七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A教案 仁爱版_第1页
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1、 Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A1. (1)Learn some numeral words:eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.(2)Learn other useful words and expressions:year, old, How old?, class, in, grade, who, that, English.2. Master the special questions:(1)Whos that?Thats

2、 Nancy.(2)What class are you in?Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.(3)How old are you?Im twelve.(4)What grade are you in?Im in Grade Seven.(5)What class is she in?Shes in Class Eleven, Grade Eight. Teaching aids 教具数字卡片/录音机/投影仪或小黑板/教学挂图/明星照片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)1.

3、T: Lets play a game.(做下面的游戏,复习数字110。)教师向学生讲解游戏的规则:一名同学开始从one报数,其他学生按顺时针方向依次快速用英语报数。每逢五或五的倍数时,报数的学生不能说出该数,只是站起来,后迅速坐下,然后下个学生接着说下一个数。例如:S1:oneS2:twoS3:threeS4:fourS5:(站起之后迅速坐下)S6:sixS7:出现失误的学生退出活动,下一位同学从one开始重新报数,坚持到最后46名学生可评为优胜者,并给予奖励。2. (1)(教师让一名学生上讲台配合示范,复习第二个Topic的重点内容。)T:Lets perform a conversati

4、on.T:Whats your name?S1:My name is S1.T:Where are you from?S1:Im from Yangzhou.T:Whats your telephone number?S1:My telephone number is (0517)783-1234.(全班同学两人一组,练习类似对话。)(2)(分小组活动,拿出明星照片复习第二个Topic的Section D 4a中的重点句型。)S2: Is he/she?S3: Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.S2: Where are you from?S3: Im from

5、Canada.S2: Where is he/she from?S3: He/She is from Japan.S2: Whats your/his/her telephone number?S3: My/His/Her telephone number is(3)(小组活动,让学生两人一组进行自我介绍,复习简单的自我介绍写作。)Hello! My name is, Im from, My telephone number isStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)1. T: Lets play a game.(教师手持标有11-20的卡片,正面是英语单词,反

6、面是阿拉伯数字。先一张一张地示范每个数字的读音,要求学生们先静听,再跟着磁带录音模仿。在同学们按顺序读熟练之后,教师按一条龙的形式依次让每个同学按顺序读数字。板书下列数字,完成1。)eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteennineteen twenty2. (1)(教师用简笔画展示Li Ming和Sally两人正在对话的情景,找两名学生S1和S2到讲台前和教师示范对话。)T:Whats your name?S1:My name is S1.T:How old are you?(教师解释此句含义。)S1:

7、Im twelve.T:What class are you in?(教师解释此句含义并帮助学生回答。)S1:Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.T:Are you in Class Four, too?S2:No, Im not. Im in Class Five.(2)(播放录音,让学生听并跟读,完成2a。)(3)(教师找一名女学生S3到讲台前,取名Sally,和教师示范对话。)T:Excuse me, whats your name?S3:My name is Sally.T:How old are you?S3:Im twelve.T:What class ar

8、e you in?S3:Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.T:Are you in Class Four, too?S3:No, Im not. Im in Class Five.(4)(教师板书。)How old are you?Im twelve.What class are you in?Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.(学生S1和 S3在讲台前操练对话,然后学生两人一组操练完成2b,让所有学生都参与进来。)3. (1)(教师出示两名同学在教室外交谈的教学挂图,找一名学生S4到讲台前,和教师示范对话。)T: Hello! S4. Co

9、me here please. Ill ask you some questions. Answer these questions, please, OK? Now, lets begin.T: Hello! S4. What grade are you in?(教师解释此句含义。)S4:Im in Grade Seven. Are you in Grade Seven, too?(教师帮助回答。)T:Yes, I am. Very good, thank you. Sit down, please.(教师板书并领读,学生齐读。)What grade are you in?Im in Gra

10、de Seven.(学生两人或多人一组操练对话。)(2)(教师根据这张图的信息,找一名学生S5到讲台前和教师示范对话。)T:Hello! Whos that?(教师解释此句含义。)S5:Thats Nancy.(教师帮助回答。)T:How old is she?S5:She is fourteen.T:What class is she in?S5:She is in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.(教师板书并领读,学生齐读。)Whos that?Thats Nancy.How old is she?She is fourteen.What class is she in

