七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(第3课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(第3课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(第3课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(第3课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball(第3课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第5页
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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball一、教学目标:知识与技能:1、让学生学会运用所学语言项目谈论自己的日常娱乐活动并作出评价。2、(1)词汇:interesting,boring,fun,difficult,relaxing,watch,TV(2)句型:Lets play computer games.That sounds interesting.过程与方法:1、通过合作学习,启发学生思维,综合运用所学语言知识的能力。2、通过快速阅读寻找有用信息。情感态度价值观:通过合作学习,启发学生的思维,培养其合作意识。培养同学之间和睦相处、互相帮助、团结友爱的精神,让学生更

2、加热爱体育活动并培养一种适合自己的体育爱好。二、教学重点与难点:1、(1)词汇:interesting,boring,fun,difficult,relaxing,watch,TV(2)句型:Lets play computer games.That sounds interesting.2、养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握适当的阅读策略。三、教学准备:1、多媒体课件。2、录音机。教学过程学生活动设计意图Step 1:Greetings and talking1:通过师生问答进行自由交际。教师问多个学生问题,让学生回答,目的是为了训练学生开口说英语的能力,教师在与学生进行自由交际时要结合本单元已经学过

3、的语言项目,要围绕这个课时的句型“Lets play computer games.That sounds interesting.”展开。2:通过学生相互问答进行自由交流。让学生之间相互提问题,训练学生的口语交际能力。For example:S1:Do you have a baseball?S2:Yes,I do.S1:Let play baseball.S2:That sounds good.S1:Does she have a pingpong bat?S2:Yes,she does.S1:Lets play pingpong ball.S2:That sounds good.3:通过

4、chant来复习have,has的肯定句、一般疑问句、否定句的用法。chant的形式可以营造氛围,调节情趣,激发兴趣,锻炼和加强学生的记忆,帮助他们掌握知识;更能培养学生良好的语音、语调,增强其语感。I have,you have,they have.She has,he has,Mary has.Do I,do you,do they?Does she,does he,does Mary?I dont,you dont,they dont.She doesnt,he doesnt,Mary doesnt.Step 2:Check the homework1:检查上节课的家庭作业。找几位学生站

5、起来,向全体学生朗读自己所编的对话 A:Do you have a baseball?B:Yes,I do.A:Great!I have a bat. Lets play!A:Does John have a soccer ball?B:No,he doesnt.A:Does he have a pingpong bat?B:Yes,he does. I think he has a pingpong ball,too.A:Hmm.lets ask.2:让学生小组内交换家庭作业,检查有无语言错误,然后再朗读、Step 3:Practice the new words1:通过处理课文的1a部分来

6、练习新单词。教师可以让学生在课本上直接完成,然后把单词写在黑板上,把interesting,relaxing,boring这三个单词写在一组,便于学生抓住其共同点。教师领读,让学生齐读,再找个别同学读,确保学生把这些词汇读正确。interesting difficult relaxing fun boring2:教师给学生出示一组形容词和一组图片,让学生猜哪个图片表达的是哪个形容词的含义。3:学生可与同伴互相画图表现某个形容词的含义,让同伴猜出这个单词,或者一个学生画图,向全班展示,让全体同学猜,以完全理解该词。4:可以让学生自由发挥,使用所学新单词造句。既可以练习五个形容词的用法,又可以复习

7、前面所学的单词。For example:She has an interesting book.The question is difficult.The TV show is boring.The computer game is fun.Step 4:Present the new sentences1:利用多媒体图片进行操练:教师呈现一张图片,然后让学生根据图片所提供的语言信息进行简单的对话练习。教师先向学生出示图片,让学生从整体上了解图片所提供的信息,朗读短语。教师可以先与班里的同学做个示范,然后让学生根据示范进行问答练习。For example:T:Lets play volleyb

8、all.S1:That sounds interesting.T:Lets play baseball.S2:That sounds difficult.T:Lets play soccer ball.S3:That sounds good.T:Lets play tennis.S4:That sounds fun.T:Lets watch TV.S5:That sounds boring.2:创设情景进行操练:假如在假期中你和朋友在一起,你们讨论下午的活动安排。A:Lets play computer games!B:That sounds interesting,but I dont ha

9、ve a computer.A:Well,do you have a volleyball?B:Yes.A:Then lets play volleyball.B:That sounds fun.Step 5:Listening1创设情景,利用问题导入听力内容:保罗和他的朋友在讨论课外活动安排,让学生听录音,在1a中勾出所听到的形容词。2让学生再听一遍录音,然后把保罗评论下列活动的形容词填在横线上。play computer games _play volleyball _watch TV _play basketball _3你扮演保罗,你的同伴扮演保罗的朋友珍妮,谈论1c中的活动。 Pau

