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1、1,Shaanxi History Museum,陕西历史博物馆,2,3,4,5,三秦大地是中华民族生息、繁衍,华夏文明诞生、发展的重要地区之一,中国历史上最为辉煌的周、秦、汉、唐等十三个王朝曾在这里建都。 被誉为“古都明珠,华夏宝库”的陕西历史博物馆则是展示陕西历史文化和中国古代文明的艺术殿堂。 Shaanxi is the imperial capital since ancient times, and more than 13 feudal dynasties built their capitals there in history including Zhou, Qin, Han,

2、 Tang. The province is rich in cultural relics. With the completion of Shaanxi History Museum, it collected over 370,000 precious relics which were unearthed in Shaanxi Province,6,陕西历史博物馆位于西安大雁塔的西北侧。 筹建于1983年,1991年6月20日落成开放。 它是中国第一座大型现代化国家级博物馆。 Shaanxi History Museum, which located in the northwest

3、of the Dayan Pagoda of ancient city Xian, is the first huge state museum with modern facilities in China. Shaanxi History Museum was built from 1983, and was finished on June 20th, 1991 and open to the public.,7,8,9,10,这座馆舍为“中央殿堂、四隅崇楼”的唐风建筑群。 馆区占地 65000平方米。建筑面积55600平方米,文物库区面积8000平方米,展厅面积11000平方米。 Th

4、e museum is an architecture of Tang style, Hall in center, storied buildings in corners . The museum has an area of 65,000 square meters, building place 55,600 square meters, cultural relics storerooms of 8,000 square meters, exhibition halls of 11,000 square meters.,11,陕西历史博物馆是一座综合性历史类博物馆,馆藏文物达37万余

5、件。 这些文物以发掘品为主,按材质可分为22类。 Shaanxi History Museum is a comprehensive museum, which has 375,600 cultural relics. All these relics can be divided into stoneware石器, bone ware骨器, bronze ware青铜器, pottery warrior陶俑, pottery ware陶瓷器, Tang tri-colored pottery唐三彩jade article玉器, copper mirror铜镜, brick tile砖瓦, o

6、ther building material其它建筑材料gold & silver ware金银器, mural painting, royal seal玺印, calligraphy & painting字画, paper money货币and others.,12,13,14,15,文物的时间跨度长达一百多万年,上起距今100多万年的蓝田猿人,下迄1840年鸦片战争。 它们从文化、艺术、科技等各个角度全面反映了陕西不同历史时期、不同阶层人们的生活,是研究中国古代历史、艺术发展、科学进步的重要基地。 Time span of historical relics is over 1,000,0

7、00 years, from Lantian Apeman蓝田猿人of 1,000,000 years ago to the Opium War鸦片战争of 1840. These all reflected lives of different ages and people of different classes from the degrees of culture, art, science and so on, and are the significant base for research of ancient history, art development, scienti

8、fic development of China.,16,陕西历史博物馆所藏文物中以商周青铜器、历代陶俑、唐代金银器、唐墓壁画四大类文物最具特色,最有代表性,充分反映出周秦汉唐的兴盛和发展,在海内外享有盛誉。 The relics of Shaanxi History Museum are best characterized and representative in Shang & Zhou bronze wares商周青铜器, pottery warriors of past dynasties历代陶俑, Tang gold & silver wares唐代金银器, mural pain

9、tings in Tang tombs唐墓壁画, which reflected the prosperity and development of Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang dynasties and are well-known all over the world.,17,18,19,20,镶金兽首玛瑙杯,Beast-Head-Shaped Agate Cup, A Wine Vessel (Tang),(唐朝),21,1970年西安市南郊何家村出土长15.5,口径5.9厘米。 Length:15.5 cm Diameter of Morth:5.9 cm Unearth

10、ed in 1970 at Hejiacun ,Xian,22,选材精良,巧妙利用玉料的俏色纹理雕琢而成。杯体为角状兽首形,兽双角为杯柄。嘴部镶金帽,眼、耳、鼻皆刻划细微精确,是唐代中外文化交流的产物。 With an exotic style, this cup was made in the shape of a beasts head . It has an antelope-head-shaped handle. If the gold on its mouth was removed, wine could flow out of the mouth. It was regarded

11、 as proof of the cultural exchange between China and other nations during the Tang Dynasty.,23,24,25,26,To Be Continued,27,皇后之玺玉印 (西汉),The Empress Jade Seal (Han),28,Height: 2 cm 高:2米 Side Length:2.8 cm 边长:2.8厘米 Unearthed in 1968 at Liangjiagou , Xianyang , Shaanxi Province. 1968年陕西咸阳市- 韩家湾乡 - 狼家沟出土

