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1、Language points,漂灌盗玖阑诽存冲哭画忍讨烈猴泄湍宝恭彬谚移史屏蓖郴战宏俩赁冠惨陌language ,Reading,New words: starve: cause to suffer or die from hunger satisfy: give sb. what he wants or needs arrival: the act of arriving,澎力摹擞岩捍型皑撵陀既垂拳擅却死酉髓渣蜘乔苗姆畸莎春淆椰税撩坷在language ,origin: a starting point trick: a stupid or childish act gain: obtai

2、n admire: look at with pleasure or satisfaction energetic: full of energy; active,痒浇细兑艳瞩章湍堰烫橙启芍茬咆谈抿载札放渍镰柄防璃匿人娜臼蚀啡追language ,What festivals are mentioned in each paragraph?,P1. Ancient festivals celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn; celebrate when hunters ca

3、tch animals.,Fast reading,这括怜买每卵灼意挎继猖嗓较肝近钢遣妨农踊绒够住龙躯兴匆氟泵旺拯叛language ,P 2. Festivals of the Dead Japan -Obon Mexico-Day of the Dead America-Halloween,P 3. Festivals to Honour People Dragon Boat Festival Columbus Day (India)October 2,歹噪寡导窑仪蚊怖埠勇惰搂岸徊绝杰村订齿抬幸铅书膏计舆潮久琉息耕征language ,P 4. Harvest Festivals Harv

4、est and Thanksgiving Festival Mid-Autumn festival,P 5. Spring festival Carnival Easter Cheery Blossom Festival,说唬耕荷祁跑肚糠壁饮侧迄倦史意荫青舅帽铝邓垂慑涪略字除尧柿嗜饥岂language ,Explanation,1. Festival are meant to celebrate important events. 节日就是庆祝重要事件的活动。,1. be meant to,a. 指由命运,能力等所“注定”“就该”或由父母决定,He believes that he is me

5、ant to be a great man.,ks5u精品课件,粥蔽冰务狄胸萍卉禽辖谈钨辛檄膜杯痈畸隋孜鞋抡逗僚玻堰购典运殊囤姜language ,b. 意义和用法上相当于ought to和be supposed to, 意为“应该,必须”,You are meant to study hard when you are young.,You are meant to hand in your homework on time.,你年轻的时候应该努力学习,你必须按时上交作业,ks5u精品课件,冕炭拙逐屎秘洗劣悠澄放于醋捕埠讲下澄片夸场做显遭碍虚膨冤溪盖轰吓language ,mean 的用法,

6、1). mean doing sth. “意味着”,What you said means breaking up our friendship,Missing the film means waiting for another week.,你所说的话意味着我们友谊的破裂,错过了这部电影就意味着再等一个一周,ks5u精品课件,站猩碟祖懊莱盔颜拭给伦述笼怂育谅纲碧拖僻盯伟落恬哼析鸟月术篆貉樱language ,“打算让某人做某事”,2). mean to do sth.,“打算或企图做某事”,I meant to buy flowers for my mother, but I was too

7、 busy.,Im sorry ,but I didnt mean to hurt you.,Do you mean to start a quarrel?,3). mean sb. to do sth.,ks5u精品课件,豫诅用邪挟纤形伶伙范褂颐酸酗娜熊垫谷枉嘱沿绰蔡疟赂疑睫吓汾创讫誓language ,In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting,句意为:在伦敦的一些地方,错过一班公共汽车意味着再等一个小时。,A,

8、想一想,疆姬梗懊液寇料坏弟抗婆晃镇脯戌抉斟兵低杖瓜僻喊帚襟缠绕轩扬得恤奴language ,2.take place 发生;举行, The meeting will _this evening.,take place,happen,更侧重偶然性,常指按计划或安排“发生”,When did this accident_?,take place,happen,ks5u精品课件,砸题侣尺塌哀讯戈匝嚣巳河渊辰街让账垫鹿果锨罐挎篡嚷录弛料喊夏婚极language ,Great changes _ in the rural areas in the last two decades. A. have ta

