



1、A=Applicant I=InterviewerA:请问我可以进来吗?May I come in?I:请进。Come in,pleaseA:早上好。Good morningI:早上好,请坐。Good morning, take your seat,please.A:谢谢。Thank youI:请告诉我你的名字好吗?May I have your name?A:当然。我全名叫李晓宁,姓李,名叫晓宁。你还可以叫我维多利亚。Surely,my full name is Li Xiaoning,Li is my family name and Xiaoning is my given name.Yo

2、u can call me victoria.I:能告诉我你的年龄吗?May I know your age of birth?A:当然,我现在二十五岁I am in my middle twentiesI:你目前在哪个大学读书?Which university are you attending?A:我在海南大学学习,现在研三了。I am attending Hainan University as a postgraduate student of grade 3I:你什么时候毕业?When will you graduate from the university?A:我将于今年6月份毕

3、业。I will graduate this coming June. I:你会取得什么学位?What degree will you receive?A:我将获得经济学硕士学位。I will receive a Masters degree of economicI:你在大学里学的是什么专业?Whats your specialty in university?A:我过去在本科阶段主修金融学,辅修企业管理,研究生时期换了会计专业。I used to major in finance and minor in management in my undergraduate studies.Lat

4、er, I changed my major into accounting in my postgraduate studies.I:那你能告诉我你读研究生时为什么要换专业吗?Could you tell me why you changed your major?A:因为我对会计非常感兴趣,并且我也学过这方面的课程,而且成绩还不错。此外,我认为会计是个热门专业,能帮我找到一份我喜欢的工作。Because I am really fond of accounting.Also, I did take some courses in it in my undergraduate studies

5、 and performed well. Whats more, .accounting remains the hot major which, I believe, can help me get my ideal job and a promising future. I:你在大学里有没有获得过任何奖励?Did you get any honors or rewards at your university?A:我获得了2010-2011学年校奖学金以及2013-2014学年国家奖学金。I got the university scholarship in 2010-2011 acade

6、mic year and got the national scholarship in (2013-2014) academic yearI:你认为你接受的教育将如何有助于你在我们公司的工作?How do you think the education you have received will contribute to your work in our company?A:由于我目前所学的会计专业和贵公司所涉及的业务范围刚好对口,我认为在贵公司能学以致用。Since my specialty at the university is just in line with the area

7、s your company deals with, I hope to make practical use of my knowledge in the workI:你认为你的英语写作和口语水平如何?How do you think of your written and spoken English?A:我已经学英语十多年了,通过了六级考试,雅思成绩7.5分。我认为我的英语口语还不错,可以和说英语的本土人士交流。I have learned English for more than 10 years and passed CET-6 ,got IELTS7.5points. I bel

8、ieve my spoken English is fairly good enough to communicate with a native speaker of English.I:你获得过什么职业资格证书吗?Have you obtained any qualification certificates?A:有的,我已经取得了注册会计师资格证。Yeah,I have received the qualification certificate of certified public accountantI:除此之外,你还有什么其它的特别技能吗?Could you tell me wh

9、at other special skills you have?A:我能够熟练运用办公软件和财务软件,还精通文秘工作。I am skillful with using office software and financial software ,also I am experienced in secretarial workI:你有没有在会计方面的工作经验?Do you have experience in accounting work?A:有的。我于研三期间在一家保险公司实习当过四个月的会计。Yes,I have been working in an insurance company for four months as an accountantI:那你从这次工作中学到了些什么呢?Then what have you learnt from the work?A:首先,我懂得了做对公司有利的事等于对自己有利,所以我严格遵从指示并经常向我的主管汇报。其次,我明白了责任心、耐心、奉献精神和团队精神也是极其重要的。Above all,I have learned that what is good for the company is good for meSo I follow the instructions strictly an


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