12、。 This seal was made of He Tian jade. 采用珍贵的和阗玉制成。,29,螭虎钮,四侧刻云纹,印面阴刻篆体“皇后之玺”四字。 With a monster-shaped protrusion as a knob, the seal was inscribed with 4 characters Huang Hou Zhi Xi Which means it is an empress seal. 其发现地点距汉高祖与吕后合葬墓长陵仅1000多米,故可能是吕后用印。 It was unearthed just 1 km from Changling , the m

13、ausoleum of Emperor Gaozu (named Liu Bang) and his wife (named Lye Zhi ). Therefore, it may have been used by Empress Lye Zhi . 它是已发现的最重要的古代玺印之一。 The jade seal is one of the most important seals which have ever been found.,30,31,鸳鸯莲瓣纹金碗 (唐朝),Gold Bowl with Mandarin Ducks and Lotus Petals (Tang),32,H

14、eight:5.5cm 高5.5 Diameter of Mouth:13.7cm 口径13.7 Diameter of Base:6.7cm 足径6.7厘米 Unearthed in 1970 at Hejiacun, Xian 1970年西安市南郊何家村出土 This bowl was hammered into shape . 锤击成型,33,外腹部錾出两层仰莲瓣,每层十瓣。 On the outside it is engraved with two layers of lotus petal designs, and each layer has ten petals . 上层莲瓣内

15、分别錾出狐、兔、獐、鹿、鹦鹉、鸳鸯等珍禽异兽及花草。 The upper layer was engraved with various animal designs : fox, rabbit, river deer, deer, parrot, Mandarin duck, flower and straw. 下层莲瓣均作忍冬纹。 The lower layer was decorated with honeysuckle. 内底部刻蔷薇式团花一朵。 There is a rose carved on its inner base , and on its inner belly. 内侧墨

16、书“九两半”三字。 There were three characters Jiu Liang Ban written in ink.,34,35,青釉提梁倒注瓷壶 (北宋),Green-Glazed Pot with A Loop Handle (Five Dynas),36,Height:18.3 cm 高18.3 Diameter of Belly:14.3 cm腹径14.3CM Unearthed in 1968 from Binxian County, Shaanxi Province1968年陕西彬县出土,37,On the handle is a phoenix whose mo

17、uth is in the shape of a mother lion feeding her baby. 盖、壶衔接处堆塑哺乳母子狮。 In the central bottom there is a small flower-like hole which is the only way that water can be poured in. 底部中心有梅花形注水孔 It is a rare treasure of the Yaozhou Kiln. 是耀窑瓷器出类拔萃的珍品。,38,39,牛尊,Ox-shaped Zun,40,所属年代:西周中期 Ages:Zhou 1967年陕西歧

18、山县贺家村出土。 Unearthed in 1967 from Hejiacun Village,Qishan County,Shaanxi Province 通高24cm,长38cm,腹深10.7cm。 Height:24cm, Length:38cm ,Depth of belly:10.7cm,41,盛酒器。整体作牛形,身体浑圆,头部较大,吻部平,开一小流可倾酒。背有方盖,上立一虎。 This wine container was made in the shape of an ox, with a square hole on its back and a tiger-shaped l

19、id. The tail of the ox is the handle. 整体造型简练,手法夸张。 The exaggerated mould is very magnificent.,42,43,Mirror with Pattern of Bohdiharma达摩渡海纹镜,44,八卦镜,45,Silver Pot with A Hoop Handle and Parrot Design,46,Four-Legged Li,47,Gold-Inlaid White Jade Bracelets,48,White Plate with Character guan,49,Silver Pot

20、 with Design of A Horse Dancing and Hold,50,Ladle,51,Yue with Frog Design,52,Octagonal-Petal Silver Cup with Hunting Scene,53,Silver Plate,54,Octagonal-Petal Gilded Silver Cup with Musicians,55,Gold Dragons in Running Position,56,Gold Monster,57,Gold Wood-Pecker, An Ornamental Object,58,Jade Ge, A W

21、eapon,59,60,Tang Tomb Frescoes壁画 Exhibition Centre,61,目前正在筹建之中的唐墓壁画馆,集壁画的保护、陈列、研究于一体,建成后将是一座风格独特的现代 化专题展馆,不久,观众在那里可以全方位地欣赏反映唐代社会生活的历史画卷唐墓壁画。 The Museum is preparing to build the Tang Tomb Frescoes Exhibition Centre, with unique features embodying the protection, display and scientific research of th