10、l:Lets play computer games.Jenny:That sounds interesting,but I dont have a computer.Paul:Well,do you have a volleyball?Jenny:Yes.Paul:Then lets play volleyball.Jenny:Oh,volleyball is so difficult.Paul:OK,lets watch TV.Jenny:That sounds boring. Hmmm.Lets play soccer!Do you have a soccer ball?Paul:No,

11、I dont.Jenny:Oh. Well,do you have a basketball?Paul:Yes,I do. Lets play basketball!Jenny:That sounds fun!Step 6:Leadin1:教师通过交谈了解学生体育用品的拥有情况,然后让学生从本单元找出有关运动的词汇,并填在2a中对应的栏目里。For example:T:Do you like playing sports?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you have a soccer ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:.2:教师可以先谈论一下自

12、己对体育活动的爱好,自己拥有哪些体育用品,然后再询问学生的情况。For example:T:I like playing sports. Do you like playing sports?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:I often run in the morning. I often play tennis.Do you have a tennis ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you have a soccer ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.Step 7:Read the survey results and

13、 answer the question教师让学生速读问题,然后让学生带着这个问题来阅读2b中校刊的调查结果,并回答问题。For example:T:Do you like playing sports?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you have a soccer ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Here are the survey results in a school magazine. Read and answer the question:Who has a soccer ball?S:Alan and Gina.Step 8:

14、Reading学生再读文章,回答问题。1:教师让学生先读2c部分的六个问题,然后让学生带着这六个问题来阅读调查结果,并回答这六个问题。首先,略读文章后的问题,弄清每个问题的要求;然后,带着问题略读全文,读到涉及问题的相关信息,做下记号。读完一遍后,对文章的主旨就有所把握,有些简单的问题就能直接选出正确答案,而对那些不能迅速得出答案的问题,可以再回到文中的相关区域进行细读,通过推理分析,作出判断。T:Alan and Gina have soccer balls,right?Who do you think says these sentences?Please read the six sen

15、tences before you read.(The students read the following six sentences.)1I play pingpong with my classmates after class.2I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.3My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.4I only watch sports on TV.5Soccer is not easy for me.6My brother and I are in th

16、e same school.(After about 5 minutes the teacher asks the students to answer.)T:I play pingpong with my classmates after class.Ss:Wang Wei.T:I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.Ss:Gina.T:My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.Ss:Frank.T:I only watch sports on TV.Ss:Gina.T:Socc

17、er is not easy for me.Ss:Wang Wei.T:My brother and I are in the same school.Ss:Frank.Step 9: Practice把2c部分设计成听短文回答问题。先把2c部分的六个句子以课件的形式呈现给学生,让学生合上课本听2b部分的材料,然后回答问题,目的是训练和提高学生的听力能力。For example:T:Look at the flash card. There are six sentences. Please listen to the recording. Who do you think says thes

18、e sentences?(After listening to the recording.)T:Let check the answers. I play pingpong with my classmates after class.S:Wang Wei.T:I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.S:Gina.T:My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.S:Frank.T:I only watch sports on TV.S:Gina.T:Soccer is not ea

19、sy for me.S:Wang Wei.T:My brother and I are in the same school.S:Frank.Step 10:Make information cards建议让学生阅读2b部分的材料,然后制作相关的信息卡片。Step 11:Practice in pairs建议教师先让学生根据2b提出几个问题写在纸上,然后让学生两人一组把问题投在屏幕上,根据问题进行问答练习。For example:T:Here are some questions about Frank,Gina and Wang Wei. Can you answer them?Ask an

20、d answer them in pairs.S1:Does Frank have a soccer ball?S2:No,he doesnt.S1:Who has it?S2:His brother,Alan.S1:Do they go to the same school?S2:Yes,they do.S1:Where do they play soccer ball?S2:At school.S1:Who do they play soccer ball with?S2:Their friends.S1:How is playing soccer ball?S2:Its relaxing

21、.S3:Does Gina have soccer balls?S4:Yes,she does.S3:How many soccer balls does she have?S4:She has two soccer balls.S3:How many volleyballs does she have?S4:She has three volleyballs.S3:How many basketballs does she have?S4:She has four basketballs.S3:How many baseballs and bats does she have?S4:She has five.S3:Does she play sports?S4:No,she doesnt. She only watches them on TV.S5:Does Wang Wei have a soccer ball?S6:No,he doesnt.S5:Why?S6:Because its difficult.S5:What does he like?S6:He likes pingpong. Step 12: Homework根据下面所提供的信息编一个英语对话。play pingpong ballboringplay baseballdifficul


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