七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum导学案(新版)外研版_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum导学案(新版)外研版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum导学案(新版)外研版_第5页
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1、Module 2 My family Unit 1 Is this your family?第一课时一、学习目标1、 掌握重点单词,短语、句型2、 能够听懂有关家庭介绍的对话,辨认对话中的人物关系3、学会用this , that , these , those 的用法,会用人称代词和物主代词,名词所有格介绍自己的家庭,询问他人的家庭情况4、了解中西方家庭的差异,培养对家庭的热爱和对家庭成员的关心2、 学习重点掌握重点词汇、表达;听懂理解课文对话,学会介绍自己的家庭成员3、 学习难点利用课文对话中的词汇和表达介绍、询问家庭情况课前预习1、 使用说明与学法指导1、.根据自己所掌握的语音知识,认读第

2、90页上本单元的新单词;2、听录音并划出自己读错的单词;3、与同伴讨论,解决自己的问题。4、预习时,既要初步解对话内容,同时也要注意在对话提供的语境中去掌握重点新词汇和表达。二、教材助读1、观看教材第8页上Tony的家谱,熟记有关家庭成员的单词aunt brother cousin daughter family father grandfathergrandmother grandparent mother parent sister son uncle2、请为课堂探究准备好一张家庭成员的合影照片,用英语说出他们是谁3、 预习自测1、 单词默写这_这些_他/她/它们_ 妈妈_左边_爸爸_右边

3、_谁_妇女_紧挨着_丈夫_前面_2、短语在左边_在右边_在.旁边_在.的前面_Tony的家庭_一张Tony的照片_3、句型这是Tony 家人的一张照片_这是你的家人啊?_多么大的一个家庭啊_这是谁_那是我的爸爸_我妈妈的父母在左边_那些是Paul的儿子和女儿_四、我的疑问_课内探究1、 质疑探究1、Read and complete the passageTony has a big family. In the photo, his fathers parents are _ and his mothers parents are _. _ and _ are Tonys cousins,

4、theyre _ Paul. Paul is Tonys _, and Paul is Lizs _. Mike is Pauls _. Helen is Pauls _. 2、Read the conversation and draw Tonys family tree.二、当堂检测根据句意填入家族成员的名词1、Fathers mother is my _.2、Mothers brother is my _.3、Mothers father is my _. 4、Fathers sister is my _.5、Im Lucy. This is my father. Im his _.6、

5、Uncles daughter is my _.7、Tom is my son. Im not his father. I am his _.8、My father and mother are my _.9、My _ are my parentsparents.10、Im Jim. This is my mother. Im her _.三、课后反思_课后训练一、根据首字母填空1、It is a p_ of Tonys family.2、How m_ people are there in Linglings family?3、Damings sister is on the l_.4、To

6、nys a_ is next to his u_.5、The school is in f_ of the building.二、补全句子1、我的妹妹是医生。她就站在我旁边。_ sister is a _. She is standing _ _me.2.、 他的奶奶来自美国。她是一名公共汽车司机。_ grandma is _ America. Shes a bus_.3、杰克不是中国人。他的父亲是酒店经理。Jack _Chinese. _father is a _ _.4、 盒子里有几个苹果? 有6个。 _ _ _ _ _ in the box? _ _ six.5、看,这些是我新自行车的照

7、片。Look! _ _ _ _ of my new bike. Unit 1 Is this your family?第二课时一、学习目标1、能够识别并正确朗读/h / /b/ /p/2、掌握本单元重点单词,短语、句型3、学习有关有关指示代词,方位词和名词所有格的语言知识点二、学习重点学习有关有关指示代词,方位词和名词所有格的语言知识点3、 学习难点指示代词,方位词和名词所有格课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导1、学习有关/h / /b/ /p/的音标前先跟着录音模仿正确2、尽力熟读课文,培养良好的语感3、课前预习音标及勾勒相关短语用时15分钟2、 教材助读1、背诵第9页活动三中的对话,注意模仿录

8、音纠正自己的语音语调;2、根据自己所掌握的语音知识,试着拼一拼活动五中的音标和单词。3、与同伴交流解决自己的问题。三、预习自测1、会读以下单词吗?/h/ Helen her husband hand hair he/b/ boy brother bag bus banana bike but/p/ Paul pen pencil parent please play 2、两人一组,结合活动六和自己的家庭成员合影,谈谈家庭成员,然后互换角色四、我的疑问_课内探究1、 质疑探究1、指示代词的用法:This,these,that,those 成为指示代词,用来指示或标示人或事物,其中,this和th