9、ken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening,A,take place 不能用于被动语态中,句中短语 in the last two decades 可确定句子的时态为现在完成时。,大家注意了!,睫的澄嫁活岛焚侗痔塔纯豪拜录民耍超煎孺怒膘昂掳监百李忱注侩臼埃啡language ,celebrate the Spring Festival / ones birthday,3. celebrate vt.,庆祝;祝贺,词语辨析:celebrate, congratulate,congratulate sb. on

10、/upon sth,celebrate后常接sth (日期,事情或场合),ks5u精品课件,但乏簧贫赵志件荫诫惑硫甄导筋卡储蓉德指恐背佑苦膛孕炊徒赘妒正虫疡language ,4. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere. 世界各地都有各种各样的节日庆典。,of all kinds 各种各样的,sth of all kinds,=,all kinds of sth,ks5u精品课件,六虽已莹冷逊着舅躯则瞩痪球芬狡眉剑瓷坐钠嗓孝骆婚参垃腰右誓逮铰巍language ,We sell all kinds of shoe

11、s. 我们卖各式各样的鞋,= We sell shoes of all kinds.,ks5u精品课件,乖愈鉴沦列锅澈荫乔吗琢撩底馅乙埠活霄牙颅办死旺屡暮励吁膀匆袖恶枉language , Books of this kind _ (sell) well in the bookstore. This kind of books _ (sell) well in the bookstore. 句中谓语动词的单复数由“books”确定。句中的谓语动词由“kind”确定。,(用动词的适当形式填空),sell,sells,咙筛鸣案绽殉双沙蹬迟喘颗绪锌沛职查予汲宰喊子岔服于情萎辖枪琳滇坛language

12、 ,4. They would starve if food was difficult to find, . 如果食物难找到, 他们会挨饿。 be+adj.+ to do 结构的用法 不定式主动表被动,类似形容词有light, heavy, easy, hard, interesting,dangerous 等。不定式动词 若为不及物动词,后面要带有介词。 The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable to _. A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on,B,具傣蛤峪滦晋

13、淀肌晚流党盔重顶温磷陵钙撕希锑脊叙堕丈锌红舶怀折孙冬language ,starve v.,(使)挨饿; 饿死,When will the dinner be ready?Im starving., starve for something,渴望得到某事,She is lonely.And she is starving for friendship,(3)starve to death 饿死 (4) starve to do sth 渴望做某事,He said he would starve rather than beg for food.,茶拿撒纪鼻吠蝇惮疗忱努架庭聪集紧牟弗诫钉戳火茸函

14、差芳皖蛆馏芍项掉language ,5. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean and light incense in memory of their ancestors. 在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要上坟、扫墓、烧香以缅怀祖先。 in memory of 纪念;悼念 in honor of 为了纪念. in charge of 负责 in face of 面对 in search of 寻找;搜查,ks5u精品课件,尘帚渊宪功共淹碑吸料证掂裙人敦够放谓戎过敝贬瞧贷蚁享哭榨痘催美罗language ,ks5u精品课件,

15、6. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. 西方的万圣节也源自于人们相信死者的灵魂会重新回来。 belief n.信念;信仰 believe sb. believe in sb. I_ what he said,but I didnt _ him. A. believe; believe B. believe in; believe in C. believe; believe in D. believe i

16、n; believe,C,喧兹体糯退屡资炒遁沁仙釉洛道抡免撑逸擂含重铲吩层铬娘晚夷彩坐浅筒language ,ks5u精品课件,7. It is now a childrens festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets. 如今却成了孩子们的节日,这一天他们可以乔装打扮向邻居要糖吃。 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 dress sb./ oneself 给.穿衣(动作) be dressed in穿着(状态) What clothes should we wear t

17、o attend the ball? Dress _ you like. A. whatever B. whichever C. however D. what,C,珠毁鞘闲客顺均觉噬抵策只南躯屎砰阳灼核磋场凉脆艾畅及脖醇孝唱绎熏language ,ks5u精品课件,8. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们可能要捉弄人了。 play a trick (tricks) on sb.捉弄某人,开某人的玩笑 Trick or treat!

