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1、,Welcome to our class!,Do you know this man?,Are you his fan?,What do you know about Liu Xiang?,1. Liu xiang is a successful _,2. Liu Xiang is good at _,3. Liu Xiang won a _ at the Athens Olympic Games,sportsman,hurdling,gold medal,Enjoy the video.,Module,Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around

2、 the world.,Sports life,营口市第二十三中学 张文超,8,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,At first, Liu Xiang was not successful, but his coach noticed his _ in hurdling, and helped him change his training _ .,Vocabulary,ability,method,In 2004,he won the first Olympic gold medal for China in the 110m hurdles _.,Liu Xiang becam

3、e the first _ sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal for hurdling.In 2006,he _ the world record (纪录).,race,Asian,broke,Vocabulary,From 2008 on,he(遭受) _ a lot _ his foot problem and did not complete the 2012 Olympic Games. He is still a symbol of great _ (勇气) and success .,suffered from,courage,Vo

4、cabulary,Vocabulary,ability hurdling race record method break suffer courage pride,n. 能力 n. 跨栏赛跑 n. 赛跑 v. /rikd/纪录; n. /rekd/最佳纪录 n. 方法 v. 打破 v. 遭受 n. 勇气 n. 自豪感,Fast reading,快速阅读,Skimming(略读:理解大意),1. Read and choose the main idea.,Scanning(查读:查找信息),Match the years with the notes to complete the time

5、line.,a) won his first international 110m hurdles race b) hurdling ability noticed c) born in Shanghai d) won Olympic gold medal e) started training at a sports school f) returned to first place g) suffered from foot problem,f,g,a,b,e,c,d,Careful reading,仔细阅读,Paragraph 1,In 2004, Liu Xiang _to compe

6、titions around the world and _ for Chinese team at the Athens Olympic Games.,Read the paragraph 1 and complete the sentences.,was invited,was chosen,Paragraph 2-4,Read Paragraph2-4 and choose the best answers: 1. When did Liu Xiang born?( ) A.In 1983 B.In 1986 C.In 1984 D.In 1980 2.What was the purp

7、ose of the special programme ? ( ) A.To record the races . B.To encourage the young sportspersons C.To help young sportsmen and sportswomen. D. To help the coaches.,A,C,Paragraph 5-6,1.From 2008 on, Liu Xiang suffered a lot from his foot problem, so he gave up. 2.Although Liu Xiang didnt complete th

8、e 2012 London Olympic Games ,he is still a symbol of courage and success.,Read the paragraph 5-6 and answer the question(判断正误:T or F).,F,but he did not give up,T,在文中找出一般过去时的被动语态的句子。,仔细阅读,he was invited to competitions around the world,he was chosen for the Chinese team,Liu was encouraged at first to

9、 train for the high jump.,Liu Xiangs ability in hurdling was noticed by,a special programme was set up to help,His races were recorded,he was compared with the worlds best sports stars,Olympic gold medal for hurdling was hung round,一般过去时被动语态,P1,P2,P3,P4,1.A special programme helped Liu Xiang.(改为被动语态

10、) 2.His ability in hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping(改为主动语态),Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.,His coach Sun Haiping noticed his ability in hurdling.,Exercises,句型转换,Can you retell the story?,2012-returned to first place,1983 - born in Shanghai,1993(Grade 4) - started training

11、at a sports school,1998 - hurdling ability noticed,2001-won his first international 110m hurdles race,2004 - won Olympic gold medal,2008 - suffered from foot problem,Retell,Summary(总结),被邀请参加比赛 被选来代表中国队 被鼓励做某事 建立;设立 与比较 用做某事 第一枚奥运金牌 同时,be invited to competitions be chosen for the Chinese team be enco

12、uraged to do . set up compare with use . to do sth. the first Olympic gold medal at the same time,Find the important phrases in the text.,9. 打破奥运纪录 10. 事实上 11. 是件遗憾的事 12. 阻止某人做 13. 的标志 14. 继续做 15. 以为骄傲,break the Olympic Games record in fact It is a pity that stop sb. from doing a symbol of continue

13、to do take pride in,Find the important phrases in the text.,Exercise,1. The skirt looks different from others and it is nice. Thanks. It _ by my mother last month. A. made B. is made C. has been made D. was made 2.Personal computers _in 1976. It has changed the whole world. A. have been invented B.

14、are invented C. were invented D. invented,D,C,Exercises,3. The Olympic Games _ in China in 2008. A. will hold B. is held C. were held D. held 4. The villagers are building a school. I hope it _ before August this year. A. finishes B. will finish C. will be finished D. is finished,C,C,Exercises,5.But where are the books? Do


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