已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一般未来,1,一般未来的意义:用于说明即将发生的动作。谈论未来的计划和计划。第二,一般未来的基本结构:will/shall动词原型be going to动词原型,3,一般时间副词:next Tuesday next week the coming Sunday next year this afternoon tomsWill和shall的区别,will用于所有人称,shall仅用于第一人称(I/但是现代英语所有人牙齿都使用,shall,Shall代替Shall主要用于非常正式的英语情况或口语建议或请求)。例如:Shall I go home now?(请求)Shall we take dif

2、ferent routes?(建议),2 .Will do和be going to do之间的区别,will /shall do比较正式,经常用作表示相对遥远未来的章鱼。Be going to do经常用于表示口语中相对接近的未来。E.g. Im going to Beijing tomorrow。(近期)Therell be no living(活着)things on the earth(地球)if people dont protect 3。be going to do的意思,be going to do用于表示计划,计划做某事(主观意志姜潮)。事实上,也可以表示根据情况发生的可能性很大

3、的事情。示例:Im going to take another route。(计划)its so cloudy。I think its going to rain。(很有可能根据事实发生)(1)根据主语的意图做某事。示例:What are you going to do tomorrow?明天打算做什么?(2)计划和计划将要发生的事。(。示例:The play is going to be on next month。牙齿戏剧下个月上演。(3)有发生的迹象。示例:look at the dark clouds,it is going to rain。看那乌云。好像要下雨了。4 .当前表未来,英

4、语中的一些动词(如go、come、leave、arrive等位置迁移词)可以表示当前正在进行的动作。E.g. Im coming。(我来了。)Are we all going?我们都去吗?),5 .在包含“从主和弦开始”原则、条件副词子句或时间副词子句的复合语句中,从句一般用现在,主子句用未来时间,用will代替be going to。例如:Mum will go to Beijing if(如果)it doesnt rain tomorrow。When(当时)you get home,youll find a new bike in your garden e . g . we are to

5、 discuss the report next Saturday。下星期六讨论牙齿报告。2.be about to否定式。就是说做某事。E.g. He is about to leave for Beijing。他马上就要北京市了。差异:be about to do不能与tomorrow、next week等一起使用,不能与明确表示未来时间的时间副词一起使用。Practice,请翻译以下句子。1,明天他会教我英语。2、他们下周带我们去他花园。3、以后,我将成为司机。hell teach me English tomorrow。they will take us to his garden n

6、ext week。I will be a driver in the future。请翻译以下句子5,她和她妈妈将在六月见面。6、西蒙10分钟后会做什么?他将帮助妈妈打扫房间。,we will go to Suzhou next week。she will meet her mother in june。what is Simon going to do ten minutes later?hes going to help his mother clean the room .通常是未来的傅晶、问题、答案,通常是未来的积极文章,I will Say=ill Say you will see=

7、youll see he will think=hell think she will talk=shell talk italk否,you wont.he will think will he think?是,he will.she will talk will she talk?否,she wont。修改It will run疑问句,回答Theyll chat,回答Well make,Practice,把以下句子换成否定句。1.Daniel and kitty are going to buy food . 2 . I m going to talk with my cousin toni

8、ght . 3 . father will take me to the palace museum the going to play computer请把以下句子换成一般疑问句。请提问下划线部分。一般未来摘要,1,Which part shall I read first?will you be at home at seven this evening?2,be going to do (1)主语的意图很快就会做某事。(2)计划和计划将要发生的事。(。(3)有发生的迹象。一般未来概要,3,be to do,根据计划或正式日程安排将要发生的事情。be about to do,意思是做某事。

9、注意:be about to do不能与tomorrow、next week等一起使用,不能与明确表示未来的时间副词一起使用。5.时间状语: next、the coming、tomorrow、in、in the future、this afternoon等。when I was just a little girl、I assy Will I be pretty、will I be rich?Heres what she said to me.que sera、sera.whatever will be、will be . the futures not ours to see que sera、sera what will be。Will be when I grew up and fell in love,I asked my sweet heart what lies ahead。will we have rainbow


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