七年级英语 Module9 导学案 外研版_第1页
七年级英语 Module9 导学案 外研版_第2页
七年级英语 Module9 导学案 外研版_第3页




1、学 案 装 订 线 Module9 导学案 No.8【学习目标】1. 牢固掌握Module9中重点单词、短语、句型;2. 通过独立思考和小组合作, 能灵活运用动词的一般过去时进行交际;3. 全力以赴,激情投入,享受学习的快乐!【重难点】行为动词的过去式。【能力培养】能灵活运用所学知识,提高自己发现并解决问题的能力。【使用说明】根据要求预习课文完成导学案上的内容,标出疑难点准备上课小组讨论解决。 【学法指导】1. 运用好双色笔,在课本上划出重点单词短语句型,标注出自己不懂的问题。2. 限时自主完成,规范书写,独立思考;小组合作探讨,答疑解惑。Unit 1 Once upon a time自学导航

2、:预习M9单词,注意构词法。I. 找出Unit 1单词表中的动词,你能发现它们在P56,P57对话中形式有何变化吗?找出并在文中用红笔画出1.开始_ _2.决定_ _3.骑_ _4.采摘_ _5.注意到_ _6.匆忙_ _7.敲 _ _8.推_ _9.打开_ _10.进入_ _11.数_ _12.完成_ _II. 重点短语:在文中画出你做认为的重点短语及句型【试一试,我肯定行】1.朝四周看_2.朝里看(方向)_ 3.往里面看(范围)_ 4.从前_5.去乘(骑)_ 6.决定干某事_ 【重点句子】试一试,我肯定行!_你有疑问或不懂得短语或句子:【积极动脑哦】_III. Listen and ans

3、wer the questions:带问题听对话1. What was the little girls name?_2. Where was she?_ _3. What happened to her? (她发生什么事了?)_IV. Listen and check the sentences(T r F)1.The story is The Three Bears. ( )2.Goldilocks lived in the forest. ( )3.The story begins: Once upon a time ( )4.She decided to go for a ride i

4、n the forest.( )V. Use these words to answer the questions:Bowl flower hungry room small1. What did she pick in the forest?_2. Where in the house did she look into?_3. Where was the food?_4. Why did she pick up the bowls?_5. Which bowl did she like?_6. Did she like the big bowl? Why ?_Unit 2 Goldilo

5、cks rushed out of the houseBefore class:1). 预习课文完成Activities 1,2,3,6. 2). 找出下列短语:1.想坐下_ 2. 走进卧室_3. 入睡,睡着_4. 成为碎片_ _5. 开始,起初 _ _ 6. 指着_ _7. 从床上跳下来_ _ 8. 返回到森林_ _I. Have a check:1.冲,奔 _2. 毁坏_3. 不高兴的_ _4. 睡着的_5. 返回;归还_6. 指_7. 跳_8. 没有 _II.理解课文中的重点句子;找出里面所包含的知识点: 1. 她想坐在椅子上因为她累了。She wanted to sit down be

6、cause she was tired.2. 她试着坐在最小的椅子上。 She tried the smallest chair.3. 她既不高兴又疲劳。 She was unhappy and tired.4. 不久她就在上面睡着了。Very soon she was asleep in it. 5. 一开始他们没有注意到金凤花姑娘。They didnt notice Goldilocks at first. 6. 看!这淘气的女孩在那。 Look! Theres the naughty girl!.7. 金凤花姑娘从床上跳下来,没提篮子便急急忙忙跑出了房间.Goldilocks jumpe

7、d out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.III. Listen and check the true sentences: 1.Goldilocks didnt like the smallest chair.2.Goldilocks didnt like the smallest bed.3.Baby Bear didnt look in the bedroom.4.Baby Bear didnt notice the little girl in his bed at first.5.Goldilocks d

8、idnt notice the three Bears at first.6.Goldilocks didnt like the three Bears.IV. 找出课文中使用过去式的单词:_ _V. Have a check当堂检测.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:Goldilocks entered the Three Bears house. She wanted _(sit) down because she _(be) tired. She _(try) the chairs. Two chairs _(be) uncomfortable. The smallest chair wa

9、s comfortable, but Goldilocks was heavy and she _(destroy) it. Then she _(look) into the bedroom. And soon she _ (be) asleep in the smallest bed.The three Bears_ ( return) but they _ (not notice) herat first. Then Baby Bear _ (point) at the little girl in his bed and _(cry), “Look,! Theres the naugh

10、ty girl!” Goldilocks _(jump) up and _ (hurry) out. She _(not return) the forest again.Unit3 Language in useI .【语言知识点运用与拓展】(参考手中资料,自我探究总结)1.decide 决定 常见用法:decide to do sth 主要表示_ _,重在要去干的动作。否定: _课本原句:_.Eg: At last he decided _( help )the poor people. 最后他决定去帮助穷人。2.answer v, n 答应,回应 课本原句: 她敲了敲门,但无人应. _.

11、常用answer的用法:answer the phone(翻译) _ answer(_) the questions answer(翻译)_ the door. There are no answers (翻译)_to the questions3.pick .采、摘课本原句:_.另外,短语 pick up 意为_ 课本原句:_. Eg: The boy_ _the hat for the old man. 男孩替老人拾起了帽子。4.翻译look短语 环顾四周_ 向的里面看_ 向里看_向.的外面看_ 看 _ 照顾(照看)_期盼_ 看起来像_ 寻找_ 5.return 返回, 归还课本原句:_

12、_.常构成短语:_把某物还给某人1)He returned back to his school .(改错) 2)He returned to the books to the library.(改错)6.enter =walk into进入课本原句:_.When the class began, all the students entered into the classroom(改错) II. 【语法集结号】(结合课本P151,P152)1.在Module8里,我们学了 be 动词的过去式 ,在Module9里我们要学习一下行为动词的过去式。行为动词一般过去时的否定形式要借助助动词did

13、 来构成 即:did not(didnt), did 无_和_的变化。2.总结并默写规则动词过去式的变化及其发音规则,举例说明:变化规则动词原形-过去式 3行为动词一般过去时的否定和一般疑问形式是怎样的?举例说明。人 称肯定句否定句一般疑问句肯/否定回答第一人称第二人称第三人称写出下列动词的过去式:1.decide_ 2.pick_ 3.hurry_ 4.stop_ 5.count_6.ride_7.knock_8.destroy_9.push_10.try_11.notice _ 12. rush _13. cry _14. return _ 15.jump_III. ExercisesA单

14、项选择1. Mary_ her homework, but Mike did.A. didnt do B. doesnt do C. will do D. is doing2. At last we decided shopping on Sunday . A.going B. to go C. went D.goes3. Before you the house , youd better knock the door . A. come ; at B.come ; on C. enter; on D.enter into ; at4. Never point_ others with your fingers(手指). A. at B. to C. out D. in 5. I _the paper carefully, but I _ anything.A.look, dont see B.looked, see C.watched, didnt s


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