that.,点拨:分析句子结构可知,后一句“继姐让她做所有的家务”是主句,上一句“她的父亲死后”应是句子的时间状语。因此,应用as soon as来引导时间状语从句。 as soon as 意为“一就”,时态遵循“主将从现;主过从过”的原则。,1. _ her father died, the stepsisters made her do all the chores.,As soon as,点拨:分析句意可知“忙”所导致的结果是“没有时间为聚会做一件礼服”。 so that 意

14、为“如此以至于”,常用于结果状语从句,表示上文动作所产生的结果,故空格处应用sothat。前后句时态,要保持一致。,2. She was _ busy _ she had no time to make a dress for the party.,so that,3. The mice knew that _ they helped her make a dress, she would not be able to go to the party.,点拨:句意“老鼠知道,除非他们帮她做一件礼服,否则她就不能去参加那个晚会。”可知前一句是后一句的条件。 unless意为“除非;如果不”,引导

15、条件状语从句,相当于if条件状语从句的否定句;时态遵循“主将从现;主过从过”的原则。,unless,点拨:句意“王子一看到她,就爱上了她”,可知上一句应为一时间状语从句,故应用as soon as来引导, 表示“一就”之意。,4. _ the prince saw her, he fell in love with her.,As soon as,点拨:句意“王子知道,除非女孩的脚与鞋子合适,否则就不是他要的女孩”,可知上下句之间存在条件关系, 故应用unless一词。,5. The prince knew _ the girls foot could fit the shoe, it was

16、 not the right girl.,unless,6. The new couple were _ happy _ they couldnt stop smiling when they got married.,so that,点拨:句意“这对新婚夫妇是如此的幸福,以至于他们不停地在笑。”,可知上下文之间存在因果关系,“高兴”的结果是“不停地在笑” ,故应用sothat句式。,4b,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,The Monkey King is the main charact

17、er from the famous Chinese story Journey to the West. He is wonderful because he _ (help) weak people. The Monkey King _ (have) a magic stick. He _ (use) it to fight bad people. He can _ (make) the stick big or small.,has,helps,uses,make,He can sometimes make the stick so small that he can put it in

18、 his ear. As soon as he _ (see) bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them. He can _ (turn) himself into different animals or objects. But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot make himself a human. Children all over the world _ (love) the Monkey King!,sees,turn,love,Tell your partner about your f

19、avorite story.,Its interesting because he is so wise that he can play the fool with the rich and the king and he always helps the weak and poor people.,4c,My favorite story is The Story of Arfanti.,My favorite story is A Cinderella Story. Its interesting because.,My favorite story is Little Red Riding Hood. Its interesting because.,My favorite story is Harry Potter. Its interest


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