七年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Module 5 My School dayUnit 3 Language in use第五课时一、学习目标1、复习本模块重点单词和短语2、复习时间的表达方式3、复习介词in/on/at的用法4、复习行为动词的一般现在时二、学习重点时间的表达方式,行为动词的一般现在时3、 学习难点对本模块知识点的灵活运用课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导1、熟读本模块单词和短语2、熟读本木块课文二、教材助读重点句子1、I love history.2、Its twelve oclock .3、We have Chinese at eight oclock.4、We dont have maths.5、Do you

2、 like maths?Yes, I do.6、In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family.7、I get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast.8、I drink juice or water.9、We start work at nine oclock.三、预习自测根据首字母提示填空1、 I like English b_it is vert interesting.2、 Its d_ for me to learn maths well.3、

3、When do you have l_? At 12 oclock.4、 W_ your feet before you go to sleep.5、 There are 60 m_in an hour.6、 My brothers g_ up at half past seven.7、 How many s_ do you learn?8、 I often t_ with my mother at night.9、 Lets b_ our class now.10、 I am very b_ now so I have no time to listen to you.四、我的疑问_课内探究

4、一、质疑探究1时间的表达方式。1) 直接表示时间法:就是按照几点几分的顺序来表示时间。(这个最简单)例如: 8:00eight oclock 5:20five twenty 2) 添加介词表示法:如果分数小于或等于30,就用past来表示,结构是“分钟+past+该点钟“;如果分钟大于30,就用to来表示,结构是“分钟+to+下一点钟 例如: 12:05 five past twelve 9:50ten to ten 8:40twenty to nine 如果分钟是15,一般用a quarter 来代替fifteen; 如果分钟是30, 一般用half来代替thirty。例如: 9:15a q

5、uarter past nine 11:30half past eleven 2:45a quarter to three2用在时间前的介词(at , in , on)的用法。at常用来表示在某点时间,即“在几点几分; 在某一时刻”。如: Sheusuallygetsupat6:00inthemorning. 她通常早上点起床。 Themanoftengetstohisofficeat8:30. 这个男人经常8:30到他的办公室。 另外,at还可以用在atnight(在晚上),atlast(最后),atweekends(在周末)atnoon(在中午)等固定短语中。on常用来表示“在某天或星期几

6、”。另外,表示“在某天的上、下午或晚上”时,介词也 用on。如onSunday(在星期天),onweekends(在周末), onFebruary8th(在二月八日), onMondaymorning(在星期一上午), ontheafternoonofNovember21st(在十一月二十一日下午) onacoldwinterevening(在一个寒冷冬天的夜晚)in表示“在某一段时间”,如某年、某月、某个季节,如:in1998(在1998年) inMarch(在三月),insummer(在夏天)。另外,在某一些固定短语中要用in,如inthemorning, intheevening, in

7、theday ,inthemiddleoftheday 。二、当堂检测A、用英语写出下列时间6:00 _ 5:30_8:10 _ 7:20 _9:50 _ 10:40 _4:15 _ 3:45 _B、汉译英:1. 在七点钟_ 2. 在上午_3. 在星期天_ 4. 在星期一的上午_5. 吃晚饭_ 6. 课间休息_7. 上床睡觉_ 8. 做家庭作业_9. 上英语课_ 10. 回家_11. 上学_ 12. 干家务活_三、课后反思_课后训练一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词1. I often have _(早饭) at seven oclock. 2. You can take a _(休息) after

8、 lunch.3. Which would you like to drink, water _(或者) milk? 4. Lets _(完成) our homework at school. Good idea.5. His new book is _ (关于) his family. 二、按要求完成句子1. Its Wednesday today. (对划线部分提问) _?2. I have English in the morning. (改为否定句) _.3. I get up at six oclock. I have breakfast at half past six. (合并句

9、子) _.4. We have no classes at the weekend. (改为同义句) _.5. The science lesson is at nine oclock. (对划线部分提问) _? 三、根据汉语意思完成句子,词数不限1. 今天星期几? _ is it today?2. 我们在八点半上数学课。 We have maths _.3. 我喜欢和朋友交谈。 I like _ my friends.4. 你每天早上什么时候起床? When do you _ every morning?5. 打篮球怎么样? _ basketball?6. 星期六我们不上学。 We _ on

10、 Saturday.Module 5 My School day Unit 3 Language in use第六课时综合自测题听力部分(20分)(省略) 基础训练 (25分)I. 词汇 (每小题1分,共10分)A) 根据汉语提示填写单词。21. We have _ (地理 at 10:30.22. Its 10:00. Would you like to have a _ (休息)?23. There are many _ (房子) in front of my school.24. Lets _ (谈论) about our plan for Sunday.25. Can we play

11、football in the _ (公园)? No, you cant.B) 根据首字母提示填写单词。26. 7:30 is h_ past seven.27. Lessons start at 9:00 and f_ at 17:00.28. Whats the t_? Its 11:00.29. I like drawing. My favourite lesson is a_.30. On Sunday morning I help (帮助) my parents do h_ at home.II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )31. Its 7:30 in the morn

12、ing. Lets have _.A. breakfast B. a breakfastC. dinner D. the lunch( )32. They go to the cinema _ six oclock _ Saturday evening.A. in; on B. on; inC. at; on D. to; in( )33. _ is your swimming lesson? In the afternoon.A. Where B. WhenC. What D. Who( )34. Daming and Lingling _ go to school on Saturday.

