七年级英语上册 Unit 5 lesson 29 A Birthday Card导学案(新版)冀教版_第1页
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1、Lesson29 A Birthday Card学习目标:1. words : paper, inside, poem, rose, present, soft, riddle, woof2. phrases and sentences: have a birthday party, make a birthday card, on the front of , happy birthday!教学重难点:1. words and phrases 2. important sentences清晰书写本课单词1纸;试卷_2. 在.的里面,在里面_3. 诗, 诗歌_ 4. 玫瑰_5. 谜语_6. 礼

2、物_7. 软的,柔软的_8. 汪汪(狗叫声)_熟读课文,翻译下列词组或句子1. 詹妮正在为她做一个生日贺卡_2. 在贺卡里,她的家人将为奶奶写一些东西_3. 她正在用纸和蜡笔制作贺卡_4. 生日快乐_5. 拥有一个完美的生日_6. 在.的正面_7. 詹妮的奶奶正在她的家里举办一个生日聚会_8. 我正在为奶奶写一首诗_知识点解析:1. make a birthday card制作生日卡片1) 和make 构成的短语有制定一个计划_ 赚钱_ 为某人制作某物_/_整理床铺_ 做鬼脸_沏茶_2)让某人做某事_The teacher made him _(stay) after school.My mo

3、ther always makes me _(do)my homework before I go out.2. paper 1)纸,不可数名词。一张纸_2)试卷,可数名词。复数形式加sWould you please give me _ (一张纸)?I want to write a poem.3. She is using paper and crayons to make a card.= She is making a card with paper and crayons.她在用纸和蜡笔制作一张卡片。use .to do .=do .with. We can _ _ _ _ _ .

4、=We can _ _ _ _ .(我们可以用钢笔写字)4. on the front (of )在(。的)正面There is a dog _ _ _ _the card.5. inside 反义词为outside1)介词,在.里面There is a book _ _ _(在书包里面)2)副词,在里面Its raining. We have to go _ (里面)3)名词,里面,内部 The door is locked from inside.6. And inside the card her family will write something for Grandma.在卡片里面

5、她的家人将为奶奶写一些东西。一般将来时:主语+will +动词原形,表示将来发生的动作或状态Eg. They _(go) on a picnic tomorrow.7. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!答语应为“Thank you 或Thanks8. present. 礼物,复数为presentsHere is my present for your birthday.这是我给你的生日礼物9. soft 软的,柔软的 在句中做表语或定语,反义词为hardsoft 副词为softly柔和地,轻轻地They talk about it _.(软)I like the pink and w

6、hite dress very much. It feels _ (软)10. lucky幸运的 名词_ 副词_Good luck to sb.祝某人好运-I will have a math test tomorrow.-_! A. Good luck B. Thank you C. Well done D. The same to you 跟踪练习:一、根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词1. Do you have enough time to finish the _(试卷)2. A lovely cat is _(在.正面)of the card.3. The boy knows many

7、_(诗) by Li Bai4. There are a lot of _(玫瑰) in the middle of the garden5. We have to play i_because it is raining.二、单项选择6. I will _a party at home.A. have B. has C. having D. to have7.Happy birthday , Li Ming!- _A. Happy birthday B. Yes, I am C. No, thanks D. Thank you8. Happy New Year!- _A. You are w

8、elcome B. Thank you C. OK D. The same to you.9.Could you give me _to write a letter on?A. a paper B. papers C. a piece of paper D. a piece of papers10. Good luck _you.A. on B. to C. in D.at11. They use paper to _ model planes.A. making B. make C. made. D. makes12What will Peter do?- He _song about s

9、pring.A. sing B. will sing C. singing D. sings13. - What is he doing?- He _a poem about holiday.A. write B. writes C. writing D. is writing 14. - Where are my photos ? I cant find them. Do you know?- Yes. I put them _ the albumA. to B. inside C. at D. with 15.- Why are Mr. and Mrs. Black so busy?-Be

10、cause they are having a birthday party _ their daughter.A. for B. from C. on D. to三、阅读理解。 Im Jane Smith. Im from Canada. I live 16 Beijing. Im an English teacher. This is my 17 .Its very big. It 18 two big windows and a small window, so the room is very bright. Some flowers 19 on the desk 20 the win

11、dow. Two 21 are in front of the desk. 22 the desk , there is a bed. The 23 are white. A map of china is 24 the wall. There 25 a TV set in the room, because I dont like watching TV.16.A. on B. at C. in D. /17.A. bedroom B. restaurant C. classroom D. supermarket18.A. is B. are C. have D.has19 A. is B. am C. are D./20 A. near B. in C. on D. behind


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