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1、,Welcome !,Unit8 I will help clean up the city parks,Section B Period 2 (3a-4),Study aims,知识目标: Master the phrasal verbs: 掌握以下短语动词: put up, hand out, ask for, work out .etc 能力目标: Practice reading skills: skimming & scanning 情感目标: Understand helping others is happy.,Pre-reading What are they doing?,A

2、: What is he doing?,B: He is putting up the sign.,V.张贴,V. 分发,A: What is he doing?,B: He is handing out advertisements.,A: Whats she doing?,B: She is asking for the help.,V. 请求,While-reading,Task1: Who is the quickest? 判断正误(T / F ). Jimmy is unhappy this week. ( ) He handed out ads at school. ( ) His

3、 teacher set up a call-in centre. ( ) His solution didnt work out well. ( ) Now he has sixteen bikes to fix up. ( ),F,F,T,F,T,Good Work!,Task2 Underline all the phrasal verbs,Underlined phrasal verbs: cheer up 使振奋 run out of 用光(use up) put up 张贴;搭建 ask for 要;请求 call up 打电话 hand out 分发(give out) set

4、up建立;创建 fix up 修理 work out 产生结果 give away 赠送;捐赠 come up with 找到,想到(think up),Game playing 比比谁记得快,记得多。 AB两组一个说英文,另一个立马说出汉语,或相反。对答如流鼓掌;否则,oh, my god!同组再来一个,三次机会。,Exercises : 根据句义及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。 A statue(雕像) will be (竖立) in front of the building. I cant (想出) a good idea to deal with it. The teacher

5、(分发) the books to his students at the beginning of the new term. 4. Our plan (产生结果) fine . 5. Why dont you him (请求) his advice?,set up,think up,give out,worked out,ask,for,Task 3 Complete 3b,2. He put up some signs.,3. He called up his friends.,4. He handed out advertisements.,5. He told the teacher

6、s.,6. He set up a call-in center for parents.,1.He did a radio interview.,Relaxing reading,Reading game,After-reading Fill in blanks with the phrasal verbs.,Last week everyone was trying to Jimmy, the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again. On Monday, he told a radio interviewer that he has m

7、oney to buy old bikes. He also some signs old bikes and all his friends and told them about the problem. He even advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they a call-in center for parents. The strategy that he came up with fine. He now has sixt

8、een bikes to and to children who dont have bikes.,cheer up,run out of,put up,asking,for,called up,handed out,set up,worked out,fix up,give away,中考快递,What are you going to do for the School Day? Well a new play.( 2011湖北武汉) put out B. put off C. put into D. put on 2. We have to ourselves when we are a

9、way from home.(2011浙江温州) look at B. look for C. look up D. look after 3. The sweater is very nice. Ill take it. But youd better first. I think it a little large for you.(2011山东滨州) A. try it on B. put it on C. pay for it D. put it off,D,D,A,homework,Make up a short dialogue with your partners by using the phrasal verbs below.,come up with put off


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