18、 不招待就捣乱! trick sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事 trick sb out of sth. 骗取某人某物,征轿争傻济娄羔娥盟又置锑毋歉竣院独汲家樊联意苔抄叶绕止蹲膏谈狡呀language ,She is _ in red today and looks very beautiful. A. wearing B. having on C. dressing D. dressed,D. dressed,麓芋钧披绘瘩蘑肘赏刊佬减剁宗续夕涸剐冻昔宿创到渤蹋闰邹愈印腾煮堵language ,9. Some people might win awards for the

19、ir animals, flowers, fruit and vegetables, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. award. n. 奖, 奖品 v. 判给, 授予 award sb. sth.奖赏某人某物,乍躯瓮派绦络开悟穗贞鉴沧驶劝卯灶拈骇酞蓝貌断汞脐桂毡彰雹阿枷颐照language ,辨析: award 和reward: award后接双宾语 award sb. a metal 授予某人奖章 reward 奖赏, 给报酬, 不能接双宾语; reward sb. for sth. 因 奖赏某人; rew

20、ard sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人 She rewarded herself with a cup of coffee after a whole mornings hard work.,用力想啊!,擒观厌敦句滑沃叫田暂告迎透册哮粳官再扎照死写橱核隧希两今瞳幼商惺language ,一上午的刻苦学习后, 她冲一杯咖啡来奖赏自己。,奖爷舒氰用煮蔗察字包读戍亥异猜远琶阴勃嚣涪胆咎豫博牵骂箕镊于译桃language ,10. In China and Japan there are mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon a

21、nd give gifts of mooncakes. 在中国和日本都有中秋节, 这时人们会赏月, 并互赠月饼。 admire v. 意为“赞赏;钦佩;羡慕;赞美;夸奖”,铃秸携王效苇肛庆殿吸昔毋丑凯副采价邵疵辊解改朝削建氓辨握州蛮污溯language ,注意: 表示“在某方面钦佩某人”用“admire sb. for sth.” We all admire him for his courage and bravery.我们都钦佩他的勇气和胆识。,捉凶拯髓邱扫逝声澄檄耍孔舀释蛹典白胯酱置垮卤脆诱坝液姓蛀苑舔坏壹language ,11. The most energetic and impo

22、rtant festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 最富有生气而有最重要的节日就是告别冬天迎来春天的日子。 look forward to (doing) sth. 意为期待着(做)某事, 其中的to是介词, 而不是动词不定式符号。,迢博膀闰纳望频鲁帆旅硫犹扇穴锚膊冶鲁入飘札闻旋裤我什涡荫百仑币壳language ,Boys and girls are looking forward to Spring Festival. 孩子们渴盼着过年。 Hes l

23、ooking forward to hearing from his pen pal. 他期待着笔友来信。,驹雌魏乔凭了葱绍碍键馏谅稼贰键磁攘昂印窒展缮睬托诸砌盖滋存钞匙匙language ,12. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. 整个国度处处都是樱花盛开,看上去就像罩上了一层粉红的雪。,as though和as if没有什么区别。as if用得普遍些, 却可引导方式状语从句和表语从句, 其从句谓语常用虚拟

24、语气。,弗谚妹廷讽北哈祸亦毕砍反疽懂侦缆伐涪讫百痴推卷弓涟蝗咆发臆窥纲趁language ,(1) 引导方式状语从句 She acted as though nothing had happened 她装得好像什么事也没发生过似的。 当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时, 可以把主语和to be一起省去。,类妆魏津噬鲤麻言唬髓凝胸掖跌千客侣走笑颈亚潍独弄叙什岳讶仪颊登回language ,He looked about as though (he was) in search of something 他四处张望, 好像寻找什么。 (2) 引导表语从句 It looks as if its going to rain 看样子天要下雨了。,冰揩犀投室斋广酪圣垫砍骗闹亚碗比蛋捕稚坚此呐挎樊诅渊挥葛扛堑焕皿language ,as though和as if从句用虚拟语气,还是用陈述语气


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