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1、2020/8/6,1,Instructor: Fu Mingjuan,International Trade Theory 国 际 贸易 理 论,2020/8/6,2,Basic Idea of Bilingual Teaching,I. Learning Objectives Comprehend basic theories and policies of international trade Enhance your capability in reading professional literatures, obtaining the latest professional inf

2、ormation and communication Change your ways of studying English from a theoretical approach to a hands-on applied approach.,3,2020/8/6,II. Course Outline Theories: Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Chapter 2 Classical trade theory Chapter 3 Neo-classical trade theory Chapter 4 Post H-O t

3、heory Policies: Chapter 5 Import Protection Policy: Tariffs Chapter 6 Import Protection Policy: Non-tariffs Barriers Chapter 7 Export Promotion and Other Policies Chapter 8 Argument against free trade Other Issues in international trade world: Chapter 9 Regional Economic Integration Chapter 10 GATT

4、and WTO,Basic Idea of Bilingual Teaching,2020/8/6,4,III. Teaching Methods: 1. Teaching by multimedia 2. Combination of teaching and presentations 3. Bilingual teaching,Basic Idea of Bilingual Teaching,5,2020/8/6,You are required to,Read the Textbook,Read Newspapers/ Journals ,Answer the Questions an

5、d Do the Exercises,IV. Learning Methods:,2020/8/6,6,Supplementary Materials: Websites: magazines E.g. the Financial Times Wall Street Journal the Economist Business Week,2020/8/6,7,V. Assessment: Class performance : 30% Final exam: 70%,Basic Idea of Bilin

6、gual Teaching,2020/8/6,8,Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade,2020/8/6,9,1. International Trade: refers to the exchange of goods and services between nations. It is also known as world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade. Imports Exports GDP GNP,Chapter 1Introduction to International Tra

7、de,2020/8/6,10,The suppliers come from U.S. ,Japan, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, South Korea, U.K,Even the Boeing 777 Isnt All American,2020/8/6,11,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,Overview of this chapter Reasons for International Trade Differences between International Trade and D

8、omestic Trade Basic Concepts Relating to International Trade,2020/8/6,12,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,Reasons for International Trade 1. Resources reasons 2. Economic reasons 3. Other reasons,2020/8/6,13,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,I. Reasons for International Trade

9、1. Resources reasons No nation has all of the commodities that it needs E.g. Coffee: Colombia, Brazil (major grower of coffee beans); USA: major consumer Copper: Peru, Zaire Diamonds: South Africa Uneven distribution of resources leads to international trade,2020/8/6,14,coffee,copper,diamond,2020/8/

10、6,15,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,I. Reasons for International Trade 2. Economic reasons development of manufacturing and technology economic benefits another incentive gain economically by trading economic theory: produce and export the products which a country has comparative advan

11、tage.,2020/8/6,16,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,I. Reasons for International Trade 3. Other reasons Not have enough of a particular item Innovation or a variety of style Political objectives,2020/8/6,17,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,II. Differences between International

12、 Trade and Domestic Trade 1. More complex context Transacted in foreign languages Under international or foreign laws, customs and regulations Numerous culture differences Control and communication systems Foreign currency transactions,2020/8/6,18,USD/$ GBP/ JPY/J¥ CAD/C$,EUR/ HKD/HK$ CNY/RMB¥,2020/

13、8/6,19,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,II. Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade 2. More difficult and risky Information on foreign countries may be difficult to obtain. Political risks Economic risks,20,2020/8/6,2020/8/6,21,2020/8/6,22,Chapter 1Introduction to Inte

14、rnational Trade,II. Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade 3. Higher skills required E.g. clear customs for export or import make international payment insurance market survey commodity inspection,2020/8/6,23,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,III. Basic Concepts Relati

15、ng to International Trade Visible trade Section 5-9 : Manufactured goods(工业制成品),2020/8/6,26,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,(2) Invisible trade: trade in services Difficult to obtain accurate estimates of the value of the transactions of trade in services No agreed definition of traded

16、services Ways of measuring these transactions not precise WTO列出的服务行业有12个部门:商业、通讯、建筑、销售、教育、环境、金融、卫生、旅游、娱乐、运输及其他。 Usual customs records or data are not available for valuing these transactions. May be underestimated or overvalued.,27,2020/8/6,DATA During the 1980s, exports of commercial services outgr

17、ew merchandise exports. Total value of commercial services in 2008 was US$3 730 billion, accounting for 19.12% of the total value of international trade. Its growth rate is getting more and more rapid. Today, especially in developed societies, services account for large portions of national outputs.

18、 The United States was the worlds largest exporter and importer of commercial services.,28,2020/8/6,29,2020/8/6,30,2020/8/6,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,Four modes of Services Cross border supply of services(跨境交付):Only the service itself crosses national frontiers. Consumption abroad

19、 (境外消费) :The supply of a service “in the territory of one Member to the service consumer of another Member”.,【TRAVEL】,【TELECOMMUNICATION】,31,2020/8/6,Chapter 1Introduction to International Trade,(2) Invisible trade: trade in services Commercial presence (商业存在) :The supply of a service through the co

20、mmercial presence of the foreign supplier in the territory of another WTO member. Presence of natural persons (自然人流动) : The admission of foreign nationals to another country to provide services.,【BANKING】,【TEACHING】,32,2020/8/6,One service may be supplied in four ways,Through an office maintained in

21、 the clients country,Through a visit to him by his foreign client,By mail,By a personal visit to that country,Services of a professional adviser,33,2020/8/6,Others by their nature cannot:,A tourist can only enjoy a foreign countrys beach by going there. Street cleaning services must be supplied on t

22、he spot.,2020/8/6,34,Basic Concepts,2. Favorable balance of trade Exchange rate movements; Multilateral, bilateral and unilateral taxes or restrictions on trade; Non-tariff barriers such as environmental, health or safety standards; The availability of adequate foreign exchange with which to pay for

23、 imports, etc. Business cycle: during an economic expansion. In export led growth (such as oil and early industrial goods), the balance of trade will improve. With domestic demand led growth (as in the United States and Australia) the trade balance will worsen.,38,2020/8/6,A higher savings rate gene

24、rally corresponds to a trade surplus. China, a high growth economy, has tended to run merchandise trade surpluses. Favorable trade balance for 15 years in succession since 1994. (Table 1-2) The United States has a lower savings rate and has had a growing deficit in tradable goods since the mid-1980s

25、. Especially with Asian nations (China and Japan) which now hold large sums of U.S debt that has funded the consumption of the United States.,39,2020/8/6,Basic Concepts,3. General trade system supplied parts; supplied sample.,2020/8/6,48,Multiple-choice,1. The service of a professional adviser is su

26、pplied through a visit to him by his foreign client. According to the definition of trade in services in GATS, this service is _. A. cross border supply of services; B. consumption abroad; C. commercial presence in the consuming country; D. presence of natural persons,2020/8/6,49,Multiple-choice,2. If a country uses general trade system in collecting statistic figures, this means _. A. the statis


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