22、e Tang Tomb Frescoes and showing a historical picture of Tang society.,62,善西历史博物馆收藏了近20座唐墓的壁画。总藏量约1000平方米,居全国博物馆之首。 The Shaanxi History Museum collects the mural paintings from about 20 Tang tombs. The area is about 1,000 square meters, which is the NO.1 in China.,63,由于墓室壁画采取的是异地保存的形式,即从墓室中将厚度为0.5cm

23、-1cm的画面揭取下来加以保存。国家为妥善保护这批壁画真迹,在陕西历史博物馆建馆同时修建了一座现代化的壁画观摩库。 The way of conservation of mural paintings in different areas is adopted , that is to take off mural paintings about 0.5-1 cm in thickness from the tombs, and to protect them.,64,近年来,我馆应广大海内外游客的一再要求,在绝对保证壁画安全的前提下,经多方商议研究决定,每周一、三、五下午对外开放。 旅游团体

24、及散客参观均要提前到馆票务科办理参观预约的手续。 Tourist groups and individual tourist must make reservation with Ticket Section before visit. 每人次150元,每批参观人数控制在20人以内,参观时间为40分钟,库内不许拍照,不许触摸壁画,参观时游客必须与壁画保持1米的距离。 The ticket price is RMB 150.00. The amount of visitors once should be not over 20. Visiting time is 40 minutes. No

25、photos, no touch. When visiting, the tourists must keep a distance off 1 meter from the mural paintings.,65,可观赏国宝级和一级品壁画十余幅,其中主要有章怀太子墓出土的马球图、狩猎出行图、客使图、懿德太子墓出土的阙楼图、仪仗图、宫女图等。 You can visit national treasures, 10 first-level mural paintings, which includes Polo Game 马球图, Hunting and Outing 狩猎出行图 and Gu

26、est Envoy客使图unearthed from the tomb of Prince Zhanghuai , Palaces 阙楼图, Ceremonial Scene 仪仗图 and Maids of Honor 宫女图 unearthed from the tomb of prince Yide .,66,美国前总统克林顿参观后赞叹道:“唐墓壁画与兵马俑同样有价值”。 After his visit, Clinton, former president of USA, said: mural paintings in the Tang tombs are in the same va

27、lue with the Qin Pottery Warriors and Horses.,67,壁画保存于由电子控制的推拉式组合柜内。 库内采光选用无紫外线光源,由中央空调控制湿、温度,全年库内温度保持在18-20,湿度为55%-60%,对壁画具有良好的收藏和保管功能。 The mural paintings were all kept in the cabinets controlled by electron. In the storeroom, non-ultraviolet radiation light 无紫外线光源 was adopted, and the humidity 湿度

28、 was controlled by central air-conditioner中央空调. In the whole year, temperature of the storeroom is about 18 to 20 centigrade, the humidity was 55% to 60%. These are all advantages to keep and protect the mural paintings.,68,Banqueting 宴饮图,69,所属年代:唐朝 1987年陕西长安县南里王村唐墓出土。 宽235,高180厘米。 画面正中置长方案,案上陈设杯盘碗筷

29、,菜肴丰盛。9名男子围坐宴饮,左右两侧各站端盘侍童及围观者,神情动态逼真传神,情趣盎然,是幅珍贵的历史风俗画。,70,宫女图,Palace Maids,71,所属年代:唐朝 Ages:Tang 1960年陕西乾县唐永泰公主墓出土。 Unearthed in 1960 from Princess Yongtais Tomb in Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province 高176,宽196.5厘米。 Height: 176 cm Width:196.5 cm 绘于墓前室东壁南侧,共9人。 This famous painting is on the southern s

30、ide of the east wall in the front tomb chamber. Nine palace maids carry a tray, a box, a candle, a round fan, a duster 掸子 and a parcel etc.,72,为首一人头梳单刀半翻髻,目视前方,双臂交叉于腹前,挺胸起步前行,姿容华贵高雅。其后一人头梳螺髻,回头似在向其他人吩咐事情。 其余7位宫女头梳半翻髻、螺髻或双螺髻,手中分别持有烛台、团扇、如意、方盒、高足杯、拂尘、包袱等物,侧身缓行。 其中除2位着男式袍衫外,其它7位皆着窄袖袒胸短襦,肩披帔帛,下穿红、黄、绿等色曳


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