11、?Shes in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.shes=she is thats=that is whos=who is(学生之间互动操练,增强学生的口语表达能力。)(3)(播放录音4a,让学生听并跟读。后让学生两人一组操练。完成4a。)T: Now listen to the tape and repeat. Ill ask some students to act out the dialog.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (玩两个数字游戏,复习数字1120。活动目的:巩固英语数字120,使学生们感到英文数字既好学,又

12、有趣。)T: Now lets play two number games. Listen to me carefully. Ill give you some explanations.(1)(教师先让学生简单地复习一下所学过的英文数字,然后教学生几个术语:Take a number说出一个数;plus加上;minus减去。)(示范:请一个学生S1上讲台。该生按教师发出的指令进行计算然后说出数字。注意:不要用到超过20的数字。)如:T:Take a number.S1:Two.T:Plus ten.S1:Twelve.T:Plus eight.S1:Twenty.T:Minus fiftee

13、n.S1:Five.(学生每两人为一组,一个指令,一个计算。进行小组竞赛,算得既快又准确的为优胜组。)(2)(双人读数字活动。把学生分成左右或前后两组,拿出课前已制作好的小卡片1120,一名学生随意从中抽取一张,另外一名学生用降调的形式读数,然后交换看谁读得准。)(3)(两次活动中,教师要鼓励所有学生参加,当学生遇到困难时,及时给予提示和帮助。游戏结束时,评出优胜者,给予表扬。)2. (出示图片:一个小男孩在操场上和教师交谈。教师先和学生S2做示范对话,后让学生自己表演。)T:Excuse me, Whats your name?S2:My name is Sally.T:How old ar

14、e you?S2:Im twelve.T:What class are you in?S2:Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too?T:No, Im not. Im in Class Five.3. (教师播放录音4a,并让学生跟读,模仿语音语调及重音,用挂图出示对话情景,让学生根据自己的真实情况表演对话,互动操练,参照4a的内容完成4b。)(1) S3: Hi, S4! What grade are you in?S4: Im in Grade Seven. Are you in Grade Seven, too?S

15、3: No, Im not. Im in Grade Eight.(2) S5: Hello! S6! What class are you in?S6: Im in Class 4, Grade 7. Are you in Class 4, too?S5: No, Im not. Im in Class 7.(3) S7: Whos that?S8: Thats Li Ming.S7: How old is he?S8: Hes thirteen.S7: What class is he in?S8: Hes in Class Nine, Grade Eight.Step 4 Practic

16、e 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1. (向学生讲解第17页3的解题方法,给出问题,让学生带着问题去听录音3。)T: Now lets complete work 3 alone. Listen and match. First Ill give you some explanations. Listen to me carefully, please.(用投影仪或小黑板出示下列问题,让学生先看问题,教师再播放录音,启发学生回答,连线配对。)How old is Nancy/Mark/Dick/Julia?What class is Nancy/Mark/Dick/Julia in?2. (再次

17、播放录音后,让学生独立回答下列问题并核对答案,完成3。)(1)How old is Julia? What class is she in?(Shes fifteen. Shes in Class 16, Grade 9.)(2)How old is Mark? What class is he in?(Hes thirteen. Hes in Class 3, Grade 7.)(3)How old is Dick? What class is he in?(Hes twelve. Hes in Class 5, Grade 7.)(4)How old is Nancy? What clas

18、s is she in?(Shes fourteen. Shes in Class 11, Grade 8.)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. (1)T: Take out our number cards, boys and girls. Ill ask ten students to hold a card to stand in front of the blackboard each time. The other students read a number in English, then the student holding the num

19、ber will stand forward. OK, lets begin.(让学生拿出制作好的1120的小卡片,每次叫十位学生各拿一张卡片上讲台,让台下的同学们随意用英语读出一个数字,手拿这个数字的人听到数字后要站出来。)2. T: Boys and girls, lets make a survey. Ask your friends these questions, then fill in the form.(用投影仪出示下列表格,让学生互相调查,然后完成这个表格,完成5。)Whats your English name?How old are you?Where are you from?Whats your telephone number?What class/grade are you in?Example:T:Have you finished, boys and girls? Lets ask and answer. S1, whats your English


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