七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 These are my parents(第一课时)导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 These are my parents(第一课时)导学案(新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 These are my parents(第一课时)导学案(新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 These are my parents(第一课时)导学案(新版)外研版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 These are my parents(第一课时)导学案(新版)外研版_第5页




1、Unit 2 These are my parents学习目标:1.知识和技能:1)熟练掌握本单元重点词汇、表达,理解其它词汇和表达: 单词:bus, station, hospital, hotel, driver, manager, nurse, policeman, we, an, job, at, doctor, farm, worker, man, shop, its, their 短语:bus station, bus driver, police station, the manager of a theatre, an English teacher, at a school,

2、 a hotel manager, at a police station, at the same hospital句型:This is / These areMy mother is a/ an2)能够读懂有关职业介绍的文章;3)能够用正确的标点符号和格式写一篇介绍个人信息的文章。2. 过程与方法:1)培养学生的阅读能力,提高他们的阅读技巧;2)关心自己的家庭成员,体谅他们工作的辛苦,培养学生移情策略。3.情感态度:培养对家庭的热爱和对家庭成员的关心,以及对职业的客观态度。重点:掌握重点词汇、表达;听懂理解短文内容,学会介绍自己的个人信息。 难点:利用短文中的词汇和表达介绍自己的个人信息。

3、Unit 2 These are my parents. 第一课时课前预习预习目标:正确认读本单元单词及短语。步骤:1.根据自己所掌握的语音知识,认读第91页上本单元的新单词;2.听录音并划出自己读错的单词;3.与同伴讨论,解决自己的问题。使用说明&学法指导:预习时,既要初步解短文内容,同时也要注意在文章的语境中去掌握重点新词汇和表达。教材助读一、1. 请写出至少5个表示职业的名词_2. 请写出至少5个表示工作场所的名词吗?_二、中英文互译1. theatre _ 2. hotel _ 3. school _4. hospital _ 5. police station _ 6. nurse

4、_7. actor _ 8. bus driver _ 9.老师 _10.经理 _ 11.工作;职业 _ 12.这些 _三、翻译下列句子。1. 你是做什么工作的? _2. 这位是Tony的父亲。 _3. 我来自美国。 _4. 我妈妈是位英语老师。 _5. 你是旅社经理嘛? _6. 这是我的语文老师,这是我的父母亲。_我的疑问_合作探究一、通过师生互问检查学生预习重点单词、短语、句型的情况及预习中的问题二、Reading and Vocabulary 1. 完成活动一、二,然后填写下表JobteacherWorking placeschool 2. 两人一组,谈一谈What are your p

5、arents jobs?Eg: A: What are your parents jobs?B: My mother is a teacher. My father is a bus driver. What about your parents?A: My mother is a nurse, and my father is a hotel manager.3. Listen and answer How many students are there in the passages? _ What do the students want to tell us? _4. Reading1

6、) 快速阅读活动三中的短文,然后结合活动一中的图片完成六个小题2) 再次仔细阅读文章,完成下表NameNationality (国籍)Fathers JobMothers JobBetty King(1)(2)(3)Tony Smith(4)(5)(6)Daming(7)(8)(9)Wang Lingling(10)(11)(12)3) 两人一组Ask and answer (1) Where is Betty from? (2) What are her parents jobs? (3) Is Tony American (4)What is her mothers job? (5) Is

7、 Damings father at a police station? (6) Whats his mothers job? (7) Are Lingling and Damings mothers at the same hospital?然后检查答案、评价。4)小组活动,试着介绍自己家庭成员及职业。探究总结; What is your fathers job ?你父亲是做什么工作的? What is your uncle ? 你叔叔是做什么工作的? What does your brother do ?你哥哥是做什么工作的? 总结:询问职业的三种句型._ +be+sbs job?_+ b

8、e+名词(主语)?What do/does + 主语+_学以致用:汉译英1. Jacky是做什么工作的?_他是一位演员。_2. 你的父母是干什么的?_我爸爸是一名警察,我妈妈是一位护士。_学后记:_课后训练一、请根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子1. My father is a bus d_.2. Is your brother a p_?3. They are n_ in a hospital.4. Bettys father is a good _ (演员)5. Her parents are in the same _ (剧院).6. Whatre your sisters _ (职业)

9、?二、单项选择1. Are these Bettys parents?_.A. Yes, these are B. Yes, they areC. No, these arent C. No, it isnt 2. Is Daming_friend? Yes, _ is. A. she, he B. her, you C. your, it D. your, he3. Tom, what_your fathers _ ? A. is, do B: is, job C: does, do D. do, do4. Mom, _ are my friends. A: this B. that C.

10、it D. these5. Whats your job ? _. A. What do you do B. What are you C. Im a student D. Im fine6. My fathers job is at a police station .He is a _. A. policeman B. actor C. teacher D. nurse7. She and Damings mother are at _ same hospital. A. a B. an C. / D. the三、根据汉语提示翻译下列句子1. Lingling and Betty are _ _ _ _. 玲玲和贝蒂在同一所学校。2. I have a cat. _ _ is Cindy


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