9、at为单数,these和those 为复数。另外,this和these用来指离自己较近的人或物,that和those 用来指离自己较远的人或物。例如:This is my bike, and that is her bike.These are my books, and those are his books.当指示代词所指的事物已确定时,后面的指示代词指人时用he , she ,they来代替,指物时用it和they 来代替,如:Is this your book? Yes, it is.Are these your uncles? No, they arent. 打电话时英美人习惯用th

10、is指代自己, 用that 指代对方。如: This is Kate. Whos that? 我是凯特,你是谁? This is Jim. 我是吉姆。学以致用将以下句子改为相应的复数1) This is a book._2) That is Bettys dog._2、a photo of 一张的照片 This is a photo of Tonys family.of为介词,常用来表示所有关系,构成of所有格,意为“的”学以致用Beijing is the _ _ _. 北京是中国的首都。3、 What a big family!“What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语) !

11、”是由what构成的感叹句,意思是“多么”。如果主语是代词,谓语是联系动词,主语和谓语在句中可以省略。例如:What a good book (it is)! What a good girl (she is)!学以致用1)_多么大的一间教室呀!2)_多红的一朵花啊!4、in front of 是介词短语,“在前面”,指在某个空间范围之外的前面,例如:Mike and Tom are in front of me. / Tony is in front of his parents.in the front of意思也是“在前面”,指在某个空间范围内的前面,例如:The blackboard

12、is in the front of the classroom. 学以致用in front of / in the front of Who is the woman _ Paul?Drivers sit _ the car.on the left在左边 on the right 在右边on the left of.在.的左边 on the right of. 在.的右边5、名词所有格的构成:1) 一般情况下直接在表人的名词后加s 表示“某人的”。例如:my mothers teacher / the girls dog / Linglings book / Tonys parents2)

13、以s结尾的复数名词直接在词尾加“”,例如:students book / my parents room3) 表示两个或两个以上共同所有的,只在最后一个名词后加“s”,例如: Lucy and Lilys father is Mr. Smith. / Ms Smart is Tony and Linglings teacher4) 若表示两个人各自所有的,则在两个名词后分别加“s”,例如:Damings and Bettys parents are in China.学以致用1)_ _ _ is my uncle. 我爸爸的哥哥是我伯伯。2)Paul is _ and _ father. Pa

14、ul是Mike和Helen的爸爸。5、“Is this your book ?”“Yes, it is.”叫做一般疑问句的问答。小组讨论找出课文对话中其它的一般疑问句及其回答,并总结何时用it/he/she/they作答,然后评价。2、 当堂检测1、从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空they, family, grandparent, sister, this1) I have a big _.2) What are _?They are books .3) My fathers parents are my _.4) My aunts are my mothers _.5) Are these

15、your sisters books ?Yes, _ are.2、根据句意, 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1) That _ (be) my aunt. 2) _ (this) are your books. 3) Bob and Mike are my _ (friend). 4) _ (that) are my notebooks.5) These _ (be) her rulers.6) She _ (be)his aunt.7) They _ (be)my family.3、Look at the photo of Tonys family, and complete the se

16、ntences. _ is a photo of Tonys family. His mothers parents are on the _,and his fathers parents are on the _.The woman _ _ his mum is Liz. The boy and girl _ _ _ Paul are Mike and Helen.4、单项选择1) He is my uncle, my mothers _.A. brother B. sister C. son D. father2)Those are his _.A. grandparent B. cou

17、sins C. grandmother D. parent3)These are my _.A. parent B. brothers C. sister D. classmate4)_ are my best friends.A. It B. This C. That D. These5)Hello, Lisa! _ my brother.A. This is B. You are C. Its a D. She is6)Look! Do you know _ man under the tree? Sorry, its too far to see_ clearly.A. this, hi

18、m B. that, him C. this, her 7)-Look! Whats _ in the sky? - It looks like a kite.A. this B. that C. those三、课后反思_课后训练一、选用in front of, in the front of, behind, before填空1、There is a car _ my house.2、The cat is _ the door. You cant see it.3、The blackboard is _ the classroom. 4、Write to her _ you go.二、句型转

19、换1. The girl is my cousin. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the girl?2. This is my classmate.(变成复数形式)_ _ _ classmates.3. Its a small city.(变成感叹句)_ _ _ city it is!4. Liz is next to my sister. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Liz?5. Are these your grandparents?(作否定回答) _, they _.三、根据汉语提示完成句子1. _ _ a photo _ my family. 这是我家人的一张照片。2. _ _ your parents? 这是你的父母亲吗? No, _ _. 不,他们不是。3. Betty is _ _ her husband. 贝蒂在她丈夫旁边。4. He sits _ _ _ me in the cla


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