七年级英语 7B Unit 1-2 学案 牛津版_第1页
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1、7B Unit 1一重点词组和语句。1.住在饭店的隔壁 live next to a restaurant 2法国、日本的首都 .the capital of France / Japan 3.看漫画书 read comics 4.朝外看着海滩 look out at the beach 5.保持安静 keep quiet 6.从卧室的窗户看海和海滩see the sea and the beach from the bedroom windows 7.经常下雨 rain a lot8.和我的家人住在一个木头房子里live with my family in a wooden house 9.

2、在河上 over a river 10.爬梯子进入我家 climb a ladder to get into my house 11.在阳台上 on the balcony12.家里的第二个孩子 the second child of my family 13.在阳台上 on the balcony 14.在市中心 in the centre of the city = in the city centre 15.迫不及待地做某事 cant wait to do sth.16.和我父母住在一个繁忙的街道上的一所公寓里live with my family in a flat on a busy

3、 street 17.对某人友好 be friendly to sb18.客厅、餐厅 a sitting / dining room 19.和我妹妹分享一个房间 share a bedroom with my sister 20.种花的最好的地方 the best place to grow flowers 21.一支(一盒)粉笔 a piece / box of chalk22. 在旁边桌子上 on the beside table 23.门的对面 be opposite the door 24.星期一空闲 have a free day on Monday 25.在长途飞机旅行后 afte

4、r the long plane journey 26.94分 ninetyfour points 27.至少 at least 28.在一楼和二楼 on the ground and first floors29.50米长 fifty metres long 30.有12个淋浴间的房间 a room with twelve showers 31.洗澡 have a shower 32.同时 at the same time 33.住得高(低)他两层 live two floors above / below him 34.长城 the Great Wall35.住在第九层 live on t

5、he ninth floor 36.颐和园 the Summer Place 37.故宫 the Palace Museum 38.和 。不一样 be different from39 有你自己的卧室 have your own bedroom40. 当我妈妈做饭时,我和家人经常坐在厨房里My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. 41.它的生日是在6月15日 Its birthday is on the fifth of June. 42.谢谢你的有关你房子的录像Thank you for th

6、e video of your house.43.-我可以和讲电话吗? -我就是- May I speak to Daniel, please? - This is Daniel.44.我是从我的新家打的电话Im calling from my new home. 45.当我有空就打给你 Ill call you when Im free.46. 在二楼没有其它的房间There are no other rooms on the second floor.二 练习一词汇。A.根据句意,汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词。1. Be _( 安静的)!We are having an Englis

7、h Class.2. There are many _( 架子)in the library.3. Today is my daughters _( 九)birthday.4. -How does your father sometimes go to work? - By _( 地铁).5. My brother has less money _( 比) I do.6. Beijing is the c_( a place where the government 政府of a country lives) of China.7. -Why are you late? -B_( for th

8、e reason原因) my bike is broken on the way to school.8. There is much air p_( the state of being dirty) here.9. We are c _( near) to our friends.10. There are about three t_( ten hundred) students in our school. 二翻译句子。1 河上有一所木屋子。(There is)2 当我正在看电视的时候,我的哥哥在看报纸。 (while)3 你可以选择你喜欢的任何食物。(choose) 4.中餐馆与西餐

9、馆 不同。(be different from)5.这里夏季常夏雨。( rain a lot)6.他至少两米高。( at least)7.Lily 住在我上面两层,在九楼。8当他到的时候,我迫不及待地想见到他。(when)9.在这次考试中她得了满分,班级第一名。10我可以请Sandy 接电话吗? 我就是。11这里的空气污染比其他地方要少的多。 12你需要多少西红柿?三单项选择。( ) 1.She sits between _. A. you and him B. him and you C. he and you D. you and he( ) 2.-Would you like _ mea

10、t ? - _. A. any / Yes, please. B. some / Yes, please. C. any / Yes, Id love. D. some / Yes, Id love to.( ) 3.My brother likes playing _ football, but I like playing _ piano. A. the, the B. the , / C. / , the D. / , /( ) 4.Lily and Lucy are twins. _ school bags are the same. A. They B. Their C. Them