13、A. dont B. arentC. no D. not( )35. They watch TV at 20:00 _ go to bed at 21:00.A. but B. or C. / D. and( )36. Tony and I _ an English lesson in the afternoon.A. do B. goC. have D. invite( )37. What time is it? Its _.A. three oclock B. three thirtyC. thirty to three D. six fifteen( )38. Im 13 years o

14、ld. _? 14.A. How are you B. Where are you fromC. Whats your nameD. What about you( )39. Maths _ at 10:00 in the morning.A. am B. isC. are D. be( )40. Its five oclock in the afternoon. Lets _.A. to go home B. to go to homeC. go home D. go to home( )41. We study something about Qing Shihuang from our

15、_ lesson.A. history B. musicC. science D. maths( )42. They love Chinese. Its their _ lesson.A. good B. happyC. right D. favourite( )43. What day is it today? _.A. Its three B. Its in the eveningC. Its fineD. Its Wednesday( )44. Im Miss Wang. I often (常常) talk _ my students at my office.A. in B. toC.

16、 of D. on( )45. I have Chinese and English today. I love _.A. them B. himC. her D. it提高发展 (30分)III. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Hi! Im Daming. My school is 46 and nice. I go to school 47 days a week from Monday to Friday. I have got seven 48 a day. There are four in the morning and 49 in the afternoon. Lessons

17、50 at 8:30 in the morning. There are forty-five minutes (分钟) in every class. Today I have English at half 51 eight. I have maths at 9:25 and I 52 history at 10:30. History is my favourite lesson. I like 53 . I have music at 11:25.In the afternoon, I have two Chinese lessons. And I have 54 art lesson

18、 at 4:20. Lessons finish at 5:05. I go home and have 55 with my parents. Then (然后) I do my homework.( )46. A. cold B. big C. fat D. healthy( )47. A. two B. seven C. four D. five ( )48. A. lessons B. friends C. classrooms D. schools( )49. A. two B. three C. five D. six( )50. A. finish B. live C. clos

19、e D. start( )51. A. past B. to C. in D. on( )52. A. come B. go C. have D. eat( )53. A. its B. it C. them D. their( )54. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )55. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. the dinnerIV. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)ATimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:00-8:45mathsChineseEnglishmathscomputer8:55

20、-9:40EnglishmathsChineseChinesecomputer9:40-10:00Break10:00-10:45artphysics (物理)scienceartChinese10:55-11:40P.E.EnglishmathsGeographyEnglish11:40-13:00Lunch time13:00-13:45historysciencephysicshistorymaths13:55-14:40musicGeographyP.E.Englishart14:40-14:55Eye exercises (眼保健操)14:55-15:40ChineseSports

21、timeGeographyChinesemusic15:40Lessons finish( )56. There are _ subjects (科目) for the students in a week.A. seven B. eightC. nine D. eleven( )57. The students have music on _.A. Monday and FridayB. TuesdayC. Tuesday and ThursdayD. Wednesday( )58. The students have _ Chinese lessons every week.A. 3 B.

22、 4C. 5 D. 6( )59. The students have their first lesson at _.A. 8:00 B. 9:00C. 10:20 D. 11:20( )60. Which is NOT true?A. The students have four lessons in the morning.B. The students have physics on Wednesday.C. The students dont have science on Friday.D. The lessons in the morning finish at twelve o

23、clock.BIn my city, people have breakfast around (大约) seven. We drink warm tea or milk in the morning. Many people have some bread, eggs or hamburgers.Around noon it is the lunchtime. Many people take (带) their food to schools or their work-places. Some people like going to a restaurant (饭店) or havin

24、g fast food in a McDonalds. But I think these foods are unhealthy. We can have some meat with some vegetables or rice. Healthy fish slowly (慢慢地) replaces beef and pork. Its healthy to drink one glass of water or juice after lunch. At six or seven in the evening, its time for dinner. At this time, fa

25、milies get together. We often have warm food. Sometimes we go to restaurants to eat. ( )61. Many people _ for lunch according to the passage. A. have fast food B. go to restaurants C. take their food D. drink cold tea or milk ( )62. The word “replace” means “_” in Chinese.A. 变成B. 代替 C. 吸引 D. 损害( )63. Which is RIGHT according to the passage?A. We should have a big breakfast.B. We cannot have some meat with rice.C. Food in McDonalds is good.D. People usually (通常) have dinner a


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