11、D. Theirs( ) 5. -How many forks are there on the table ? -_. A. No B. None C. Not D. Any( ) 6. In most homes, people have meals in the _. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. dining room D. sitting room( ) 7. Millie lives two floors _ me. She lives on the _ floor. A. on , twelfth B. on ,twelve C. above, twelfth

12、 D. above, twelve( ) 8. How do we say 203, 110 in English? A. two hundred and three thousand, one hundred and ten B. two hundreds and three thousand, one hundred and ten C. two hundred and three thousands, one hundred and ten D. two hundred three thousands, one hundred ten( ) 9. The idea sounds _. A

13、. well B. good C. friendly D. fine( ) 10.Miss Gao teaches _ English. A. us B. we C. our D. ours( ) 11.Jim _ a friend _ him. A. like, like B. like, likes C. likes, like D. likes, likes( ) 12.-How much _ do you need? - Three kilos of _. A. ham and beef , each B. eggs and chips, each C. ham and beef, e

14、very D. ham and chips, every( ) 13. I spend half _hour _ English every day. A. a , read B. an, reading C. a, reading D. an, read( ) 14. - What _ do you want to buy? A. other B. the other C. else D. others7B Unit2重点句子和短语1.饿、渴了 be hungry / thirsty 2.一听狗食 a tin of dog food3.和我们的朋友很亲近 be close to our fr

15、iends4.带他们去运动中心 take them to the sports centre 5.看电影 go to the cinema 6.举个例子 for example7.去许多不同的中餐馆 go to lots of different Chinese restaurants 8.一个乡村公园 a country park9.找到许多纪念品 find lots of souvenirs 10.付很少的钱 pay a little money 11.很难说 Its hard to say.12.试试北京烤鸭 try Beijing Duck 13.许多西餐馆 lots of Weste

16、rn restaurants 14.和我们游玩当地的剧院 visit our local theatre with us 15.听京剧 enjoy Beijing opera 16.唱京剧 sing Beijing opera 17.不介意 never mind 18.属于 belong to 19举办一个欢迎会 hold a welcome party20.不舒服,生病 be sick 21.一个厨师 a cook 22.15片面包 fifteen loaves of bread 23.一些西红柿 some tomatoes24.看出色的艺术作品 see fine works of art

17、25.欣赏一整天 enjoy a full day26.附近的朋友 friends nearby27.在青少年中心会见朋友 meet friends at the youth centre28. 带你参观我的家乡 show you around my hometown 29.长蔬菜和花 grow vegetables and flowers30.进城 go into town 31想起某人 think of sb32.住在现代化的城市里 live in a modern town33去散步 go walking = go for a walk34.我认为这是个可以居住的好地方I think i

18、t is a wonderful place to live.35.那肯定是赵老师的包。It must be Mrs Zhaos bag.36.-我们用那些钱可以买多少听狗食啊? -一听也买不到How many tins of dog food can we buy with that? None.37.也许我们可以定一个匹萨Maybe we can order a pizza. 38.在阳光镇有许多事要做There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.39.从北京市中心乘地铁须40分钟It is only 40 minutes from the

19、 centre of Beijing by underground.40.阳光镇的空气污染比北京的其它地区要少There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.41.我们大多数人住在像这样的高楼里Most of us live in buildings like this. 42.如果他们的作业需要帮助他们不需要去很远。They do not have to go far if they need help with their homework.43.在大多数购物中心你可以购物到晚上10点钟

20、。You can shop until ten oclock at night in most shopping malls.44.在阳光镇你可以选择你喜欢的任何食物。You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.如果是这样,你来对地方了。If so, you are here in the right place45.我认为一种30个就足够了。I think thirty of each will be enough. 46.你还想买什么? What else do you want to buy?47.这些明信片是他的吗? Do these postcards belong to him? = Are these his postcards? = Are these postcards his?48.有很多有趣的东西可以看。There are lots of fun and interesting things to see.练习 一 词汇1. Shang


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